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A Warranted Box Set

Page 15

by Shannon Nemechek

  As Raleigh listened, he made a mental note. If the US wants Al-Balshera, then Jared is our best hope of catching him. That would be the angle Raleigh would work to save Jared’s life.

  Hearing all this, Sam got on the phone and called Homeland Security. They could run a check on Al-Balshera’s alias and see if he was in the country. She had a friend there, so she hoped he could help. She grabbed her cell and called her contact.

  “Hey Eddie, it's Sam. I need your help like ASAP. We got a guy in holding suspected of working with Al-Balshera. I need you to run this name—Saheed Mohammad—and tell me if he went through customs and where at.”

  “Ya, anything for you, Sammie. Hold on and I’ll be right back.”

  Sam held on the line. Music played, making her feel like she was in an elevator. You’d think Homeland would have a bigger budget and play better music. Damn, I wanna go to sleep.

  “Sammie, hey. Ya, that guy checked in customs at Louis Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans two days ago.”

  “Damn, man, ok thanks. Hey, can you keep this under your hat for right now? I will let you know when to sound the alarm.”

  “Ya, I can do that but be careful. Those guys don’t play games.”

  “Don’t worry, Eddie. I always do.”

  “Ya, that’s what I’m afraid of.”

  When Sam returned to the observation room, Jared was still going over the details of how the organization ran, what the hierarchy was, what the resources were, how the money went out and came back in, and what arms dealers they worked with. Sam was sure that not only would they be involved, but also Homeland Security, Department of the Treasury, the FBI, and the CIA. So pretty much a government clusterfuck—everyone and their momma would want a piece of the action, and she knew already that Raleigh wouldn’t have all that. If anyone would take this guy Al-Balshera down, it would be him. He was the one responsible for his torture and the reason his best friend in the whole world turned his back on him and his country.

  When Jared stopped talking, it was already almost 1400 and their flight was at 1700. Raleigh acknowledged Jared’s cooperation and thanked him as he walked out the door. He told him he would do all he could for him and Semeana, and he would be back in a few days.

  When Raleigh exited the room, Sam could tell he was exhausted. Sam could see it, but no one else did. When they met out in the hallway with Matt, they moved into the conference area so it was more private. Matt called the commanding general on the phone and placed it on speaker so he and Raleigh could brief him together before he and Sam left for the airstrip. Sam sat and listened as the pair explained the situation. He was not at all pleased about what was happening on his post. This was one of those times she was euphoric for the rank she held. Hoorah for being a lowly sergeant. Watching the communication between the men was interesting. She was getting a glimpse of something most enlisted soldiers never got to see—the politics among the officers’ ranks. She was relieved she never had to deal with this part of the Army. She ran her office and her company. As the supply sergeant, she reported to her battalion and that was the end of the politics for her. When they finished, Raleigh looked at her. His eyes spoke volumes. He didn’t need to say a word, she already knew that he was ready to leave and get the hell outta Fort Bragg.

  Matt hung up the phone, handed him new IDs, and the men said their goodbyes. Raleigh told him he would call once they landed and registered at the hotel. Jared had told them to meet his contact at the Hotel Renée, at the Ferris Wheel Bar in the French Quarter, on the seventh. They would have a whole day to enjoy the sights and sounds of New Orleans before they had to get down to business, and Raleigh was already making plans on his cell phone. He would make sure it would be a day and night that Sam would never forget.

  Another flight, she thought as she pulled her suitcase behind her. Raleigh had pulled in front of her, walking towards the gate.

  He turned to her. “Do you want me to grab that, baby? I don’t mind. You’re being a little stubborn not letting me help.”

  “Naw, I got it. It’s just awkward, and besides then you would have to explain to the pilot why you're carrying my bag when I should be carrying yours.”

  “Well darlin’, if he can’t understand why a gentleman would carry a lady’s bag, then he needs to get more trainin’ from his daddy.”

  “But you’re a warrant officer, and I am just a lowly sergeant.”

  “Darlin’, that is beside the point. You, my dear, are a woman first and foremost, and a very sexy one at that. If the pilot doesn't understand that, then I ain’t gonna tell him.”

  As they approached the gate, a crew member waited, grabbing their bags and escorting them into the passenger area of the cargo plane. The airman stored their bags, then asked Raleigh if they needed anything, if not she would go to her seat. Sam was not looking forward to this flight, but she had never been to New Orleans so she was excited to see as many of the sights as they could manage in one day. Raleigh leaned his chair back, but before he closed his eyes, he told Sam that he had a great day planned for them and to get some sleep because she would need it. Sam smiled and took his hand in hers then closed her eyes. By the time the engines roared they were both asleep; they woke up to the airman telling them they had arrived in New Orleans and that a car was waiting for them.

  As they drove through the streets of New Orleans, it didn’t take them long to get to the hotel in the heart of the French Quarter. She had seen it on TV but never in person. As she stared out the window, she felt Raleigh grab her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

  “Are you enjoying the sights so far?” he asked.

  “Oh my gosh, yes. I never dreamed I would be here. It’s not at all what I expected.”

  “What were you expecting, darlin’?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Parties in the streets, music playing, voodoo witch doctors, and gators.”

  Raleigh laughed as he had never laughed before. She was so cute and so naïve at the same time; it was so attractive to him.

  “Baby, that’s the New Orleans they show you on TV. It’s not all lights, parties, drinkin’, and gator huntin’.”

  “Oh, I know. I saw the aftermath of Katrina.”

  “New Orleans is an old city, a city of traditions of the old and new south, It’s laid back and diverse in so many ways—the culture, the food, and the music, all of which I plan to show to you tomorrow. As for tonight—we sleep, really sleep. Tomorrow night I’ve got a table at the best restaurant in New Orleans at twenty hundred hours, so we will have the entire day to roam. So, my darlin’, we must sleep and save all our energy for what comes after dinner…dessert.” Raleigh winked and grinned at her.

  Sam was stunned by the look of the French Quarter and the differing design elements of the buildings some of French, Caribbean, and Spanish distinction. She was fascinated and intrigued by the history of it all. She couldn’t wait to explore tomorrow. Her head was spinning when they pulled up to the hotel.

  She had researched the hotel while she was in the observation room, watching as Raleigh interrogated Jared. The hotel was listed on the Historic Hotels of America’s Registry, and being the most famous hotel’s in the French Quarter, many writers and dignitaries stayed in the hotel.

  “The pictures on the internet don’t even come close to how this place looks in person. It's phenomenal,” she said as she squirmed in her seat to get a better view.

  Raleigh watched as she became more excited the closer they got to the valet service. This will be the greatest. Look at her, all excited like a kid in a candy store. He loved watching her and seeing her smile. He wanted her to always have that smile for him, and she would if he had anything to say about it.

  As they approached the valet, Sam jumped out and scampered around. The architecture, the sights, and sounds had her in awe. She screamed, “I hear jazz music!”

  “Yeah, you’ll have that, baby,” he said as he handed the valet the keys and grabbed their bags.

  “Oh, my
gosh, Raleigh. I can’t believe I’m here.” Her excitement was contagious as she jumped around hugging and kissing him with each circle she did of the entry way.

  “Well, let’s go in, darlin’. You know they have rooms here, too.” He laughed and reached out for her hand. “Come on, baby.”

  She circled around him as they entered the hotel. She froze just inside the lobby, her eyes grew large, and a smile stretched across her face. Raleigh watched in amazement at how even more beautiful she looked at that moment. Her face lit up, and she gave out a shriek then jumped into his arms. He was surprised at first, but had just enough time to grab her on the way back down to the floor. He twirled her around as she looked up at the ceiling, pointing.

  “Oh, my gosh, Raleigh. Look at the ceiling.” It was painted like the ceilings of the famous Sistine Chapel in Italy. When he put her down, she caught a glimpse of the vast interior fountain that sat as a centerpiece of the hotel. She couldn’t get to it fast enough, fumbling in her pockets for a coin to toss in. Raleigh was enjoying the sight. She was like a child on their first trip to Disney World. It made him so happy that he could give her this. He wanted to give her so much more, and he would.

  As she pulled the coins from her pocket, she stood in silence, then tossed the coin into the fountain. As he stood and watched her, he was curious about what she wished for. Had she wished for them both? Had she wished for them to be together? He hoped so, because he wanted to be the one to make her dreams come true.

  “What did you wish for?” he asked.

  “I can’t tell you. If I do, it won’t come true,” Sam teased.

  “I got a feelin’ that I can make all your wishes come true.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yep, just wait and see.”

  “You gotta deal.”

  As they walked up to the reception desk counter, a bell boy, no older than twenty, approached them. “Can I take your bags up to your room, sir?”

  “Yep, that would be much appreciated. Let me check in here, so I can give ya a room number.”

  “Yes, of course, sir.”

  Raleigh checked in as Jared and Semeana Thompson while the bell boy loaded their bags onto the cart. He then accompanied them to their room. It was already 2100, and they were both utterly exhausted. He wanted to get her into bed as soon as they could; they had a long day planned so they would both need their sleep. Raleigh tipped the young bell boy and shut the door. They were finally free of any prying eyes and any and all military personnel, for now anyway. He had to make a call tomorrow morning to set up surveillance on the seventh, at both the hotel and a raid on the warehouse once they found out where it was. His one and only job when he met with Jared’s contact was to find the warehouse and take it down.

  “I’m gonna get unpacked and jump in the shower, darlin’.” She wrapped her arms around him, holding him as tightly as she could. Kissing him, she looked into his eyes, those gorgeous brown-green eyes. “Thank you,” she said. “So far you are making one dream come true.”

  “And what’s that, baby?”

  “Just being you.”

  He looked confused at first, then he noticed a change in her eyes. She was serious, and for the first time he thought he saw love in her eyes—love for him.

  He answered with “Thank you, darlin’, and just so you know, you’re my dream come true. Now go shower. I promise, cross my heart, I won’t peek in or stare and definitely no hanky panky. Save that for tomorrow.” He winked then she turned toward the bathroom.

  “Raleigh!” she screamed. “Come here.”

  “Didn’t I tell you no hanky panky?”

  “Ya, but come look at this tub.”

  When he walked in, he saw it. It was a huge, claw foot tub, and the hotel had bubble bath sitting on the rim. He stood there for a moment, then had an idea.

  “Sam, go call room service. Order a bottle of wine and two glasses. You, my dear, are gonna take a bubble bath. And I, my dear, am gonna be the one to bathe you. Promise, no hanky panky. Just want to give you a beautiful, seductive bubble bath.”

  “I’ll take you up on that offer, baby. Be right back.”

  It was only minutes before the hotel concierge arrived with their wine and two glasses. Sam answered the door and tipped the man, then returned to the bathroom. Raleigh had stripped down to nothing and was in the bath waiting for her.

  “Can’t bathe you on the outside of the tub. Gotta be on the inside.”

  Sam placed the wine and glasses on the table near the tub where Raleigh sat. She slowly removed her clothes. She wanted to give him a bit of a show and she knew as soon as she got in the tub what she would find hidden under the bubbles. As she slipped into the tub, she turned and faced him.

  “Nope, turn around. I want your head to lie on my chest while I wash you.”

  The hotel also had a huge sponge that Raleigh already had in the water. When she got settled into the tub with her back facing his chest, he leaned her into him. She could feel what she suspected was his erection in full, and it almost killed her not to do anything about it. Her mind wandered as she closed her eyes and relaxed. Oh, the things we could do in this tub. But he’s right, we should wait ’til tomorrow. As he ran the sponge over her shoulders and then kissed her neck, he could smell her perfume, and the way her skin felt was intoxicating.

  “Ya know, darlin’, we’re married now?”

  Sam's eyes shot open. She paused, then a smile crept across her face as she turned her head to face him. “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yep, guess you’re stuck with me.”

  Chapter 18

  Sam was the first up. She hardly slept a wink the entire night because she couldn’t wait to get started. She had always loved the south but had never gotten to visit. Her love for the South stemmed from her love of the movie Gone with the Wind. She loved the gentle calmness of the southern attitude, the hard-working nature of a good southern man, and the way they treated their women was to die for. Men in other parts of the country had nothing on a southern man. Maybe it was the accent or the way they held themselves, but Sam counted her lucky stars she hooked one.

  She tried to be as quiet as she could running around the hotel suite. It was beautiful, decorated much like that of an old southern plantation main house. Ornate lamps, tables, and wall pieces were scattered around the room. It reminded her of an old nineteenth century sitting room that had been perfectly preserved in time. She could picture that scene in the movie where all the ladies sat sewing and reading while they waited for word on the men to come back from raiding a camp outside of town. She pranced about the room pretending to be a lady of the old South, trying her best impression of a southern accent as she swayed her hips and held an umbrella that was sitting near the front door of the room.

  “Well, bless my soul. You are a cute little thing, aren’t you?” Raleigh said as he watched her from the bed. Sam jumped, and her face turned three shades of red.

  “Well, keep going there, Miss Scarlett, oh I mean, Miss Sam. I am enjoying the show. You're quite the little actress, ain’t ya?” he said, laughing and rolling out of bed. “Might make you a southern lady yet.”

  “Oh, ha ha,” she said sarcastically while she put the umbrella away. “Did I wake you? I didn’t mean to be so loud. It’s just this place is so beautiful, like nothing I’ve ever seen in my life. I could get used to this.”

  “Well, my darling Scarlett, I mean Sam…” he said laughing. “We got a lot to do today.”

  “You gonna give me any hints, baby?”

  “Just one. Wear that sundress with the skinny straps, the white one I saw you put in the closet last night.”

  “That’s not a hint. I wanna hint of where.”

  “I just gave you one.”

  “I mean where, not what to wear.” She smiled as Raleigh sat almost rolling in laughter on the couch. “Oh, you’re a turd.”

  “Oh really?” He jumped from the couch and picked her up in his arms, kissing her. “Ok, I will give you one m
ore hint. Wear comfortable shoes.” He laughed while she wiggled in his arms.

  “Now you’re teasing me.”

  “Yep, guilty. And I love it.”

  They laughed and fell on the couch. Sam looked at him and asked, “Well, can you at least tell me when we are leaving?’

  “Yep, that I will do. We are leaving in an hour and a half, so that means just before oh-eight-hundred we gotta meet the car downstairs, so hurry and go get ready. We gotta long day ahead of us.”

  Sam jumped up from the couch, leaned down, and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you,” she said as she rushed into the bathroom.

  Raleigh shouted back to her, “You are so welcome, darlin’. I’d do anything for you. I’m gonna quickly call the Navy base here and get things set up to meet with them in the morning while you’re in the shower.”

  “Ok, baby. I won’t be long.”

  Raleigh picked up his cell phone and called the NCIS unit in New Orleans. As he explained the situation, telling them who the suspects were and what they were looking for, the NCIS investigator seemed on board. He explained they had been watching suspects themselves down by the docks and were sure they were looking at the people that Raleigh was looking for. The problem was Raleigh didn’t know what the men looked like or where the warehouse was, so with the help of NCIS they should be able to narrow it down. He explained to them he was undercover as Jared and that they would have to meet inconspicuously. He scheduled the meeting for 0900. One of the NCIS guys would dress as a hotel concierge and deliver food to their room in the morning. They would go over the plan then. They would be in contact with Sam from then on…When he hung up the phone, he was stunned. Sam was standing in the doorway naked, hair dripping wet, watching him; he loved seeing her naked.

  “Your turn,” she said as she turned and walked to the bedroom to retrieve her clothes and finish getting ready.


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