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A Warranted Box Set

Page 41

by Shannon Nemechek

  Annabelle pulled herself out of the overstuffed chair and onto her sore swollen feet. Grabbing her coat and heels in one hand and in the other the small glass of whiskey she had poured, she said, “Stewart, I am going to my bedroom to change. Thank you for getting everything ready up here. Still not sure who gave up the information but I am going to guess it was my secretary; that girl overhears everything.”

  “Oh Ms. Annabelle, that’s perfect. I am almost done here then I will head home down the mountain. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call on me.” Grabbing the last bundle of firewood, Stewart piled the logs into the basket and grabbed his coat from the back of the couch. “Ms. Annabelle, I am leaving now.” The only reply was the sound of the shower and the faint sounds of music coming from inside her room.


  Annabelle relaxed for the first time in a long time as the water beaded down her body. The warmth of the water against her skin felt amazing, and naughty thoughts kept creeping into her brain. She was alone now, and the idea of being able to explore herself and get to know what made her climax was something she had gotten out of touch with. Maybe, just maybe, she should explore that part of herself again. As the water ran down her body, she closed her eyes and thought of her brother’s best friend, Jackson. She had only met him once in passing when she visited Andrew, but since that day a few years ago, she couldn’t get him out of her thoughts. So many times when she was alone like this in the shower, she thought of Jackson and the way his body would feel against hers and how his hands would feel if he was touching her. Her thoughts drew her closer to climax as her fingers moved in slowly to the wet folds of her pussy. She was extremely wet, and the feeling arched her body as she shoved two fingers inside her dripping hole. As the water pounded her body, it set the tone of movements she made inside her. Using her other hand to pinch and caress her nipple, thoughts of Jackson’s wet mouth sucking her nub and exploring her folds sent her over the edge into climax. She had never wanted a man as much as she had wanted Jackson Tolliver, but she was Andrew’s little sister, and that was all she could ever be.



  “Honk! Honk!” Andrew blared his Jeep horn as he pulled into Jackson’s driveway at his apartment building. Jackson grabbed his bag, his jacket, and his large travel mug of coffee and bolted out the door. He jiggled the door handle as it slammed shut to make sure it was secure for the few weeks he would be gone.

  Fuck…why does it feel so fucking early? Hmmm, maybe because it is fuckin’ six o’clock in the fuckin’ morning and I’m going to the airport on a trip I didn’t plan to a place I've never been to sit on my ass for two weeks drinking beer, watching TV, and jacking off whenever I want. Wait! I take that back; that’s a great fuckin’ thing.

  “Let’s get the fuck outta Dodge, Andy. I am ready to rock this bitch and relax for two weeks.”

  “Wow, man, glad you’re feeling better about the whole getting away thing,” Andrew said, grabbing the inside door handle and flinging it open as Jackson threw his bags in the back seat.

  “Oh yea, I am ready for no interruptions up there. I can jack off anytime I want and walk around naked, so I am stoked for the stroke.” Jackson smiled and let out a laugh as he slid into the passenger seat of Andrew’s Jeep.

  “Man, don’t be spraying your DNA all over the family cabin. Keep it contained to the shower.” Andrew laughed. “Hell, my parents’ room has a big sauna in it so go in there and spray the room as much as you want.”

  “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”

  Andrew let out a huge belly laugh and slapped Jackson on the shoulder. “Go for it brother.”

  Pulling out of the drive, Andrew handed Jackson the keys to the cabin, explained the way things worked up on the mountain, and who Jackson needed to call if there were any issues while he was there.

  “Most importantly,” Andrew told Jackson, “you will be there all alone with nothing to do but hunt, fish, drink beer, and jack off if you need it. But if you get bored with all that head down to the bottom of the hill to this little dive hole-in-the-wall bar and pick up some local pussy. They will know where you’re staying so they will be more than willing to suck your cock for a chance to see the cabin. Believe me, brother, I have done it a thousand times. Some of the chicks are actually pretty good at sucking cock, but I wouldn’t bring any of them home to my parents.” Andrew motioned tongue in cheek and his fist in front of his mouth, bending down toward Jackson’s lap.

  “Are you auditioning with that visual, man?” Jackson said, making fun of Andrew and his blow job example. “What the fuck, dude? Don’t bring your stuff near my junk.”

  Andrew laughed. “What? You wouldn’t want me to…”

  “Stop, stop right there dude. Don’t fuckin’ say it!” Jackson yelped and stared at Andrew with a wrathful look on his face. “I swear to fuckin’ God if you fuckin’ say it I am knockin’ you the fuck out.”

  “Alright! Alright! Damn man, I’m kidding.” Andrew turned back to focus on driving, continuing on to Airport Road toward the departures terminal. He was still laughing at Jackson’s reaction.

  “So this cabin, how far outta town is it?” Jackson questioned.

  Andrew thought for a moment then replied, “I would say no farther than a few miles. Why, what are you planning?”

  “Oh, not a thing. Just thought if the weather is beautiful I would take a daily run up and down the mountain.”

  Andrew laughed. “Well, brother, you’re fuckin’ crazy. When I am on leave, it is nothing but liquor and pussy.”

  “Well, brother, that’s because you’re a fuckin’ pig.”

  The Jeep seemed to shake as the two men erupted in laughter. Pulling into the departures terminal, Andrew stopped in front of one of the double doors so his friend could get out. Jackson grabbed his bag and his coffee, quickly thanked Andrew, and slammed the Jeep door. He was on his way.

  Chapter 3

  As Jackson made his way on the plane, he noticed his ticket said First Class Section 1 Seat A—close to the exit and on the aisle. Aisle seats made for an easy escape when the cabin door opened on landing. It wasn’t that he hated flying, they flew a lot in the Special Forces, it was the fact that he was cramped into a small plane surrounded by people he didn’t know and had no idea what was ahead of him.

  There were some benefits to having a friend with lots of money to burn. One was his current situation—stellar accommodations in the first-class section, which meant lots of room to move around and even more to sleep. The free booze and a meal on a three-and-a-half-hour flight said he should be toasted by the time they landed, so it was a good thing Bryant had arranged a driver to take him to the mountain cabin. Jackson snuggled into the first-class seat, yawning as the flight attendant brought him a blanket and a pillow.

  He quickly grabbed the pillow and shoved it under his head as the flight attendant covered him with the warm blanket.

  “Can I get you anything to drink, sir?” the attendant said as she tucked the blanket over Jackson.

  “Yes, ma’am, can I have a couple of Jack ’n’ Cokes to start off? Then just keep them coming till we land. Don’t worry; I can handle every one of them you can pour,” Jackson said as he winked at the young woman.

  “Of course, sir, anything else I can do for you?” the young lady said as she poured the two drinks then sat them on the tray table in front of Jackson.

  “Nope, just keep the drinks coming, and I promise to behave myself.” Jackson picked up the first glass and quickly downed the contents.

  Bending down, he reached into his bag and grabbed his headphones before plugging them into his cell phone. As the music began, the sounds of old ’70s music played in his ears. He loved the oldies as it reminded him of the good times at home in Dalton, Georgia. His momma would play music continuously, and when his daddy came in from the fields, he would always grab her and swing her around for a quick dance in the kitchen.

  Those were the days, he thought, b
efore they almost lost the farm and Daddy had to sell off most of the property to keep from losing everything in 1995. Jackson was young then, but he still remembered how much his dad hurt on the day of the land auction. His father started drinking heavily for a while after that, so his momma got a job at the local Wal-Mart to help make ends meet, and as Jackson got older, he did more and more work around the farm.

  Kane Tolliver stopped drinking after they almost died in an auto accident while he was driving. Kane had not been drinking but the other driver had been and hit the couple head-on as they returned from a dinner with friends. Jackie Tolliver lay in a coma for 52 days, and in those 52 days Kane Tolliver quit drinking and gave himself over to the Lord again.

  Jackson had a great childhood compared to most. They were a close family and lived on the family farm, which had been passed down through generations and would eventually be all his. He still wasn’t sure if he wanted it, though, but he had time for that as his mom and dad still worked the farm, and he planned a long career in the Army in Special Operations.

  As the flight attendant continued to bring Jackson glasses of booze, his eyes eventually began to close and give way to dreams—most of which starred Annabelle Bryant, the little sister of his best friend. Jackson wanted to ask Andrew if he could date his sister but whenever he finally got the courage up to ask, Annabelle was always already taken. It never surprised Jackson that men fell at her feet.

  Annabelle was a tall, brunette, curvy woman, not curvy in the big breasted kind of way but in the hourglass Marilyn Monroe kind of way. Her hair was a mousy brown and fell way past the middle of her back, a natural wave to it that framed her face perfectly. Her skin was creamy ivory, her cherry wine lips full and pouty, and her eyes the color of emeralds. He had never in his life seen such a beautiful woman. In his head, he felt like she was totally out of his league, but in his heart, she was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.



  The heat of Annabelle’s shower and her masturbation sessions were just what she needed to relax. The combination did wonders for her. She dried off and slipped into her silk nightgown.This wasn’t just any silk nightgown; no, this was the silk nightgown she had purchased to wear on her wedding night. The wedding night she and Stanwick Benton the Third would’ve had this Valentine’s Day if Annabelle hadn’t made a surprise visit to his office last week to find him chained to a chair all decked out in leather and a BDSM ball in his mouth. Even better was the sight of her longtime housekeeper, Lucy, with a whip in one hand and Stanwick's cock in the other.

  Annabelle had to give Lucy credit, as she had gotten him to do things that Annabelle had never known Stanwick to even think about. Stanwick, to his credit, did attempt to get Annabelle’s attention, and Annabelle could tell by the look on his face and the grunts he made that he wanted her to stop and give him a chance to explain. But really, how could he explain away what she had seen with her own eyes?

  Annabelle stopped and looked at Stanwick and Lucy as they stood in his office, adorned in leather, whips, and chains. “It’s ok, Stanwick. If Lucy the housekeeper is what you want then I hope you both are truly happy for a lifetime. I am outta here!”

  As Annabelle jumped in her car and drove home that night, her thoughts didn’t go to how betrayed she felt but how much the vision of Stanwick taking a leap of faith and going for the woman he loved truly stood out to her as the message. Maybe I should follow my heart and not my head and go for who makes me happy.

  So yes, the silk nightgown held a little meaning to her, just not enough to let it go to waste in a garbage can. After all, she did spend over two hundred dollars for it, and she would wear it till it wore out.

  She came to the cabin to get her head on straight and devise a plan to get her man, Jackson Tolliver. And no, she was not going to let her dad talk her out of it or talk her into another relationship that “would be good for the company.” She would follow her heart, and her heart told her the man for her was Jackson Tolliver.

  She snuggled into the king-sized bed and wrapped the comforter around herself as she grabbed her Kindle and popped open a book. She hadn’t had time to read in so long, and it felt good to lean back onto the pillows and let a book take her away. When she got up in the morning, she would plan her strategy to win the heart and mind of one Jackson Tolliver. She knew it would also mean winning over her brother Andrew to get his blessing.



  After almost the entire day of having his flights canceled or delayed, when he finally landed in Denver it was already ten-thirty at night and Jackson was beyond toasted. They sat on the plane for four hours before de-planing and the flight was canceled due to weather in Chicago. He changed flights only to have that flight delayed for another four and half hours, but now he was finally in Denver and ready to find this driver and get the fuck to the cabin.

  As he walked out of the jet bridge and into the terminal, it took his eyes a minute to adjust. As he scanned the windows, all he could see was snow and lots of it. He didn’t mind the snow, even though growing up in Georgia he didn’t get to see a lot of it. He had done a lot of training in it and spent a lot of time in the snow in the mountains of Afghanistan. It had no effect on him, except the one time he ran out in it naked as the day he was born. That was a dare and nothing more.

  Stopping in front of the monitors he found what baggage claim his flight had and proceeded to follow the signs, where hopefully he would find his driver waiting. He didn’t need to pick up any luggage as what he brought fit in the carry-on bag he had with him. He only needed the driver.

  Jackson stumbled as he made his way through the crowds of people. The liquor he’d consumed was really starting to catch up with him as he searched the vast area for someone holding a sign with his name on it. His vision was starting to double, and each person seemed to blend into the other. His backpack must have been a clue because a man came up from behind and tapped him on the shoulder.

  “Sir, would you be Mr. Jackson Tolliver?” The man held a sign with Jackson’s name written across it.

  “Yea, that’s me, Jackson Tolliver. Can I help you?” Jackson said as he quickly removed the man’s hand from his shoulder. “Normally coming up behind me would end you up in the hospital but since I am beyond toasted right now, I am gonna give you a reprieve.”

  “Oh no, sir, I am your driver. Mr. Andrew hired me to drive you to the cabin, and since you are…as you say…toasted, I will just bring the car back to the cabin in the morning. Follow me sir, and I will get you to the cabin as quickly as I can.” He motioned Jackson to follow him to the car. Jackson held his hand out until the man met his handshake.

  “I’m James. I work for the Bryants when they stay here at the cabin. If there is anything I can do for you, here is my card. You are welcome to call me anytime.”

  Jackson followed the young man to a black sedan and jumped into the passenger seat, throwing his bag into the back as he sat down.

  “How long a drive is it to the cabin?” Jackson asked as he slumped into the seat and tipped his cap over his eyes. It was dark out, but the lights from oncoming cars would hit him directly in the eyes. To avoid the pain and forthcoming nausea that might ensue from the trip, he opted to cover his eyes. Better safe than sorry. Vomiting in this nice ass Mercedes was not an option. Andrew would probably kick his ass then charge Jackson to have the car detailed. He already struggled for cash, so paying for detailing on a Mercedes was not his idea of saving or spending his money wisely.

  “It will only be about twenty minutes to the cabin as it is just outside of Evergreen, Colorado. I think you will love our little town, lots of stuff to do so if you need recommendations just let me know.” James continued to talk about the town, but Jackson soon drifted off as it was almost midnight and he was looking forward to a nice cozy bed.

  Andrew had told him to sleep in the room to the left once he got into the cabin. That was Andrew’s room and had a pr
ivate bath, wet bar, balcony with a hot tub and an enormous sixty-inch television. Everything a man could want, except female company—that part Jackson would have to find on his own. Jackson was pretty confident he would be able to find that kind of comfort for at least some of the days he was going to be in Evergreen. Andrew had told him the local bar had a wide array of female company that he could choose from.

  A squeal from the Mercedes tires jolted Jackson awake. He immediately grabbed for his weapon, which was not in his posession; it was just a gut reaction, a trained reflex they all gained in training.

  “I am sorry, Mr. Jackson, I didn’t mean to startle you. We have arrived at the cabin. Let me help you with your bag, and I will unlock the door and help you get settled,” James said as he reached for Jackson’s bag.

  “Naw, Jimmy, I got this. You go ahead and go home. Andrew told me which room to take, and I think I can unlock the door. Thanks for getting me up here. I will see you tomorrow. I think I will do some sleeping in if you don’t mind. Can you swing by with the car around noon?” Jackson grabbed his bag and shook James’ hand as he grabbed the keys from him. “Thanks again, man,” Jackson said as he stumbled up the stairs.

  To Jackson, unlocking the door and feeling his way around in a room when he had no idea where anything was a sort of a game. As he waved his hands around, he almost knocked down a lamp, but with surprisingly quick reflexes even in his current state of drunkenness, he caught it before it hit the floor, placed it back on the table, and switched it on for some light.

  The cabin was like nothing he had ever seen and the smell of burning wood still radiated throughout the cabin. He did love the smell of a fireplace, and he could tell the cabin had a woman's touch. The cabin was decorated in the typical rustic fashion, an elk head above the fireplace and lots of flannel blankets and leather furniture. His eye caught a glimpse of the biggest leather recliner he had ever seen, and he quickly sat down, sinking almost through to the floor as the chair engulfed him. “Damn, I could die in this chair, and they would never locate my body!” Jackson observed as he laughed to himself.


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