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Hunted By The Alien Prince: An Alien Abduction Romance (The Hunt Book 2)

Page 12

by A. M. Griffin

  “I’m sorry. It’ll be painful, but it must be done.”

  She nodded her understanding. He wished he had something available to give her for pain. Themba cursed under his breath and inserted another wad of packing within her wound. This time she bit hard on her lip, stifling a scream. He worked quickly to insert the packing, filling one of the wounds. Her breaths came out harried and ragged. He could see her pulse pounding in the artery in her neck. He still had five more claw gashes to pack. She would pass out before he completed his task.

  “I-I can’t do this,” she whimpered. “Hurts too much.”

  Themba sat back on his haunches. He wanted to tell her to push through the pain, but seeing the toll it had on her, he couldn’t bring himself to utter the words.

  He scanned the surrounding jungle, searching for anything that may be of help. Then he spotted it. The zokde flower. He’d thought he’d recognized the blue plant. It held some medicinal purposes. It was a narcotic that when chewed caused the person to experience a state of relaxation. It might also help to dull her pain and keep her calm while he finished treating her wounds.

  Themba sprang into action and retrieved the plant. He was back at her side within a few minutes. “Here, you’ll have to eat this.” He thrust a few of the soft leaves between her lips. How much would it take for the desired effect? He frowned. Usually, he would’ve wanted to give her a few leaves at a time and gauge her reaction. But she whimpered again in pain and he couldn’t stand that sound. He pressed the entire plant into her mouth. “Eat up.”

  Payton did so dutifully, and within a few minutes, her muscles went slack, and her body sagged. He finished tending to her shoulder then wrapped the wound with a protective covering. With the covering securely in place, the wound would be kept dry and allow for optimal healing. He moved to her leg, and his breath caught in his throat.

  Her desire hit him full force.

  Chapter Twelve

  The scent of Payton’s heat played with Themba’s senses in the most delectable way. Her smell teased and stroked him down to his core. His blood called out to her before, but now it roared and screamed.

  He wanted her. Beyond control.

  Too much.

  He couldn’t quell the desire rolling through him.

  And he didn’t know if he wanted to.

  Themba closed his eyes and breathed her in, taking the scent of female deep within his lungs. He exhaled with a shudder. It was the most intoxicating scent he’d ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

  A deep moan came from Payton.

  That sound!

  Themba opened his eyes. Payton writhed on the ground. Her body undulated in ways he’d imagined late at night while by himself and while he…

  He sucked a breath between his teeth. His cocks hardened. Painfully.

  Her shirt lifted to reveal her stomach; flat and tight. There was a knotted area of skin on the lower part. He’d studied human anatomy. He’d thought it was insignificant and hadn’t bothered to learn what it was. Now all he wanted to do was stick his tongue inside and play with it.

  She stretched her neck and moaned again. “Oh, God. I’m so hot.”

  Ancients, he wanted her. “The fever will pass. I’ve cleaned your wounds.”

  She brought a hand to her throat and used delicate fingers to lightly touch her glistening skin. His mouth fell open with a groan. He wanted to graze his teeth along the path her fingers took.

  “Not that kind of hot.” Her head lolled to the side, and she licked her lips. “I’m hot…” Her other hand snaked down her stomach and landed between her legs where she cupped her sex through her pants. “Here.”

  Desire coursed through him. “The air is thick with your need. So thick I can taste it.” And he wanted to do just that. He wanted to lick her where she cupped and ease the pain she no doubt felt just as he did.

  He’d heard of the zokde flower affecting some species like this. Hyper-sexuality, it was called. For many, the flower numbed the pain receptors, for others, it numbed the inhibition receptors as well. He could’ve reminded himself that what she felt toward him wasn’t real except he couldn’t combat the hormones wafting from her body to get a clear thought through his head.

  Payton fussed with the waistline of the thin material covering her, revealing smooth, creamy skin underneath. His breath caught. He wanted to bury himself between her legs and ride her until her desire was satisfied.

  And he planned to do just that.

  Themba glanced around; trees, fallen leaves, mud, and insects. This was not the place to couple with his true mate. His ndebele deserved better than this. He wouldn’t rut on her in the open for all to see.

  He shook his head, trying to clear his mind. This was neither the time or place. “Let me finish dressing the wound on your thigh. I’m having a hard time concentrating. The flower’s effect on you is having one on me as well. Your desire…” he tried to shake it from his head again. “I’m having a hard time thinking past it.”

  Payton reached up, tugged at his clothes and pulled him closer. “I don’t care about anything, but you. Now.”

  Themba pushed her hands away. Where he found the strength to do that, he didn’t know. He worked quickly to tend and cover the wound as she squirmed and moaned under his touch. Her pain was long gone.

  By the time he finished, he could no longer think straight. His most primal urges became dominant. He wanted her. Her smell and her gyrating made all rational thoughts leave his brain. Except for one. He had to leave.

  He got up to do just that. Payton grabbed him with strong hands and pulled him down. She wasn’t stronger than him, but in this moment, he didn’t have the strength to resist her.

  He dropped back down to his knees. Ancients, she was beautiful. Themba helped push her shorts down long, shapely legs. The smell of her desire intensified. Short, dark brown hairs curled over her mons in a triangular pattern. She pressed her knees together and squirmed. A lustful moan bubbled from her throat.

  Nervousness skittered through him. He’d dreamt of this moment. Would he be able to please her? He’d practiced the arts of lovemaking from some of the best courtesans in the kingdoms, but his entire knowledge was based on the female Ngonyama physiology. Everything about humans was learned hastily, and the information was technical.

  The holo-file stated human females’ erogenous zones included lips, breasts, and vulva. Surely, there were more than three? The Ngonyama had twenty-two.

  “Hot,” she groaned before unhooking the pack around her waist and tossed it to the side.

  Themba touched her skin, and electricity seemed to zap the sensitive area on his fingertips. “I’m going to take care of you.” He ran his hands up her beautiful inner thighs. Her skin was soft compared to his. It would be easy to unsheathe his claws and pierce her flesh. His skin wouldn’t be so easy to penetrate.

  So very fragile.

  It didn’t take much coaxing. She opened her legs willingly, revealing her sex to him. Per the file, there were several names humans called it, he was rather fond of “pussy.” It was noted as a vulgar term. But it seemed appropriate for what he planned for her.

  Payton closed her eyes and raked her fingers through her tight curls and down to her skin folds. She spread her fingers, putting her pussy on full display.

  The little pink bud full of nerve endings looked engorged and ripe. Clit.

  According to the file, he should lick and stroke it lightly. If he did it right, pleasure would overcome her. His eyes traveled further down to her vaginal opening. It glistened and beckoned. He planned to give her his complete attention.

  Payton slid a finger inside of herself. She wiggled with pleasure and bit down on her lower lip. When she pulled her finger out, the aroma was more than he could handle. His desire to lick the wetness from her finger was overpowering.

  Themba couldn’t take anymore. He leaned to the side and pushed his pants down his legs and kicked off his boots.

  “Hurry.” She arched
her back as she worked her finger in and out of her pussy.

  Themba moved as fast as he could to settle between her legs. When the head of his dominate cock pulsed against her wetness, she sighed and removed her fingers. She brought those same fingers to his mouth and pushed them past his lips. He sucked.

  Oh, Ancients! The taste! So delectable.

  “Take me. Now,” Payton begged.

  With a sure thrust, he breached her and buried himself deep within her wetness. A cry burst from his lips. He wasn’t expecting her to be so tight…so wet…so right.

  Payton stretched her neck and called out his name. The sound added to his pleasure ten-fold. Themba clenched his jaw. If he weren’t careful, he would release his seed too soon.

  Themba pulled out slowly, only to plunge in again. And again, and again, and again. He tried to quench his thirst and sate his desire, but no matter how hard he thrust or how deep he plunged, he couldn’t get enough. She was a drug he couldn’t find relief from, and he didn’t know if he ever wanted to lose this feeling.

  “Oh, God. Yes!” Payton clawed at his back and butt, pushing and pulling, helping his rhythm. “Fuck me. Use me.” She angled her hips and thrust to meet him, taking him harder and deeper. Her moans were loud and unabashed. She didn’t care who or what heard them and he didn’t either.

  He reveled in her taking her pleasure in him just as he did her. He’d been with many other females, but this one...this one he could spend eternity with and never tire. “You’re mine.” He spoke the words before he could think.

  She cupped his cheeks in her hands and stared into his eyes. “I would go anywhere with you.”

  Was it the effects of the zokde flower talking? It didn’t matter. Themba placed kisses along her jawline and neck. If he could take her home, he would. He could see himself spending a lifetime buried in her.

  She ran her hands over her breasts and squeezed. “Am I what you want?”

  Themba watched her tease and pluck her nipples and groaned. Oh, she was everything he wanted and more. “Yes, ah, Ancients, yes!”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and tightened them as she brought her hips up to slam against his, taking the full length of him.

  Themba paused. The pleasure was too great. His eyes rolled up. “You’re greedy, my ndebele.”

  She undulated her hips, grinding against him. “Only because this feels so good.” The smile on her lips was playful and sensual.

  “Nonhle.” Beautiful.

  Themba wrapped his arms around her hips and held tight while he sat back against his heels. He positioned her butt on his thighs and angled her back on the ground, the perfect position to seat his cock deep within her. There was no better feeling in the universe. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back.

  “Oh, God. So deep,” she moaned. “So big.”

  He straightened and opened his eyes just in time to catch her running her fingers across the hairs on his chest. She met his gaze, and that wicked smile returned. She ran her fingertips down the muscular ridges of his stomach, then further down to entwine in his curly hairs until finally, they reached his ionwabo.

  Her hands stilled. The confusion then revulsion crossed her features. She dropped her eyes.

  Payton blinked, then blinked again. Whatever drug he’d given her was quickly leaving her system.

  “How the fuck did I forget about this?”

  “Are you talking about my ionwabo?” He thrust deep, and her eyes fluttered. “Because surely you didn’t forget about my ngumnik.”

  Jesus his dick is big. “Your i-wohoo or whatever it’s called.”

  His lips were swollen, probably from raining kisses down on her. His black hair was long and wild with singular braids on each side of his head. He definitely couldn’t pass for human. His eyes were too expressive, and she felt like he could see into her soul. Gentleness was there, but no one could mistake the predatory stare.

  “Payton. I’m different from you, yes, but there’s no denying what you feel.”

  Could she finish what she started? His tail swished through the air then settled on her shoulder. Nope. Definitely not human. Her vision closed in, and her brain felt tight. She couldn’t get enough oxygen into her lungs.

  And with that, she regained the senses God had given her.

  She glanced down at the cock—the little one—again. It was about three inches long and thick as the circumference of her pointer finger and thumb touching. Veins pulsed and strained under his taut skin. The root of his larger cock was directly underneath. The length of him embedded deep inside her.

  How the hell could she forget he was an alien? Or that he’d hunted her like an animal?

  Cringing in disgust, she pushed at him, dislodging their joined bodies, and scrambled away. “I-I can’t.”

  “I understand this is different from what you’re used to, but I assure you that we’re compatible.”

  “Jesus, I forgot all about the dual…cocks.” She couldn’t take her eyes off of them.

  “I know this is alarming to you, but my appearance is quite normal for my species.”

  She leaned back against her elbow and threw a hand in the air. “Well, of course.” He’s an alien, idiot!

  “Humans have two openings too. One vagina, but the other is used for pleasure as well?”

  She wasn’t talking about that and not with him. She heated with embarrassment. She’d fucked a stranger who also happened to be an alien, and she’d done it in the mud like a common whore. “G-get away from me.”

  Jack took that as his cue. He was back on duty. He was quick to take his place at her side. He growled fiercely. Payton scrambled for her fanny pack and pulled out her knife. When he advanced, she held it in front of her. “Don’t,” she warned.

  He sighed. “Payton. You still want me. I smell it.”

  She narrowed her gaze. “Wait a few more minutes, buddy. I’m sure that smell will clear up. Trust me, it won’t be desire in the air.” It would be embarrassment.

  She snatched up her running shorts. “I mean, I guess I should thank you for giving me whatever you gave me. It helped out a lot. My shoulder and leg don’t hurt anymore. But, no. This…this…can’t happen.”

  Themba kept his distance as she struggled, one-handedly to get back into her clothes. She talked and cursed under her breath as she did. When she was done, she snapped her fanny pack in its rightful place. When she stood, so did he. His cocks still hard, swung as he moved. “For God’s sake, put your clothes back on!”

  “You didn’t finish. I didn’t finish. Per the file, if I give you pleasure, it will be evident in an orgasm.”

  Payton groaned. When would she be free of this embarrassing mess? “Stop. It’s over. I couldn’t think straight before, but now I can. Whatever the hell you fed me caused,” she motioned a hand across her groin, “this.”

  “That could be so, but why waste the feeling?” He took a step toward her. Uneasiness creeped up her back and goosebumps erupted across her arms and chest. “I’m having a hard time resisting the hormones coming from your body. I want to have you. I need to have you.”

  She was scared of the look in his eyes. Crazy. She shook her knife at him. “I’m warning you. You don’t seem like you’re itching to die today, so stay back.”

  Undeterred, he took another step forward. “I can’t let you go. Your scent. It’s doing something to me. I need more.”

  “Jesus. Really?”

  “Please, my ndebele. Let me taste you.” He licked his lips.

  “No means no.”

  He took another step, invading her personal space.

  Themba breathed in deeply, and his entire body shuddered. “I have to have you.”

  Payton stabbed him, her knife penetrating his chest.

  I can’t believe I did that.

  His ordinarily deep red coloring blanched and he staggered back. He looked down at the knife jutting from his chest. “Why?”

  I have to go before he kills me.

  Payton grabbed Jack’s collar, then pressed the pod icon. A second later, she dropped into the ground to the sound of her name on his lips. She closed her eyes and wrapped her shaking arms around Jack. He crawled into her lap and whined. She hadn’t wanted to hurt Themba. Not really. She’d just wanted him…away.

  That look on his face stayed with her as she was rushed over the tracks. Pain. Deception. Hurt.

  She had warned him. Still, she was overwhelmed with guilt.

  A few minutes later, a rush of air pressure pushed her up and out of the pod. She fell to the ground with a thump. One glimpse at her comlink confirmed what she already knew. The icon to call a pod was greyed, and there weren’t any more lines next to it.

  She was podless and screwed.

  Payton laid on her back and stared at the odd-looking—very alien—sky. “I really did it this time, Jack.” She turned toward him. He was sitting, watching the jungle, as vigilant as ever. “I tried to murder someone and I wasted our last pod. I mean, I could’ve just walked away, right?” She shook her head, remembering the crazed look in Themba’s eyes when he’d kept approaching her.

  He wasn’t that hurt. Was he? She hadn’t seen any blood dripping from where she’d stabbed him. In fact, she might not have even hurt him at all. But surely he would be mad at her for attempting to kill him? No, correction. She hadn’t wanted to kill him. She’d only wanted him to back off.

  Back off because he was possibly the best lay of my life?

  No, back off because she’d been screwing an alien and she’d finally came to her senses.

  Payton turned back to watch the cloudless sky. It really was beautiful. There were other visible planets and stars, but not as close. It was serene, alien, and breathtaking. “Maybe I overreacted, Jack? It wasn’t like he wasn’t doing to me what I had asked him to.” Heat radiated up her neck. She’d acted like a horny teenager. All sex and no thought behind it whatsoever. Even when she’d began to come back to her senses, she’d been down to let him finish working her over.

  It had been the penises. They’d thrown her for a loop for the second time.


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