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Blood Legacy

Page 6

by Sarah Hawke

  “The others have to know about this,” Laurent said. “If I back up your story, they might finally believe you!”

  “Or Deswick will declare you a heretic and throw you in the dungeon,” Cassel replied gravelly. “There’s no way to know.”

  Laurent blew a thin stream of air through her lips. “He might be able to ignore me, but if there were others…” She shrugged. “Even the officers couldn’t turn a blind eye if a dozen of us strode into the temple with our powers restored.”

  “Probably not, but I don’t know how many knights we could actually sneak out here without drawing attention to ourselves,” Cassel said. “And to be honest, I wasn’t actually sure this would work until now. Her powers could have a limit, for all we know.”

  “I do not feel drained,” Tahira said, glancing down at her fingers. “I don’t know how to explain it, but I just know I could help others.”

  “Then that’s what we need to do,” Laurent said. “There’s another option here, Captain. You could take her to the Silver Tower.”

  Cassel turned and paced across the room. “I’ve considered that, but I didn’t want to risk leaving the city. Escar knows how many soldiers and Huntresses the Inquisitrix has prowling the plains these days.”

  Tahira glanced between them. “What is the Silver Tower?”

  “Ostensibly, it’s the true home of the Silver Fist, though in practice the temple here in Highwind has been the center of the Order’s power for at least a generation.”

  “But it’s also where most of the squires and young knights are trained,” Laurent added. “They aren’t nearly as attached to the city’s politics as the officers living here. I guarantee you’ll have a much easier time convincing them.”

  “Maybe,” Cassel murmured. “There are at least a hundred knights stationed there at all times, but we’ve barely had any communication with them since the Shattering. The last I heard, Deswick sent a messenger pigeon telling them to fortify the tower and wait.”

  “If she can restore their magic, we’ll have a real army on our hands,” Laurent said. “A hundred knights could decimate thousands of normal soldiers!”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We have no idea how many of them are even still alive.”

  Laurent shook her head. “We have to try, Captain. What else can we do?”

  Cassel turned back to Tahira. As usual, she was waiting for him to make a decision, and he didn’t like it one bit. “It will be risky,” he told her. “I won’t force you to do this.”

  “Do you think there’s a chance it could work?” she asked.

  “A chance, yes. A good chance…?” He shrugged. “I really have no idea, but if anyone is going to listen it will be the younger knights.”

  Tahira took a deep breath and visibly braced herself. “Then we should try,” she said. “Besides…you said yourself that you don’t know how much longer I’ll be safe here. And I have nowhere else to go.”

  Cassel nodded solemnly. He wasn’t looking forward to explaining this to Serrane. She would probably think he was crazy…but then again, she always preferred taking the initiative to sitting back and waiting. She was the one who wanted to attack the Inquisitrix’s forces, after all.

  “All right, we’ll head out first thing in the morning,” Cassel said after a minute. “Assuming we can figure out a way to actually leave the city…”

  “I’ll come with you, sir,” Laurent said. “There’s nothing for me here.”

  He shook his head. “No, you need to stay. The fewer of us that go, the easier it will be to slip past the Senosi. I want you to remain in the temple and keep your head down.”

  “But, sir—”

  “Listen to me, Adrianna,” Cassel said, taking her hand. “Deswick can’t know that you spoke to me, and he can’t know anything about Tahira. Not yet. I need you to bide your time and await our return. After that…we’ll see.”

  Laurent looked like she wanted to argue, but thankfully she respected his authority enough to know better. The Order hadn’t collapsed just yet.

  “I’ll do what I can, sir,” she promised.

  Cassel smiled and clapped her shoulder. “Be careful who you trust, and remember that Escar values patience. Who knows…with a little luck, we’ll be back by the end of the week with a new army at our backs.”



  Jorem only managed to sleep for an hour, possibly two, before the girls became so loud he couldn’t ignore their antics anymore. The slaps, squeals, and screeches were so intense his fatigue-addled mind assumed the group had come under attack. Rolling off the divan and into a defensive crouch, he reflexively conjured a sphere of flame into his palm…at which point his vision cleared enough to realize Valuri was just enjoying her new toy a little bit too much.

  “You like that, don’t you Red?” the Huntress snarled as she slammed into a still-bound-and-gagged Kaseya from behind. “You can’t get enough of my big cock in your ass!”

  Jorem blinked and rubbed at his eyelids, convinced he was still dreaming. But no, judging from the sheer amount of sweat and seed splattered across the amazon’s back, breasts, and chin, Valuri apparently hadn’t stopped fucking Kaseya the whole time he’d been unconscious.

  “Tell me how badly you want it!” Valuri ordered, jerking back on the amazon’s red mane and growling into her ear. “Tell me how badly you need it!”

  “I need it,” Kaseya blubbered. “Fuck me! Fuck my ass!”

  The Huntress cried out in delight as her magic phallus plunged deeper and deeper into the amazon’s bowels. For an instant Jorem was genuinely worried about Kaseya’s safety, but before he could stumble over and separate them Val pulled out and sprayed another thick, viscous load of magical seed over the amazon’s back.

  “Holy shit, Red, you slut,” she blubbered, slumping onto Kaseya’s back but still clutching a thick mound of hair. “How can this feel so good?”

  “Okay, I think you’ve had enough,” Jorem said. “Giving you a cock was obviously a terrible idea…”

  The Huntress snorted. “Are you kidding? This thing is unbelievable. It’s like getting fucked and fucking at the same time.”

  “Which is a power you should never have,” Jorem said, grabbing her by the waist and flinging her onto the divan. She only squealed in protest for a moment before she began stroking the phallus again.

  “I suddenly understand why you can’t stop thinking with your cock,” she said. “The ones at the Castarium were junk by comparison. It’s like being a man but without all the hair and stink and stupidity…”

  Jorem groaned and threw a blanket over her. He had always assumed that her Senosi powers were at least partially responsible for her insane libido, but maybe she was just naturally insatiable. Here they were, stuck in the lair of a dubious ally with the world burning around them, and she was like a hormone-addled teenager who had just discovered masturbation for the first time.

  “If you don’t take that thing off, I’m going to burn it off,” he said, shaking his head and leaning over Kaseya to untie her restraints. “Are you all right?”

  The amazon panted breathlessly, her blue eyes as glossy and delirious as a lotus addict. Valuri had apparently tightened the ropes even more, and Jorem couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable Kaseya must haven right now. But before he could unwind the knots binding her wrists to her ankles, she craned her neck back to look at him.


  “It’s all right,” he soothed. “I’ll get you out of—”

  “Fuck me.”

  Jorem blinked. “What?”

  “Fuck me,” she begged. “Please…”

  He froze in place, his eyes studying her body up and down. Her olive skin and plump breasts had been marred red from dozens of ruthless slaps, but every muscle in her body quivered as if an electric current were still pumping through her. He could feel her desperation, her desire…

  “I told you she loves it,” Valuri snickered as she sat up. “All this tim
e I think she’s been holding out on us.”

  “Jorem,” Kaseya whispered, her eyelids fluttering. “Please…”

  His cock was already hard and ready even before Valuri stood from the couch, pressed her tits against his back, and began slowly stroking him in that masterfully tortuous way of hers. “I was just keeping her warm for you.”

  Jorem groaned and slumped back against her. “Don’t lie. This was all about what you wanted.”

  “True, but I’m willing to share,” the Huntress cooed playfully as she nibbled at his earlobe. “We’ll take her together. Just tell me which hole you want…”

  Jorem stared back down at Kaseya’s taut, trembling body. It was so perfect, so beautiful, so splattered with seed…but for some reason another even more devious idea suddenly popped into his head. He smiled and stared into her blue eyes to see how she would react when the collar revealed what he was thinking. It took a moment, but when her face suddenly lit up he knew she approved.

  “Ass,” he breathed.

  Valuri chuckled into his ear. “I knew you were going to say that.”

  “Not her ass,” Jorem said. “Yours.”

  “Wait, what are you—?”

  He opened his right hand and conjured a thin, dagger-like beam of Aetheric energy long enough to slash Kaseya’s bindings in three quick, calculated strokes. On cue, the amazon flipped onto her side while Jorem pivoted behind Valuri and shoved her on top of the bed. The Huntress squealed in surprise, but Kaseya quickly grabbed the other woman’s shoulders and pinned her in place.

  “You’ve had more than enough fun for one night,” Jorem said. At the same moment, Kaseya grabbed the back of Valuri’s head and stuffed her face in the sheets to muffle her startled protests.

  “Quiet, slut,” the amazon said, her taut arm muscles flexing. “Tie this bitch up so we can teach her a lesson!”

  Jorem recoiled, genuinely shocked at Kaseya’s intensity, at which point she turned and glared right at him. For a brief instant, the woman standing before him was no longer a submissive, helpless damsel covered in seed—she was an amazon warrior desperate to crush anyone who opposed her. Jorem dove back over to the box of toys so fast he would have been embarrassed if he weren’t so afraid, and he promptly snatched up more of the silken rope.

  “Make it tight,” Kaseya snarled. “Make it hurt.”

  Jorem yanked Valuri’s arms behind her back, and he bound her wrists together as high as he could between her shoulder blades. If she had been feeding instead of fucking over the past hour, she would have burst free and tried to strangle him. But her sadistic gluttony had left her thoroughly drained, and Jorem had no trouble holding her in place.

  “Give me the cock,” Kaseya said.

  Jorem glanced down at the harness still strapped around Valuri’s waist. “But you—”

  “Give me the cock!” the amazon demanded.

  More shocked than ever, he reached down and began unfastening the harness. Valuri began kicking her legs, but that only made Kaseya push harder. Jorem quickly shuffled over behind the amazon and secured the harness in place, and when the glowing magical phallus rematerialized Kaseya immediately adjusted the runes to make it as large and thick as possible.

  “Open wide, Senosi slut,” she snarled.

  Valuri’s head popped back up the instant Kaseya removed her hand. “What the fuck are you—?”

  Before she could finish, the amazon jammed her new cock right down the Huntress’s throat. Jorem’s sympathy almost flipped on its head, but then he remembered who he was dealing with here. Valuri could take it, and even if she couldn’t…well, she deserved it anyway.

  “Swallow it,” Kaseya snarled. “Take it all!”

  Valuri’s eyes rolled back into her head as the amazon savagely fucked her face. Apparently the phallus really did pleasure the wearer, because Kaseya almost immediately began moaning in pleasure.

  “Zor kalah…” she gasped. “It feels…ugnnnn….!”

  Jorem grinned, wondering if the amazon might flood Valuri’s throat right then and there, but evidently Kaseya had more discipline than the two of them combined. She slowed her thrusts but still plunged every bit as deep, and she even pinched Valuri’s nose shut every few seconds. The Huntress gasped, breathless, and after another minute even her normally impeccable eye shadow began to smear…

  “Shit,” Jorem rasped, clutching and stroking his now throbbing cock. He retrieved a vial of hot oil from the toy box and dribbled the tiniest bit on the head.

  “What are you waiting for?” Kaseya asked. “Take her ass!”

  As usual, he didn’t need further encouragement. Wedging himself between Valuri’s flailing legs, Jorem pressed the tip of his cock into her nether entrance and slowly thrust inside. Kaseya pinched the Huntress’s nose again so she couldn’t even gasp in protest.

  “Harder,” the amazon told him. “Give her everything.”

  Grabbing one of Valuri’s ankles in each hand for leverage, Jorem began pounding her ass as if it were a cunt. Her bowels milked and churned his cock, begging him to fill her with his sorcerous seed. It had been so long since he’d seen her this helpless he almost gave in right then and there…

  “Oh!” Kaseya stammered, abruptly withdrawing her shimmering magical phallus. Jorem thought she might blast Valuri’s face out of spite, but instead she caught her breath and braced herself while the Huntress gasped and gagged for breath.

  “You bitch!” Valuri panted. “This isn’t over!”

  Kaseya grinned devilishly. “Pick her up. I want her cunt.”

  Pushing down the Huntress’s flailing legs, Jorem shifted his grip from her ankles to her thighs and hoisted her up into his arms. His kept his cock firmly buried in her ass even as he spread her legs and signaled Kaseya over. The amazon gleefully surged forward, propping the other woman’s calves up on her shoulders and positioning her phallus at the Huntress’s sopping entrance.

  “You’re mine,” she said, thrusting inside.

  Once again Jorem almost exploded. He could feel Kaseya’s cock ravaging Valuri’s quim while his own ravaged her ass, and together he and the amazon pounded the Huntress in both holes. Her squeals of protest quickly transformed into euphoric whimpers.


  When her words slurred into nonsense, Kaseya leaned in and kissed her. Their mutual muffled moans pushed Jorem’s endurance to the brink, and he was a fraction of a second from flooding Valuri’s bowels when Kaseya abruptly grabbed the Huntress’s ass, picked her up off of his cock, and unceremoniously dropped her onto her knees directly behind them.

  “Look at me, slut!” Kaseya shouted as she grabbed a handful of Valuri’s hair and blasted her face with a hose of magical seed. Jorem wasn’t far behind—he unloaded volley after volley upon the Huntress just like he had done so many times before. By the time he and Kaseya were finally spent, it looked like an entire platoon of soldiers had just had their way with Valuri.

  “Oh….fuck!” she screeched as a violent orgasm shuddered through her. Her tattoos flared to life, and her eyes began to glow so brightly it seemed like she might explode.

  “Zor kalah,” Kaseya breathed, slumping back into Jorem’s arms as she cradled her magical stem. “The sensations…the power…”

  “Don’t let it go to your head,” he breathed into her ear as he unfastened the harness. Once it fell to the ground, he began gently massaging her clit instead. She moaned and melted back into his embrace.


  Jorem pulled her down onto the couch with him, amazed at just how quickly she had reverted to the sweet, submissive girl he had fallen in love with. Apparently the Mage’s Guild should have spent far less time trying to police magical weapon smuggling when magical cocks were the real threat.

  “Fuck, that was so good…” Valuri breathed. She flexed her newly empowered arms, effortlessly snapping the silken bindings on her wrists, as she slowly brought herself back to her feet. Her tattoos we
re still blazing green beneath the rivers of vicious seed sliding down her breasts and stomach.

  “You’re so lovely right now, slut,” Kaseya said, smiling tiredly.

  “You too, bitch,” Valuri replied as she shoveled more of Jorem’s seed into her mouth. “Now open those pretty legs of yours so I can get my dessert.”


  This time, Jorem definitely slept for more than a few hours, and the good news was that Solemi didn’t show up for a meeting while he and the girls were still naked, sticky, and mostly comatose.

  The bad news was that Selvhara did.

  “Oh!” the druid gasped when she opened the door to the room and saw them all slung over one another on the bed. “I, uh…”

  “You could have knocked,” Valuri said, rolling onto her side. “Or maybe pawed and howled at the door until we gave you a treat.”

  “I’m sorry,” Selvhara said. “I can—”

  “It’s all right,” Jorem said, blinking and rubbing at his eyes. Without any clocks in the room or a sun in the sky, he had no concept of what time it was, let alone what day it was. He wouldn’t have been surprised if they had just skipped the whole afternoon.

  “Zor kalah!” Kaseya gasped, turning and glaring at Valuri. “You said you would be watching the door!”

  “I was watching it!” the Huntress protested. “My eyelids just kept getting in the way.”

  The amazon groaned as she leaned up. “We could have been ambushed!”

  “Yeah, well, you should have thought about that before you fed me that last time. You know how sleepy I get on a full stomach.”

  Before Kaseya could complain again, Valuri leaned down and kissed each of her breasts turn. The amazon’s eyes fluttered shut, and her annoyance melted away on the tip of Valuri’s tongue. Normally Jorem would have been happy to watch them go at it yet again, but he knew that Val was just showing off. She wanted to make Selvhara that much more uncomfortable…

  “Come on,” Jorem said, scrambling to find his trousers. “Selvhara can tell us what she learned while we clean up.”


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