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Oceantide Page 5

by Everly Taylor

  “The truth she speaks,” she said hollowly, still staring almost through me. “What do you know of why they moved up their plans?”

  “Not much, only that Eva was in danger and they wanted to get her out of here,” I replied truthfully.

  “This is the truth,” she called out. “What do you know of where they planned to go?”

  Again, the heavy weight pressed on my lungs and I was compelled to speak the truth, “Nothing. No one knew where they were going to go when everyone left here.” My words were chosen carefully to be the truth, yet not imply myself in one of the ones that was meant to escape. There was no way I needed to be in deeper shit with the headmaster.

  “This also is the truth,” she stated. The headmaster shifted behind me, and I could tell his irritation was growing as she asked the next question. “Who made the decision to escape that day instead of waiting?”

  Oh, that one must have really been grating on the warden, I grinned inwardly as that same pressure squeezed my chest. “To be fair, I believe it was really a group decision, one that was initiated by Jaxon.”

  “She speaks the truth,” she stated in that creepy monotone voice of hers. “Lastly, do you know of any others that may be aware of how they escaped, or where they are going?”

  “No one,” I replied honestly again. Jet was part of the plan, but he had no idea how they actually escaped or where they were going, just as much as I didn’t.

  “This is also the truth,” she declared. Behind me Frost started muttering under his breath. I couldn’t make out what he was saying, though I knew whatever it was he was pissed. Good, he shouldn’t be such a piece of shit.

  The veritician’s eyes slowly returned to their normal state, though she stared at me curiously, unblinking as before. “There is nothing more to learn from her, Jack Frost. Una of the Seven Seas tells you the truth in all of these matters,” she told him, never breaking eye contact with me.

  He stomped forward. “She has to know more,” he bellowed. “Get it out of her, now!”

  Slowly she turned to him, a sneer crossing her face, “I do not speak any mistruth, Frost. You would do well to remember that,” she met his gaze steadily, refusing to back down from him.

  He glared at her for a moment before backing down and walking around her out of the door, slamming it shut behind him.

  “Well, that went just peachy,” I looked back at her.

  She spun and faced me before taking a single step forward and gripping my wrist tight, “How?” she asked.

  “I- I don’t know what you're talking about,” her nails dug into my wrist and my heart started racing.

  “How, Una?” she repeated urgently.

  “How what?” I exclaimed, more than a little freaked out by her sudden urgent demeanor and intensity. She had been weird before, but now she was just downright creeping me the fuck out.

  “The pixie,” her eyes met mine and I knew somehow she knew of my time with Shay.

  “She just showed up. I swear I don’t know where she is,” I wasn’t about to tell her about my conversation with her if it wasn’t asked.

  She took me by my shoulders and shook me, “How, how did she just show up? How?”

  Unease crept in. I knew where Shay had come from and had no idea if this woman was after her for the same reasons the drug dudes were, or something worse. “I don’t know that. One minute she was there, and the next she wasn’t. I honestly have no clue how.”

  The door opened again at our backs and Craig stepped in, “Come on, we’re returning you to general housing.”

  Slowly the veritician stood and her eyes met mine, dark but not brimming with power as it had before. “Protect her,” she stated before turning and leaving the room, Craig scurrying to get out of her way.

  I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding and looked at Craig, “Home, sweet, home,” I grinned as he rolled his eyes at me.

  Chapter 6 - Una

  Craiggy pooh led us down a series of corridors and I marked these in my memory, too. We exited in the Shadow Isle lobby, a place I hadn’t seen since I first arrived about a year ago. I had forgotten how beautiful it was despite the barrenness of it. He handed me off to another guard and gave him instructions to return me because he had to go take care of other business.

  For a moment, I wondered what the other business was, but decided I was better off not knowing. The new nameless guard led me back to the general population wing and left me at the bottom of the stairs that led to my room. “Thanks handsome. I appreciate you being such a fun tour guide,” I winked at him before sashaying to my cell before he could respond.

  I stood outside the door for a moment, taking a deep breath as the tears pooled in my eyes. I missed Eva already and had no idea how long it would be until we saw each other again. Her sweet innocence grew on me so quickly and without her here it just felt empty. Not only could I picture her, but I could also hear her laughter in my mind.

  Shaking myself out of my funk, I crossed the room and pulled out a clean uniform. My mood wasn’t the only thing that was funky and I needed a shower and then some dick. I saw it was close to dinner and I was sure just being released was not an excuse to miss check-in. Hell, knowing them, they would use the opportunity to toss my ass back down there. And there was no way that was happening.

  The cold water washed over me and I groaned as I watched all the dirt and grime from my days in the caves run down the drain. Reaching for the shampoo, I heard the familiar voices of the two bitches entering the showers. I turned around and glared at them as I lathered my hair.

  “It smells like fish in here,” Carmen sneered at me with her arm slung over Alayna’s shoulder.

  “Fuck off harpy,” I responded in a bored tone as I started to rinse the soap out of my hair.

  “Aw, don’t be too hard on her Carmen, the fish is upset that my dear sister left her behind.” Alayna chuckled. “She was always a selfish bitch like that. I guess she really wasn’t your friend and didn’t like you that much after all. I mean she did leave you behind,” Alayna tried to prod me, but I wasn’t going to rise to her bait.

  I didn’t respond and continued to wash in silence, scrubbing away the days of dirt so that I was nice and clean for my reunion with Jet. I figured if I ignored them they would eventually go away. I should’ve known better. Alayna was just like Carmen, both of them had an equal need for attention, and I wasn’t giving her what she wanted as she cackled even louder. “I scared my sister so bad that she had to high tail it out of here. That ice freak knows she was never strong enough to beat me.”

  Normally, I wouldn’t let the bullshit get to me, but I was not tolerating her crap, not as far as my BFF was concerned. I was one of the few that had witnessed what actually happened, and I would be damned if I was going to let this two-bit patsy use it to her benefit.

  I spun to face her, “Look Pesty Pollyanna, you may think because everyone else lost their memory of the events that you can somehow claim victory, but that’s not going to happen. Eva kicked your ass and I was lucky enough to see it. You are nothing compared to her and you looked like a dim light bulb next to the bolt of lightning that Eva was. You keep spreading your lies and I will make sure that every single person knows the truth of how she knocked your ass out without even trying.” After my rant, I turned my back to her, still keeping my senses strong and alert in case she made a move.

  The distinct crackle of her magic reached me, even through the spray of the shower, and I grinned broadly as I turned around. I held my hands out and pulled water from the spray as I created a funnel of water. I coaxed it larger, making sure she understood what she was messing with. Carmen’s mouth dropped open at the sight having never seen any of my powers before. “I don’t suppose you’ve taken science lessons before?” I cackled. “You know what happens when water meets electricity?”

  “You bitch! I’m going to fry your ass for daring to threaten me,” Alayna stomped her foot on the ground as she still held the s
wirling ball in her hand.

  I shook my head dramatically and tsk’d, “I lived with electric eels. You’re only going to hurt yourself if you try.”

  Carmen placed her hand on Alayna’s shoulder, “Come on. She’s not worth it. Besides, I think knowing her best friend betrayed her and didn’t take her with them is punishment enough.” Alayna let her ball disappear with a small pop and glared at me before turning around and stomping off without another word. I didn't know if it was over or not, but I sure as hell would be watching my back.

  I let the water return to the spray, happy to enjoy the last few minutes of silence before I got to see my man. I cleaned all my parts extra well because damn straight this man would be licking me everywhere. I couldn't wait to get dinner over with and get to our room. I just hoped it still remained a secret. The last thing we needed was for one of us to be tossed back downstairs again.

  I had only a few minutes to get dressed and to the check-in before Henry would refuse to check me in. Drying off quickly and throwing my clothes on, I was still buttoning my shirt as I left the showers. The creepy guard eyed me slimily as he offered his assistance. I gave him a dirty look and made my way to the cafeteria. He acted as if the past few days had never happened and everything was right back the way they were. As if Eva had never been here.

  I glanced at the clock in the cafeteria and realized I hadn’t timed it right. I was officially late. I dashed up to the counter where Henry stood and knew I was fucked by the way he was glowering at me. I was surprised when he called out gruffly, “Number.”

  I rattled off my number as I gave him a look of appreciation, which he returned by winking at me. Henry the ballbreaker had not only let me slide, but also winked at me. What the hell was happening in this place? Maybe because Frost had erased the memories of so many people, he couldn’t get it exactly right. I pushed the thoughts from my mind as I piled food on my plate, not caring what was there as I was excited to see Jet.

  Rushing to the table, I had a moment of sadness at how empty it was without Blade, Calex, and Eva there. Jet had his back to me, his head down as he seemed to be pushing the food around on his tray. His blond hair seemed longer and I couldn’t wait to run my fingers through it.

  I threw my tray down, making him jump, and then wrapped my arms around his neck from behind. I kissed his cheek, his normal smooth skin now unshaven, the hair slightly darker than what was on his head and it tickled my face. “Miss me?” I questioned as he seemed stunned, unable to move or speak.

  Finally, he snapped out of it and spun around, practically knocking me over as he jumped up and yanked me into his arms. “Fuck, Una. I’ve missed you so much.” He showed me just how much he missed me as his lips crashed against mine and he dipped me as he devoured my mouth. I barely heard the hoots and hollers of the other prisoners as I got lost in our kiss.

  I missed the salty taste of him, the taste of the sea and the wild flavor of the seaweed. He reminded me of home, and I knew that my heart would always be with him. No matter if we ever made it back to the waters or not, he was my home now.

  One of the guards, who was normally a lazy asshole that let anyone do what they wanted told us to break it up. I guess the rules were going to be enforced after the cafeteria incident. I’m sure Headmaster Frost would be keeping a tight ship from now on.

  Jet brought me back up and pulled out a chair for me. I swear I saw a tear in his dark azure eyes, but he quickly blinked it away. “Let’s eat and get out of here,” he demanded, his voice taking on a sudden alpha manner that I wasn’t used to from him. I admit it made my panties damp. Or maybe that was just the thought of feeling his dick slamming into me.

  Either way, I didn’t argue and started shoveling food in my mouth, barely chewing as I wanted to not only fuck my man, but also find out what the hell I had missed. “You better be eating too, Jet. You’re going to need all the strength for this pussy,” I slurred out around my mouth full of food.

  “Maybe I’m saving room,” he smirked as he started eating. We both ate ravenously, not caring that the food was unusually shitty today.

  It took us less than five minutes before we were done and getting up to put our trays away. Two guards at the door stepped in front of us, their hands on the tasers on their hips. “No one leaves until it’s time,” the little chubby one said.

  Jet rolled his eyes, “Really? It’s only two minutes early.”

  “Those are the rules. No exceptions. You got a problem with it I can take you to the headmaster,” the tall burly one growled.

  I looked at Jet, astonished by the new rule. “What the fuck did I miss? I couldn't have been down there that long.”

  He gave me a quick shake of his head, a sign that I should let it go. I snapped my mouth shut from the retort I had and stood there tapping my foot. If there were going to be new rules, I was going to make these pricks suffer along with me. Did they not understand how much I needed to have my brains fucked out? I added a few annoying heavy sighs as I tapped my foot, hoping me being annoying would make them let us leave. They only stood there glaring at me, though. I knew waiting impatiently wasn’t against any rules, so they could just fuck off.

  Finally, they stepped to the side and let us through. We power walked to the door that we weren’t supposed to go through and looked around to make sure the coast was clear before I pushed it open and ran down the long hallway.

  Jet was right on my heels and reached over my head to depress the rock when we reached the secret room. He knew it usually took me a few tries, and we were both desperate to have each other. He was just as horny as I was and as the door slid open, he pulled me in by the collar, pushing me up against the wall that held the button to close the door. He kissed me deeply and I heard his hand slap against the rock as the door slid shut.

  His fingers fisted in my hair and I moaned into his mouth as he slid his tongue against mine. I ripped his shirt open and the buttons clattered to the floor as I pushed it back, needing to feel his body. He tore my shirt off and dropped it on the floor.

  Pulling back from my mouth, he looked at me, his eyes roaming down to my breasts that were still covered. He pressed his lips to the rounded tops as he slid the straps down my shoulders. I unhooked the back and let it slip down to the floor. Kissing his way further, he licked around my nipples, sending tingles over my skin, but still not giving me what I craved. I arched my back and he still teased me as he kissed down my stomach.

  His fingers hooked in my skirt and he tugged at the plaid material, taking my granny panties with it. I was left in nothing but my knee high socks and shoes. “You are so sexy,” he growled before pushing between my thighs and devouring my pussy like a man possessed.

  “Fuck Jet,” I moaned, “I missed that tongue almost as much as I missed your big dick.” He chuckled into my pussy as he slid his fingers inside me and the sensations made my knees weak. I leaned into him and trembled as an orgasm washed through me. I cried out as I gripped his head and he held me steady by the hips.

  I leaned against the wall breathing heavily as he quickly ripped off the rest of his clothes. He scooped me up in his arms and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He didn’t wait, piercing me with his huge cock and slamming deep inside me. It hurt so damn good and I found myself quickly falling over that edge of bliss again.

  I ran my hands over Jet’s gills, and he grunted at the touch, his gills almost as sensitive as his shaft. My back scraped against the stone but the bliss I felt negated the pain, in fact the pain only added to my pleasure. He adjusted himself, pushing in deeper as my pussy pulsated around his cock, his bulbous head slamming against my g-spot. Every part of my body was on fire, every part so sensitive that even the slight breeze of his breath hitting my skin sent ripples of electricity straight to my core.

  Jet was breathing hard, his balls slapped against my ass as he pounded me relentlessly. He gripped me as if he was worried I would disappear again. “I love you, Una,” he growled. “Never leave me again,” he dem
anded as he fucked me harder and faster.

  “Never,” I promised. “I am yours, Jet.” My words were all that was needed to send him over the edge. He roared out as he came hard, his body jerking as he emptied every last drop into me as he pushed me over the edge that one last time and we rode the tidal wave of pleasure together.

  He pulled me from the wall and wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me so tight that I almost couldn’t breathe. His shoulders shook as he tried to keep from releasing all the pain he felt at our separation, and relief that we were back together. I didn’t complain, though. I felt the same way he did, and I held him just as tightly.

  I didn’t know how long we stayed like that, but I held him until his shoulders stopped shaking and at last, he lifted me and carried me to the makeshift couch. I straddled him, his cock already growing hard again as it pressed against my bare pussy while I rubbed his back soothingly. He finally released his death grip on me, and not that he spoke much in the first place, but he calmed down enough to talk.

  His eyes met mine and they were shining, “Please tell me what happened. Tell me that they didn’t hurt you.”

  I threw my head back and laughed, my mind still in the post-orgasmic bliss. “You’re cute, you know no one could ever hurt me. I would never let that happen. Sure, the iron stung a little, and Frost was a dickhead, but I’m fine.”

  “I know you’re strong, but I was so worried about you. We heard what he’s capable of. Hell, I almost went after Frost when he came down to give a speech of how there would no longer be any flexibility on the rules, that it was for our own good and all that bullshit. Beck had to hold me back,” he admitted, surprising me that he hung around the water fae in my absence. And what a happy surprise.

  “Beck? When did you two get chummy?” I questioned teasingly. Really, I was dying to know since he was one of the men I was hoping to get to know better.


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