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Page 8

by Everly Taylor

  I expected an argument, but she just nodded her head and said, “Good. I’ll see you both later then. We’ll meet up in the normal spot.”

  Beck and I agreed, and she gave me a small peck on the lips before walking off. I watched the sway of her hips and felt myself getting hard as a rock.

  Beck whistled, “Damn, she is hot.”

  “Yeah she is,” I answered as I tapped down my jealousy. I really needed to get past it and move on, especially if I didn’t want to lose Una.

  After dinner, we left for our free time and took our time going to our hideout, making sure no one was watching or following us. As we walked, I was nervous about what Una had to say about the new teacher. I knew her, and something was up with him holding her back after class. I had been such an asshole all day, never considering how she must have felt after having to face him alone. Whatever he had said to her had her upset, and instead of comforting her I let jealousy take over. I had been a shit boyfriend and I would be damned if I didn’t spend every single day making it up to her.

  We made sure the way was clear and passed through the door, quickly entering the room. It only took me a second to spot her sitting on one of the couches with tears in her eyes and a letter in her hand. I rushed over to comfort her and find out what the hell was going on.

  “It’s a letter from Eva,” she choked out. “Chan passed it to me and offered to study with me to catch up after the end of the day. The letter says it’s from Eva and it’s in her handwriting. But I don’t know. Can I really trust that this isn’t a way for Frost to get to her through me?”

  “I wish I had an answer for you,” I sighed. “What does it say? Maybe that will make it more clear.”

  Una read it out loud to Beck and me. Eva said she was so sorry for leaving Una behind and she would honor her promise to come back. She was currently working on training so that she could come back stronger and defeat Frost once and for all.

  The new teacher, Chan, according to Eva, was a dragon shifter that had volunteered to be an insider. He would pass notes between Una and Eva so they could plan our escape. She was going to make sure to get us to safety. She explained that the dragons outside the castle were all shifters that had been enslaved and Chan was determined to find a way to free his brethren.

  Eva went on to say that they had found a place that was perfect, aside from the cold, and safe. She didn’t give any details about the location, just sharing that there was plenty of room and Frost would never be able to reach any of us there.

  I supposed she would have been worried about the headmaster getting ahold of the letter and seemed to speak in light codes.

  “It sounds like it could be from her. I mean, there’s nothing really that screams a set up to me,” I mused out loud.

  Una huffed out a breath, “But it also doesn’t sound like it is from her. It’s so vague that it could be the headmaster’s doing. I mean, we know nothing of this Chan guy. I didn’t even know dragon shifters were a thing.”

  Beck spoke up, “I remember there were stories of them when I was a child, but I thought they were just stories. I don’t see why a dragon would stay here and deal with all the torture if they could shift into humans. I don’t know what to believe.”

  Una agreed, “Right! I mean, why would they deal with being enslaved or all the torture when they could just fry everyone’s asses with their flames or eat them? I’m sure Frost tastes like shit, but the other guards are pretty fat and I’m sure tasty.”

  I knew this was supposed to be a serious conversation, but Una’s crassness made me laugh so hard that I doubled over. Beck tried to hold back, but soon he was laughing right along with me. “I - can’t - breathe.” I got out in between guffaws.

  Finally, we both managed to collect ourselves only to find Una shooting daggers at us. “If you two have had enough, I think we need to figure this the fuck out. And we still need to talk about all the other shit going on. Like how the hell are we going to save Shay?”

  “Shay?” I questioned as I tried to recall who that was.

  She threw her hands up in the air, “Men! You all don’t ever listen when I’m talking? I know I have great tits, but at least try to listen to what I say. The pixie that someone bought and is keeping in the caves. She popped into my cell last night.”

  “Oh, that Shay. I don’t think you said her name before,” I tried to justify my own mess up. “Wait, how did she get in your room?”

  “I don’t know. She said she was thinking about me and she sneezed, and poof she was there,” Una made a gesture with her hands, shaking them in the air to punctuate her description. “And on top of that, she recognized the veritician that questioned me and told me to take care of Shay. It’s just another layer of intrigue in this whole mess.” She slumped on my shoulder as if all the energy was sucked out of her.

  I rubbed her back soothingly, “We will figure this out. We need to find a way into Sebastian’s office without that Chan guy finding out. I still don’t completely trust him. Just because he gave you a letter that says it's from Eva doesn’t mean it actually is.” I looked to Beck for help. It was hard for me to admit that I had no idea how to pull this all off. I was just a lowly son of a sea monster and had very few skills that could be used on land. We weren’t connected to the sea, so my ability to control sea dwellers wasn’t helpful at all. I had a few other things I could do, like controlling the water, but it was insignificant compared to Beck and Una’s abilities.

  “I think we can pull this off. If you took him up on his offer to study, Jet and I could break into the office while you kept him busy. I know I can use my water to flip the lock and open the door. Jet and I can work together to get the paperwork we need out of there. I know a few ways to get around the guards, so I don’t think we will get caught.”

  “You don’t think,” Una asked incredulously. “I need a little more guarantee than that. I can’t have you two risking your freedom for this.”

  Beck shrugged, “It’s not like we have much freedom now. I’m willing to take the risk. Jaxon owed me a favor and showed me all the back tunnels to get to the offices while he was here. I’m pretty sure I can figure it out. At least his office isn’t by the headmaster’s. I promise I’ll keep Jet safe and take the fall if need be.”

  I was touched by the way he wanted to make sure Una didn’t worry by reassuring her we could stay together. Willing to risk being sent to solitary was honorable and I felt my unease towards him lessen. So much so that I wanted to give them a chance to get to know each other. See if they clicked enough for him to be a part of our family. This man that I once couldn’t stand had now become someone that was almost like the brother I never had.

  “I’m in,” I stated firmly, sounding surer than I felt.

  “Okay, but your asses better come back to me in one piece. If you get caught, I will march my ass down there so I can kick them myself.” Una had her fight back, and it was priceless to see. This fiery woman was the one I had fallen in love with.

  I got up and stretched, yawning as I said, “Well, it’s been one hell of a day. I didn’t sleep much last night, so I’m off to bed. Why don’t you two stay and get to know each other.” I leaned down and cupped Una’s face, “Be good and be safe.”

  “I definitely will. I don’t think my pussy can take another round of solitary. It was screaming at me to get some dick and my hand was just not cutting it.” Her eyes sparkled mischievously.

  Roughly, I pressed my lips against hers and sucked in her bottom lip as I coaxed her to open her mouth for me. Our tongues tangled as I kissed her passionately. She moaned into my mouth and I felt myself getting hard. I had to break it off before I took her right there and defeated the purpose of my leaving. I could see Beck out of the corner of my eye, and he looked like he enjoyed our show. Fuck, that turned me on even more to think about him watching me fuck Una right where she sat.

  I pictured her silky body sandwiched between the two of us as we fucked her. I could hear her screams of ple
asure in my mind and damn I wanted it. I mentally slapped myself out of my fantasy. I could go back to my cell and tug one out because for my new desire to become a reality, I needed to give Una and Beck some time alone.

  I left the two of them, my dick rock hard as I closed them in together and hoped for the best.

  Chapter 9 - Beck

  Jet left us alone and I shifted nervously in my seat. I hadn’t spent any time with just Una before and her beauty had me tongue tied. If I were honest with myself, she was a little intimidating with how confident she was. I put on a good show but I was not even close to what I portrayed. I was happy when she was the one to start the conversation.

  “So, Beck, tell me about yourself. How did you manage to get sent to this hellhole?” she asked as she relaxed back in her seat.

  I hesitated, unsure if I wanted to tell her the story or not. I didn’t want her to think bad of me before we even got the chance to get to know each other.

  “That bad?” she asked. She probably saw the hesitation and sadness that washed over me.

  “Yeah, and I don’t want you to think any less of me,” I replied.

  “We’ve all got our pasts. You seem like a decent enough guy. Whatever you did, your past doesn’t define who you are now.” Gone was her normal sass, replaced by understanding that made me like her even more. “If you don’t want to share, it really is okay.”

  I scrubbed my hands over my face, “I suppose I should get it out of the way before you decide if you want something to happen between us. I was just a dumb fuck teen that was showing off for a girl. I didn’t realize the strength of my power back then. I didn’t have any control like I do now, but I thought I did.”

  As I thought back to that day, I was filled with self-loathing. I may be stuck here, but at least I’m alive. I can’t say that much for my best friend. My voice hitched as I continued, “Both me and my best friend were fighting over this girl. We were trying to impress her, each trying to outdo the other. I- I went a bit too far, pushed too much power into my funnel of water. It turned into a massive waterspout, bigger than any I’d ever seen before, and I lost control of it. I tried so hard to stop it, but I couldn’t.”

  A tear slid down my cheek as I thought of how horrified I was as it barreled towards my friend and the girl we had fought over. A girl we could have shared as was the way of our people if we had not let pride get in our way. It was stupid of us to have been doing what we were doing.

  Una put her hand over mine and rubbed it comfortingly. That gesture gave me the courage to go on. “I used every bit of strength I had as it headed for my friend and the girl. The harder I tried though, the stronger the funnel grew, but I knew I couldn't stop trying. I had created it and I needed to end it. Finally, I collapsed on my knees and blackness coated my vision as I still tried to save them. I watched hazily as they ran and the funnel scooped them up. I passed out right after that.”

  Tears were now falling freely as I recalled the worst day of my life. “When I woke up, I was in a cage in the middle of our beachside village, right in front of the elders’ seats. There was a crowd behind me yelling that I was a killer. The parents of my friend and the girl were standing off to the side with my own parents. They wouldn’t look at me, but I could see the heartbreak on all of their faces, and I knew what I had done. The elders started the trial right away and that was when I found out exactly what happened after I passed out.”

  I sobbed and Una rubbed my shoulder, “You don’t have to go on if you can’t, Beck.”

  “No, I want to tell you. I want no secrets between us. And honestly, I’ve held this in for so long that I need to let it out. Let you see all of me, even the broken parts.” I looked her in the eyes as I said that and was met with understanding in her own. “Being water fae themselves, they didn’t drown. Instead, they were thrown from the funnel and their broken bodies found yards away. My friend, Chriseth, died from a broken neck, his body mangled as most of his bones were broken. Lily, the girl, she landed on a tree and was skewered by a thick branch. They found her hanging from that tree, the branch piercing her heart.”

  My hands shook as I relayed the story that I hadn’t told anyone in all my time here. “I couldn’t defend myself at all. There was nothing for me to say that would make them come back and I took full blame for what happened. The people of the village wanted my death, but Lily and Chriseth’s parents begged the elders to show me mercy. I should have been thankful, but it only made me feel worse that they stood up for me, even after I had taken their children from them. I begged them to strip me of my powers, but they wouldn’t. They said that I had the power to give life and the power to take it away and I would have to figure out which one I wanted to do. I was sent here because my parents asked for that. Though the elders had known it wasn’t done on purpose, my parents wanted nothing to do with me. I brought them nothing but shame and they disowned me.”

  “It was an accident, Beck,” Una comforted me. “We are all given these strong powers, but we aren’t always taught how to use them the right way. Plus, you were a teenager. Fuck, so many of us do stupid things when we are young. You didn’t do it on purpose.”

  “You sound like Sebastian,” I told her. She looked at me perplexed and I went on to explain, “He was the one that picked me up. He said those same exact words to me. He also helped me to learn to control my powers. I still get a little hotheaded, but I can control it now. That’s why I want to help. I know that finding the dust was so important to him and it’s the least I can do to repay him for making me a better man. And maybe, just maybe, I can find some peace if I’m doing something good. I can’t bring them back but I can honor their memory by doing something good.”

  “Sebastian was the one person in this prison that gave a shit. I miss him almost as much as I miss Eva,” she admitted. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears and I had the urge to comfort her as she had with me.

  I opened my arms inviting her to me and she didn’t hesitate to fall into me. Our arms wrapped around each other and we sat there for a long time, both of us lost in our own thoughts. It felt good to hold another person, something I had denied myself for years. The last woman I touched was Lily and that was years ago.

  The scent of salt water mixed with a sweetness I couldn’t place reached me as I held her. Una was beautiful in every way. Not just her looks but also her caring soul that was hidden under the attitude she showed to everyone else. I was happy that we had this time alone for me to get to know her on a deeper level.

  She looked up at me, her dark eyes seemed to see into my soul and stirred something deep inside me. Those eyes were ones I could get lost in forever and never complain. With her curvy body pressed up against mine and her looking at me as if I were worthy, a need to show her how wonderful she was washed over me.

  My gaze dipped to her lips and she ran her tongue across them. I’m sure she could feel my cock hardening against her round ass. I felt pulled to her, like a magnet as I closed the distance between us. She never pulled away and she met me, our lips crashing together in desperation and wanting. Her lips were soft and full, and I couldn’t help but wonder if her pussy was as delectable as her mouth.

  We devoured each other, tongues tangling in a dance making me think of how good my cock would feel inside her mouth. I groaned as she shifted her body to straddle me, never breaking our kiss. The passion this woman possessed was more than I could bear, and I had to pull away.

  She whimpered and I sucked in her bottom lip as I grasped her hips tightly, stopping her from grinding on me. “Una,” I breathed heavily. “I can’t stop myself if we keep going.”

  She grinned at me saucily, “What if I don’t want to stop?”

  I threw my head back and groaned. This woman was going to kill me. “I want to take it slow with you. I think Jet’s having a hard time sharing and needs some time to accept this.” It killed me to stop, seeing the desire in her eyes as my cock screamed at me how much of an asshole my conscience was.

  She huffed, “He doesn’t own me, let me make that perfectly clear. I will do what I want, when I want. But I respect you more for thinking about him. Even though I really want to see if that dick is as big as it feels against my ass.”

  I laughed at her crassness, one of the many things that attracted me to her. “Una, when we finally fuck, it’s going to be on my terms. I have certain fantasies that I want to experience with you.”

  She winked at me, “Oh, sweetie, I can handle any kind of desires that you have.”

  All the blood rushed to my dick at her statement and I was at a loss for words. I could picture her under my control, her sweet pussy spread out for me, having my way with her in every way I had imagined that I wanted a partner to be. I thought she might just be the perfect woman for it and it would be fun to see if Una would be willing to give up that control and let me please her in all the ways I wanted to.

  Chapter 10 - Una

  I left our secret room, my head reeling and my emotions all over the place. My time alone with Beck had left me hot and bothered, desperately needing a release, and that only put me on edge even more. His choice to wait, give Jet time to adjust to the idea of sharing me with someone else, only made me like him and want him even more. As I slipped back out into the hall, my lady bits were throbbing, and I was glad I would have my room to myself tonight for once. I didn’t know if Shay would pop in or not, but shit, she could just pop back out if she saw me with my hands full.

  Guards stood stationed in the hall, watching me carefully and I noticed that more time had passed than I thought. Fuckers were probably waiting for a reason to report me to Frost. I hoped Beck got out of there soon so he didn’t end up in trouble for being late back to his cell.

  I still had no idea what to make of the note from Eva, if it even was from her. I wanted more than anything to believe she had found a way for us to message one another and plan our escape. But when something seemed too good to be true, it usually was. That seemed to be the story of my life. Some might say I was jaded but I was just realistic.


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