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Page 12

by Everly Taylor

  I took a tentative step closer and lifted my hand to his cheek as I examined his face while I tried to discern if he was telling the truth. He seemed to know what I searched for as he remained motionless and as I looked deep into his eyes I saw the dragon that I had become so fond of.

  Cronan leaned into my hand just as the dragon had done and I jumped in surprise. Behind me, Blade growled and he shifted, the ice crunching beneath his feet. I raised my hand to stop him, let him know I was okay as Cronan turned and sniffed my hand. It was familiar and left no doubt in my mind that this was my beautiful black dragon. “It is you!” I beamed at the men as I dropped my hand. I had no clue dragon shifters existed in real life, but there was no denying it now that they were right before us. “Come in and let’s talk about where we go from here,” I offered. “I think it’s a good time for me to take a break and get some food anyways.”

  They all agreed, and we made our way back through the courtyard, this time on foot. Sebastian stopped at one of the outdoor fire pits we had fixed and pulled some meat off the flame from something Blade had caught earlier that morning and brought it in with us.

  It was a different life here, that much was for sure. We had none of the amenities we were all used to. Even the prison food had been prepared and served to us. Here though, we had to prep and cook everything ourselves, and as strange as it was, I still loved the freedom I had for the first time in my life. It also helped that Sebastian was an amazing cook and could turn anything into something edible that tantalized my tongue.

  Jaxon was the one that treated me like royalty the most and insisted on serving me every night. Sometimes it was annoying, but I appreciated the gesture. He always reminded me that he worked me hard each day and it was the least he could do for all he put me through. While he sure as hell did put me through the ringer everyday, it was still weird to have anyone, let alone him, serve me.

  Once we were all settled, I looked at the newcomers, the questions blurting out of my mouth before I could stop them. “So, can you still change back into dragons? What are your plans now that you're free? Damn I knew there was something more to you, something different and I feel horrible I didn’t know.” I covered my mouth with my hand realizing that it was probably rude as hell to ask questions like that. They might be shifters, but they were still dragons and it wouldn’t be smart to piss them off.

  Cronan chuckled, a sound that was rumbling and sounded a lot like his purr when I used to pet him. “We know you want to go back and save your friend and we’d like to help. Chan would also like to free the other dragons. Most of all, we would like to see the master of that castle burn for what he has done.”

  “Personally, I think he would be tastier a little charred,” Chan teased.

  We all laughed at his statement and I could see the guys finally relaxing around our new friends. They were a little more attentive to me, seeming to stake their claim, but they had nothing to worry about. Men, I thought to myself as I internally rolled my eyes. I had no interest in the new arrivals, at least not in any way that went anything beyond friendship. I certainly didn’t need any more men to please.

  “I wish I could get word to Una,” I mused out loud. “Are you able to communicate with your brethren?” I asked, remembering how Sebastian had spoken to them somehow back at Shadow Isle.

  “We have both been trying, but it seems we are blocked from communication with them now. It’s very hard to not hear them in my head anymore,” Chan responded sadly. “As far as getting word to Una, I wonder if there is a way for one of us to get into the school.”

  Sebastian met my eyes before he spoke, “It would be dangerous, but you could pose as an instructor or a guard. I have a few tricks up my sleeve that could make it happen and Frost would be none the wiser. But, if you get caught, he will make your enslavement look like a picnic.” His voice was grave and I knew he didn’t want the dragons to suffer anymore than they already had. This was ultimately going to be their choice. I could never ask them to risk themselves, even for my friends.

  “I’ll do it,” Chan replied without hesitation. “Cronan can stay here and act as our go between since he can fly faster than the demon,” he nodded his head at Calex who looked as if he wanted to challenge him for his statement. Before Calex could say anything though, Chan continued. “Is there anyone you can trust to get letters in and out to him?”

  Sebastian thought for a bit, tapping his chin. “There aren't many that I trust in Shadow Isle. But I do know of one person that would be perfect to get letters in and out since he does leave each night. Most of the staff live there, but he has a family that he goes home to. It would be far enough away that no one would have to take a chance at getting caught at the school.”

  My brows drew together as I thought about the people I had come in contact with during my short time there. No one stood out to me as willing to help us, or being trustworthy to the extent that we would need them. They were all assholes or lazy to be honest. Sebastian would know more than me though and I trusted his judgement. “Who?”


  Chapter 14 – Una

  It was a good thing I had big tits that I could use as a distraction because I was able to hide the files that Chan gave us in my nasty granny panties. The outline of the folder was clear against my shirt, but I undid the top buttons a bit more so the guards would focus on my cleavage and not notice anything beyond that. It definitely worked as I walked down the hallway and they leered at me, greedily eyeing my cleavage like the scums they were.

  I was relieved when I made it to the empty hallway that led to our hideaway. I had enough of wanting to punch every single creepy mother fucker that stared at my tits and that was not the kind of attention we needed at the moment.

  I made it to the door without incident and searched for that damn stone. “Why can I never find it?” I muttered under my breath just as I felt a warm body press behind mine.

  “I don’t understand that either,” Beck breathed in my ear as he reached up and pushed the correct rock. “You are amazing with everything you do except remembering where the switch is,” he chuckled, sending shivers down my spine.

  It was hard to pull myself away from him, but I wanted to find out what was in Sebastian’s files. I strolled through the door and pulled the files out of my skirt, showing off my toned stomach in the process. I heard Beck’s sharp intake of breath and smiled to myself. That’s right, he could lust over me like I had for him for so long.

  I set it down on the coffee table I had made of crates and sat down in front of it. “Shouldn’t Jet be here by now?” I questioned, worry filling me with his delayed arrival.

  “He decided to question a few people he knows. See if he could find any information while we look through these,” he gestured to the papers. “I think he’s a little embarrassed about his lack of reading skills.”

  I huffed, “That man! Like I would tease him about something like that. It is smart to get any information we can in the meantime though.” I tried to hide my disappointment of Jet not being around to scratch the itch I had, especially with all this time around Beck. He was so fucking sexy and being denied was making me want him even more.

  I noticed every single flex of his muscles as he rolled up his sleeves and started on the pile. I grew wet as I thought about how much I’d like to feel his strong hands against my pussy or gripping my ass. Oh, hell, all of the above and more.

  Beck looked at me and raised a brow. I was busted so in true mature fashion, I blurted out, “What?”

  “If you’re done staring at me like I’m a clam you want to eat, could you tell me how you want to do this.” His smirk was irritating and sexy at the same time.

  “I was just thinking of the best way to do it and was concentrating on my ideas,” I lied. Though it wasn’t exactly a lie, I had been thinking about the best way to do it, just with him, not the papers.

  He chuckled sexily, “Sure you were.”

  I ignored that he knew and chang
ed the subject, “I think we should just start from the top and work our way down, writing down anything relevant. Maybe get a timeline going. I know Sebastian has record keeping in his veins so it should all be in order.”

  We started at the top and discussed anything that stuck out or seemed like it had anything that might lead us to who had brought Shay here. Beck wrote what we found on a timeline, which was really a great idea. Sebastian mentioned speaking to a guard, one that had known the asshole that blew dust in Eva’s face. He used a truth serum on him, but the guy didn’t know much. Only that it had come from someone that had the privilege of leaving.

  “There aren’t many that are able to leave this place,” I mused. “The transport guy, the one that used to drive Sebastian, and Henry are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.”

  “Let’s see if we can find anything about those two,” Beck decided as he flipped through the papers to find mention of either of them, taking care to keep them in order.

  “Wait,” I said, spotting Henry’s name on one of them as Beck flipped through. I reached across the table as he handed it to me. Taking it, I read over the information carefully. “You know, I would have thought Henry for sure by the way he’s been acting towards me, but it seems that Sebastian cleared him.”

  Beck took it from me and read out loud, “Henry is harmless, and I have crossed his name off my list. Though he’s not as enamored with Frost as the rest of the employees, he still follows his orders. He is determined to be neutral at this point. His only desires are to take care of his family that he goes home to every night and to follow the rules of his job. Unlike most Shadow Isle employees, he does not harbor any thirst for power or hold malice toward the students here. Trustworthy.”

  “Well, that certainly is surprising. He is a stickler for the rules and I always thought it was a power trip,” I shrugged. On the one hand, it was a relief that Henry’s change towards me wasn’t Frost’s doing, but on the other, it made me wonder even more why he had that change.

  “Yeah, I’m surprised too. Sebastian is never wrong about these things though,” Beck agreed. “Let’s look for the guy he was doing transport with. Do you remember his name?”

  I thought about it for a while and it was on the tip of my tongue. “It started with a D maybe? I can’t believe I don’t remember the asshole that drove me here. Maybe we will come across it in his notes. Plus, there has to be other people that leave. We are forgetting about Frost too. He comes and goes as he pleases. I’m sure anyone close to him does, too.”

  “Like his captain of the guards?” Beck questioned.

  I jumped up, “Craiggy pooh!” I shouted. I couldn’t believe I forgot about that fucker. He was just scummy enough that it wouldn’t surprise me at all if it were him.

  “Craiggy pooh?” Beck asked with a raised brow and stifling his laughter. “You really have interesting names for people. Do I even want to ask what mine is?”

  I shrugged, “I haven’t come up with a name for you yet. You need to earn one.”

  “Oh really?” his voice became low and had that fuck me sound to it. “If only we didn’t need to wait for Jet to be okay with us. I’d earn that name in a heartbeat.”

  Heat flooded me and I’m pretty sure I ruined a pair of my ugly granny panties. May they rest in peace. I leaned toward him, pushing my breasts up for him to get an eyeful, “What if I don’t want to wait?” My voice became sultry and my body begged for him to say yes.

  He gulped and his voice dropped to barely a whisper, “I’d probably take you up on that.”

  Those were the words I needed to hear as I took the papers from his hand and gently set them on the table. “Don’t play with me, Beck. I’m not going back to my room all hot and bothered this time.”

  As my voice cut off, he pressed his lips against mine hard, devouring my mouth as he pulled me onto his lap. I moaned against his lips and he took the opportunity to stroke his tongue against mine. The desire that I had been harboring for him came out in full force and I straddled him and kissed him back with unrelenting fervor.

  His cock hardened beneath my ass and I wanted nothing more than to taste it. I reached for his clothes and started to rip them off, both of us eager to finally have each other as our desire took away all rational thought. I lifted up as he pulled my skirt down, taking my panties with it. Unbuttoning his pants, my breath was heavy as I pulled them down and got a good look at his huge cock. My mouth watered and I couldn’t help but fall to my knees and lick it, loving the salty taste of him.

  He hissed and bucked his hips in response as I took the tip in my mouth and swirled my tongue on his sensitive underside. “Fuck, Una.” he groaned as he fisted his hand in my hair. I took him deeper, using my hand to rub the base, teasing his dick to an even harder erection, throbbing beneath my attention.

  His grunts and groans, the way he pulled on my hair just the right way, and the taste of him was making my pussy tremble in anticipation. Gods, I needed his cock inside me before I exploded. I sucked and licked, driving him mad until he couldn’t take it anymore and pulled me off of him. “I want to save that for your pussy. You did tell me that you would be willing to try my way,” he said more as a question and I knew he was asking me for permission for whatever it was he wanted to do with me.

  I had no idea what he wanted but my body needed a release so bad that I would agree to anything at that point, “Just take me, Beck.” I watched in amazement as he grinned and put his palms up, water twisting into two small funnels that resembled ropes.

  As it grew, he directed it towards my hands and my anticipation grew as did a small amount of fear. I knew I could trust him though, so I willed myself to relax. The water swirled around my wrists, caressing me, teasing me in its own way. The coolness felt good against my heated skin and the tickle of the water flowing across me reminded me of the seas. I watched in wonder as it wrapped around my wrists and tugged them above my head. The pull of it was amazingly strong as I was lifted up onto my feet, yet it didn’t hurt at all.

  “Are you still sure?” he asked with a grin as he lifted the water higher, wrapping it around the high exposed beams that crossed the ceiling of the room. I couldn’t speak, so I nodded. He coaxed it even more, pulling my feet from the stone floor, still not hurting, but leaving me completely vulnerable. I hung naked in the middle of the room and I felt more free than I had since I came to this hellhole.

  He stopped when my breasts were even with his mouth. I hadn’t known the power of his abilities until he released the magic from his hands and it stayed where it was, holding me up. He palmed my breasts, “You have the most amazing tits, Una. I’ve wanted nothing more than to touch them for so long.” He sucked a nipple into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue. “So tasty.”

  I arched into him, my nipples so hard they were almost painful. Beck devoured my breasts with his mouth, his rough beard scratching against my skin and making me drip down my thigh as his cock pressed into me. I knew he smelled my arousal and need for him, but he continued to give my breasts so much attention. Throwing my head back I cried out, begging him to give me what I needed, “Please, Beck.”

  Water slid against my ankles, twisting around as they had my wrists. I arched my back to rub my pussy against Beck’s hard cock as I tried to pull against the water that held me, but it did no good. I let out a low moan, I wanted him inside me, wanted to feel him fill me. But if the glint in his eyes were any indication, he was enjoying toying with me, and planned to continue.

  My body grew cold as he stepped back to admire his work, rubbing his chin as he paced around me. My muscles were taut with the anticipation of not knowing what he was going to do and wanting more than anything to feel his touch. His eyes bore into me and I felt so exposed yet so safe hanging from the ceiling with my legs spread open for him.

  “Mmm, you look lovely like that,” he mused as he reached out and ran a finger across the sensitive skin at my ribs. I nearly jumped out of my skin at the electricit
y that shot through my body from that simple touch. “Do you want to continue?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I replied breathily, my voice unlike anything that had ever come out before.

  He continued to pace around me as he sent small streams of water to flick against my pebbled nipples. He stopped once he got between my spread legs and I noticed I was the perfect height for him to… “Oh Gods,” I moaned as his tongue connected with my folds and licked up to my clit.

  “You taste so sweet, Una,” he spoke around my pussy, sending vibrations through it. I was hanging on the edge and he wouldn’t let me fall over as if he knew how far he could push me before he pulled back, denying me my release.

  I begged for him to fuck me, to give me more, to keep torturing me. My mind had left and all I could do was enjoy every bit of pleasure that he gave to me. My body took over and I thrashed against my bindings as animalistic sounds escaped my lips.

  Beck seemed to love every bit of my reaction, his cock standing straight and hard as his precum dripped from the tip. “Are you ready for me to show you more of what I want, Una?” he questioned in an amused tone.

  I tried to say yes, that I was ready, but it came out as an unintelligible whimper. He twirled his hands and I let out a surprised squeak as my body was released from the beam, but before I could say anything, he had flipped me around so I was facing the floor. Water crept up my legs and wrapped around my hips before it pulled me up so I was bent over, my ass in the air. Everything was exposed to him and it was frightening, yet so amazing.

  I felt a whip of water against my ass and I jumped in surprise as I moaned at the small sting that felt so damn good. “Your pussy is glistening for me,” his voice was husky as he did it again. This time I was ready for it and I embraced the pleasure that pulsated through my body with the sting. “Do you want more, Una?”

  “Yes, Beck. I want more.” I moaned out surprised at how much I liked this side of him.


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