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Page 23

by Everly Taylor

  He thought it over for a moment, “I am getting some books from Chan tomorrow and I wanted to learn to make my magic light again, so maybe.”

  “Maybe?” I asked.

  “Who’s the parrot now?” he grinned. “I’ll help you on two conditions, Una.”

  “Which are?” I asked, willing to do almost anything to free my friend.

  “One, you take me with you when you leave,” I started to protest, but he held his hand up to stop me. “I have a kingdom to save. Surely you can understand that.”

  Fuck, he had me there. Personal feelings aside, who was I to deny getting him out of here when he was clearly no monster and only wanted to help his people. “Okay deal. And second?”

  He stood and stalked toward me, stopping right in front of my chair before leaning over. “Kiss me back,” he said huskily as he captured my mouth in his.

  I sucked in a breath, surprised he would be so bold, after seeming to be so shy, but the moment that his lips hit mine, I was lost. It was like I was caught in an undercurrent and couldn’t make it to the surface. I didn’t care if I did.

  He slid his tongue over my lips and I let out a small moan as the heady taste of him filled me. I returned his kiss as passionately, as desperately as he gave, wanting all of him. He ran his hand behind my ear, holding me as he pressed for more. I shifted, wanting to take the kiss deeper, take more from him. Instead, a loud crack sounded and I found myself falling away from him, the chair clattering to the floor beneath me as I let out a yelp of surprise.

  Adar rushed forward and scooped me up, “Are you okay?”

  Instead of answering I started laughing. More than I had laughed in days. Only I would fucking fall out of a chair while trying to have my lady bits serviced. He set me on my feet and laughed along with me, pulling me close to his chest once we had both stopped.

  I stood cradled against his chest for a few moments, listening to the sound of him breathing before I eased back. “I really should be going. It’s almost curfew.”

  “Yeah,” slowly he let me go before heading to the wall to let us out. He glanced back at me, “Una?” he waited until I looked up at him, “We aren’t done yet,” he stated before pressing the button. I put my hand to my lips, still able to taste him. He was right, we weren’t done yet.

  Chapter 28 - Una

  Adar and I parted ways before we reached the patrol area of the guards. It was better to just not risk being seen together at the moment as much as possible. I headed up to my room, my lips still tingling and the forming bruise on my ass cheek twinging. It was worth every bruise though. Who knew he could kiss like that?

  I reached my floor with plenty of time to spare before we were closed in for the night. One of the guards sneered at me as I passed him and I rolled my eyes. Dick on a power trip.

  As I passed the room next to mine I heard the laughter coming from inside and was reminded who our new neighbors were. I wondered if it had been intentional on Frost's part to move them up here, or if it was just coincidence.

  “I smell fish,” Alayana called out. I ignored her as I passed by, without risking a glance in. I really did not want to deal with them at the moment.

  I entered our room and stopped short. Ry sat on my bunk, her head in her hands as she looked down at the floor. Instantly protective, I went to her, “What happened?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know how this could even be true,” she replied in shock over whatever it was.

  “What?” I asked again.

  “A mate,” she breathed out.

  I chuckled, “That’s it? You’re freaking out over finding your mate?”

  “What do you mean, that's it? Una, my duty is to the Army, to the Emperor. Not to some man that wants to copulate.”

  I threw my head back and laughed until I had tears in my eyes, “Copulate? Oh that’s good, Ry. No one says copulate any more. Sex. It’s sex.”

  “Whatever,” she sighed as I wiped a tear from my cheek.

  “Okay, so spill,” I urged. “You can’t just drop that clamshell and leave me hanging.”

  “There is nothing really to tell, Una. I was collecting some extra credit from Professor Chan and his hand brushed against mine. It was all it took for me to know. For him to know.”

  “I bet you did get some extra credit,” I wiggled my eyebrows as I cackled.

  “It wasn’t like that. He looked at me in shock and I could tell he felt it too, a moment of static before,” she shook her head, still not believing what had happened.

  “Before what?”

  “It was like everything became clear. That he was what I had been searching for without ever knowing.”

  “And?” I shook my head, asking for more information.

  “And nothing. That was it, I fled before either of us could say anything.”

  “Oh, Ry,” I jumped forward and hugged her. Normally, I was not an affectionate person, but the moment called for it. “I really am so happy for you.”


  I released her and sat back. “Yes, happy. “It’s a beautiful magic to find your mate. Even more so to do so within these walls. Hold onto that shit and never let go.”

  “Says the girl fighting her feelings for a certain prince?” she grinned.

  “This is not about me, it’s about you,” I dismissed her statement, her words so much truer than she knew.

  The doors clanged as we were shut in for the night. Ry sighed and stood. “I need to figure out what to do about this. A professor would never want to be with the likes of me anyways.”

  “Love is a choice Ry. You don’t have to accept him, and he doesn’t have to accept you. He would be missing out on someone amazing if he turned you down though. Something tells me you will be much happier if you decide to pursue this though. You won’t know if you don’t try.”

  “Maybe,” she muttered to herself as she changed her clothes for the night.

  A pop sounded and we both turned to see Shay grinning from the middle of the room, looking surprisingly healthy. Though it was probably just because she hadn’t been dusted today. “It healed!” she laughed as she spun around to show us her wing. We both stepped forward, looking at it closely. Only a tiny hairline scar remained, and her wings fluttered as they did before.

  “I’m so happy for you,” I grinned as she turned back to face us.

  “Thank you both so much. I might have lost my wing if it hadn’t been for you two. You really are the best friends I have ever had,” she jumped forward and hugged us both. I laughed inwardly, it looked like tonight was the night for hugs.

  “You look like you’re doing well,” Ry grinned.

  “As well as someone can be down there. I couldn’t wait for curfew so I could show you guys,” Shay’s tinkling laugh was infectious. “What’s new with you two?”

  “Ry found her mate,” I said with a chuckle.

  “Oh, this is such good news!” Shay gushed. “Tell me everything,” she bounced up and down before sitting on the chair and looking up expectantly at Ry.

  “There is nothing to tell. We touched, and I ran,” she shrugged, clearly uncomfortable with the topic.

  “But you’re going back right?” Shay asked. “It’s not everyday you find your mate.” Ry smiled at the earnesty in her voice as did I.

  “I don’t know yet,” she admitted.

  “I can’t wait to find my mate. Or mates. Oh what if I have more than one?” she laughed again.

  “Your mate or mates will be very lucky to have you, however many there are,” I grinned. “I do have some other news too though. Good news, actually. We have someone to help break the spell binding you. Bad news, we still need to figure out who it is that bought you before we can lift it. We are working on it though. We should also hear from Eva in a few days about their arrival to help us escape. That gives us time to figure it out.”

  “I know you will figure it out.” she replied, astonishing me at the faith she had in me.

  “We will get you out o
f here,” I promised. “You and Ry.”

  “I don’t think I’ll be going,” Ry said after a moment.

  “What?” I asked, stunned. “Don’t you want to get out of here?”

  “Yes. More than you know. But, it’s like you said, it’s rare to find your mate. I want to see what happens with him,” she admitted, a blush creeping up her cheeks. “Plus, the strangest thing happened. I started hearing the dragons outside the castle. They are trapped and suffering. I feel like I have to stay to figure out how to help them.”

  “You can?” I questioned, shocked and elated at the same time. “That is wonderful because I know how hard it was for Chan to not be able to hear them. He is one of the ones helping us, Ry, and trying to free the dragons. You can trust him. And I totally understand wanting to be with your mate. I feel the same way with my guys. I would give anything to be with both of them.”

  “You mean all three of them?” she replied dryly.

  “The jury is still out on that one,” I laughed. “But we will see where it goes. That’s all I’m saying about that.”

  “Mmmhmm,” Ry said as she vaulted into her bunk. Damn that girl was fit. Goals right there.

  We both glanced over as Shay let out a gasp. “I have to go,” she stated before popping out before either of us could do or say anything.

  “That didn’t look good,” I murmured.

  “Shay is tougher than she looks. She will be okay. And you will figure out how to break that spell so she can get out of here and not have to deal with those shitty people anymore.”

  I slipped into bed, hoping more than ever that she was right.

  Chapter 29 – Una

  I was really happy for Ryoko and Chan, yet I would be sad to leave them behind. I knew Chan needed to figure out how to save the other dragon shifters and I could take comfort in the fact that he had Ry with him. They were kind of a cute couple, that is if they ever got around to the ‘coupling’ thing. There must be something in the water that made the professors drawn to the students. First Eva, and now Ry.

  I felt a bit awkward meeting with Chan the next morning after everything Ry told me. I tried not to blush as I entered his office, knowing what had happened and how cute it was that he might be thinking about how sexy his mate was. And he hadn’t even seen her kick ass yet. I could totally see the professor getting a hard on with those moves. Eww, I needed to wipe those thoughts away. Ry was hot and all, but I did not want to think about her with Chan.

  This time I was quiet and patient as Chan decoded the letter silently. At one point he looked up and raised an eyebrow as if he questioned my not so pushy behavior. I just smiled at him innocently and patiently waited. I didn’t count twirling my hair as impatient.

  Finally, he was done and relayed the messages to me. “They are ready to go and have the plan in place. Arrival is on the next waning crescent moon.” His tone was all business and I thought he probably needed Ry to ride his dragon with all the stress he was under.

  “Jaxon included instructions on how to use the passageways to stay hidden from the guards while you wait for them if needed. They said quick in and out. Everyone that is going needs to get there as soon as they arrive, otherwise they will risk being left behind.”

  I gulped, “I sure hope Adar can figure out that spell to break Shay’s binding before then. I can’t imagine leaving her behind to keep being used like she is.”

  “I have faith that he can do it. He is very powerful,” Chan assured me. “I almost wish he could stay to figure out how to break the bonds of my brethren with me. He doesn’t deserve to be here though. None of you do. Frost will kill him if he stays and you escape. You are the only one keeping him alive right now since his mother believes he will cave and kill you as she demanded and bring him under her thumb again.”

  I tried to ignore the panic that rose up when I thought of leaving Adar behind. Worse, the thought of him being killed. I couldn’t do it and would do everything in my power to make sure he wasn't left behind. “I’m sorry Chan. I’m sure he would be more than willing to work on it from wherever we are going. Even come back to help once he figures it out. I think he and Sebastian together would be a powerful force to be reckoned with. One capable of great things.”

  He nodded and sighed, “At least I have my ability to talk to the others again. I have missed them.” It was beyond odd to hear this formidable man admit to a weakness but I did my best to comfort him.

  “Well, at least you have a pretty little dragon to help you forget what you lost for a time,” I said with a wink. He just stared at me without blinking and I started to wiggle under his scrutiny. Those two were helpless. They were both so damn rigid and didn’t understand that a good fuck would do so much for their stress levels. “I have a secret room you can use. Ry knows where it is and Frost hasn’t found it. It’s very soundproof.”

  He rolled his eyes and waved me off. How special was I to be able to make this stoic man roll his eyes?

  “You need to go before you're late for check-in. I’ll see you in class. Preferably with this idea of what your friend and I may or may not have, out of your head.”

  I got up and said my goodbyes before I stopped in his doorway to tease him, “Not going to happen, teach. But I give you credit for trying.”

  I cackled as he shot me a look that would send anyone else running away like their ass was on fire. Not me though. I knew he would never hurt me as he was very loyal to my best friend, his queen. That was something I would have to get used to when she came for me. The hell if I was going to bow for her though.

  Nothing special happened the rest of the day, aside from Adar joining us for dinner for the first time. It was a bit weird and Ry gave me a curious glance. Beck was his normal smooth and carefree self while Jet was a bit more reserved. It was almost as if he went back to his past not talking phase. It didn’t seem as though he was jealous. He had even been okay when I had mentioned briefly Adar leaving with us. Of course we had needed to be discreet, so not much was said, but I got the impression he was good with it.

  “Does the clam have your tongue, Jet?” I asked as I bumped him in the shoulder.

  “No, I’m just planning things I have to do. Sorry, I’m not good company right now,” he replied with a sad smile.

  “Just be careful,” I warned him sternly. “I couldn’t live without my first love; your dick.”

  Ry snorted and milk shot out of her nose and landed all over Adar’s shirt. He looked down in horror at the mess that dripped to the floor. We all waited with bated breath to see what he would do. He took a napkin and started patting it dry, not that it would help. “Well, chalk that up as a first for me. I’ve never had anyone spit milk at me. I guess now I know what it’s like to be a commoner.” The harshness of his words was softened by the teasing way he said it and the broad smile that crossed his face.

  We all erupted into laughter and Jet even gave him a bro pat on the back, being careful to avoid any of the spilled milk. Adar chuckled with us as he stood up, revealing the big puddle of white wetness that stood out on his crotch. Through my laughter, I managed to speak a little as I pointed to where his pants clung to his cock revealing an impressive outline, “Why Prince Adar, I didn’t realize that milk play was your kink.”

  His face turned red as he tried to hide the very prominent wet spot, “I guess I better go change and shower before we study tonight. I’ll see you all later.”

  Beck laughed as he walked away, “That guy is starting to grow on me. He started as a pompous jerk, but now that he’s shed his royalty, he’s not so bad.”

  I had to agree. I was drawn to him more and more and I was happy that at least one of my men accepted him. “And what do you think, Jet?” I questioned.

  “I think he still has to prove himself. A few days of good behavior doesn’t mean he’s not up to no good. If he continues to be like this, then I will be fine with him. He hurts you and I will rip out his heart and feed it to the sharks,” he threatened.

nbsp; I leaned closer to him and gave him a peck on the cheek, the most that I dared to do in this place now. “That’s got to be the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me,” and I was completely serious. “Ok, I better head out and get set up. Are you guys coming, too?”

  “Not tonight, babe. I have important things to do. We have a deadline, otherwise I would be there, if only to show you your first love,” Jet winked at me. It was nice to see his playfulness back. I supposed the prince making a fool of himself made Jet more comfortable.

  I looked to Beck who replied, “I think I need to help Jet with his project. I’d hate for anything to go wrong. But I did make sure to tell Adar where the lever is.”

  “I’ve got a study session with Professor Chan,” Ry told me with a blush in her cheeks. “I have a few things that I’m behind on.”

  “Oh, I bet you’re behind,” I cackled. “Okay, I guess I’ll catch up with you all later,” I waved as I left to go to the secret hangout, excitement and nervousness thrumming through my body. I was going to be alone with Adar for the first time since we got everything out in the open. I liked him even more now that I knew he wasn’t up to no good. That pull no longer ate at me. Instead it was a gentle tug toward him, one that only turned me on. Eating dinner with all three of the men made me feel whole, like that missing piece was finally in place.

  “Calm your tits,” I muttered to myself as my thoughts wandered to the huge cock I spotted in the lunchroom through the prince's pants, and imagined licking the milk off of it. We had shit to do and fucking was not a high priority now. We had such a short time to free Shay and get everyone to the spot where Eva would be storming the castle to get us out.

  I let myself in, only taking three tries to find that damn stone, and then went about setting out the things I knew Adar might need. Candles that were stored in the crates, the books that Chan had lent him, and a bag of salt I kept for my own use. Though tonight, consumption was not what it would be used for.


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