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The Wan Wu Honeycomb Theory of the Universe

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by Nepomuk Onderdonk

The Wan Wu Honeycomb Theory of the Universe

  Nepomuk Onderdonk

  Copyright 2013 Nepomuk Onderdonk


  I have been developing my "Wan Wu Honeycomb" model of the universe for several years, as I observe all the modern day developments in cosmology and astrophysics; my model has no dark matter, no dark energy, and there is no gravity in this model - rather there is "ytivarg" - a push rather than a pull.

  My sales director boss used to like to say "this guy doesn't believe in gravity, and he can back it up!”

  There's no math either, it's a handful of diagrams trying to clearly create a "Vorstellung" - a pictorial representation of the object we call the "universe"; it's an attempt to build a cohesive vision that incorporates the same facts that the physicists and cosmologists on have to grapple with.

  And it's my all time favorite ideas about the black holes SGR A*, Virgo A*, and P1 & P2 the "P-Nut" at the center of M-31.

  An armchair cosmologist through the three decades of the golden age of astrophysics, I developed my own model little by little, but also with a lot of help from the alternative ideas brought to light by other writers, some of the deeper and harder to sift through writers who nevertheless offer amazingly imaginative visions that are not limited by the accepted theories of modern day science, if they can posit plausible alternatives.

  In Hegel's Philosophy of Nature, he said we look into the nature of the physical world around us to examine the nature of god, to better understand the mysteries manifest all around us, to show us more about the mystery that we are made up of; so it's irresistible to look at the pioneering and penetrating visions of the universe from today's space telescopes, and to wonder for the first time in the history of humanity about the sky in ways never imagined.

  I think when we study the grand visions of cosmologists on what the universe is, how it's made, where it's going, it isn't necessarily about reality; of course it makes efforts to map back to reality, but we are as much studying humanity's imagination as we are the relation of the components of the universe. It's not necessarily a study of the universe as much as it is a study of visions of the universe in mankind, and the changes possible to these visions based on the unprecedented science of today.

  But one other reason I think the study of the object called the universe is important, though it is admittedly a very different size species of organism than our peers, is the holographic idea that we are all microcosms of the macrocosm; the study of flow has made it clear that there are principles that span space and time in this universe, and from the star to the stellar mass black hole to the super massive black hole and the quasar core of the HLIRG's (hyper luminous infrared galaxies), and right back down to human beings, there is a nature to the flow through time, a presence of grace in that flow, and an all-permeating mystery. The more clues we can get, at any scale, allow us to better model and predict all the other scales, to light up aspects of thick dark reality that were hidden from all the shamans and sorcerers of the past millennia.

  It is truly the golden age of astrophysics, and I just thought we might want to sit down and refine pictorial representations of the universe. This is the one I have been working on.

  Developments in Scale

  In the days that Star Trek was dreamed up, the known universe was the Milky Way galaxy. Decades later, in Star Trek Voyager, they were stranded in the "delta quadrant" of the Milky Way and it was going to take them a lifetime at warp 9 - way past the speed of light - to get back home to the "alpha" quadrant.

  Now the known universe is out to about z=7, which is redshift space, so far away it's in the past. Instead of the "light years" that Star Trek used to measure distances across the galaxy, when we started mapping the intergalactic medium (IGM) and the other galaxy clusters, we first used "parsecs", megaparsecs", and "gigaparsecs" to measure the distances to the nearest large scale structures in the Local Universe.

  The Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy are the two major objects rotating around the logical center of the "Local Cluster"; Andromeda has a black hole binary - P1 and P2, (the "P-Nut"), at the center, corresponding to the super massive black hole SGR A* at the center of the Milky Way.

  The nearest galactic super cluster to us is the Virgo cluster, with M87 as the central galaxy, and a "quasar" jet shooting out of the core, out to distances of several galaxies -"parsec-scale jets" - ending in the two "radio lobes" that originate out of the quasar core, with "Virgo A *" at the center.

  And then in our survey of the known universe done by space telescopes, we measure from z=0, the "local universe", out to young galaxies millions of years in the past whose light has shifted toward the red end of the spectrum, and so is "redshifted"; these galaxies are in "redshift space", at distances of z=2, z=3, even a few rare pictures and articles about galaxy clusters out near z=6, and it seems like before that in time there wasn't any light to see, before the period of ionization, so they are still working on getting us a visual of redshift space at greater than z=7. They speculate on the big bang taking place sometime around z=20.

  In this universe model, time is the enemy - an entity separate from "matter/energy", that approaches "matter/energy" from all sides and continues to investigate, moving the object "forward" in time and creating this crystal we are calling the "universe".

  Time is the enemy, an outer nature - outside of being - and it observes, moving "us" forward in time, as the central object crystallizes, and as the crystal condenses, stars light up at the center of convergence points, and these lights then become galaxies with dense objects at their centers we call supermassive black holes, then quasars at the center of galactic superclusters, as the universe moves in two directions at once: inward and outward at the same time, a grand yin yang bible in the sky above us pointing in two directions - toward brilliant lights and vast swaths of darkness; we observe a circular river overflowing both its banks.

  The early universe was a mist of helium and hydrogen - number 1 and 2 on the periodic table, and that was it. But as this object we call "the universe", or "us", progressed farther into time, it began to be pressurized into a crystal nature, similar to the way a young human mind is open and imaginative in infinite directions playfully, and after it progresses through time it grows logy from the weight crystallizing it into its most important focused tasks and abandoning the intricate web of infinite directions.

  As the crystal continues to progress forward in time, eventually we will be in the Past and some other present will look out through their space telescopes into their redshift space, and they will see us, and our moments will be stretched out. Though time seems continuous to us, it is really a series of snapshots, and there is a spot between the moments, called the Planck time, which time can't see, it only sees the rapid series or snapshots. But as this present becomes the Past and drifts outward, the Plank time expands with a logic of quantum decay, so that eventually, there are millions of years between each of the moments; what we do now becomes what we are stuck doing for all of the Past, with huge gaps to light up each moment we can now only speculate on; like a Catholic "cloud of witnesses" growing in quantum leaps for all time, or the intelligent and aware spirit world that the shamans work with, this is the call to live a universal life - if we do the future, if it has to happen, will atleast be a heaven, as we find ourselves proud of our enlightened self cultivation and ecstasy; else it risks being a hell, as our folly and mistakes are lit up moment by moment and analyzed by the light of billions of suns.

  Or the call could be to reverse time, by way of ritual magic, so that none of this ever persists; erase time and bring salvation to the universe; reverse ti
me to before the angels fell, to before the first stars lit up and formed the elements from 3 up on the periodic table, by re-injecting mind - the hologram of the universe - with the playfulness of the wolves when they come out of the walls, to reverse the evolutionary flow of time.

  In this crystallizing universe, the honeycomb is the structure, and the baryons of the universe - the galaxies and quasars - are the faults in the crystal, the tea brewing at the center.


  Science can't explain any of the observable structure outside our solar system using the concept of gravity. So there is a proposed "dark matter", imagined to be 90% of the universe but invisible, and holding the stuff together from the outside, otherwise it should all just go flinging outward from the centrifugal force of the spinning of it all. And then the fact that the universe expansion is speeding up the bigger it gets, means there must also be some mysterious form of energy inside of matter, so they call that dark energy.

  In this model - the wan wu honeycomb model - there is no dark matter or dark energy. There is also no such thing as gravity. The hypothetical "graviton" particle supposed to carry the mystical force proposed by newton in 1666

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