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Mage's Choice (Stand Alone Tales Book 15)

Page 4

by Viola Grace

  She looked down. “Oh. Right. The power issue.”

  He frowned. “Yes, that why are you suddenly so tense?”

  She twisted her lips. “It is really early still, and a lot can go wrong, but I would really like it if you two could stay close for the next nine months.”

  She saw the two faces clearly overlap for a moment in surprise. He leaned back and got himself under control.

  Krys blurted out, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to tell you that here.”

  He gripped her arms. “When did you find out?”

  “Uh, yesterday. I went to the clinic, and bloodwork and another test confirmed it.” She chuckled. “Like you, I am not alone in here.”

  He reached out and put his hand above her lower abdomen. There was a slight hum of warmth, and he looked at her in shock. “You are really pregnant. That doesn’t happen during the offering.”

  She reached out, and it took a few tries before she pressed a hand to his cheek. “It apparently did. Honestly, it wasn’t there before that shower.”

  He kissed her, and her mind spun back to the hours spent in their arms. Kissing had been a favourite neutral pastime while they were in between other activities.

  She opened her mouth and held his head, her eyes closed, and her tongue tasted them again. A month had felt like a lifetime, and despite trying to get on with her life, she had missed them.

  Kelnen growled and leaned in, pinning her into the chair, and he learned one of the tastes of her all over again.

  When the phone rang, he flicked his fingers, and it went silent. She chuckled and sighed. “I have work to do, and so do you.”

  He snarled and slowly sat back. “I will be at your desk at four. Don’t keep me waiting.”

  She sat up and prodded him in the shoulder. “You will not. You haven’t done it before, and it would be weird if you did it now. Just send me an email of where you want to meet, and I will meet you there.”

  She used the distance between them and got to her feet. “I have to go over two-dozen bundles of files today; a reunion was not on my schedule.”

  He stood up and pulled her against him. “I can reassign your workload to someone else until we have discussed our status.”

  “Wow, you are all up on the human buzzwords. Who taught you?”

  Kelnen snorted. “A variety of sources that we have associated with over the last few years. Also, media is vast on your world. Our world now, I suppose.”

  She snorted and poked him in the chest. “If you interfere with my ability to do my work before I go off on maternity leave, I will make your life a living misery.”

  He grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss to the aggressive fingers. “That is what my life has been until this moment. I can spare a few hours, but your weekends and evenings are mine.”

  “You can’t make demands of me here.” She whispered it as he bent for another kiss.

  “Consider them urgent requests from a desperate lover. I have truly missed you more than I can describe, but I look forward to showing you.”

  She chuckled as his lips were about to touch hers. “Great, but the Kominski file needs going over, and they have an appointment with the revenue service for Monday. I need to get their reporting organized.”

  He paused. “You really are not going to be seduced at work?”

  She grinned. “Not today, I am not. Try me again on Friday.”

  “You are a lot less fun with clothing on.” He groaned in disappointment.

  She laughed and kept laughing so long that he had to support her.

  “What is so funny?”

  “I have heard that before. My ex-boyfriend said the same thing. He didn’t like waiting for me to finish studying or working. So, I would get dressed as soon as sex was over. He hated that, and the comment about clothing came next. So, I simply broke up with him, and that was the end of that. This is your one warning.”

  He nodded. “Fair enough. I will learn not to be stupid. I have waited an eternity for you, I will not lose you now over impatience.”

  He slowly released his grip on her, and she stepped back. “Right. Work. I need to work.”

  She turned on her heel and left his office without another word.

  It took all of her strength, but she opened the door and walked the long hall to the elevator.

  It was going to be an eternity before she was back in her office, but that was the only place that she could process what had just happened. She needed silence and solitude.

  Chapter Six

  The email came through at one minute to four: Parkade, level three, spot one.

  She finished up saving her spreadsheets and reports, closed her computer down, and grabbed her bag. She walked out and spoke absently with coworkers as she traveled with them down the hall to the parkade elevator. She got in and went up to the sixth level with her coworkers getting off at each level. When asked if she wasn’t getting out, she winced and said, “Forgot something at my desk.” She pressed the three and descended alone.

  She found the parking spot and the blue and silver SUV in the spot. He got out and opened the door for her. “You are late.”

  “I am not going to advertise this to the office so soon. I had to obfuscate a little.”

  She buckled up, and he closed the door.

  He snorted when he got in. “We are lovers. There is consent; I don’t see the issue.”


  He started the car and put on his seatbelt, not looking at her as he eased out of the parking spot and headed for the ramp.

  “Lovers is a good current description until we can work toward partners or significant others. As I have a singular identity, we could even be spouses.”

  She blinked. “What now?”

  He grinned. “As you have stated, we have time for that, months at least. I would like to have them all at the same time, but you enjoy milestones, so we shall begin now.”

  She scowled. “What do you mean?”

  “We have one stop, then we are going for dinner, and then to my home. I am assuming that you do not have pets of any sort?”

  “Um, no. No pets, but I do need to take my vitamins. I didn’t bring any with me for the evening.”


  She blushed. “Prenatal. I decided to do everything by the book. Well, after conception.”

  He grinned, and they drove toward a series of old shops that looked like they had been around for centuries.

  “So, where are we going?”

  “We are making improvements to your wardrobe.”

  She paused. “Why?”

  “Because there would normally have been a reward for your services as an offering, but Nen sent you home before the mage council could take possession of you. They had you in their sights.”


  “Because, if they control you, they control Kel. While he agreed to act as protector, they have been trying to nudge him into being a weapon. If they had been able to hold onto you, they would have had the leverage. Not many women can be a lover for a drake.”

  “Oh, so I have to have new clothing because...”

  “He owes you upkeep for three of your lifetimes, but he also wants to see you in something softer. So, I am driving because he doesn’t like it, and he will choose the clothing that he wants to see you in day to day.”

  She blinked. “You don’t see me day to day.”

  “That will change as well. You are going to begin having lunch with us.”

  She was wary. “Why?”

  “Because ten years apart knowing that you were just out of reach or would freak out if we courted you has been torture. Let him blow off some steam by spoiling you.”

  “So, you two are switching pretty seamlessly now.”

  He parked the SUV and unbuckled as he turned it off. “We have had a lot of practice. I doubt you could tell which one of us was touching you now.”

  She blushed and slo
wly released her seatbelt before reaching for the door latch. He had it open and was holding out his hand. She took his hand and stepped out, the door closed behind her. He might have closed it, or it could have shut itself, but either way, she heard the lock engage as he transferred her hand to his arm, and they walked a few shops down.

  “I am still a little shocky at your sudden appearance. I don’t see why this is necessary.”

  “For the last five years, since you were hired, we have been fantasizing about having you with us again. Please allow us our little indulgences. In return for each favour you do for us, we will do one for you of your choosing.”

  “What kind of favours?” She couldn’t imagine what she would have them do for her. Her life was pretty complete. Wait. “Actually, I can think of a few things I will need.”

  “Like what?” He opened the door of a shop for her and held it as she passed inside.

  “Well, my lease is nearly up, so I guess it is time to look for a new place with some extra space.”

  Kelnen smiled. “I think that we can help with that.”

  A woman sauntered up with a smile. “Master Danforth. What can we do for you this evening?”

  The woman was the definition of elegance. Every bit of her was draped or swathed in silk. She looked like she was going to the funeral of her sugar daddy.

  “My companion needs a full wardrobe, office to ballroom.” Kelnen smiled.

  Krys hissed. “I don’t need a new wardrobe.”

  The woman paused and blinked. “Oh. I see. Yes, of course. Miss, please, come this way.”

  Krys looked at Kelnen. “This is really not how I want to spend the next few hours.”

  He cupped her chin and kissed her. His eyes glowed when he raised his head. “Please, for us?”

  She narrowed her eyes and rubbed her thumb along his lower lip. “You don’t play fair.”

  “As long as I am still in the game, I am happy. Now, go and play dress-up.”

  She turned to the woman and met her embarrassed gaze. “Okay, so let’s get this over with.”

  The woman nodded, and Krys followed her into the shop. As they got into the rear of the building, the woman said, “I don’t know how familiar you are with magic, but that is how we create all of the clothing here.”

  Krys chuckled. “I have had a few days’ experience with it.”

  “Days?” The woman snorted. “I see. Well, the fabric will reflect your power level. It will still look good but not as good as it would look on someone like me.”

  The snub was rather funny. “Oh well. I will just have to make do with what I get. I can always wear my other clothing.”

  “If Master Danforth will allow it.” The saleswoman smiled with an angelic expression.

  “He will accept my decision, or he will help me find something else. I am not really worried about it.” She shrugged it off.

  The saleswoman blinked. “You think he will stay with you, even if you embarrass him?”

  Krys nodded. “Pretty sure. I have leverage.”

  “You are blackmailing him?”

  Kelnen’s voice sounded from behind them. “No, she is doing this as a favour to me.”

  The saleswoman flinched. “Master Danforth, I thought you would wait in the lounge.”

  “I cannot stand to be away from my mate, and since this is my idea, I felt I should be a part of it.” He walked up to Krys and put his arms around her. “So, Sissian, would you get the design books and measure her?”

  Sissian jerked. “The designs won’t come to life on her.”

  “That is our issue. Please proceed, or I will call management.”

  Sissian blinked and swallowed. She produced a tape measure and cleared her throat. “I will need to take her measurements, Master Danforth.”

  He nodded and backed away. “Please proceed.”

  Krys was measured quickly and efficiently. It was amusing as a pad and paper floated behind Sissian and made notes as she spoke. Her wrists, ankles, feet, and neck were also recorded individually.

  “I will get the design books. Please, sit and have some tea.” Sissian smiled tightly and waved to the seats behind them. The tea service appeared on the low table.

  Kelnen had a seat and poured two cups of tea. “There. The worst is over. Now you just need to point at the outfits you like, and they will be delivered in a few days.”

  “Seriously, no endlessly trying things on?”

  “No. All we will need to do is either come in and select a new outfit or call it in.”

  “Wow. That’s amazing. I hate shopping.”

  He laughed. “I know. You are a very no-nonsense woman. It is one of the things that I love about you. It is why we followed you across the universe through time itself.”

  Sissian returned at that moment with her arms loaded with books. “She is the one?”

  Krys shrugged. “I am afraid so. Sorry about that. I can tell you had a vested interest.”

  Sissian blushed. “Right. I am sorry, Mistress. I did not mean to be rude.”

  “Oh, you meant it, but that is fine. So, what do we have for boring office clothes?”

  Kelnen sighed, and Sissian smiled slightly. She took the second book from the top, and they began to go through images of women in office attire.

  She pointed out the tops that she liked, the skirts, and even the grade of stockings. Shoes were chosen based on their heel height and the point of their toe. She hated deadly toes. She always tripped.

  Sissian smiled. “Now for the evening gowns.”

  Krys looked to Kelnen, “Why do I need that?”

  “I need to attend events and meetings and wish you to be at my side. That requires a certain wardrobe.” He shrugged. “The beings here have their protocols, and I have attempted to adhere to them.”

  She sighed and gestured for the new book. Sissian held it, but Krys cut to the chase. “What do you think would look good on my figure?”

  Sissian paused, and then, she flipped to a simple gown with flowing layers and sleeves that would have been made of a sheer fabric if they weren’t just hanging from the shoulders. “This one would be good.”

  Kelnen was suddenly beside her with his arm around her waist. “I like that one.”

  “Of course, you do. It looks like the offering gown only in a different colour.”

  Kelnen asked Sissian, “Can it be made in dark blue?”

  “Of course, Master Danforth.”

  He nodded. “Good. That dress first for the ball this weekend.”

  Sissian nodded and made a note of the selection, then she went through, and Kelnen chose half a dozen gowns and another dozen cocktail dresses, along with the shoes that matched.

  Kelnen looked at Sissian. “Now, what do you have for maternity wear?”

  Krys punched him. “It won’t be necessary for a few months.”

  Sissian blinked. “Oh. Right. I didn’t bring that book.”

  Krys sighed. “It is fine. I don’t need it for a while. I want to make sure I am in the less dangerous zone before I go shopping for pregnancy clothing.”

  Kelnen growled. “Nothing is going to interfere with this child. Anyone who tries will find themselves flayed and burned alive. I have waited for you, and I am not willing to part with any part of you or us.”

  Sissian cleared her throat. “Right, so I have everything. Is there anything else you would like?”

  Kelnen rested his chin on Krys’s shoulder. “Lingerie.”

  Krys blushed dark red, and the book was brought out, and he made his choices. She put her foot down on the thongs. “I am not having a wedgie all day, every day. For any day that it rides up, you aren’t going to touch me.”

  She grinned when he agreed with her bikini brief selection. “Smart.”

  Sissian chuckled and made her notes. A few questions about the fabrics and the colourations and they were done.

  “Master Danforth, did you have any add
itional requests?”

  He got to his feet and followed Sissian, adding a few requests that Krys didn’t bother listening to. Krys got to her feet, and he reached for her hand. “That’s it. We are done for this errand.”

  He gestured and handed her a fat bottle. “Is this the right kind of vitamin?”

  The word prenatal was on the bottle in large letters. She turned it over and read the contents. “This will do. Thank you.”

  He smiled. “Now, can we go to dinner and discuss a few things.”

  Krys chuckled and pried the container open. She fished out a pill and grabbed her bottle of water, taking one quickly.

  “Why do you take those?” He asked it as they crossed the shop.

  She wrinkled her nose as they headed to the street. “You have been here long enough to know that. I want to make sure that the baby has the best possible start as it takes nutrients out of me for development. I am trying to make sure that I cover all the bases.”

  She asked him, “Why have the clothing made by magic?”

  “There isn’t always enough power to customize your own garb.”

  “No, I mean, why can’t I have human-made clothing?”

  “Ah, the clothing that was selected today will also have blanking to allow for protective spells to be bound to the fabric. It will be like wearing a suit of armor at all times.”

  “Oh. Well, I am guessing that is a good thing.” She smiled as he walked her down the road to an Italian restaurant.

  He held the door open for her, and she stepped inside. There was the heavy weight of magic in the air. This wasn’t going to be a normal dinner.

  Chapter Seven

  Krys and Kelnen were greeted warmly by the host and seated in a delightful booth.

  She ordered the angel hair pasta carbonara, and he ordered spaghetti with meatballs.

  She was chuckling. “Somehow, I didn’t see you as a spaghetti-and-meatballs kind of guy.”

  “Well, I can’t only eat food that I generate. There are a lot of wonderful things on this world that I have yet to experience.” He chuckled. “Ten years has not been enough.”


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