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Stone and Steel: Vampires of Blood and Bones

Page 6

by B. A. Stretke

  "I'll give Ira another twenty-four hours, and then I must join him. My beloved is strong and determined, he will understand." Silas was torn. His father's advice was sound. He needed the retribution to be completed for his beloved to feel at peace, but he also knew that to separate at this time would be painful for them both. Their bond was forming, and the need to be close to one another would grow with each passing hour until their bond was finalized.

  He would know, in twenty-four hours he would make his decision and Wolfe would be a part of that decision.


  Wolfe rested for about an hour and then got up and investigated the rooms. Silas’s quarters were large and well-furnished but not fussy or cluttered. The rooms reflected the man solid, attractive and uncluttered, he smiled to himself as he walked over to the large window in the living room and stared out at a garden that appeared endless. It was groomed and designed like a castle garden. Everything about this place was opulent and regal except for Silas’s quarters. But Wolfe liked the clean lines and soft colors of Silas’s home, he could be happy here, maybe.

  He walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. Ever since nearly dying of thirst, he couldn't seem to get enough of the cool taste and refreshing effects of water. Reaching into his pocket, he realized he didn't have his phone, watch, or wallet; he had nothing. His room at the motel would have been stripped and rented by now, so all of his clothes would be gone. His personal items he kept in a locker at the bar, and he hoped that Ed hadn't disposed of them yet.

  Wolfe started pacing the room as his mind filled with everything he should be doing. Why was he waiting here, and what was he really waiting for? Did he belong in this place? He should go home.

  Silas was a great guy, and he said a lot of neat stuff but in the end would there really be a place for him here at the manor, he doubted it. A guy like him, a stripper and boy from the streets, doesn't find some grand forever love after with a man like Silas who lives in a literal palace.

  He tested the door, and it was open just like Silas said it would be. Silas had shown him around a little before bringing him to his quarters. The place was huge beyond Wolfe's imagination. Wolfe had paid attention to his surroundings and was sure he could find a way out.

  He needed to leave, needed to go home and get his things, he told himself as uncertainty seeped in. His mind was filled with a sense of guilt over walking out on the only guy who ever gave a damn. Maybe he was faking it, but even that was more consideration than he’d ever gotten from anyone else in his life. Shit, he had to stop thinking and just do something.

  He found a pad and pen and figured the least he could do was leave a note. He would tell Silas thanks, but it would never work out. He settled on just thank you, and I'm sorry before signing his name and leaving it on the counter. With that done, he headed out the door.

  The layout of the place was massive, but after a few minutes, he figured out the flow and found the stairs. The place was more complex than he'd imagined. Silas's quarters were on the top floor and provided for a stunning view but made it difficult finding his way. The stairs he found only took him to the next floor down. He had to search out another stairway. He went down so many grand hallways he wasn't certain he would ever find his way.

  The people he met were friendly and warm, but they didn't try to catch him up in conversation or ask him questions he didn't want to answer, which was a relief. Finally, he found a set of stairs that took him to the ground floor, and from there he found an outside door.

  He walked the width of a large concrete porch that ended in another set of stairs that brought him to a wide walkway which seemed to be taking him into an enormous garden. People were about, but no one paid him any mind, so he just kept walking in hopes of coming to the end of this property and hopefully a roadway.

  The garden was not the same one he saw from Silas's window, this one was filled with large groomed trees and flowering bushes. The smells were amazing, and he thought of how relaxing it would be to walk in this garden in the evening when wanting to unwind.

  His mind instantly went to Silas and how wonderful it would be to walk with him in such a place so serene and beautiful and quiet. Quiet was something Wolfe didn't get much of, his life was forever filled with loud vulgar and aggressive noise. The only quiet he got was sleep, and that didn't come often or easy. He'd slept in Silas's arms, in his embrace he was at home, and that thought nearly had him turning around and heading back the way he came.

  No, he had to go home, get his things, and pick up his life. These people were kind, and he owed them a lot, but he couldn't stay. Silas was asking too much of him, and he couldn't give him what he needed. The thought of anyone feeding from him was terrifying. With the memory of Roya tearing at him, the sensation of pain and humiliation encompassed him at the very consideration. Silas needed someone who wasn't fucked up. The best thing for everyone concerned was for him just to go home.

  He nearly convinced that what he was doing was the right thing, although his heart implored him to return. The further he walked, the more desolate he felt as if he were leaving his very life behind him.


  Silas was still with his father when he felt his phone vibrate. When he checked the call, he saw that it was from Easton. “It’s Easton.” He said with a quizzical look before answering.

  “Hello.” He stated and waited.

  “Not to alarm you, but I think your beloved is making a run for it.” He said rather casually considering the emotional impact of his statement.

  Silas jumped to his feet, and Ismael stood beside him. "Where is he?"

  "I followed him after he left your quarters and watched him find his way to the ground floor and exit through the South corridor. I lost him for a moment on the South Portico, I'll have to review the camera locations and correct that weakness. I picked him up again as he cleared the structure and entered the garden. He's been walking for nearly an hour in one deliberate direction. I believe he is trying to find his way out. He's currently just beyond the stone bridge in the South garden and walking fast." Easton concluded.

  "Thank you, Easton," Silas said as he closed the call and started walking towards the door. "Keep me informed regarding Roya." He said back over his shoulder as he was leaving.

  Ismael nodded. “I will, Silas, now hurry you have a beloved to catch.”


  Wolfe felt as if he'd been walking forever and yet the garden still sprawled out in front of him. He looked behind him and saw garden, beside him was garden, and in front of him was garden; this place was endless. His steps started to slow while his mind his options. Keep walking in the hopes of coming to a road or at least a property line or turn around and go back.

  He didn't have his watch, but he put the time at around six or seven. He hadn't checked the time when he left and wasn't sure how long he'd been walking, but the sun was lower in the sky, so it had to be evening. He only had another hour or two of sunlight.

  The garden was dense and aromatic, giving him an odd feeling of comfort and protection. Just as he was passing a large hedge that designated a corner piece of the smaller design, someone stepped out onto the path in front of him. Wolfe stopped and stared, waiting for him to say something.

  "Were you leaving without saying goodbye?" Silas asked his expression a mix of sadness and disappointment, which he tried to hide with a half-smile.

  "I left you a note," Wolfe told him, needing to say something. Why did he feel so guilty? Why did this man's unhappiness affect him like this?

  The half-smile grew into a rather lovely bark of laughter. “Well thank you for that at least. Was it a nice note?”

  "Yeah, I think so." Wolfe smiled. Then suddenly Silas's eyes bore into him, and things turned serious as he knew they would. Silas took the few steps forward to put him directly in front of Wolfe. Wolfe didn't look up at him but rather opted to stare at the knot in his black tie.

  "If you want to leave, I will not stop you, but this i
s not the way out," Silas spoke softly. "The route you're on will take you through another mile or so of the garden, and then you will reach the tree line which will lead you into a dense forest." He placed his hand on Wolfe's shoulder and gently turned him and pointed to a walkway several feet back and to his left.

  "I'm sorry," Wolfe said as he looked in the direction Silas had pointed. "I left important things in my locker at the Bar, and I wanted to check on my apartment." He tried to explain the many feelings he had running through him when he decided to take off.

  "It's okay," Silas said and moved up to stand beside him. "Here let me walk with you and show you the way." He didn't touch Wolfe but fell into step beside him. The fact that he was there caused an added sense of rightness to come over Wolfe. The need to leave was not as strong as it had been a few hours ago.

  “Your things are in the drawer of the bedside table. I apologize for not telling you. I was caught up in your health and well-being, but I should have understood the importance of your personal things and knowing that they were safe.”

  “When did you get them?” The statement shocked Wolfe. He may not have thought to tell him they were there, but he thought enough to get them. That meant a lot.

  "I sent one of our men to collect your things. I had him check both your work and your apartment. The motel manager had already rented your place and was in the process of disposing of your belongings when he arrived, but Colin was able to retrieve everything. The clothing and such are in boxes in the closet, but your wallet, cell phone, and watch are in the bedside table." Silas continued to walk and talk as if they were on a pleasant Sunday afternoon stroll.

  "I panicked Silas." Wolfe blurted, but Silas did not respond as they continued on their way. "I have reservations about you biting me, and that isn't fair. Roya did a number on me over the week that I was there at that house of horror and the thought of being bitten again scares the living hell out of me." He glanced over at Silas out of the corner of his eye and noticed him staring straight ahead. He found not being touched or even looked at was very upsetting.

  "Are you kicking me out?" Wolfe asked, emotion dripping from every word.

  Silas stopped abruptly and looked at Wolfe like he thought he might be losing his mind and maybe he was, but Silas didn’t have to look so baffled. “You’re the one who left a note and snuck away, how does that equate to me kicking you out?” Silas crossed his arms over his chest and waited for Wolfe’s explanation.

  "You seem awfully eager to show me the way out." Wolfe dropped his gaze and then glanced off to his right, not wanting to connect with Silas's all-knowing gaze.

  “You seemed awfully eager to leave.” Silas shot back.

  Wolfe looked up at Silas and saw the gentle expression of someone who was simply trying to understand. “I’m not sure what I want.” Wolfe chocked out the admission and was rewarded with Silas stepping forward and taking him into his arms.

  "Don't doubt that I want you here with me, but I won't force you to stay. This has to be your decision. You are my beloved, and I never want us to be apart. Having you near gives me strength and hope and happiness. My hope is one day soon to complete our bond and build a life together full of love and respect for one another.” Silas knew he was at a crossroads with his beloved he had been too scared to say much for fear of saying the wrong thing and further driving Wolfe away.

  To hear him say he had the same misgivings was a positive and a sign that their bond was taking shape. Wolfe was clearly affected by him but panicked and ran away, Silas was confident now that Wolfe would have returned on his own if he hadn’t gone after him.

  “This bonding thing is it for all time, no leaving or finding someone else or drifting apart? I want security, I know that’s probably an impossible request, but I need it because I’ve never had it.” Wolfe laid out a request that he saw as heavy, but Silas saw as a natural part of the deal. Wolfe did not as yet fully understand the scope of what a bonding meant. He would soon have no insecurities or confusion as to what Silas was willing to do for him.

  "It is for all time. Nothing will come between us, no one else will ever interest me, and I have to be honest with you, if you look at another, I will kill them. In vampire law, I have the right to protect and defend what is mine. That is how serious we take our beloveds and the ritual of bonding. For a vampire, their beloved is their heart and bonding is a joining of their souls. There is no end no finish, we are one. Is that a commitment you can make?" Silas held Wolfe in his arms and waited.

  Wolfe was feeling their connection that was obvious, but would he admit to wanting this or would he pull away again? As long as he agreed to stay with him, Silas was willing to go as slow as Wolfe required, but if he ever took off again as much as Silas claimed to be willing to let him go, he doubted that he actually would. It had only been a couple of days, but the bond was there, and their connection was just getting stronger.

  "I'd like to stay for a while if that's okay," Wolfe responded. "I'm not ignoring your question; I just need to think. I do want you, I won't deny that, and when I make that commitment to you, I want my whole heart to be in it, no worry, no hesitation. Will you give me that time?" Wolfe sounded so sincere and yet so unsure that all Silas could do was drop a kiss to the top of his head and gather him close in his arms. Wolfe wrapped his arms around Silas's middle and buried his face against his chest.

  "I will give you all the time that you need, and I plan for you to stay forever."


  They walked back to the palace and made plans to have dinner with Ismael and Easton. Silas thought it wise to introduce Wolfe to his family in an intimate setting and let them get to know each other further. He also wanted Wolfe to get a sense of what his life would be like here at Coven DuCane.

  Silas was pleased and relieved that his beloved was giving him and the Coven another chance. Wolfe had a rough and mixed-up life so far, so any declaration of stability or security would, of course, be met with suspicion. Silas vowed that he would persevere, and Wolfe would stay because Silas would accept nothing else.

  "I know that you were involved in the entertainment industry, but do you have any other aspiration? Is there a career or study that you'd like to pursue if you had the chance?" Easton asked Wolfe.

  They'd discussed the history of Coven DuCane, the vampire presence in America and some personal stories related to their bonding and the bonding of Ezra and Master DuCane. It all went over well, but Silas held his breath when Easton broached the subject of Wolfe's life before he came to the Coven. Would he take offense, or would he have the need to defend his life choices? Whichever happened Silas was ready to back him up.

  Wolfe wasn't sure if Easton was insulting him or genuinely interested in his life and dreams. Wolfe found that his personality usually dictated that he take things the worse way possible rather than give anyone the opportunity to slight him. But with Easton, the guy seemed more clueless than unkind. He would give him the benefit of the doubt considering Easton was part of Silas's family.

  "My life was pretty much, just daily survival. I didn't have a lot of time to ponder career trajectories or plan my future beyond my next meal." Wolfe began, and Easton instantly broke in with eyes wide and shaking his head.

  “I didn’t mean to offend you, please I was just curious if maybe I could help you.”

  "You didn't offend me. I was just answering your question." Wolfe set his fork down and placed his hands in his lap. "I never graduated high school. After foster care when my plans hit the skids, I was eighteen but only in the first semester of my senior year. I had to drop out, and I've never found the time or opportunity to finish. I've found aspirations to be limited for high school dropouts." He looked around at the faces at the table and saw that no one was judging him; they were just listening. They were letting him talk, and they were taking it in.

  He was just going to leave it there, but their quiet understanding pulled everything out of him; it would seem. "I work out, and I've
studied kickboxing at the gym. I substitute for the bouncer at the Bar whenever he is off. Ed said I may have a future in protection. I'd like to get more, and better training and I'd like to get my high school diploma."

  "DuCane has a private school here for the children of the Coven, and I will arrange for you to meet with the teacher who manages the high school. He will set you up for completion of your diploma." Silas told him and reached over to take one of his hands.

  “I’d like that, thank you.” Wolfe was feeling good.

  "As for the kickboxing," Ismael spoke up and leaned closer to Wolfe. "My son may not want you pursuing that line of study, but there are martial arts experts that reside here that would be more than pleased to take you on as a student." Ismael winked at his son before straightening back up in his seat. Wolfe turned to look at Silas to gauge his opinion, but he wasn't giving anything away.

  "I experienced your kickboxing skills, as did several other soldiers. I have a great respect for your teachers at the gym, they taught you well. But with that said, I agree with my father; some martial arts training will do you well and help with your confidence and control." Silas squeezed his hand. Wolfe was bowled over by the outreach and acceptance he received from everyone at this table. They treated him like he belonged, and his words and wishes were important.

  "Thank you." He said, and then the conversation went back to gentler more moderate subjects. It was easy being around these people. The thought hit him out of left field that everyone at that table except for him was a vampire. Everyone there drank blood to survive. He considered it for several minutes trying to get a fix on how he really felt about it. They weren't threatening or ominous, and no one was making demands on him. It felt ordinary and for that Wolfe was very pleased because he longed for the normal and ordinary. All he has to do was conquer his phobia of blood and being bitten, and all would be perfect.


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