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Stone and Steel: Vampires of Blood and Bones

Page 8

by B. A. Stretke

  "That sounds like a bad movie," Wolfe commented with a scowl.

  “That sounds like a good movie, come on, action, romance what’s not to like?” Silas teased although he kept rubbing Wolfe’s shoulder and threading his fingers through his hair to comfort and soothe his beloved.

  "Well, I guess I'll just focus on the romance part of this movie for now." Wolfe pushed himself up and rolled so that he was now straddling Silas's hips with a knee on either side. He stared down at Silas with pure wanton lust in his beautiful blue eyes. The move stretched and opened his already well-prepared hole, and he salaciously pressed down upon Silas's stiff cock.

  “How about a ride?” Wolfe said as he licked his lips and steadied himself. Wolfe reached between them and gripped Silas’s cock and gradually guided it to his tight, moist hole.

  “Oh, my love, it would be my pleasure, my infinite pleasure.” Silas held Wolfe’s hips as he slowly impaled himself on Silas’s hard member. He took it all and took it deep and made a sensational swirling motion with his hips as he hit the base that Had Silas closing his eyes and digging his fingers into the tender flesh of Wolfe’s hips.

  Then he braced himself with his hands on Silas’s chest and began to piston rapidly up and down taking Silas’s throbbing cock in and out at a speed that was incredible while his tight muscles massaged and titillated. The demanding pressure and rhythm set a pace that had them both panting and gasping for air as they slapped skin to skin body to body and held tight throughout the punishing ride.

  Silas was impressed with the muscle strength of Wolfe's legs so beautifully sculpted and so powerful. His dancing has given him amazing stamina, and his moves are out of this world. Silas looked forward to learning all of Wolfe's skills and pleasuring him in return. The pace increased with the pressure as they sped towards climax. Silas slammed his hips forward off the bed and held Wolfe fast as he came filling his beloved’s tight channel once again.

  Wolfe held him firm milking every drop as he too stiffened suddenly and came covering Silas's chest in his hot sticky essence. He dropped forward, squeezing the stickiness between them and Silas felt himself gradually slipping out of his beloved as he began to soften, and those fierce muscles released him.

  He loved this man in every way and to the bottom of his heart. The specter of the abuse and humiliation Wolfe suffered at the hands of Raymond Roya would forever cloud Silas’s heart and mind until that man was made to pay. He would not rest until that man was dead.

  Silas held him close and kissed the side of his head. “I love you Wolfe.”


  After breakfast where they talked about everything and anything except Silas’s impending battle. They finally stood together at the door of Silas’ rooms with Silas staring down at Wolfe and Wolfe holding him loosely by the waist.

  “I understand that this has to be done. It’s how your people roll, an eye for an eye with no quarter given sort of lifestyle. But I could appreciate it all a lot more if it weren’t you going into the cage.” The statement made Silas smile. He kissed him lightly and then turned towards the door without comment.

  “I’ll see you before the fight?” Wolfe asked and sounded a little anxious. Silas turned back and gave him another kiss before answering.

  “Yes, you will my love. Meet me in the chamber room at six.”

  "I'll be there," Wolfe vowed and with that Silas turned and left.

  Wolfe watched him leave and stood there for several minutes just taking it all in, this new and amazing relationship, the coven, his phobia, and self-imposed limitations, and now this battle for his honor. It was a hell of a lot for just four days.

  Four days ago, he was at death's door, and now he was living and thriving and seemed to have a real future with good people in it. And he had Silas Patronne rescuer, soldier, and defender of his honor. He was unexpectedly struck by the fear that too many things had been going in his favor lately and perhaps his luck would run out when he needed it most.

  Wolfe walked over to the large window in the living room and stared out at the beauty of the garden below. Pushing his superstition aside, he tried to think about tomorrow.


  Silas sat alone for the first two hours as he mentally prepared himself for what was to come. The room he sat in was adjacent to the chamber room, and he would stay there until he was to enter the Bellum Chamber.

  He thought of Wolfe and the life he'd endured before coming to Coven DuCane, and he thought of their life together. The fact that Raymond Roya still walked the earth burned through his thoughts and sharpened his desire, his need to end the man's existence.

  Ira arrived just after three and would remain with him now throughout. “Roya was delivered a few minutes ago by three soldiers from Urbandale. They didn’t remain, they handed him over and left. I don’t think he has inspired much love or loyalty in his home coven.” Ira commented as he prepared charms and essences that were a part of the ritual. He would apply the oil to Silas’s forehead and tie the leather cord with its charms of courage and protection around his upper left arm.

  “Who’s his second? Or does he have one?” Silas asked while slipping on the snug leather breeches that were the customary attire for the Bellum Challenge. They would be naked except for the thin breeches. They wouldn’t help with protection, but they were marvelous for freedom of movement.

  "His cousin Westly Brown is with him. They don't appear particularly friendly with one another. I would guess it's more a case of duty than desire." Ira said with disdain. "Apparently Roya's grandfather still wields some power in the coven and was able to bring about the Blood Tie invocation, but the rest of the clan doesn't seem as interested.

  "That only speaks well of them," Silas responded, and Ira agreed.

  When they finished getting prepared Ira, a took seat in one of the straight back wooden chairs in the room and Silas remained standing. "You and Wolfe have bonded," Ira stated, and Silas nodded.

  “Did you feed recently?” Ira asked.

  “I had two bags before I entered the room.”

  "Why bags? Why not your beloved? The bagged blood will not sustain you through this like the blood of your beloved would?" Ira was perplexed.

  Silas wasn't sure how much he wanted to explain because it was a private matter between him and his beloved. "Wolfe has been through hell, and he needs time to recover fully." Ira stared at him for a moment and then said nothing more. He clearly knew there was more to the story, but he wasn't going to ask.

  “I’ll have more blood sent down. Two bags may not be sufficient.” Ira pulled out his phone and made the call.


  It was just past four when Easton came to sit with Wolfe. It wasn't necessary, but Wolfe appreciated his consideration. "Did Silas explain how it will all go down? I'm sure he did." Easton seemed a little uncomfortable but tried to be social.

  "Yeah, he told me about it, but that doesn't make it any easier to live through." Wolfe got up from the sofa and began pacing because as hard as he tried to convince himself otherwise, he was worried.

  "You've bonded so that will help his strength level. Nothing like feeding from your beloved to put you at an advantage." Easton threw out what he thought would ease Wolfe's concern, but it had quite the opposite effect.

  Wolfe stopped abruptly and turned towards Easton with a look of alarm. Easton got up and walked towards him, not knowing what the problem was but wanting to assist. Wolfe began shaking his head. "He never fed from me. He took just a couple of drops to seal the bond, but I was too afraid to have him feed. Fuck, Easton, I didn't let him feed." The distress was palatable and filled the room, causing both of them to simply fall silent for a few minutes.

  "Silas is a powerful vampire; he will be fine without it," Easton said, his words coming out unsteady betraying his true thoughts.

  “Why didn’t he tell me?” Wolfe implored and drove his fingers roughly through his hair. “I have to get to him before the fight. I have to let him feed. Help me, East

  “Okay, there’s still time, I think.” Easton was still sounding shaky. “We can’t enter the room where he’s at. Only his second Ira is allowed in there. You won’t be able to see him until he exits on his way to the Chamber.”

  “You sure they wouldn’t make an exception for his beloved?” Wolfe questioned hopefully.

  “No exceptions, this is carried out all according to rights and rituals and ancient laws. There are no changes or exceptions ever.” Easton drove home the absoluteness of his statement. “You will be able to speak to him when he exits the waiting area. You can let him feed before he proceeds to the Chamber. That’s your best chance.” Wolfe nodded his understanding and started towards the door with Easton close behind.

  They stopped at the entrance to the Chamber room. "I can't go in with you. Only you the Master, Ismael, and Ira are allowed inside." Easton patted him on the shoulder. "Do your best but remember, Silas is one hell of a warrior. I've seen him in hand to hand with more than one vampire, he is a magnificent fighter like his father."

  "Thank you," Wolfe said and then stepped inside the bare obscurity of the Chamber room. It was just stone and steel the most basic of elements for the most basic of battles. Stone and steel like the backbone of Coven DuCane.

  The cage loomed large and empty before him. It wasn't like any cage fight structure he'd ever seen. It was old, solid, utilitarian, and looked as if it had been forged a thousand years ago. Silas would enter there soon to do battle for his honor.

  As he stood there, Ismael came in and stood on one side of him, and then Master DuCane entered and stood on his other side. He was there feeling both honored and unworthy. Their support and their strength enveloped him, wrapping him in the knowledge that he was valued and respected. It made him stand taller and project himself as being the man that Silas saw him to be.

  Silas came in a few minutes later looking fierce and ready, and Wolfe would have dropped at his feet if it were allowed. The man took his breath away every time he saw him, and especially now as he prepared to defend him against that monster. He took a step forward, and Silas stopped and looked down at him with the sweetest of expressions. "I love you Wolfe." He said.

  Wolfe pushed away every misgiving, every fear, and just looked into the deep, loving eyes of his Silas, his beloved. This man willing to fight to the death to protect him. Nothing else mattered except for this moment, this trust. He reached up and pulled him down as if to give him a kiss but instead pressed Silas's lips to his throat. "Drink, Silas, please drink." Silas hesitated for a second and then Wolfe felt his teeth penetrate and his lips seal the wound as he drank from him long draughts pulling what he needed.

  It was over quickly, and Silas sealed the wound closed and stepped back with a look that spoke volumes of gratitude and admiration. He didn’t speak but turned towards the cage with Ira at his side.

  Everyone waited and watched as Raymond Roya was led into the room with his second behind him. He looked as calculating and creepy as Wolfe remembered. Long blond hair that covered one of his lifeless black eyes and an expression that was pure evil.

  There was a door at each end of the cage. Silas entered one side, and Roya entered through the opposite. Wolfe felt his tension peak when the doors slammed shut. He also felt Master DuCane place his hand on Wolfe's left shoulder and Ismael place his hand on Wolfe's right shoulder. They were grounding him and giving him the strength to see this through to the end. If not for them, he felt like he might have charged the cage. Silas had to live, nothing else mattered to Wolfe anymore, except for Silas.

  Silas was astonished when instead of offering simply a kiss before the battle Wolfe had offered himself, had bared his throat. He was not afraid; Silas would have felt his fear. He was anxious and needed Silas to feed, and Silas was not going to deny his beloved or himself. He drank deep, and the taste was incredible as was the power that surged through him as Wolfe’s blood coursed through his system. His beloved energized him in a way no other ever could.

  Now he stood in the Chamber with Roya and waited for the battle to begin. Ira and Westly stood on the outside but were at hand to observe and attend if needed, but only from a distance. No one would enter the Chamber and only one them would leave it.

  "Your beloved was delicious, so vocal when being tortured. I enjoyed every minute." Roya mumbled with the intent to rattle Silas.

  "Quiet, no talking." Both Ira and Westly stated simultaneously. There was to be no talking within the Chamber, but that was a rule difficult to enforce. It didn't matter because Silas wasn't listening to the man, only gauging and calculating his weaknesses. Like the way he leaned to one side more than the other and the fact that his hair was a constant barrier to his sight on his left side.

  Ira looked back at Master DuCane who gave him the sign. Ira then turned back to the Chamber and shouted “Bellum!” and the battle began.

  Roya charged instantly counting on his weight rather than agility with the intent to collide and knock Silas off balance. Silas easily sidestepped and came back with an elbow to the back of Roya’s neck as he was passing. Roya stumbled but did not fall and quickly recovered to turn and rush him again.

  Silas took the opportunity to strike from the left side, hitting him just below the temple but failed to move back quick enough to avoid being sideswiped by Roya. It knocked him back, but it was minor. Roya moved back and forth in a swaying manner while Silas stayed rooted to the spot weighing and measuring his next attack.

  Then it was on a full out brawl with Roya going down numerous times but regaining his feet each time. Blood spattered the floor and both participants as they took hit after hit. Silas went for Roya's mid-section plowing into him, and it threw him against the steel bars causing the steel to groan under the pressure.

  Roya righted himself and dove at Silas who took the assault full-on and landed on his back on the stone floor with Roya on top of him. "Your beloved is going to watch you die." He spewed the words again hoping to get a reaction he could capitalize upon. Silas smiled and rolled while wrapping his arm around Roya's throat. He was on Roya's back, pressing his face into the stone floor while choking the life out of him.

  Roya pushed to his feet and grabbed at Silas’s arms attempting to release his hold he then threw himself backward ramming Silas’s back into the steel bars. Silas couldn’t hold on and dropped his grip on Roya’s neck.

  Roya turned on him and pulled a short blade from the waistband of his breeches. It was not allowed to have weapons in the Chamber, but that was moot considering the doors would not open until one of them was dead. Roya would be executed for breaking protocol if he survived, but that didn't seem to concern him.


  Wolfe saw the glint of steel in Roya's hand and gasped. This was against the rules, but he knew it didn't matter, the doors of the chamber only open when one of them is dead. The last four days rushed passed him in his mind; the feel of that first touch, the look in Silas' eyes back in Perrysburg begging Wolfe to trust him, the feeling of making love to the most caring man he'd ever met. This couldn't be the end. Not now.

  Wolfe found that thread of their bond in the deep recesses of his mind. The bond that connected him to Silas, that allowed him to feel everything that Silas did. He poured all of his love and his strength into that bond and passed it to his beloved Silas. Silas may be alone in that chamber, but by this bond, Wolfe was right there next to him giving him strength.

  “Fight my love. Be careful. Come back to me.”


  Silas saw the blade dance in Roya's hand. He also felt the surge of love and strength coming from Wolfe. Wolfe had found their bond. “Fight my love. Be careful. Come back to me.” He looked at Roya with renewed fire.

  "I want to watch that boy's face as I gut you in front of him. It will be worth my life to have that last joy." He spit out and started coming toward Silas. He managed to lay open a cut to Silas's upper arm before Silas grabbed his wrist, twisting it up and around his back, forcing him
to drop the blade.

  Silas held on to him as all the anger and frustration of the last few days was taking over and giving him the determination to end this man and end him now. He twisted the arm until it broke and forced Roya to his knees while grabbing his throat with his left hand. Silas drove his knee into the middle of Roya's back, dropping him to the stone floor, and as he was pitching forward, Silas ripped out his throat. He was dead before he hit the floor.

  Silas stood back and returned to his side of the Chamber and awaited release. The door swung open, and he exited. Ira handed him a wet towel and then a dry one before stepping to the side and allowing Silas to address his Master.

  “Bellum has been satisfied.” He stated.

  “The honor is yours Silas Patronne.” Master DuCane proclaimed.

  Wolfe couldn't wait one more second. He knew this was all ritual and had to be adhered to, but he needed to touch his love. He needed Silas in his arms. He rushed up and wrapped his arms around Silas and held on. Watching that battle had aged him ten years. Roya was ruthless and disgusting, and Silas was so perfect and beautiful. The knife nearly had him running at the cage, and if Master DuCane and Ismael hadn't been holding him, he probably would have.

  "I never want you to do anything like that again. Never again, my heart can't take it." He pulled back and reached up to cup the sides of Silas's face in the palms of his hands. "But with that said, I want to thank you for defending me and destroying that monster." He pulled Silas down to him for a kiss that he hoped conveyed all he was feeling, anxiety, relief, desperation, and desire. It was all there. "You're hurt." Wolfe checked his upper arm where Roya had sliced him, but it had already mostly healed. "How is that possible?"

  "My blood heals you, and your blood heals me." He said, and Wolfe pulled him in for another full-body hug.

  "I felt you over our bond. I heard you in my mind, and I felt your strength. Not even the Bellum Chamber could keep you from me." Silas smiled down that his beloved.


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