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Joseph Fallen

Page 6

by M. S. Willis

  He smiled, menace shadowing and making the expression even more cruel than Joseph had intended. It was a look she’d not seen before, one that startled her into silence as soon as it stretched across his face. “Children. Yes, Arianna. Point out the failure you’ve accomplished in the years we’ve been together. How fitting that you bring up the one thing you refuse to give me while I work endlessly to give you everything you’ve ever wanted.”

  “I don’t want the things you give me! I don’t care about the money, about the parties, about the prestige or the envy! All I ever wanted was you! Why can you not see that?!” She pleaded with him, her desperation dowsing her words as she cried. “I love you Joseph, but I will not remain in the life you have chosen. End this now, or let me go!”

  His arms came up to cage her against the wall, the motion of his body slow and controlled while his weight pressed against her. She turned her head to the side, refused to look up into the eyes of a man who was fast becoming another stranger in her life.

  His breath rolled down her cheek and the hair at the back of her neck stood on end. A feral energy rolled off Joseph in waves, causing her skin to prickle and her chest to expand from her quickened breath. A silence, pregnant with regret, shame, anger and loss, hung over them like a thick winter blanket. A man and his wife, two people who’d lived and breathed for each other only a few years before, now stood on a precipice carved out of lies and doubt, utter sadness and sudden understanding of what had become of an envied couple, of two lovers who at one time had needed each other to survive.

  When Joseph’s eyes closed, when his breathing deepened and Arianna looked up into the pained face of her husband, her heart melted. Pain, unforgiving and true, touched his features, caused his skin to grow pale over the sharp peaks of his cheekbones. He was tired, of that he’d not lied – and he was fighting against something she could not recognize. However, even with exhaustion weighing down his strong shoulders, she could tell that whatever he fought against carried a deep-seated resentment towards her. With tears falling from her wide-opened eyes, she reached up, her love making it impossible for her to keep from providing comfort to the man who at that moment had torn her heart, her entire world, apart. He was lost to something she didn’t know, a poison that had somehow weaved itself around him, forming a cage of conspiracy and deceit, enslaving him to a lifestyle that would drive a brilliant mind mad.

  The skin of her palm slid against the rough skin of his cheek, and almost instantly on that contact, his grey eyes shot open, veins of black formed from emotions so disturbing, she could barely stand to keep her eyes open long before letting her lids fall tight to her face.

  Her lips falling apart, she pled, “Please, Joseph. Let me leave.”

  Consumed in silence that threatened to suffocate her, silence that began to push and pull at every nerve within her body, she waited to find out what Joseph would do next. But then, just barely, she heard the click of metal against metal, the soft push of a door moving against air.

  The low baritone of an unsure voice sounded next. “I apologize for interrupting, but I’ve been informed that Emory has returned. Joseph, you may want to speak with him immediately. The information he’s discovered…” Connor paused, seemingly unsure how much he could reveal with Arianna in the room. “…it’s information you’ll want to know right away.”

  Allowing her eyes to open again, she was stunned to discover that Joseph’s eyes were still locked tight on her face. A mask of indifference now covered his features, the angry black veins in his eyes muted by Connor’s interruption; but he never looked away from her when he answered his guard.

  “I’ll be there in a moment. Leave us.”

  Drowning in a torrential flood of pain and doubt, Arianna stood waiting for what Joseph would say or do next. Realization crept across her thoughts, the loss of hope and the knowledge that everything she thought she’d known, everything she thought they’d been, had been a lie. As if she’d been a dreamer finally waking from a long sleep, she allowed her mind to quickly travel through the past, to recognize the signs she’d ignored over the years they’d been married. Blaming herself, she thought about how she’d accepted that it had been his long hours that had been the blame for his restlessness, but the truth now slapping her in the face, she realized her husband had fallen and she’d been too ignorant to pull him back.

  He stood motionless around her, the heat of his body, his scent, bathing her as she waited – the broken promise and the reminder of who her husband had been was dangled before her in that moment, a dream she would never capture again. He looked like Joseph, smelled like him, carried the same unspoken power and assurance – but he was no longer the man she’d believe him to be.

  His jaw ticked, and when his sculpted lips finally opened, his voice brushed against her, seductive as silk, while, at the same time, sharp as the most lethal of blades.

  The words spoken were so slow, so frightfully controlled, that there was no doubt they were the undeniable truth. “When I married you, and on our wedding night, I promised you two things, Arianna – that you were mine and that I would do whatever was necessary to give you everything you could ever want.” His eyes closed as he winced, his face appearing to battle against pain of the thoughts pounding against his skull. “I have not broken those promises, so do not break yours. Do not threaten to leave me again. There is no where on this Earth that you could run, that I would not hunt you down, find you, and drag you back here, chained if need be, to where you belong.”

  His eyes opened.

  “You are mine and I will not allow you to leave. While I’m gone, I will leave Connor to watch over you. He is loyal to me and will prevent any escape you attempt if you are foolish enough to try. There is no escape from me, Arianna. You WILL accept what I have done.”

  Pushing himself away from her, he looked her over for only a moment longer, before soundlessly turning away, disappearing out the door into the hall. Sliding to the ground, Arianna huddled over herself and grabbed her knees, rocking back and forth like a mother would do to soothe a frightened child.

  Chapter Eight

  His tan face was shadowed by black stubble, short and thick, creating canyons out of the cheeks of his face. An odd look to his eyes, Joseph swore he saw calculated insanity behind the gaze of the man who’d just revealed to him that a unit within his own network had been responsible for the attack on his wife.

  “Do they believe they can best me so easily, that I would not have eventually discovered their plans? How many within the group took part and do we know for a fact that Arianna had been their intended target?”

  Emory settled into the wing-backed chair that had been earlier occupied by Connor. “It is a simple battle for control, Joseph. These men will employ the same techniques you used to gain your seat in this network, unless of course you are quick to show them to what lengths you will go to protect it.” A deeper meaning and ill intent hung on his words. “Their intended target is not of concern; only that it was an attack on your house. As far as I could discover, there are eleven men total who had taken part and those men have been apprehended and held until you can decide what is to be done about them.”

  “And what do you suggest I do about these men? Wouldn’t it be simple enough to kill them and return their bodies back to those who may have supported them?”

  “You could do that – or…”

  Joseph’s craned his neck sideways, attempting to work out the knot that had formed in the muscle. “Or, what?

  “You could make an example out of them. Show any would-be traitors exactly how far you are willing to go to protect everything you’ve worked so tirelessly to build. These were criminals before you took them and shaped them into the wealthiest men in this State. But now, it seems, some believe they no longer need you. I suggest you show them how wrong they were in their belief.”

  Joseph considered Emory’s words and agreed that swift force would be required in this situation. It was a line he’d not
crossed before, but what did he have to lose? The only thing he cared about was his wife and she’d already betrayed him by allowing herself to even consider leaving his side.

  “Have they confessed?”

  “Does it matter?”

  Each man looked at the other, a weighted question unanswered out loud, but decided, nonetheless.

  Joseph sighed. “Then I will end this quickly.”

  Emory smiled.

  Standing from his chair, Joseph paced the floors of his office. His white shirt pulled tight across his shoulders, the material abrasive against skin heated in rage.

  “Call a meeting in the ballroom for this evening. I want the top men in each of the units in attendance. After tonight, there will be no doubt what will occur to any man who dares attack The Estate – from outside or from within.”

  “Is Connor to attend?”


  “And who will guard your wife?”

  Joseph thought silently for a moment before finally turning to Emory. A wicked smile stretching lazily across his face, he answered, “Have Connor bring her as well.”

  . . .

  Muscles stretched taut across her back and neck, Arianna stopped rocking when her body finally quivered in revolt against the continued movement. Her tears had long ago dried up, her burning eyes only daring to peek up at the man standing across the room every once in a while. Hours had passed, but she hadn’t moved, hadn’t spoken, hadn’t wanted to accept the company of a man she knew killed easily and without hesitation or regret. Noticing that he never looked at her directly, she eventually found herself watching him, losing her fight against her curiosity of the identity of the man and how he’d come to work for her husband. It was a small, and most likely, unimportant question, that danced amongst the countless others she had regarding Joseph.

  Standing sentinel, Connor was motionless in front of Arianna, absolutely silent in his observation, while he leaned against a wall near the door to the music room. He was dressed in head to toe black, his shoulders and chest straining against the stretched material of his shirt, his pants hanging off slender hips before bulging out from the muscles in his thighs. He wore his hair short, but even still glints of light appeared to be swallowed by the ebony black strands that covered his head. He appeared younger than Joseph, but only by a few years. His face was chiseled, his strong jaw twitching every once in a while, giving away the fact that he was not, in fact, the unmoving statue that he appeared to be.

  She didn’t want to move, didn’t know what to think of the unknown man who’d watched over her since her husband had left her crumpled on the music room floor. But she knew she could not remain there waiting for Joseph’s return; knew that it would not be until the late evening hours that he’d travel back to her wing – to her.

  Uncurling from her balled position on the floor, she stretched her legs out in front of her and allowed her head to fall heavily against the wall at her back. After gaining an upright position, she watched him for a few more minutes, impressed in his ability to remain as still, as terrifyingly silent as he was.

  Suddenly annoyed, she cautiously pushed herself up into a standing position, not sure if she was allowed to leave the room, or if she was trapped there until Joseph decided to return. Hesitantly, she took several steps towards the door, noticing how the man her husband had left behind finally turned when she’d approached. His eyes met hers; she stopped moving and was thoroughly entranced by the deep, multi-hued green. Perfectly contrasted by the deep tan of his skin and the silk black of his hair, the man’s eyes glittered like priceless jewels, the color beaming outwards, making them appear alien and unreal. How someone of such beauty could also be a stone-cold killer was beyond her, but she knew she stared into the face of a demon, one who lurked beneath the cloak of an angel.

  Stepping into the hall, she walked toward her suite, distinctly aware of the soft thud of boots behind her. For each step she took, one was matched, and she stopped suddenly to discover that those quiet thuds stopped as well. Taking another step, she heard one that followed, and she stopped again. Turning slightly, she peeked out from behind a golden curtain of hair to see that the man stood silently in wait of her next move.

  “Oh! This is just ridiculous.” Throwing up her hands, she marched again in the direction of her suite and she couldn’t be sure, but she thought she heard a soft chuckle behind her.

  Throwing open the doors, she quickly strode into the living room of her suite, flinging the doors closed behind her. Not hearing the familiar click of metal against metal, the pound of the wooden doors reverberating through the walls, she turned to find the man standing in the doorway, one door held open in each hand, and no expression in the emerald green eyes that shown brilliantly against his tanned skin.

  “Am I not allowed to be in my own apartment by myself?!”

  She found the man’s ability to appear motionless disturbing. Her heart raced with anger and resentment, and her eyes remained locked to his face, searching for any outward sign that would betray his thoughts.

  When he didn’t speak, didn’t move, didn’t so much as flinch a muscle in response to her question, she backed into the kitchen and reached behind her to find and move a chair out from the table so that she could sit down. She kept her eyes trained on the man. A few minutes passed, crystal blue staring into emerald green, the man finally stepped forward, softly clicking the doors shut behind him, before leaning back against the wood.

  The silence between them was thick, aggravating in its duration, but when his lips moved and his voice softly brushed across her senses, she flinched, not expecting the sudden sound.

  “Are you afraid of me?”

  An odd question. Of course she was afraid of him. Not even twenty-four hours before, she’d watched him come into the woods dressed in shadow, had seen how easily he removed a man’s head without so much as a struggle.

  It was only because she forced strength into her voice that she was able to speak. “Yes. I’d prefer that you leave.”

  Almost apologetically, he responded, “I can’t leave. I’ve been ordered to watch over you.”


  Silence again. His eyes closing slowly, the black night of his lashes barely covering the light of his forest green eyes before opening again as he answered, “I’ve been asked by your husband to protect you. To ensure that no person can attempt to harm you again. He is … concerned … for your welfare.”

  Laughter shook her shoulders, the hysterical type that had no footing in actual humor, but sprang forth from anger, resentment and fear. “Is he really concerned for my welfare? Or is he concerned that I’ll leave him, seek shelter in a home not overrun by criminals?” She grew quiet for a moment, her head falling into her hands but then lifted again to look indignantly into the face of the man. “Are you a criminal as well? One of the men that corrupted a good man, convinced him to lie to his wife?”

  “I was hired by Joseph after The Estate had already become…what it is. My specialty is in security and defense.”

  “Death – that’s what you mean, that is your specialty. I saw what you did, how easily…” Her sobs choked out her words, the honey blonde of her hair falling forward as she hid her face in her hands.

  Finally when she’d pushed past the threatened tears in her eyes, she looked up again. The cobalt blue twinkling from a mixture of the lights in the room reflecting across the unshed tears. Slowly, methodically, she spoke. “He told me you would watch me to make sure I cannot leave. If I were to try, would you…”

  “I’d prevent you from leaving. It wouldn’t be safe, but for more reasons than you assume. Your husband loves you.”

  “My HUSBAND does not LOVE me! If he loved me, he’d be here by my side. There wouldn’t be any need for your protection and for his continued absence. We were fine before we came to this place – HAPPY. But now… now he’s lost to something that I cannot even fully comprehend. What is he supporting? Drugs? Murder? What?!”

; He didn’t answer; the tick of his jaw, the only sign that he’d heard her question at all.

  She blinked up at him, not surprised by his lack of response. “Of course, you won’t answer me. Why am I not surprised that a criminal won’t admit to his acts? I must assume you are all the same.”

  On shaky legs, she stood up from the chair. “Am I allowed to dress by myself or do I have to sacrifice my dignity as well? Has my husband fallen so far that he’d allow another man to look over me while I’m naked?”

  The corner of his lip twitched, allowing the faint outline of a dimple to grace the rough skin of his cheek.

  “I will only remain in the apartment when you are here. I will not follow you when you need privacy. Joseph wouldn’t appreciate or request such diligence on my part. You remain his wife, one who is protected above all else.”

  “Good, then I intend to spend a lot of time in my room, away from you.”

  He pulled his expression back to one of disinterest, effectively concealing his thoughts. “That is your choice.”

  She took a step towards her bedroom and when he did not move to follow, she quickened her pace. Just as she was about to enter the corridor that led to her bedroom, he spoke again.

  “I must warn you, however, attempting escape through a window would not be wise. I have men stationed heavily outside this apartment. You will not make it far before you are apprehended and returned.”

  Her steps faltered, her head dropped, and the realization that she’d become a prisoner in her own home finally struck profoundly against her thoughts.

  “I don’t want to be here any longer. I don’t want to stay with my husband and his … whatever the hell this is.”

  He moved into the interior of the hall, the large size of his body blocking the light from the iron chandelier behind him, casting a shadow over hers. When she finally turned to look at him, she found that his features had softened, that pity weighed heavily on his heart.


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