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A Crown of Shadows and Secrets

Page 10

by Sloane Murphy

  Though, I guess that’s kind of human too. Or maybe humans are like Demons.

  Who knows?

  “Well, she called me a Shadow Walker. That freaked her out, god knows why. I wish we’d had more time to try and research this shit, or find another Shadow Walker to help us, or at least help me understand.”

  “Well maybe we should head back out and see if we can find a way to get to the next level of this place. We're not going to discover anything cooped up in here,” Roman says, pacing by the door. Being trapped away, even being in the Shadow Realm, hasn't been fun for him. His wolf is pushing harder than usual to break free.

  “Where are we going to go?” I ask.

  “You, aren't going anywhere,” Roman says.

  “The hell I'm not. I'm not staying in here if you guys are all going out there,” I counter. “I'm not some damsel that needs rescuing or saving. I have just as much right, and need, to get out of here as you do. Maybe more considering we're trying to find my friend, who is trapped somewhere here because of me,” I say losing my patience. It's taking too long to get to Fallon, I have no idea what's happening to her, what's happening back home, and it’s driving me a little insane.

  “How about we all head out?” Creek offers, trying to defuse the tensions in the room, while Kain nods, agreeing with him. I take a deep breath and tip my head back to look at the ceiling, but find Levi stood behind me, smirking down at me.

  “Or how about we head out, and Remy stays put for a change, meaning the rest of us can focus rather than worrying about her,” Levi adds, still staring down at me, almost daring me to argue with him.

  Sometimes I wonder why I love this bunch of assholes.

  “Or, you could just accept that if you leave me here, I'm going to go out anyway, because I'm not going to be told what to do by anyone, and it’s safer if you know where I'm going, rather than freaking out if you get back and I'm not here?” I push the chair I'm sat on back from the table and look at each of them, meeting their eyes, daring them to keep pushing me. “Maybe you guys should stay here and I should venture out. One girl is much less inconspicuous than you lot. Plus, Demons seem to get twitchy around me, I'm probably the safest of us all. Can we please get rid of the protective alpha macho bullshit? We don't have time for this, and I don't have the patience for it.” I cross my arms and lean against the table and roll my eyes when Levi starts laughing.

  “Fine, protective alpha macho bullshit put away for now. Are we splitting up and covering more ground?” Levi says, looking to me.

  “Splitting up seems to make the most sense,” I agree, and the others grumble their agreement. “How about you guys pair up, and I'll head out on my own. I wasn't wrong when I said I'm more inconspicuous on my own, plus I'm more likely to get someone to talk without one of you looming over my shoulder.”

  “I think it has merit,” Creek says, smiling at me. “She's not wrong about being inconspicuous, but I don't know about pairing up.” He eyes Roman who gives him a wolfish grin, but nothing about it is welcoming. Awesome, I thought we'd got past all of that. Unless the crazy that is this level is wearing on them too.

  “Pairing up isn't a bad idea. An Angel, Dracul or Lycan are more likely to be jumped down here. At least we have some form of back up if it’s needed,” Kain adds begrudgingly.

  “Creek, you're with me,” Levi says quickly, and I'm a little grateful, him and Roman pairing up just isn't the sort of disruption we need right now. They're more likely to fight each other. Kain seems to be the only one he doesn't snarl at other than me at the minute.

  “It's decided then.” I nod. “I'm going to work the tavern downstairs, see if I can't get someone talking about how to move between the levels. Being able to move around without needing assistance would be great right about now.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Kain adds. “Roman and I will head to see if we can find whoever it is that runs this level, see if they have a way to get to the queen quickly.”

  “And Creek and I will see if anyone has heard about a human being kept down here. Someone, somewhere, has to have heard some rumblings. Or at least have an idea who keeps making the tears to Earth,” Levi adds and Creek nods.

  “Well then, what are we waiting for, let’s get out of this box.” Roman growls, grabbing his jacket and sliding it on. Thank god for the shower and tub. All of our clothes were filthy, but we managed to hand wash them, thanks to the assistance of the person running this place, we also managed to buy a change of clothes or two each, so now we have baggage, and thanks to a funky little spelled bag, everything fits in the never-ending pack that weighs nothing.

  “Well, I'm going to change, and then head downstairs,” I tell them emptying the pack to find the clothes I purchased for this exact reason. It’s amazing what a little blood can buy you. Not mine of course, but apparently there's two ways to pay for things down here. We didn't have any gold, so blood it was. Roman opened a vein and paid the cost, luckily it wasn't too high, though acquiring some gold might be an idea too.

  I'll see what I can find, mon amour. Kain's voice appears in my mind, we talk that way so little that I forget it’s something we can do, but I smile at him. Apparently he's keeping tabs on me to make sure I'm as okay as I seem. He smiles at me and nods, and I know I'm right.

  Thank you, I tell him. At least if we can get some gold, we might be able to buy information or transport to other levels if we need it.

  “We'll meet back here in a few hours?” Kain asks aloud, and I nod.

  “Sounds good to me,” I tell him, I don't intend on going far, I just didn't want them to tell me I couldn't go. I'm not a kept woman, I don't intend to act like one.

  I pull out some leather pants and a bralette, apparently Demons like leather too. Though skin is its own sort of market down here. I shudder thinking about the offers we got when we first got here.

  No thank you.

  Not today Demons.

  Just nope.

  “I heard some guys talking about fighting cages. I think if we head there, people will be bragging about all sorts. Egotistical Demons riding adrenaline will be talkative Demons,” Levi says with a smirk, though it drops when I shimmy out of my skinny jeans and thong.

  “What are you doing?” He asks playfully.

  “Preparing to get some Demons to talk.” I wink at him and wiggle into the leather pants, sans underwear. Nothing worse than a panty line in leather. I strip out of my tank and bra, and shrug into the bralette, letting my hair out of the hair tie that's been keeping it out of my way, when I notice all four sets of eyes on me.

  “Now then boys. Play can happen later, we've got information we need to get.” I wink at them and laugh, as I put everything, including the vials of my blood everyone was wearing back in the pack.

  I move to the mirror to make sure my hair isn't completely out of control and watch as not one of them takes their eyes off of me. My ovaries start to explode at the smoldering looks I'm getting, it’s been a while since I had any alone time with them, and it’s getting to the point where I'm not sure I care if I'm alone with them, I just want them. All of them. One of them. Just them.

  “We should go,” Creek says, his voice barely more than a rasp. I watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows, as he tries to get himself under control. He rearranges himself and I laugh under my breath.

  “Yep, we should,” Levi says, grabbing his jacket and moving to the door. “All of us,” he says, opening it and waiting for the other three to start moving. I lean against the dresser, still smirking, I'm sure my eyes are just as wanting as each of theirs, but I watch as they leave. Levi closes the door behind them and I flop down onto the bed with a groan.

  They might be assholes, but they're my assholes, and if I don't have at least one of them soon, I'm going to combust. I take a deep breath and get a handle on my hormones. Being this horny around a ton of handsy Demons isn't something I need to deal with today.

  I get back up and make myself head downstairs to the ta
vern, then make my way straight to the bar. They might be Demons, but they like to drink just as much as the rest of us. I have no idea how they get it, but it wouldn't surprise me if they just stole it any chance they got.

  The bartender is a sultry woman with blood red lips and dark hair cut in a sharp crop at her chin. She looks stern, but still beautiful, and heads towards me, no more than an exasperated look on her face.

  “What are you doing down here?” She asks, and I shrug. “I thought I told you to stay off the radar.”

  “A girl gets thirsty,” I tell her, making a show of looking her over. Women don't do it for me, but she doesn't know that. She could have more information than a little, everyone talks to the person pouring their drinks. Maybe I should've let one of the guys do this.

  Actually, nope. Don't want to slit her throat. Turns out I have some jealousy issues I wasn't aware of and just the thought of them flirting with her, especially after that fucking dream, just makes my blood boil.

  I take a deep breath and force down the bitter taste in my mouth at the thought, and smile at her again.

  “Well, what's your poison?” She asks and I look at the bottles behind her. Plenty of choice but I'll go with a good old favorite.

  “Jameson on the rocks,” I tell her and she rolls her eyes, but grabs a glass and slams it down in front of me. She takes her time getting the bottle, stopping to talk to various Demons at the bar as she goes. I'm patient, to a point, Fallon is a constant thought in the back of my mind, but I know I can't get myself killed otherwise I'll never get her out of here.

  The woman comes back and pours me two fingers over ice, grinning as she does. I shrug it off and sip the whiskey, enjoying the burn as it goes down. “So what are you really doing down here?” She asks.

  “I told you.” I shrug, and take another sip.

  “You don't dress like that, just because your thirsty. Well, unless you're another kind of thirsty,” she says and I can't help but laugh.

  “Something like that.” I smirk. “Maybe I just wanted to talk to another woman.”

  “I suppose if your juggling that much cock, talking to a woman is a nice change of pace.”

  “Something like that. I'm Remy.”

  “Callie,” she tells me with a nod and heads to another Demon to serve them, and I stand patiently knowing she'll be back. I take advantage of the alone time and listen to the conversations around me to see if I can pick anything up.

  I focus on my hearing and listen in to a few conversations, but some of them make my stomach turn so I skip by pretty quickly on a few of them. Just gross.

  “... I heard that Deacon has found a way to open the portal. He's got big plans apparently.”

  “Shut up, Ellis. This is not the place.”

  “I just meant that we could probably get in on it, if we wanted.”

  “Shut up Ellis!” the guy roars and I tune out, I don't know what powers these Demons have, or even what type of Demons they are, so I go back to nursing my drink and wait for Callie to come back. I wonder if I can get any information from her without pimping myself out. That is definitely not on my to do list.

  “Remy!” Creek appears in the doorway, drawing more than a little attention, so I stand quickly and pull him outside away from our audience, before anyone figures out who or what we are.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask as soon as we're alone.

  “Levi, he's a fucking hot-headed idiot. He got pulled into a fight, he's in the cages,” he tells me panting. “Come on, quick.” He pulls my arm and takes off at a run. I shrug free and follow him as fast as we can move.

  I don't know if you can hear me, but Levi got himself in trouble at the cages. We might need you guys. I reach out to Kain, and hope to the fates he can hear me as I chase behind Creek.

  I have no idea how we're going to get him out of those cages, and with him being weakened... my steps falter, but I catch myself.

  If that idiot gets himself killed, I'll bring him back just to kick his ass.

  I don't even know if Angels can die.

  Or if they can be brought back.

  Nevin said I was an exception to the rule.


  I push harder, forcing Creek to move faster as he leads me to my idiotic Angel.

  We reach the cages, and the crowd is insane. Apparently an Angel in the Shadow Realm, especially one stupid enough to land themselves in the fight cages, is a big draw. I search the room, looking for a way to get higher, so I can see better, and try to work out a way to get Levi out of this fucking place before we all end up Demon chow.

  “How the fuck did this happen?” I hiss at Creek as I push through the throng of Demons. This is exactly a place I didn't want to be. Somewhere that's going to get us all killed if we're not careful.

  “Some Demon kept pushing. Taunting, being a general asshole,” Creek says with a shrug.

  “Of course he was an asshole. They're fucking Demons,” I say vehemently. “It’s kind of what they do. Who they are.”

  “Yeah, well. Levi is an Angel, his tolerance for Demons is obviously lower than yours. He punched the guy in the face, and then they both got their asses dragged into the cages. No fights in here unless they're in the cage apparently,” he tells me as I find a table by a concrete pillar. I climb onto it so that I can see over the heads of the Demons in here, I'm not a short person, but fates above, this lot are tall.

  I manage to see into the cage, and I can just about see Levi's head, his wings are out and I groan. Of course he couldn't keep his wings under wraps.

  Fucking men.

  I flinch as he pulls back his fist and the Demon flies across the cage. Cheers go up around the room, it seems they don't care whose blood is spilt, as long as there's bloodshed.

  I shake my head and try to think of a way to get him out of there, without causing chaos, or ending up locked in there myself. The Demon flies up and crashes into Levi, and the sound of bones smashing makes me wince. Levi doesn't look bothered, but the Demon looks a little worse for wear. His fist jabs forward and smashes into Levi's face, and I see blood trickle down from his eyebrow.

  “Lucky shot,” I hear Levi taunt, as the blood runs down his face and drops into the sand at their feet. I jump down from the table and start elbowing my way through the crowd, until I reach the front and I'm leaning on the cage wall. I can't think of another way to get Levi out other than for him to decimate the Demon he's fighting, but him bleeding really isn't something I'm happy about. I've never seen him injured, I didn't even think it was possible.

  Fucking Shadow Realm weakening him.

  I feel sick as I watch them trade blows, and when the Demon gets another hit on Levi, this time on his jaw, I watch and wince as he spits blood.

  “What the fuck is going on?” The familiar voice rings out across the room, and Callie pops up inside the cage. “Who the fuck put an Angel in my cages!” She seethes, and with a snap of her fingers the Demons neck twists and he drops to the ground.

  The room is silent, and I can't help but wonder who the hell Callie really is. She said these are her cages...

  She catches my eye and winks. Another snap of her fingers, and I find myself back in the tavern, the room cleared out, Levi bloody in front of me, Callie standing next to him smirking, and Creek at my side.

  “How...?” Creek starts but Levi drops to his knees and I rush to him.

  “Why the fuck would you start on a Demon, knowing you’re not at full strength down here!” I hiss, and help him to a seat. Callie walks behind the bar and appears back with what looks like a first-aid kit, four glasses, and a bottle of whiskey. She hands me the kit and pours the glasses, sitting at the table next to Levi and Creek joins her.

  Got him out, weird twist. We're back at the tavern. I reach out to Kain, hoping he can hear me again.

  We're near the cages, we'll double back to you guys. Everything okay?

  I think so. I tell him, and then focus on cleaning Levi up. He hisses as I clean the wounds on h
is face.

  “He'll heal quick enough,” Callie says, swigging back her drink. “Now, why don't you guys finally tell me why you're here, and maybe I'll see if I can't help you.”

  “Who are you?” I ask her.

  “I already told you, I'm Callie.”

  “Fine, what are you?” I ask and she grins.

  “Better question. I am a higher Demon, a Siren, people also tend to call me Envy.” She grins. Of course the higher fucking Demon of this level was helping us hide... from her. Fuck my life.

  “We're trying to get my friend back, she was taken by a Demon,” I tell her openly. She's had more than enough opportunity to kill us if she wanted to. I might not trust Demons as a whole, but she's done enough to earn a modicum of trust. “So we're heading to find the queen.”

  “Well, well, well. What a pickle you've found yourself in. Which Demon did you piss off for them to take your friend?”

  “I don't know, he's working with an asshat Hunter. I pissed off the Hunter, so he took my friend to try and get me to help him.” I shrug, and gulp down the shot she poured me before disposing of the bloody wipes from cleaning up Levi. I go to sit down, but he pulls me onto his lap, remaining silent alongside Creek, probably trying to assess Callie. I can't blame either of them.

  “Are we late to the party?” Roman says as he and Kain enter the tavern, and I breathe a little easier now that they're both back. The last thing we need is someone else getting into trouble right now. “What did we miss?”

  They join us at the table, but Callie ignores them, keeping her eyes on me.

  “A Hunter working with a Demon. Seems like Earth has some issues on its hands. And you're at the center of it. I've heard whisperings of a Demon working with a Hunter, but I thought it was nonsense. People talk shit in here. I don't have any names though, sorry.”

  “Can you get us to the queen?” I ask, doubtful, but I figure it’s worth a shot.

  “Not if I want to keep my head.” She shakes her head and almost looks sorry. “I can open the door to level three though. You might have more luck there, they're fucking nuts there though. Wrath is not a level to fuck about on. Get in and out as soon as you can. Level four is easier, Sloth doesn't really care, he might even let you go straight to the queen if he can be bothered to help you at all. But Luna isn't someone to fuck with in Wrath. Avoid her if you can,” she tells us. “Spend the night recuperating, you're safe here, and I'll open a door for you in the morning.”


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