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The Dungeon

Page 15

by June Leung

  “Um… I don’t know about the correlation of the Elements’ magic and blood.” Lia ran her fingers through her hair, shaking her head.

  “You see, the author can’t distinguish our magic from that of the Elements. The Elements’ magic can’t be transferred nor built without the foundation in the person from the beginning. Think of what the humans would do to a magician for their power if they read this and believed it. Luckily, this and magic are more like a secret to humans now. Think of all the chaos it could cause.”

  Some power-hungry humans could kill magicians for their blood. “Who wrote this?”

  “I am not sure. It could have been someone working closely with the Elders of the Elements, or just a random person putting together myths. There are quite a few of these books, but this is the only one left. Or so I think.” He shrugged, putting the book back to the shelf.

  “There was a time when it wasn’t a secret?”

  “Smart, huh? Yes, a long time ago, most people more or less knew about it. It took a lot of work to finally put the cat back into the bag. Even now, outside of Zitannas, if people see magic, they are going to remember it.”

  “So no one outside knows?”

  “Some do, but magicians are smart about it.”

  “There are magicians outside of you, Evelyn, and the Elders?”

  “The world is large. Though everyone is very careful. Now, as far as I know, most magicians only become one after they are decided to fit beforehand. Most humans wouldn’t discover their power even if they had it.”

  “How did you guard something that big?”

  He chuckled, shaking his head. “In ways you wouldn’t like. So maybe don’t ask. It was a long time ago.”

  There weren’t a lot of things she didn’t like, she could guess. Probably included killing. At least it was a long time ago. “So, all these books are about magic?” There were eight shelves, every one of them taller than her and almost filled with books.

  “Not really. Some are completely made up, just like those in bookstores. I put them here in case someone did break in so they don’t find the real thing. I’ve been an expert of making up things for years, so it is only reasonable for me to have some of them here. It was so long ago, done as part of the effort to make magic seem ridiculous and fake for the outside world.” He followed her gaze, looking at the shelves. “All the lies and stories I had to make up are tiring to think about now.”

  Like how the gang thought the strange sound could defeat magicians?

  Lia trailed behind him, glancing over the spines of the books. “I suppose you brought me here so I can come back later?”

  “Yes, you can have fun reading here. I’m pretty sure you can figure out what’s fake, and you may actually learn a few things.”

  “Didn’t know you were such a nerdy guy.” She smiled, linking their arms.

  “For a long time, books and paper were the only ways to record things. You do know that, right?” he huffed a humorless chuckle.

  “Oh yeah, I always forget how much of an old soul you are,” she chuckled.

  He groaned, messing with her hair. “That has nothing to do with being old and I am not old.” She smacked his shoulder, pushing away his hand before fixing her hair.

  “The other rooms aren’t as interesting. But you can walk around as you like. I’ve locked up everything you shouldn’t see anyway.” He leaned closer to her with a smirk.

  “Hiding things behind my back, huh?” Lia cupped his chin, pulling his face close.

  “I’m keeping some surprises for you.” He planted a kiss on the tip of her nose.

  Yeah… when I know William and Eric are dead, it sure will be a surprise. Not letting that happen, sorry not sorry.

  Chapter 27


  Adrian wasn’t going to let Lia out of the dungeon—she’d have to do it herself. In the next few days, Lia explored, getting to know most of the rooms. She pushed on every door she could lay her hands on.

  Adrian wasn’t around, probably perfecting his plan to attack the clan. If he was working hard on his end, there was no time for her to slack off. Back in her room, she drew herself a map of the dungeon, marking down the rooms, and more importantly, the stairs leading to different levels. There was still one level she had yet to explore; maybe she would do that tomorrow.

  If she was going to help William and Eric, she had to get out of the dungeon. It seemed there was no way Adrian would agree to it. She didn’t dare ask, no point risking what he would do when he knew what she knew.

  She traced her fingers on the map along the route that would take her to the stairs going up. Adrian never brought her up there. Before she figured out what to do, she didn’t need more attention from him.

  The faint sound of the doorknob turning startled her. She barely stuffed the map into her pillowcase when Adrian walked in, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

  “Have fun walking around?” he asked, sitting on the side of the bed and taking off his shoes.

  “Yeah, I went to the library and the books are interesting.” Her heart racing, hoping he wouldn’t find a thing suspicious. He nodded, seemingly oblivious.

  He lay on the bed face up, resting his head on his crossed arms. “That’s good. I’m worried that you will get bored.”

  What makes you think I’m not?

  “I don’t know how long I can stand this underground secret facility, though…”

  He turned to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I’m sorry. I promise this will end very soon. I told you less than a month, right? Maybe sooner.”

  Her heart skipped a beat; it would be time for her to move things forward. “I guess it’s more bearable when you’re here with me.” She laid down next to him.

  “I wish I could be with you all the time, but there are still things to be done,” he sighed, nibbling on her earlobe.

  “Tomorrow? Although we had training yesterday, can’t hurt to have an extra session.”

  “I… sorry, I have something else to do tomorrow. But the day after tomorrow, I promise.”

  If he wouldn’t be here the next day, maybe she could sneak outside. If she was fast, no one would know. Her heart raced despite her wish, and he looked up with furrowed eyebrows. “What’s wrong?”

  “I… I just want to spend more time with you, but you are always busy…” She stared down, averting his gaze.

  “Tomorrow night, we’ll have dinner together. Whatever you want. Deal?” A pained look flashed on his face as he toyed with her hair.

  “Can we go out to have dinner?”

  Please say no… Don’t tell me you will be fighting William that soon…

  His face fell and he shook his head. “Have some patience. I will get you takeaway like before. Or if you want, I can cook you something.”

  “You are lucky I like food and I like you.”

  He growled, nibbling on her throat under her chin. “Is there a reason I’m listed behind food?”

  She chuckled, pushing on his shoulders. “Jealous?”

  “You better give me an answer.” He tickled her side and she squirmed, trying to grab his hands.

  “Hey! Stop it! Fine, you are better than food! Happy?” She playfully shoved his chest.

  He laughed, shaking his head. “It seems I can’t help but feel good with you around. It’s too hard to be angry.”

  “I guess that’s a good thing.”

  I probably will need that if I fail to sneak back in time.

  “Lucky you,” he beamed, stroking her cheek with his thumb.

  She spent the night going through her plan in her mind while trying her best to keep a straight face. He fell asleep quickly after he hit the pillow. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from him, resisting the urge to stroke his hair. She liked how peaceful he was when he was asleep, much better than when he was stressed.

  Sorry, Adrian. I can’t let the Elders die. Please forgive me. If anything, I will try not to let you know until the last moment.

bsp; Chapter 28


  “Hey.” Something nudged Lia gently and she stirred, opening her eyes. Adrian pecked her forehead with a smile on his face. “I’ll see you at dinner time, OK?”

  The next day came sooner than she hoped. She faintly nodded, pulling him closer, kissing him on the lips, stroking his cheek. He let out a small moan, hugging her close. They remained wrapped in each other’s arms for a while longer before he finally pulled away.

  “I have to go.” He got out of the bed, lifting her hand to kiss her knuckles.

  Lia sighed. “Sure. I will try to find something to do.” Adrian nodded, putting on his shoes and grabbing his things before heading out.

  She sat up as soon as the door clicked closed. Her brain felt tired after all the planning, but she needed to remember the route if she was to pull this off. Holding up a map wouldn’t help.

  She only had to get out of the dungeon and message Helen; it couldn’t be that hard. Adrian for sure wouldn’t be happy about it, but he didn’t need to know. If she came back quickly, before Benjamin brought her food She got out of bed and dressed, laying the map on the desk while she tied up her hair.

  Adrian was the one working behind her back first, she didn’t have to feel bad about what she was going to do.

  She gripped her phone tightly and slid it into her pocket, giving it a pat before pressing an ear against the door, making sure Adrian was long gone.

  The dim corridors were still empty and cold as they always were. But now, they seemed even creepier. It took much more force and determination for her to step out of the room. At each corner, she made sure to check for anyone. Although it seemed only Adrian and Benjamin were there, this place felt a bit too big for just the two of them.

  Soon, she arrived at the stairs and took a last peek down the corridor she came from, relieved that it was empty, without even a trace of magic. Keeping her steps quiet, she walked up the stairs, her heart beating quicker and quicker as she climbed. She made her way through two more floors before she froze as there was a hushed voice down in the corridor.

  Adrian and Benjamin were chatting, seemingly deep in conversation.

  Lia carefully continued up the stairs, but then there was a hand on her shoulder. Crap! When she snapped her head back, Adrian was glaring at her.

  “May I ask where you’re going?” He scowled, standing a step lower than her. She swallowed, her mouth dry.

  “Just walking around trying to find something to do? You said I could figure out this place.” She averted his gaze.

  “Go back, will you?” he said with a cold and commanding voice, gesturing at the stairs behind him.

  Lia gritted her teeth. If she went back, he wouldn’t let her have the chance to go out anymore.

  She took a deep breath. He moved sideways, giving her the space to head back. She kicked him in the chest, pushing him down the stairs while dashing up. Hopefully, he wouldn’t kill her.

  Her heart thundered in her chest. She could hear him shouting after her, but she kept running. Soon the stairs ended, revealing another corridor—she was close to the exit.

  Someone from behind grabbed her waist and tackled her to the floor. She tried to pull away, but he was too strong. She closed her eyes, bracing herself for impact to the floor, but she landed on something soft. When she opened her eyes, she was in Adrian’s arms—he was the one who took the impact. He grabbed her tightly, staring daggers at her.

  “Did I not tell you to wait for a while?” he grunted.

  Lia struggled to free herself, yanking at his arm, but to no avail. She hauled her ice shards, getting ready to shoot at him, when a sharp chill spread from his arms through her body.

  No, not now! She kicked around, fighting his grip, but her strength left her quickly. She fought to stay focused as her vision slowly blurred. Her limbs felt heavier and heavier until she lost the power to fight and the world blacked out.

  Lia found herself lying on something soft and comfortable, a stream of warmth came from her hand through the rest of her body. She felt her own breath once again. She opened her eyes. Adrian was holding her hand, his eyes glowing in red.

  Back to square one…

  “Feeling better?” he asked.

  She pulled her hand away from him, turning her back to him and pulling the cover up her face as a sob escaped her. Tears fell down her face, her cry muffled by the blanket. Better play it well for the next chance.

  “Please, Lia… I know you want to spend some time outside. Let me do my work first, OK? There’s nothing more I want than your safety.”

  He rested his hand on her shoulder, but she turned away from his touch. “Leave me alone…”

  “Lia…” he pulled at the blanket, yanking it off her. She flinched, averting his gaze. “Can you please not do that again? Stay here until things are settled, OK?” A pained look flashed through his face. He reached out to stroke her cheek, but she slapped his hand away.

  He sighed, getting out of the bed. “Whatever, you are staying here. I will bring you your meals when it’s time.” He headed to the door when Lia sat up on the bed.

  With a shaky voice, she asked, “Are you holding me prisoner now?”

  He halted without turning around to face her. “That’s one way to look at it. This won’t last for long.”

  “Wait! Adrian!” She dashed for him, but he closed the door in her face. She reached down to the doorknob, but it was locked from outside. She willed for an ice beam to break the lock. When she tried, a strong electric shock pushed her back a few steps. She fell to the floor, staring at the door with her eyes wide. It had to be his magic, how dare he do this to her.

  “ADRIAN!” She clenched a fist, nails digging into her palms. There was no response from the other side of the door.

  Why… why must he keep me locked up in here…? Did he already figure out I know his plan?

  Lia dashed at the door again, but whatever magic he casted on the door bounced her back. She groaned as she landed on her elbow on the floor. It hurt. She sent ice shards at the door, but her attacks were deflected, sending them flying back at her. She barely evaded her own blast.

  Dammit! Adrian, I hate you!

  Lia punched the floor, getting up, pacing the room. There must be something I can still do. I have to get out of here! She shook her head, breathing deeply, trying to clear her mind. She was so close to getting out successfully, but now she was locked in by his magic. There seemed no way she could break through. Even if she could, he would know at once and had ample time to just wait for her at the exit.

  Could there be more than one exit? She rubbed her forehead. Nah, the problem on hand is how to get rid of this stupid magic.

  She walked up to all the walls of the room, touching every inch and knocking lightly. There didn’t seem to be a secret door.

  Anger simmered in her stomach. Adrian couldn’t do this to her. Who did he think he was? He didn’t get to decide for her what would happen, and he also didn’t get to kill the Elders whenever he wanted to. She punched the pillow on her lap mindlessly. It seems the only way to get through the magic is to convince Adrian to take it away… He probably won’t…

  As her mind raced through ways she could get out from the dungeon, but solutions seemed to be limited. She focused her mind on the magic around the door, trying to identify it. Maybe she could find a way to crack it.

  She had no idea how long had passed with her sitting and staring at the door when she heard faint footsteps outside. Lia slid under the covers, pretending to be asleep.

  The door clicked open. “Hey…” Adrian walked in with the smell of cheese and pepperoni. “Want some food?”

  Under the cover, she could barely make out the muffled sound of paper bags and a box. She pulled the cover over her head, hiding herself from his gaze. He walked over to sit beside her, but she rolled away from him.

  “Still angry?”

  She buried her head in the pillow, not wanting to see him. She didn’t even want f
ood. What did he think she was? Just a puppy he could bribe with food?

  He reached out to her shoulder over the cover, and she flinched at his touch. He took back his hand. “Don’t want to see me, huh…? I guess that’s what I deserve, then… I just hope you will understand where I’m coming from.”

  Lia’s head remained down on her pillow as it became wet from her tears. I know how much you want William and Eric dead, but now that I know, I can’t stand and watch. Whatever they did to you, they helped me a lot…

  If she could knock him down, maybe she could escape. Then she remembered how the gangsters died. This wasn’t a good idea at all. She already kicked him on the stairs; it was better to not push her luck any further. Not to mention he was much stronger than her. She set the plan aside.

  “I got you pizza…any interest?” he asked, but there was no answer.

  They remained in silence. She could feel the bed moving slightly as he shifted his weight around. Even under the blanket, she could feel his intense gaze on her. He nudged her shoulder gently. “Are you asleep?”

  She remained silent.

  “I guess you don’t want me here…sorry. I’ll leave the pizza. When you want some, you can have it…” He got off the bed and shortly after, the door closed.

  As soon as he was gone, Lia popped her head out. She glanced at the pizza box before staring at the door again. She launched a small ice shard at it, but it bounced against the magic, breaking before it could hit. She sighed, shaking her head.

  Up until now, Adrian thinks I want to get out because I am bored here. He doesn’t know the real reason I want to get out. Maybe I can use this…

  She got up, walking toward the door. She tried again to reach for the doorknob. The magic sent a spark through her hand. She gritted her teeth, trying to push through. The magic was strong, as if she was trying to punch through a thick pillow, and she couldn’t seem to get through the field and reach the knob. It sent a burning pain through her the harder she tried. As soon as her resolve fell, the force field knocked her back.


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