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The Devil’s Plaything: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 17

by René, Dani

  “So, you sold out one of your best friends, a man who loved you like a brother for a wad of cash, which is gone now?” He has the balls to look guilty. The temptation to kill him that was strong before becomes all-consuming, and I stalk toward the asshole, stopping a couple of inches before him. “Tell me, Guillermo,” I ask. “Did you ever stop to think about what you did?”

  “Have you thought of what you did giving her to Rodrigo?” he counters, and my hand has a life of its own as I bring it up and slam it into his cheek. The metal of my ring cuts into his wrinkled flesh, and I smile when I see blood.

  He drops to his knees, his hands clasped as if he’s in prayer, and he looks up at me. The plea is clear—he wants to die. But that would be too easy. Surely, there are better ways to deal with traitors.

  “Take him down to the cells, I have an idea that would make him even more comfortable,” I order. Alejandro jumps into action, and Javier watches me through narrowed eyes. My mind formulates a plan of torture that I know my queen will never allow if she were here, but to keep my thoughts on something that’s not her, for a moment, may do me some good. It may bring some clarity to the situation.

  I glance at my best friend. “Make sure he doesn’t do something stupid,” I tell him and turn to my desk. Opening the drawer, I pick up the item I need. It’s been a long while since I played with it, and I guess it’s time to bring it out of hiding.

  * * *

  It’s been fifteen minutes. I can’t wait any longer because the more I sit in my office, the more I think of Sofía and the fact that Díago hasn’t found her yet. Deep in my gut, frustration blooms like a bloodstain on a crisp white shirt.

  Stalking through the hallways of my palace that no longer feels like a home without her, I make my way to the cells beneath the house. When I reach it, I find my men guarding Guillermo.

  “Are you ready to meet your maker?” I ask him, as I motion for them to bring him out. The heavy metal doors that lead to the stairway, which takes you into the back garden, are opened. Men bind the old man to a chair, and soon enough, he is shaking with terror.

  “What are you doing?” he gasps when he sees the small burner that I’m holding. I twist the switch on, and the hiss of the gas echoes around us.

  “I’m going to show you what happens to men who fail to be loyal to those they promised it to.” I tell him, before stepping closer. I lower my hand, allowing the blue flame to toy close to his hand. He can’t move, but he tries anyway.

  He begs, “Please, Victor, I know the error of my ways. I’ve learned my lesson. Please Victor.” I’ve always enjoyed this part. Knowing I hold their life in my hands, I’ve reveled in the power for so long that I can’t remember a time without it. But that’s a lie, I do, because it was when I had Sofía by my side.

  At the memory of her, I trail the flame over the old wrinkled flesh of the asshole who set all this in motion. If he didn’t force Hector’s hand, causing him to get caught, I would never have captured him. And I would never have taken Sofía as mine. But even as I think that, I know it all worked out for the best. She’s mine, and I’m happy with her. I love her. But this asshole needs to pay in flesh for his part in this.

  The sizzle of flesh stings my nose, the stench heavy in the air as I move the blue flame up his arm and watch as it slowly melts away. The human body is so fragile, so easily torn and broken.

  The screams of my victim bounce off the concrete walls, but I don’t stop. Because with every thought, I see her in my mind’s eye. She’s the one. I knew it from the moment I laid my eyes on her. The pattern of flesh and bone leads up to his shoulder, but I stop short of his neck.

  I don’t want to kill him too soon.

  That would be tragic.

  I chuckle.

  I’m no longer a man in this moment, I’m Diablo which my beauty calls me. If she saw me now, would she run? Perhaps, but that would make the chase so much sweeter. For her and for me.

  I know she enjoys the darkness; I’ve seen it shimmer in her eyes. When she sees my violence, my monster within, she taunts it. And I offer it to her on a silver platter.

  I continue my torture, moving to Guillermo’s left hand. He’s almost passed out from the pain. Of course, the men slap him to wake him up again. His eyes are going blank, as if his soul, at least the one I think he has, is slowly being etched away.

  Life is fragile.

  More so for Sofía because of her broken heart. In that moment, I decide I’m going to call the doctor. “Javier.”


  “Call the doctor you found; we need a heart transplant scheduled for two days from now.” He knows why. He knows everything about me, about Sofía, so when I meet his blue gaze, he nods, happiness shining in his eyes.

  Even though he didn’t approve of her before, something has changed within my best friend. Perhaps he can see the love I have for her. But all I know is that she’s not going to die without me fighting for her life one last time.



  I’m going out of my ever-loving mind. I’ve been pacing my fucking office for three hours while Díago searches for her. They’re not on the Alvarez property. I know he’s probably already hurt her; I can feel it right down to my veins.

  Rodrigo Alvarez will pay; I’ll make sure of it.

  I made the biggest mistake of my life by giving her to him. I’ll freely admit it. But I’m going to spend my whole fucking life making sure I do right by her. The thought grips my heart, and I realize she’s changed me. She’s etched herself in my veins, in my heart, and I’ve fallen in love. Having her away from me has done something, it’s broken every fucking wall I built up when I found Gaia fucking one of my men.

  “I found them,” Díago saunters into my office with Alejandro following behind. The two men look pleased with themselves. Javier enters afterward, he’s carrying a large, black duffel, and I know he’s ready to take the fight to this asshole.

  “Then what the fuck are we waiting for?”

  If he’s put his dick anywhere near her, I think, but deep down, I know. I’m going to fucking torture him until he’s bled out all over his expensive clothes, and then I’ll set him ablaze, and watch with satisfaction as he takes his final breath. He’ll burn in the fires of Hades himself.

  “Let’s go,” I tell my men. “Did you get the team ready?”

  “Yes, boss,” Javi answers. He’s not mentioned anything more about Sofía and I, and I’m thankful for that. I can’t have him being angry at me when we’re about to head out to kill these fuckers.

  Once we’re back home, with my girl safe and sound, I’ll talk with him. But right now, business has to be done.

  All five black SUVs make a move, as we follow behind the two guards that I have making sure no assholes attempt to take my life. Díago’s driving with Alejandro sitting beside him. I pull out a cigarette in the hopes it will keep me calm until we arrive.

  “Where are they? How far out are we?” I ask Díago.

  He glances at me in the rearview mirror and tells me, “Three hours, Boss.” He doesn’t call anyone ‘boss’, but I notice he’s made it a point to offer me that name. He’s a freelancer, he doesn’t answer to anybody, and I’m lucky he’s agreed to help me.

  “Drive faster,” I order him, as I pull on my smoke, allowing my lungs to fill with nicotine. Focus, Victor. I should’ve downed a shot of bourbon or something, but I wanted to keep a clear head. I’m far too wound up to think about anything other than the man I’m about to slice open and have his entrails all over my hands.

  By the time we pull into a driveway, my body is like a coiled serpent ready to spring on its prey and devour it whole. The house that comes into view looks abandoned, but I know better. Looks are deceiving when it comes to predators, and this asshole is so much worse than a hunter.

  I’m out of the car and on my feet before the SUV comes to a complete stop. With my 9mm in hand, I don’t wait for my men; instead, I’m racing toward the backyard before
I have time to think. I’m about to round the corner when I’m pulled back by Javier.

  “Are you trying to get yourself killed?” he hisses at me in frustration. That’s one thing I’ve always been terrible at, patience. “You don’t know the layout, Díago does, let’s allow him to lead us in.” I know he’s right, but I can’t think straight when all that I’m picturing is the woman who’s stolen my heart being tortured.

  I have no doubt about what’s going on inside the house. And each time I see his face in my mind, my grip on the pistol in my hand becomes tighter.

  “Fine,” I acquiesce, allowing Javi to abate me just this once. Normally, I would tell him to fuck off, but it’s only because I know this time around, there’s something personal involved—Sofía Montero.

  “There are two men on the front door, interior, three men at the back, also interior. He keeps his guards close at hand. No men on the perimeter,” Díago informs us. His voice is confident as he explains that he’ll take Alejandro to the front, and I’ll take the back with Javier. There are four men on my team following our lead, and soon enough, my feet are carrying me forward, toward my girl.

  Lifting my weapon, I grip my wrist with my free hand as we close the distance between us and the door. I spy a man dressed in black, opening the glass door and stepping out onto the patio. When he lights his smoke, I take aim and pull the trigger. The silencer on my weapon keeps the kill quiet, and we move closer until I hear the whoosh of a bullet passing my ear.

  Javier has just taken out the second man. One left, and I’m going to be the one to take him out. I slip into the kitchen when I see him at the table. He notices me; in a split second, his hand moves for his gun, but I’m faster.

  The bullet wound I put in the middle of his forehead ensures our pathway is clear. We find Díago and Alejandro in the hallway entrance. The rest of the house is silent, and I wonder where he’s keeping her.

  Díago gestures upward, and I nod. We follow behind him as he makes his way onto the landing, heading left, he glances at his phone, then turns right as soon as we hit the hallway. There’s another staircase, this one shorter and darker, which we take to a third floor and that’s when I hear it.

  A muffled scream wreaks havoc on my mind as I push past Díago, ignoring the hiss from Javier, and the cocking of weapons behind me as I kick in a door. What I find on the other side makes my stomach curdle in a fury so fierce, my lungs struggle to take in air.

  “Just in time for the party,” Rodrigo chuckles, as he puts his blood coated dick back in his slacks, and I see red. Pulling the trigger, I put a bullet in his crotch before I drop my gun and use my fists. Blood spurts from where his filthy cock is, and I know I’ve hit my mark.

  His cries of agony make me smile. My control has snapped, and with every crunch of bone I hear, I can’t help but feel like Satan himself taking out a putrid soul. Darkness clouds my vision, and I see nothing but death. I want to kill him right here and now, but it’s Sofía’s voice that calls to me, breaking the darkness that has taken hold.

  “Victor,” she cries out, the agony in her voice, lacing my name like a poison, drags my attention to her and I’m on my knees, crawling to my queen.

  “Take that fucker to the warehouse, I’ll be there in an hour. Javi, call the hospital, we need Fonseca ready now.” My orders are obeyed without question, and I pull Sofía into my arms.

  Glancing down, I notice the blood that’s soaked the mattress she’s lying on, and I know the fucker has raped her. My body rages from within, the monster I keep buried deep inside me has woken up, and there’s nothing to do to tame him until I get my vengeance.

  “it’s okay, sweetheart, I’m here. I’m going to make it all go away.” My mumbled words are lost on her because she’s shaking so violently, I can’t calm her down. I know she’s struggling; I can feel her heartbeat ramming into my chest as I pull her up and scoop her into my arms.

  I make my way down the steps, and the moment I step out onto the gravel of the entrance, the ambulance is already waiting. Two men step forward with the bed, and I set her down. They go to work getting her on a drip as I lean in and whisper in her ear.

  “You’re going to marry me the moment you’re out of that fucking hospital.” There’s no doubt in my conviction. I want her. I want this. And she’s not dying on my watch. Her hand that’s holding mine squeezes once, and it’s as if she’s shoved her hand into my chest because the moment she does it, my heart squeezes just the same.

  “We have to go,” one of the paramedics tells me, and I nod, following him into the back of the ambulance. They know who I am, they know that I’m not leaving her, so it doesn’t take long for the doors to shut, and, soon enough, we’re on our way, speeding down the drive and out onto the road.



  The ambulance races through the streets. The men who are trying desperately to keep my girl alive are glancing at me warily, knowing who I am and what I can do to them if she dies. My body is tense, my jaw aches from the clenching of my teeth, and I’m fisting the knife in my belt sheath as if it’s the only thing keeping me calm.

  There’s blood everywhere. Her body is bruised, and I know the fucker took what wasn’t his to take. It’s going to be pleasant when I gut the asshole like a fish. But first, I need to make sure she’s okay. My cellphone rings, and I pull it out to find Dr. Fonseca’s name flashing on the screen.


  “I’m at the hospital, we’re ready. We have the heart, and my team is prepped to get the transplant underway.” His words are like a salve to my wounded psyche.

  It’s just then that we pull into the emergency bay at the hospital. “We’ve just pulled up. See you in a bit, doctor.” I hang up before he can say anything more. The doors swing open, I’m out and on my feet in seconds, watching helplessly as they wheel my beautiful juguete into the sterile building.

  “Mr. Cordero,” Fonseca shakes my hand in greeting. “She’s in good hands. I promise.”

  “Don’t let me down, doctor.” I may sound like a concerned man, but there’s a threat hanging heavily in my words. If something happens to Sofía, this man will lose his life, and I wouldn’t think twice about slicing his chest open and taking his heart.

  “I don’t know how long it’s going to take, but I’ll save her.” His promise is confident, and I nod as I watch them disappear through the doors. I can’t go farther than this, so I close my eyes, inhale a deep breath and pull out my cellphone.

  “Javi, I want to finish this tonight,” I tell him.

  “I’m around the corner,” he informs me and hangs up. I head out the doors again and pull out my smokes and light one in the hopes that my racing heart can ease it’s violent thudding against my ribs. Making a kill will do that, but for now, a cigarette will have to do.

  One of my black SUVs pulls up. The door swings open, and I slip into the passenger seat with Javier at the helm. He doesn’t say a word; instead, he pulls out onto the road, and soon, we’re on our way to the warehouse.

  I’m chain smoking and on my third one by the time we reach our destination. My body is thrumming, my blood simmering, and I’m lost to the violence that’s electrifying every nerve-ending in my body.

  Jumping out of the car, Javi and I make our way toward the large, looming building. I can’t believe it’s been almost eight weeks since I first brought Sofía here to see her father. And I can’t believe it’s almost been two months since I stole her as payment.

  “I want this. I’ll finish it,” I tell Javi, as we step over the threshold and into the dank space that holds nothing more than a chair and a body that will soon be taken away in pieces. Rodrigo is bound tightly, his face a mess from my fists making contact with it earlier.

  I reach him, and his eyes snap to mine. There’s a dark, sadistic smile on his face. I can’t wait to wipe it off with my blade. Most of my men carry guns, and I have a collection of beauties, but I find that a knife is so much more… personal.

; “Has your whore died yet?” he chuckles, and my fist makes contact with his jaw yet again. Another blow makes contact with his nose, and there’s a sickening crunch, which makes me smile. Rodrigo’s grunts of agony are music to my ears.

  “Did you enjoy trying to claim her?” I hiss in his face as I pull out my weapon. I toy with the blade across his lips, and slowly, ever so gently, I press the tip of steel against his bottom teeth and allow it to lower until I’m making contact with his gum.

  With a slow, gentle push, I watch the crimson stain get bigger and bigger. More pained sounds come from this asshole, and it brings me pleasure. I push deeper into his mouth until he’s coughing up blood.

  “Mm… seems you’re unprepared to get throat fucked, bastardo,” I tell him, as I shove the thick weapon into his mouth, toward his esophagus. Gagging sounds bounce off the walls, a symphony of torture that makes me happy. “Te gusta?” I ask—do you like it—as he regards me with tears streaming down his face.

  I pull the knife from his mouth. It’s coated in blood, and I trail it down to his neck, pressing into the clavicle, watching more of his life force trickle from the wounds. I gesture to my men who rip the shirt from his torso, and I continue my trail down his chest. The red line that follows my blade is beautifully artistic. I think.

  “Her cunt was everything and more,” he spits at me. “So tight, warm, and wet for me. Did you know she was wet for me as I fucked her hole? Nada más que una puta.”

  Rage burns through me, and I pull my Zippo from my pocket and flick it until the flame dances before me. I bring my knife to the orange heat and watch as it sizzles with the crimson bubbling. Once I know it’s hot enough, I place the flat surface of the hot steel against his skin, and I can’t help but laugh when he screams in agony.


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