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If You Could Only Dream

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by M. E. Clayton

  If You Could Only Dream

  Copyright 2018 Monica Clayton

  Published by M.E. Clayton

  All Rights Reserved

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  This book is a work of fiction. The entire content is a product of the author’s imagination and all names, places, businesses and incidences are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), places or occurrences, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent from the author, except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Formatting: Smashwords

  Cover: Adobe Stock

  Warning: This book contains sexual situations and other adult themes. Recommended for 18 years of age and over.

  Table of Contents


















  The first acknowledgement will always be my husband (unless we ever divorce, then probably not so much after that), but seeing as how I can’t imagine that day ever coming, I can’t ever put myself out there without thanking him for all his love, support and belief in me.

  Second, there’s my family; my daughter, my son, my grandchildren, my sister and my mother. They are the people who love me the most, and know me the best, and love me dearly, despite, of all they know…LOL!

  And, of course, there’s Kamala. She insists that I don’t have to thank her in every book, but my love for her and gratitude for all her support and enthusiasm, claims otherwise. She’s the first person (outside my family) that I shared this dream with, and she’s been by my side every step of the way. Kam, you really are the best kind of friend!

  And, finally, I’d like to thank everyone who’s purchased, read, reviewed, shared and supported me and my writing. Thank you so much for helping make this dream a reality and a happy, fun one at that! There are not enough ‘Thank You’s in the world….


  For everyone who came along for the ride…this is for you!


  They say your handicap in life is that you can’t choose who you will be born to. And, if you can’t pick your parents, you sure as hell can’t pick the rest of your relatives. The family you’re born into is a family created by fate.

  But, scanning the backyard, taking in everyone who was here, I realized I was one of the lucky ones. I was born into a family of great men and remarkable women.

  They were all equally ridiculous, but their love, loyalty and devotion to one another was the stuff made of legends.

  Today was my 21st birthday and my family felt it was a milestone worthy of a big family get-together. It felt ridiculous seeing as how in two months it would be Aiden’s 21st birthday and then two months after that, Gabriel would be 21, as well. But I guess being the first-born son of the next generation of Buchanans was sort of a big deal. However, I imagined the party that was sure to bring the cops by would be with the twins, Mason and Shane, when they turned 21 in a few months.

  Those two guys were felonies just waiting to happen.

  I glanced around the yard and I saw my Aunt Denise helping my Aunt Sophia setting up the table with the condiments, plastic ware and paper plates. Uncle Michael and Uncle Gabriel were setting up the volleyball net for later. Aunt Justice, my Grandma Natalie and Grandma Maggie were bringing out the side dishes from inside the house, while my mom, dad and Grandpa Adam were manning the grill. Well, my dad was manning it, Mom and Grandpa were just bullshitting. Uncle Aiden was off scolding one of my cousins.

  The rest of the backyard was littered with Buchanans as far as the eye could see; all my cousins and my four siblings. If you weren’t part of the family, you literally needed a diagram to know who was who and who belongs to whom.

  And, Jesus, when you threw in the five sets of twins? Well, my Aunt Sophia jokes that all our shirts should be embroidered with our names on them.

  It’s not necessarily a bad idea.

  What amazed me most about my family was that, while we all had our fair share of fights and arguments and got on each other’s nerves, we didn’t have one bad seed. There were about a billion of us running around, and not one of us was a black sheep or a problem child. Sure, Mason and Shane were destined to spend time behind bars at some point, but they had good hearts. Not to mention, while my Uncle Michael didn’t rule with an iron fist like my dad did, every last Buchanan knew he’d drop you in an unmarked grave, if you dared to upset Aunt Sophia.

  And that went double for his children.

  So, while Mason and Shane pushed the envelope a lot, they both knew jail was a better option for them instead of freedom if they ever upset their mother.

  But they were the most challenging of us all. Everyone else was as mentally stable as you could be, being raised by our fathers. Luckily our mothers had balanced us out.

  But, as I scanned my parents’ backyard, one thing was evidently crystal clear here. In all my 21 years, I never doubted how my parents and all my aunts and uncles felt about one another. If anyone who ever doubted the existence of true love could just peek into this backyard, they’d be proven wrong and know it.

  Love was in how five kids (1 set of male twins) later, my father still looked at my mother as if she’s the hottest, sexiest woman on the planet and he can’t breathe without her near him.

  Love was in how six kids (2 sets of female twins) later, my Uncle Aiden still looks at my Aunt Denise as if no other women exist in the world and he doesn’t know how to without her. function

  Love was in how four kids (1 set of male twins) later, my Uncle Gabriel still caters to my Aunt Justice as if she’s the most delicate piece of China and he’ll die if she cracks even a little.

  And love was really fucking evident in how five kids (1 set of male twins) later, my Uncle Michael lives for my Aunt Sophia as if she was the only thing that kept him sane every second of every minute of every goddamn day.

  I knew the odds that we’d all each find that one true love were slim to none because there were just too damn many of us. Some of us were going to find the loves of our lives and some of us were going to crash and burn in the love department.

  But one thing I did know?

  When we found the real thing, we would to know what to do with it thanks to our parents.

  Chapter 1

  Mason Buchanan~

  I stared at my wife, and the woman still took my breath away, five years later. Shane stole my heart and soul the first time I ever laid eyes on her.

  And she definitely stole my motherfucking sanity along with the other two.

  “I hope you realize that those six weeks are, quite likely, going to drive me insane, right?” I said, knowing she really didn’t care.

  Shane smiled up at me from the couch, where she was laid out, with her e-reader in her face. “I know how you hate it when the Universe ref
uses to bend to your will, Mason, but I’m sure you’ll get through this as confidently as you get through everything else in life,” she responded, sarcasm lacing every word.

  I grabbed her juice and walked into the living room to cater to her.

  I always catered to her.

  I’ll die catering to my wife.

  I loved her that much.

  I placed her juice on the coffee table next to her, lifted her legs, sat down and then placed her legs back down over my lap. I reached over and started rubbing her protruding belly.

  Our baby was due any day now, and the wait was torturous. We decided against finding out what its gender was early and opted for being surprised. And, while I really just wanted a healthy baby, I wished for a baby girl who looked like her mother.

  She’d be the firstborn and the light of my life, no doubt. Well, next to her mother.

  “You’re making fun of me now, but just wait until you have to admit me into a mental institution and have to explain to your only child why their father is cuckoo.”

  Shane arms dropped and her book lay over her big fucking tits. “Did you just really use the word ‘cuckoo’?”

  “Jesus, woman! I’m over telling you I’m going to go crazy and that’s what you’re focusing on? That I used the word ‘cuckoo’?”

  She cocked her head. “It’s just that you’re not the ‘cuckoo’ word saying type of man,” she replied.

  “You’re cuckoo,” I accused, pouting. Actually, motherfucking, pouting.

  Shane laughed, and I watched as she tried to sit up, but was so adorably unsuccessful. I reached out, clasped her hands in mine, and helped pull her up into a sitting position.

  She looked magnificent pregnant with my child. But, then, Shane always looked magnificent to me. Shane patted my knee once she was sitting upright next to me. “I’m absolutely confident you’ll be okay, Mason. You’ll be so busy loving on our baby, you won’t even realize you’re missing out on daily sex.” She was lying, but she wasn’t. I was going to be busy loving on our baby, but there’s no way I’d forget about our sex life.

  Shane and I have been together over five years, and from the day I married her, we’ve fucked every goddamn day. We even sneak some in at work. Well, not so much now that she’s in charge of her own division of Buchanan Industries, but before she took over The Morgan Corporation, she worked for me and I had her in my office multiple times a day.

  There’s no way I was going to be so enraptured with the baby that I wouldn’t miss sliding inside my wife’s pussy.

  “How about I lay you out right now and lick on that sweet pussy of yours before I can’t anymore?” The second Shane had reached her due date, we stopped fucking like animals, and concentrated more on oral sex and slow, soft lovemaking. And I was satisfied with that, but the no touching her at all for six weeks?? Yeah, not going to happen.

  She looked over and smiled at me. “I have no idea how you can still be so turned on by me when I look like this,” she laughed.

  “It’s a grand mystery for sure,” I teased. “How about we worry about solving that mystery for a later date, and you let me eat your pussy, baby.”

  Her eyes fell to my lips, and I knew I had her. Shane had been a virgin when we first met, and over the years, I’ve learned every tell she has when she’s wanting to get fucked. And I knew, right now, she was more than willing to settle for some eating pussy and sucking dick.

  “Mason…” she moaned.

  I smirked. “Fuck, yeah.”

  Chapter 2

  Shane Buchanan~

  I already started squirming with the anticipation of things to come.

  While Mason and I have taken it easy on the sex these days, there were still plenty of other things we did. Things we would continue to do after we had the baby.

  Five years later, Mason was still the anchor for my life. I had gotten my business degree, thinking it held the key to my happiness and security, but it turned out to be Mason who held the key to those two things.

  My late term pregnancy had made romance a pretty nonexistent dream, so I looked over at my husband and asked, “So, how did you want to do this?”

  Mason laughed, and the sound was still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. “Shane, we’re not moving furniture, for Christ’s sakes.”

  “I know, but it-”

  The sensation was instant.

  I felt a little pop and warmth flooding the couch cushions beneath me.

  The second my body stilled, and my hand reached over and clamped onto Mason’s thigh, he knew something was wrong. “Shane?” My eyes widened and my voice got caught in my throat. Mason’s hand grasped the one I had on his thigh. “Shane, baby, what’s wrong?”

  “Ma…Mason, my water just broke,” I answered, not sure it I was excited, anxious or scared all to hell.

  Mason jumped up off the couch and loomed over me. “Are you sure?”

  I couldn’t stop the sarcasm. “It’s that, or I really can’t hold my pee any longer.”

  The second he closed his eyes in patience, I knew it was going to be okay.

  Mason made everything always okay.

  He reached down and pulled me up off the couch, helping me to stand. As soon as I was steady, we both looked down and saw that I was, indeed, soaked.

  Mason cradled my face in his hands. “Are you even having contractions?”

  I couldn’t help but wince. I knew my answer was going to upset him. “Yeah…”

  “Since when, Shane?” he growled.

  “I started feeling them yesterday, but they weren’t very strong, and they were really far apart,” I reasoned. “I just…” I just hadn’t wanted to turn him into a raving lunatic sooner than need be.

  “And today? Now?”

  Even though I knew Mason would never hurt me, the man was all hell, fire and brimstone when he was pissed. It was rather scary. “A little closer…”

  He stepped back from me and dug his fingers in hair and pulled. That’s when I knew he was close to losing it. “Goddamn it, Shane! Why the fuck wouldn’t you tell me you were contracting?” Then his eyes widened. “Holy shit, woman! What if I had had my face buried in your pussy and your goddamn water had broken then?!”

  I couldn’t help it.

  I started laughing at the picture he just painted. I laughed and I couldn’t stop, and the laughs were putting pressure on my stomach.

  “This is not funny, Shane,” Mason added, trying his hardest to keep a straight face, but I knew my husband well. It was all of ten seconds later and he was laughing right along with me. “Shane!”

  I finally stopped laughing. “Mason, can you yell at me later?” I pleaded. “I think we need to get going here.”

  His face paled like, suddenly, he realized we were about to have a baby. “Oh, shit!” Mason started stepping left, then right, and I was surprised he hadn’t turned in a circle, he looked so confused.

  It was the sweetest thing I’d ever seen.

  Mason Buchanan in a panic.

  I reached out and grabbed arms, sliding my hands downwards, until I was holding his hands in mine. “Mason…breathe. It’s going to be fine.”

  Mason stopped and took my face in his hands. Looking into my eyes, he said, “It better damn well be, Shane.” The desperation in his voice warmed my heart. “It has to be, baby. You two have to be fine or I’d never survive it.”

  Chapter 3

  Aiden Buchanan~

  “I still can’t believe you let them beat us to it,” I said, my voice full of accusation. “Hell, you even let Gabe and Justice beat us.”

  Denise turned around, from where she was making lunch, to look at me. She pointed the knife she was using to cut sandwiches with at me. “Will you get over it already?”

  I narrowed my eyes at my wife from where I sat at the kitchen island. “No, I will not,” I retorted. “Gabriel and Justice should have been third as God had intended.” Denise rolled her eyes and turned her back on me.

  How rud

  “If you’re capable of being serious for one second, in all actuality, Gabriel and Justice should be first since they’ve been together the longest,” she said, trying to sound all sane and logical.

  I had already put out the drinks and napkins, and I sat waiting for Denise to finish putting together our roast beef sandwiches so we could eat a nice, quiet lunch.

  When she turned around, with a plate in each hand, my eyes automatically dropped to her waist and my heart dropped, like it always did, when saw her little baby bump. I ignored the subject of Gabriel and Justice long enough to say, “You shouldn’t be doing manual labor, Dibtab,” I grumbled. “I hate watching you do stuff.”

  She rolled her damn eyes again and set the plates down. “I’m four months pregnant, Aiden,” she chuckled. “I’m hardly an invalid. And making lunch is not manual labor.”

  “I disagree,” I argued.

  “You’re also nuts, so your opinion doesn’t hold much value in the real world,” she countered. I didn’t comment on her warped way of thinking. Instead, my eyes followed her as she made her way around the island to come sit next to me. “And how many times do I have to tell you to quit calling me that ridiculous name?”

  I stood up and pulled the stool out for her and scooched her back in place before sitting back down. “If Michael and Gabriel can call you that, then so can I,” I retorted. “And quit trying to change the subject.”

  She sighed as if talking to me was exhausting or something. “Isn’t it enough that all of our children will grow up together?”

  It was true. Shane was about to pop any day now with their first child, and Gabriel and Justice were six months along, while we were only four months along, effectively putting us in third place.


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