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Sanctum (Blackwater Pack Book 1)

Page 27

by Hannah McBride

  Remy sat down off to the side, his dark eyes watching every pack member. He was checking to see who was tired and needed a break, assessing everyone.

  Are we done? I voiced the questions curiously, watching as his head swung to my direction.

  The younger ones need a break.

  I saw Rhodes lunge at Larkin playfully, flipping her onto her back. Where usually Larkin would have submitted and played along, letting Rhodes have the win, she struggled, snapping her teeth at him until, stunned, he let her up.

  Larkin wasn't happy being the pack omega anymore.

  Traditionally, omegas could challenge their omega status. I knew logically that Larkin could have easily left the role of omega to one of the younger girls, particularly the one with gray and black fur that hung back and kept whining low in her throat all night. Larkin had simply stayed in the omega role, letting herself be treated as the baby of the group.

  Until now.

  With a last growl, she walked away from a confused Rhodes.

  Remy stood up, sensing his pack wasn't completely in sync.

  It's okay, I assured him. I'll tell you later.

  Somewhat appeased, he sat back down, but his ears were up and alert as he watched the rest of the pack

  I started for him, walking past a group of the younger males. One of them turned, sniffing the air curiously as I moved past.

  Remy's low growl was all the warning I had before he was pushing between us, his teeth bared at the younger wolf, who quickly dropped to the ground with a high pitched whine of surrender.

  Satisfied he had made his point, Remy relaxed and moved back, his ears flicking.


  He looked at me with big eyes, not looking apologetic in the least.


  Snowflakes started falling as I shifted back into human form. My muscles quivered as I struggled to get dressed, exhausted from the long run. I had a feeling all the breaks we took weren't just for the younger pack members.

  Looking over, I saw Ainsley quickly finished dressing. She had stayed to herself during the run, not joining in or playing with the rest of the pack. She had beat me back here by seconds but was already making herself scarce.

  I pulled my hair free of my shirt as Katy and Larkin shifted back beside me. Looking up at the sky, a snowflake landed on my eyelid. I blinked away the sudden cold but couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as I spread my hands wide to catch as many flakes as I could.

  "I need to start packing a brush," Katy muttered, finger-combing knots from her hair. She looked at me. "What the hell are you doing?"

  "It's snowing," I said reverently, a flake clung to my eyelashes. I almost went cross-eyed tried to study if before it melted.

  Larkin smiled indulgently. "Ah, someone's enjoying her first snowfall."

  "You've never seen snow?" Lea asked as she and her friends, now changed and dressed, came over to us. She reached up, starting to quickly braid her dark hair.

  I shook my head. "I grew up in a southern pack. It didn't snow there." I watched in fascination as the flakes went from small to thicker, their designs more intricate. Within seconds, a thin layer coated the ground.

  The blonde beside Lea rubbed her hands together for warmth, her blue eyes sparkling. "I still can't believe you and Remy are bonded. What did it feel like when it happened?"

  The other brunette nodded with bright eyes. "Was it magic? Did you instantly fall in love?"

  "Of course she did, Megan! Remy is so amazing," the blonde said with a sigh.

  "And really cute," Lea added with a giggle. "You're lucky, Skye. All the girls here have a crush on him. Especially Bethany." She nodded to the blushing blonde.

  Something tightened in my chest, my wolf growling at them. "I don't share," I said quietly, a tight smile on my face.

  All their faces paled and they scrambled back a step.

  Katy started to laugh, ducking her face into Larkin's shoulder.

  "We didn't mean-" Lea squeaked.

  Bethany was shaking her head so fast I was worried she would snap her own neck. "No, no! It's just-"

  I winced. I hadn't meant to sound so damn possessive. It just sort of came out. The idea of another female touching Remy made my blood boil and my wolf wanted to rip things apart.

  I could see why Remy growled at the younger wolf earlier on our run.

  "I'm sorry," I apologized weakly.

  Lea grabbed her friends, pulling them away. "It was our fault. We didn't mean to upset you, Skye. We'll see you guys later." They turned as one and darted away.

  I sighed. "Well, shit."

  Katy was still cackling. "You are a possessive little bitch, Skye."

  I turned, throwing my hands up in exasperation. "I don't even know where that came from."

  Larkin pointed at my chest. "I'm guessing your wolf doesn't want to share Remy."

  He's ours.

  My wolf was still miffed but starting to calm down. Logically I knew those girls were no threat at all to whatever was happening between us, but my wolf didn't seem to understand logical reasoning. She only knew what was hers and that meant no one else got to touch him.

  Or, apparently, talk about him.

  Speaking of odd behavior, I looked at my roomie. "What the hell was that with Rhodes?"

  "What was what?" Larkin asked innocently, zipping her jacket.

  Katy exchanged a look with me before propping a hand on her hip. "You and Rhodes always play around when we run. You almost took his head off."

  "I didn't feel like playing," Larkin replied calmly.

  Katy's brows rose. "You didn't seem to mind when the McAllister twins wanted to mess around in the woods. You were happy to play with them. I didn't see you snapping and snarling their way."

  Larkin folded her arms over her chest with a huff. "Maybe I'm growing up. Maybe I'm realizing that I'm tired of waiting for Rhodes to stop seeing me as a little sister."

  Katy let out a low whistle, slow clapping. "It's about damn time."

  I wasn't so sure she could turn off her emotions so easily. "Just like that?"

  "Yes, just like that," Larkin repeated, but wouldn't meet my gaze as we started for the front of the house.

  I gave Katy another look as we rounded the house. Remy and Rhodes were standing on the brightly lit porch, out of the snow currently falling. On the steps were two other males from the pack.

  I could make out identical blonde heads, both turned and smiled at Larkin.

  The McAllister twins had waited for her.

  My gaze flicked to the top of the stairs. Rhodes looked pissed.

  "You guys are staying to hang out, right?" Rhodes asked loudly as we approached.

  "I told Maren I would meet up with her," Katy said with a shrug.

  "Larkin?" Rhodes prompted, his dark gaze focused solely on her.

  Larkin barely spared him a glance. "I'm kind of tired. I think I'll head back."

  "We can walk you back," one of the twins offered quickly, jumping down the last two stairs. His brother followed close behind. They were cute, with big easy smiles and dark blue eyes.

  "Okay," Larkin agreed with a grin. She looked at me. "Are you coming?"

  I was already starting up the stairs, my feet taking me to them before my brain processed it. "I'm going to stay here for a bit."

  I hit the landing, and Remy pulled me to his side, an arm around my shoulders. I shivered at the sudden heat that wrapped around me. I wound an arm around his narrow waist, pressing against him.

  "You can hang out, too, Lark," Rhodes said, his tone slightly desperate. "We can all play a game or something."

  "I said I'm tired," she replied evenly, finally looking at him. Her face was cool and unaffected.

  "Shit," I mumbled into Remy's side. I felt his chest shake with barely contained laughter.

  Rhodes undone was tragically funny.

  "Then I'll walk you home," Rhodes said firmly, his brows pulled tight together.

  Larkin rolle
d her eyes. Actually rolled her eyes at him as she gestured to the two boys with her. "I think Kyle and Konnor can get me back down the path safely."

  Adding insult to injury, Larkin grabbed a hand of each boy, pulling them away from the cabin.

  "What the actual fuck," Rhodes snapped, raking a hand through his long hair. He turned his piercing gaze on me. "What is going on with Larkin?"

  "Maybe you should ask Larkin that," I said carefully.

  "I've been trying," Rhodes snapped, clearly frustrated as he started to pace on the porch, his heavy boots thumping on the wood planks. "She won't talk to me! And now she's hanging out with Kyle and Konnor? Who the hell names their kids Kyle and Konnor, with a damn K?"

  My shoulders shook with silent laughter.

  "Kyle and Konnor are decent guys," Remy added, his fingers playing with my hair. "They were just over here last week hanging out after classes. You didn't seem to mind them then."

  "That was before they started pawing at Larkin!" Rhodes glared at us.

  "Why does it matter?" I asked slowly. "Larkin's free to date whoever-"

  "She's dating them?" Rhodes roared.

  I sighed loudly. "No, but if she wants to, she can. It's not like anyone else is asking her out, are they, Rhodes?" I gave him a pointed glare for emphasis.

  He hesitated for a minute, the wind deflating his sails. "I just worry about her. Especially after what Trace did ... Larkin deserves the best."

  "I think we all agree on that," Remy told him with a nod.

  "Yeah," Rhodes muttered. With a sigh, he turned and opened the front door. "I'm going to bed." He didn't wait for a reply before going inside and closing the door.

  I turned and looked at Remy. "That was interesting."

  Remy was still staring after his best friend. "He likes her. He just doesn't know how to tell her."

  "He better figure it out," I told him, shaking my head. "Larkin's done waiting."

  "Part of me wants to tell him to stop being an idiot," Remy said. "But I think he needs to figure this out for himself. Rhodes doesn't usually do well when people explain his own emotions to him."

  I wound another arm around his waist, hugging him to me and watching the snowfall. Several inches now coated the ground.

  "It's so pretty," I breathed against him, afraid the magic would shatter if I spoke too loudly.

  "I forgot you weren't used to snow," he remarked, tightening his hold around me. "If you're cold, we can go inside."

  "And miss this? No way."

  "It's supposed to be the first big snowfall of the season. Weather reports said eighteen inches. Maybe twenty-four."

  "Two feet?" I gasped, looking at him with wide eyes.

  He nodded, amused. "Yeah. The school usually closes up for a few days when it happens to let the packs run. Playing in the snow is a blast."

  "I can't wait," I admitted. I shivered against the dropping temperatures despite the major body heat Remy gave off.

  "Let's go inside," he suggested, pulling me gently to the door. "You can still see the snow from the windows."

  I started to nod, but a yawn snuck up on me, almost cracking my jaw with its intensity. "Or maybe I should go back to my room and get some sleep."

  "You could stay here," Remy suggested quietly.

  My eyes flew to his and suddenly I wasn't tired. "Stay here?"

  He glanced away, the tops of his cheeks were slightly red. Remy was blushing?

  "There's extra rooms here," he said quickly, trying to explain. "You can sleep in one of those. By yourself, I mean. But then you can see the snow. One of the rooms has a great view of the backyard and the mountains."

  He cleared his throat, obviously nervous. "But only if you want."

  "I think I want to stay," I admitted after a heavy pause.

  A small smile started on his lips. "Okay, let's go get you settled."

  He led me inside, closing the door behind us. Still holding my hand, he led me to the staircase I had never gone up.

  The hallway at the top of the stairs was dimly lit by a single light. Most of the doors were closed or partially open.

  Remy pointed to the first door at the landing. "This is Rhodes' room." He moved past it, pointing out a bathroom and three additional guest rooms. Two of the rooms had two sets of bunk beds. He explained that occasionally some of the pack would stay and hang out and crash at the cabin. The last guest room had a queen bed inside it and a stunning view of the snow falling serenely outside, the dusky shapes of the mountains outlining the background.

  All the rooms were simply decorated with wood furniture and solid colored linens. This room seemed the coziest of them all, a small armchair and bookcase against one wall. I saw the door for a closet and a partially open door showed there was a private bathroom attached to the room.

  But there was still one door we hadn't gone into.

  "Where's your room?" I asked, turning to look at Remy.

  "Next door," he replied. He jerked his head for me to follow him into the next room.

  The first thing I noticed was the room smelled like home as soon as I crossed the threshold. It smelled like soap and pine. It smelled just like Remy.

  It was more effective than any form of aromatherapy. The scent instantly relaxed me.

  Remy stood to the side, watching as I walked slowly into the space. The room was the biggest by far. I could see French doors leading onto a balcony and a large en suite bathroom off to the left. One wall was entirely glass, giving stunning views of the landscape.

  But my eyes couldn't stop staring at the massive king bed in the center of the room. The maroon quilt was neatly laid across the bed, the pillows minimal but not messy. Other than a towel in a corner, the room was neat and tidy.

  Walking past the bed, I couldn't help but run my hands over the cotton of the quilt, something low in the belly quivering. His scent was strongest here.

  Remy cleared his throat behind me. "I have some clothes you can wear tonight, if you want. Larkin or Katy can bring you a change tomorrow." His voice was rougher than usual.

  "Okay," I murmured, walking to the windows and looking out. My breath fogged the windows as I watched the fat flakes dropping from the sky.

  I could hear Remy moving behind me as I stared outside.

  After a minute, he came up behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around my waist. Sighing, I leaned back against him. The snow looked fresh and peaceful, and in the room, surrounded by everything Remy, I felt completely safe and secure.

  The intimacy of the moment struck me, standing in his bedroom, in his arms. My skin started to prickle with awareness.

  He cleared his throat again, lifting his chin. "I'm going to change in the bathroom and take a quick shower."

  I nodded slowly, turning to watch him with wondering eyes as he stared down at me.

  Indecision warred on his face for a second before he swiftly pressed his lips to mine. I barely had time to start to lift my arms before he was retreating to the bathroom.

  "Tease," I muttered, sulking as he walked away. My body came alive the second his lips had touched mine.

  He gave a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. "Let me correct that - I'm taking a cold shower."

  I laughed as he closed the bathroom door. Sure enough, the shower turned on seconds later. I moved to the bed, lifting up the t-shirt and gym shorts I knew would be massive on me. I quickly shed my clothes and pulled the shirt on. The shorts wouldn't stay up, no matter how tight I tied them. I finally gave up. The shirt was long enough to be a dress, honestly.

  I folded my clothes and took them to the guest room, putting them on the edge of the bed. On autopilot, I went back to Remy's room, wanting to say goodnight before I slipped back into the guest room to sleep.

  The last thing I remembered was sitting on the bed.

  The sun was weak and warm as it streamed in through the windows.

  No, it wasn't the sun that was warm.

  I was warm.
  Scratch that - I was burning up.

  I opened my eyes, blinking against the light as I tried to sit up, but I couldn't move.

  There was an arm locked around my waist, pressing me against a furnace that breathed deeply.


  Looking around I realized I was still in his room. I must have fallen asleep waiting for him to get out of the bathroom. At some point, he had tucked us both into his bed.

  I stared at him, at the way his lashes fanned against his cheeks. His face was completely relaxed in sleep, his full lips barely parted. His chest moved in a deep rhythm, and I was mildly disappointed to find he had put a shirt on before going to bed. I had wanted to check out the tattoo on his back I had glimpsed the night we bonded.

  Okay, and maybe check out a few other things that made my stomach flip and my cheeks heat.

  I could see the fine dark hairs on his tanned arms, the curve of his bicep where the sleeve of his shirt had pulled taut. The side of his face was pressed against the pillow, but his head was ducked down, like it had been pressed against my back.

  Trying to sit up again, his arm tightened around me. He mumbled something I couldn't make out, pressing his face against my shoulder.

  I had slept with Remy.

  A stupid giggle slipped out of my mouth unbidden and I winced, hoping I wouldn't wake him up.

  Remy was an alpha, and definitely an alert one.

  His eyes opened, his gaze unfocused as he looked at me. A slow smile spread across his face. "Hey."

  "Hey back," I whispered.

  His arm came up, brushing across my chest, his fingers tracing the curve of my jaw. "God, you're gorgeous."

  I couldn't help but laugh. "Maybe you need glasses. I'm sure my hair's a mess. And I definitely need a toothbrush."

  His eyes narrowed playfully. "Are you questioning my decree, Ms. Markham? You forget I'm the alpha around here."

  "Your decree?" I echoed, giggling. "At this point I'm questioning your sanity."

  With a growl, Remy hauled me against him, his fingers digging into my sides.

  I shrieked as I started laughing, trying to wrench away from his fingers. "Stop!" I begged.


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