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Minnie's Pet Parrot

Page 6

by Madeline Leslie



  Minnie went one day with her parents to a neighboring town, to visitsome friends. She had no sooner alighted from the carriage, than sheheard the familiar sound of a parrot's voice.

  "How do you do, miss?" cried the bird, arching its superb neck.

  "I am very well, thank you," answered Minnie, laughing. "How are you?"

  "I'm sick, very sick." The funny creature hung her head, and assumed aplaintive, whining tone. "Got a bad cough. Oh, dear!" (Coughingviolently.) "I'm sick, very sick. Call the doctor."

  "I'm glad you have a parrot," the little girl said to her companion, whostood by laughing. "I have one too; I should admire to hear them talkto each other."

  "Yes, I should; but mother thinks one such noisy bird is more than shecan endure. Father had Poll given to him when he was a little boy, andhe says he couldn't keep house without her. She is very old indeed, andis often sick, though now she is only making believe. Father will tellyou how many years she has been in the family."

  "There is nothing I like so well," exclaimed Minnie, enthusiastically,"as to hear stories about birds and beasts."

  "Oh, I'll get father, then, to tell you a funny one about Polly when hewas a little boy. He knows all about parrots, because he once went tothe country where they live."

  At dinner, Minnie was introduced to the gentleman, whom she regardedwith great interest, on account of his fondness for the bird. No soonerwas the dessert brought on the table, and the servants had retired fromthe room, than Lizzie Monson, her young friend, began.

  "Papa, will you please to tell Minnie about Poll finding out who stolethe bacon?"

  Mr. Lee burst into a merry laugh, but presently said,--

  "I warn you it is a dangerous business. Our little daughter has such apassion for birds and beasts, that if she once finds out you are astory-teller, she won't let you off very easily."

  Mr. Monson gazed a moment into the sparkling countenance of the child,upon which her father's remarks had caused the roses to deepen, andsaid, smilingly, "She does not look very savage. Any contribution I canmake," turning to the child, "to your stock of knowledge on yourfavorite subject will give me great pleasure."

  His bow was so profound and his smile so arch that the little girl couldnot help laughing as she thanked him, while Lizzie whispered, "Isn'tpapa a funny man?"

  "Ask your friend to come into the library," called out Mr. Monson, asthey were leaving the dining hall.

  "Father, isn't Poll sixty years old?" cried Lizzie, pressing forward toattract his attention.

  "She has been in the family ninety years," answered the gentleman, "andwas then probably one or two years of age. It is astonishing how muchshe knows. Lizzie, run and open her cage, and bring her here."

  "She is, indeed, a splendid bird," remarked Mrs. Lee, gazing withdelight at her richly-tinted plumage. "See, Minnie, how her neck isshaded from the most beautiful green to the richest mazarine blue."

  "And look at her breast, mother; see those elegant red feathers!"

  "The parrot," said Mr. Monson, "is an insulated bird. Its manners andgeneral structure, and the mode of using its feet, as described bynaturalists, are different from any other bird. Mr. Vigors, Mr.Swainson, and others, consider parrots the only group among birds whichis completely _sui generis_. A parrot will, by means of its beak, andaided by its thick, fleshy tongue, clear the inside of a fresh pea fromthe outer skin, rejecting the latter, and performing the whole processwith the greatest ease.

  "In climbing, I presume you have noticed, she uses her hooked beak aswell as her feet; and in feeding she rests on one foot, holding thefood to her beak with the other. Her plumage is generally richly-tinted,while in some varieties, like this, it is superb. In all kinds the skinthrows off a mealy powder, which saturates the feathers and makes themgreasy."

  "Please, papa," cried Lizzie, "to tell about these birds as you saw themin their own country."

  "I suppose, Minnie," continued the gentleman, "that you know this isnot the home of your favorite bird. You never see them at liberty andflying from tree to tree, as you do the robin or bluebird."

  "Yes, sir, I know that. Uncle Frank was going to bring me another parrotfrom South America, but mother thought one was enough."

  "I quite agree with you," said Mrs. Monson, enthusiastically, "I canscarcely be reconciled to the noise of one, rousing me at all sorts ofunreasonable hours, and keeping up such a clatter through the wholeday."

  "They are confined to the warmer climates," the gentleman went on, "andare most abundant in the tropics. I have seen a flock of them resting ina grove of trees, chattering and talking like a company of politiciansat a caucus. They are indeed very noisy, keeping together in largeflocks, and feeding upon fruits, buds, and seeds. At night they crowdtogether as closely as possible, and hiding their heads under theirwings, sleep soundly. As soon as the first ray of light can bediscerned, they are all awake, chatting over the business for the day.First they make their toilet, and in this they assist each other, beingvery fond of pluming each other's feathers.

  "One peculiarity of this bird is, that he has but one wife, and nevermarries again. The pairs form lasting attachments, and when one dies themate sometimes mourns itself to death. They make a kind of nest in thehollow trees, and there bring up their young. They belong to thescansorial order of birds; that is, they have two toes forward and twobackward. Some of them fly slowly; but others wing their way with thegreatest rapidity, and for a long period."

  "I think," remarked Mrs. Lee, "they are the most intelligent of thefeathered race."

  "Yes, naturalists decidedly give them that character. Poll sometimesseems almost too human; and then they are so quick to learn. Did youknow, Minnie, that a parrot is considered an article of delicacy for thetable?"

  "O, no, indeed, sir! I wouldn't eat a parrot for any thing."

  "Nor I; but among other rare and luxurious articles on the bill of fare,described by AElian, as entering into the feasts of the EmperorHeliogabalus, are the combs of fowls, the tongues of peacocks andnightingales, the heads of parrots and thrushes; and it is reported thatwith the bodies of the two latter he fed his beasts of prey."

  Minnie's countenance expressed great distress, as she quickly exclaimed,"O, how cruel!"

  "Now, papa," said Lizzie, "please tell her about Poll and the bacon."

  "Yes, I mustn't forget that. When I was a little boy, Minnie, my fatherkept a country store, where all manner of things were exposed for sale.On one counter, in the genteel part, were cambrics, calicoes, and evensilks for ladies' dresses, while at the other end were barrels ofsugar, boxes of cheese, and other groceries, and above them hung largelegs of bacon.

  "Midway between these, a hook was driven into the beam, and there Pollused to hang as long ago as I can remember any thing.

  "It was the custom for the men of the village to gather together at thestore, and talk politics, or gossip about the affairs of the place.Long before town meeting, it was well understood at the store how eachman in the community would vote, and who would be elected to thedifferent offices.

  "Among others who used to come there, was a man by the name of Brush. Hewas considered an inoffensive, well meaning man, with no force ofcharacter; but all supposed him honest. Poll, however, knew to thecontrary; and after a while she convinced others that Brush was a thief.

  "It was noticed, when this man got excited by the conversation, that healways left the circle round the stove, and walked back and forththrough the store; and it was at such times that he contrived to cutlarge slices from the bacon, which he carefully concealed in hispocket. My father soon began to conclude that the meat, and sundry otherarticles, were missing, but could not imagine who was the thief. Hewatched for several days, not noticing that whenever Mr. Brush made hisappearance, Poll instantly screamed, 'Bacon.'

  "One evening he determined to watch, as, the day previous, a largerslice than usual had been taken, and he was hid behind a barrel, whenhe sa
w Mr. Brush coming softly toward him.

  "'Bacon! bacon! bacon!' screamed Poll, at the top of her voice.

  "'I'd wring your neck if I dared,' murmured the man, glancingmaliciously toward the bird; and then he walked back again to the fire.

  "After this, father watched the parrot, and found he made this cry onlywhen Brush appeared. He thought it so singular that he charged him withthe theft, which the man, in great confusion reluctantly confessed.

  "The curious story of his detection by a parrot soon spread through thetown, and for years Mr. Brush was called by the name of Bacon, while thebird received much attention and many compliments for her sagacity."

  "I suppose, then, Poll saw him take it," said Minnie, gravely.

  "O, yes! He witnessed the whole proceeding, and did his best to givewarning at once; but his loud cries were not understood."

  "Wasn't he a good bird?" asked Lizzie.

  "Yes, indeed. I suppose it would be a good plan to hang a parrot inevery store."



  Minnie was quite distressed one morning, when, on going to Poll's cageto say "Good morning" to her pet, she found her unable to answer, onlyreturning a feeble moan. She ran in haste to tell her mother, whothought it one of the parrot's tricks. When she came down, however, shefound Poll was really ill.

  "Dear Poll! darling birdie!" Page 115.]

  "Dear Poll! darling birdie!" she said, tenderly, stroking the beautifulhead. "I'll make you some tea, which I hope will soon cure you."

  She went at once to a side closet, and taking a little pinch of saffronfrom a paper, sent it to the cook, with directions to steep it at once.

  Breakfast that morning was a dull affair, without Poll's lively talk;and as, after the saffron tea, she did not at once revive, Minnie beganto mourn so much lest her dear parrot would die, that her father, tooccupy her attention, took her to the library, and read her someanecdotes, a few of which I will repeat.

  "A tradesman in London kept two parrots, which usually hung in a cageover the porch projecting from the front door, so that when a personstood on the side of the street nearest the house, the birds could notbe seen.

  "One day, when the family were all absent, some one rapped at the door,when one of the parrots instantly called out,--

  "'Who's there?'

  "'The man with the leather,' was the reply.

  "'Oh, ho!' retorted the parrot.

  "The door not being opened as he expected, the stranger knocked again.

  "'Who's there?' repeated the bird.

  "'Why don't you come down?' cried the man, impatiently. 'I can't waitall day.'

  "'Oh, ho!' was the only response.

  "The man now became furious, and leaving the knocker, began to pullviolently at the door bell, when the other parrot, who had not beforespoken, exclaimed, 'Go to the gate.'

  "'What gate?' he asked, seeing no such convenience.

  "'Newgate,' was the answer, just as the man, greatly enraged at thethought of being sent to Newgate prison, ran back into the street, andfound out whom he was questioning."

  "Dr. Thornton, a benevolent physician in London, once visited themenagerie in Haymarket, where he saw a parrot confined by a chainfastened to his leg. He talked with the bird, and found he couldimitate the barking of dogs, the cackling of fowls, and many sounds likethe human voice. The bird, however, seemed melancholy and restless,which induced the good doctor to try and buy him of the owner. Hesucceeded at last in getting him for the sum of seventy-five dollars,which Dr. Thornton did not regret, since it would rescue the poorcreature from her present unhappy confinement.

  "The first thing he did was to loose him from the chain, and carry himhome, where his diet was changed from scalded bread to toast and butterfor breakfast, and potatoes, dumplings, and fruit for dinner.

  "At first, his poor feet were so cramped, and the muscles so muchweakened from long disuse, that he could not walk. He tottered at everystep, and in a few minutes appeared greatly fatigued. But his liberatedfeet soon acquired uncommon agility, his plumage grew more resplendent,and he appeared perfectly happy. He no longer uttered harsh screams, butvery readily learned many words, and amused himself for hours repeatingthem. He attached himself particularly to his kind benefactor, andalways cheerfully practised his little accomplishments to please him,calling out, 'What o'clock? Pretty fellow! Saucy fellow! Turn him out,Poll.'

  "He was friendly to the children of the family, and to strangers, butexceedingly jealous of infants, from seeing them caressed.

  "He was remarkably fond of music, and danced to all lively tunes, movinghis wings, and also his head, backward and forward, to keep time. Ifany person sang or played a wrong measure, he stopped instantly. Whenhis quick scent announced the time of meals, he ran up and down thepole, uttering a pleasing note of request.

  "When any food was given him of which he was not very fond, he took itin his left claw, ate a little, and threw the rest down; but if thevariety was nice and abundant, after eating what he wished, hecarefully conveyed the remainder to his tin pail, saving it for anotheroccasion.

  "Every Friday a scissors grinder came and worked under his window. Afterlistening attentively, Poll tried to imitate the sound with his throat,but could not succeed. He then struck his beak against the perch; buthis quick ear discerned a difference. Finally he succeeded by drawinghis claw in a particular way across the tin perch, and repeated theperformance of grinding every Friday, much to the amusement of those whosaw him."

  Minnie was so much interested in these stories that she quite forgot hergrief, until her mother opened the library door to tell her that her petwas beginning to sing.

  Minnie flew to see her, and before noon had the pleasure of knowing thatPoll was quite recovered. Indeed, she had never seemed more gay. Shehopped first on one foot and then on the other, in curious imitation ofa polka dance, tossing her head on one side in a most coquettish manner.

  Then she talked and laughed with Minnie, exclaiming every now and thenin a cunning tone, "What are you about, you rogue? O, you little rogue!"

  The little girl was delighted. She held Poll on her lap, caressing herfondly, and calling her by all sorts of endearing and funny names.

  The parrot on her part seemed desirous of showing her gratitude forrelief from pain by doing all she could to please her little friend. Sheoften heard the cook calling Tom, who was apt to run to the barn whenshe wanted him; and she began in a loud, impatient tone, "Tom!" hervoice rising; then again, "Tom!" falling inflection; "Tom!" again; "Isay, Tom; come here, you rascal!"

  Finding this made Minnie laugh heartily, she began to call, "Leo, comehere! Lie down, sir! Tiney, Tiney," in a small, fine voice, like thechild's; "Tiney, Tiney, Tiney! O, you little rogue!"

  After this she chattered away like Jacko, cocking her eyes and lookingas if she thought herself very smart.

  Once in a while Poll talked Portuguese, which she had learned from somesailors who were in the vessel when she came over, more than fifteenyears before. She began now to talk what sounded to Minnie like perfectjargon, but which so much amused the bird that she kept stopping tolaugh most heartily.

  By and by Mrs. Lee was ready to sit down; and she said Poll had hadexcitement enough for a sick bird, but told Minnie if she would bringthe book about birds, she would try and find some true stories to readto her.

  The next hour was passed most pleasantly to both of them. Some of thestories I will tell you.

  "A parrot belonging to a lady in England was fond of attending familyprayers; but for fear he might take it into his head to join in theresponses, he was generally removed.

  "But one evening, finding the family were assembling for that purpose,he crept under the sofa, and thought himself unnoticed. For some time hemaintained a decorous silence; but at length he found himself unable tokeep still, and instead of 'Amen,' burst out with, 'Cheer, boys; cheer!'

  "The lady directed the butler to take him from the room; and the manhad taken
him as far as the door, when the bird, perhaps thinking he haddone wrong, and had better apologize, called out,--

  "'Sorry I spoke.'

  "The overpowering effect on those present can be better imagined thandescribed."

  "Here is a story," continued Mrs. Lee, "of a parrot who acted as apolice officer."

  "In Camden, New Jersey, Mr. John Hutchinson had a very loquaciousparrot, and also a well-stocked chest of silver plate. One day somerobbers thought they would like to use silver forks, goblets, andspoons, as well as their rich neighbors, and watching their opportunitybroke into the pantry.

  "They had already picked the lock off the thick oaken chest, and werediving down among salvers, pitchers, and smaller articles, when theywere terrified to hear a loud, angry voice exclaim,--

  "'You lazy rascals, I see you! John, bring me my revolver!'

  "Dropping the silver, which they had taken, on the floor, the robbersmade a rush for the window, which they had forced open, and in theirhurry got over the wrong fence into the yard of a neighbor who kept afierce dog.

  "Bruno, not at all pleased with the appearance of his sudden visitors,sprang upon them, barking at the top of his voice.

  "The noise called the police to the place, and one of the robbers wassecured.

  "The watchful parrot saved his owner's silver. When he was praised forhis timely interference, he would arch his head, and begin at once tocall out,--

  "'You lazy rascals, I see you! John, bring me my revolver!'"



  "When Prince Maurice was Governor of Brazil, he was informed of an oldparrot who would converse like a rational creature. His curiosity becameso much roused that, though at a great distance from his residence, hedirected that it should be sent for.

  "When Poll was first introduced into the room where the Prince sat withseveral Dutch gentlemen, he instantly exclaimed in the Brazilianlanguage,--

  "'What a company of white men are here!'

  "Pointing to the prince, one gentleman asked, 'Who is that man?'

  "'Some gentleman or other,' Poll instantly replied.

  "'Where did you come from?' asked the prince.

  "'From Marignan.'

  "'To whom do you belong?'

  "'To a Portuguese.'

  "'What do you do for a living?'

  "'I look after chickens.'

  "The prince laughingly exclaimed, 'You look after chickens!'

  "'Yes, I do; and I know well enough how to do it,' clucking at the sametime like a hen calling her brood.

  "Prince Maurice, as well as the rest of the gentlemen, were delightedwith the intelligence of the bird, and after keeping him at hisresidence as long as possible, the governor gave him a prize for beingthe most sagacious parrot in the kingdom."

  When Mr. Lee returned from the city, he found Poll as bright andcheerful as a lark. He brought with him a young man in his employ,called Theodore, to whom Minnie exhibited all her pets, and who staidtill after tea, and then Mr. Lee read a few stories to Minnie, with oneof which I must close my story of Minnie's pet parrot.

  "A prince, named Leo Maced, was once accused by a monk of forming a planto murder his father, the emperor. He was, therefore, though protestinghis innocence, cast into prison.

  "After some months, the emperor had a feast, to which he invited most ofthe nobles of his court. They were all seated at table, when a tameparrot belonging to the prince, and which was hung up in the room, criedout, mournfully,--

  "'Alas, alas! Poor Prince Leo!'

  "This exclamation, which was continually repeated, as if the bird couldnot help comparing their sumptuous entertainment with the prison fareand confinement of his exiled master, so affected the guests as todeprive them of all appetite. It was in vain that the emperor urged hisdelicacies upon them. They could not eat, while the faithful birdrepeated his plaintive cry,--

  "'Alas, alas! Poor Prince Leo!'

  "At last one of the nobles with tears entreated the emperor to pardonhis son, whom they all believed to be innocent. The others joining inthe request, the father ordered that Prince Leo be brought before him.He was soon restored to favor, and then to his former dignities, throughthe affection of his faithful parrot."

  Transcriber's Note

  The following typographical errors were corrected:

  Page Error4 LECTROTYPED changed to ELECTROTYPED98 and was then changed to "and was then


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