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Taken by the Alphas

Page 6

by Loki Renard

  * * *

  Addie woke in the night to find herself sandwiched between two muscular male bodies. She was still a little angry at the pair of them for talking about her like she was some toy they both thought they were entitled to, but that was a thought from her higher rational mind, a part of her that no longer seemed to apply—especially in the dark of the night in the Alaskan wilds.

  Armel’s arm was draped across her waist, pulling her back into the sheltering curve of his body. Adam was lying next to her on the other side, his strong body blocking her from the door.

  She lay there in the twilight between sleep and wakefulness, marveling at the strangeness of it all. A field trip had turned to disaster and almost to death, and now she was up close and extremely personal with some of the strangest Alaskan wildlife anyone had ever observed.

  Armel was a man who was also a bear. And Adam… she knew now that he was almost certainly the wolf she had seen him be. She didn’t know what people were anymore. Her sphere of understanding was in disarray, far more mysterious than she had imagined, or any of her scientific observations had indicated.

  Armel let out a little growl in his sleep and shifted slightly behind her. She felt the ridge of his hard manhood pressing along the cleft of her buttocks and her inner walls clenched in response. He was naked.

  She was wearing panties, though they weren't originally her own. They were new though, given to her by the nice lady who had treated her for the effects of the deep cold. The thin fabric of her underwear allowed her to feel the hardness and the heat of his cock. The rest of her clothing remained absent.

  He shifted and it slid between the crevice of her thighs, the thickness gliding between her legs against the gusset of her panties, the head of his cock brushing the underside of her clit in a way that made her stifle a moan.

  She didn’t know if he was awake, and she didn’t know if she wanted him to know she was awake if he was. It was far too hot to be explored by his rampant cock in slow sliding motions that caressed her eager lips through the fabric, which was starting to become slick with her juices.

  For long minutes he toyed with her pussy that way, and then his hips stilled and it was Addie’s turn to grind herself on him. She heard a soft growling moan behind her as she squirmed her hips slowly against the hard rod between her thighs, working her wet panty-clad pussy over his cock.

  Fingertips slid down the curve of her bottom and lifted the gusset of her panties. Armel pulled them to the side just enough to allow his cock to slide against her bare lips. Skin to skin, her juices coated his rod as the hot head of it began to run along her wet lower lips.

  Adam was still asleep. She looked into his handsome face and felt a little thrill of rebellion as she was pleasured right before his closed eyes. She could imagine what he would say and do if he knew that she was being touched so intimately. He had been possessive and domineering from the beginning. How would he punish her for allowing herself to be fucked in his bed?

  Armel’s hand settled on her hip, stilling her motion. She held her breath as she felt the head of his cock pressing into the wet parting of her lips, sliding up into the depths of her body. Little by little, he eased himself inside her, her juices lubricating him, coating his rod as he slowly split her wide.

  The sex was different than it had been with Adam. It was not as aggressive, or as loud, but it had a slow, rolling power all of its own. As Armel moved inside her, she felt the irresistible urge to moan. Before she did, his large hand covered her mouth and pulled her head back against him. He held her arched, taking her with a slow but insistent rhythm that drove her crazy. She wanted to squirm, she wanted to scream, she wanted to writhe on his thick, long cock, but she had to stay in place as he took his pleasure at a leisurely pace.

  She was sure Adam would wake up at any moment, but he was clearly a very deep sleeper and the bed was firm enough that the slow, slight motion of the couple next to him did not seem to bother him. Armel slid his other hand around her waist, found her clit with his fingers, and Addie spiraled out of caring. He knew just how to tease and rub the little bud in a way that made all the muscles low in her belly contract and her pussy grasp his cock all the harder.

  She was going to come, but Armel had other ideas. His arm slid up around her waist and he pulled her out of bed, still with one hand on her mouth, and with her pussy wrapped around his cock. His strength was astounding, the way he could hold her as if she weighed nothing at all. He carried her a few steps to the bedroom wall and let her brace herself against it as he fucked her harder, the room filling with the soft sounds of their bodies joining, Armel’s restrained grunts, Addie’s muffled moans. It was still surreptitious, but it was harder and more demanding now. She was up on her tiptoes, his cock plunging deep as he moved his hand from her mouth and explored her body, her breasts, her clit. Armel knew how to make her body sing, how to use every pleasure node to make her pussy clench harder on his thrusting rod.

  With her hands planted against the wall, the large man behind her using her for his pleasure and giving her an ample amount as well, Addie had never felt so deliciously naughty and deviant. They weren’t supposed to be doing this. She wasn’t supposed to be spreading her legs for this man, she wasn’t supposed to be taking his cock deep inside her, she wasn’t supposed to be quivering and now coming on his thick rod, but she was anyway, Armel’s hand clapped back over her mouth as she threatened to let out orgasmic cries.

  “Shhhh,” he whispered as she writhed on his cock, her pussy clenching and pulsing hard enough to trigger his orgasm too. “Fuck,” he groaned softly as he thrust deep up inside her, pinning her against the wall. Addie felt him coming, the thickening, the pulsing, the jerks of his hips as his cum shot deep inside her. She panted quietly against the wall as he gave a few last thrusts, then pulled his cock from her pussy, letting his cum spill down her thighs.

  He turned her to face him and kissed her tenderly, not speaking a word. When she tried, he put a finger to her lips and led her back to bed. They slid back in beside Adam, who slept on none the wiser.

  Chapter Five

  Adam woke to the smell of sex. The air was thick with it.

  Addie was fast asleep in the bed next to him, an angelic smile on her face and the bear’s scent all over her. Armel was nowhere to be seen. Adam pushed out of bed with a snarl of anger and went to track the bear. He found him in the kitchen, eating a bowl of Marnie’s oatmeal.

  “Put that damn spoon down,” he said. “And get the hell out of my house and my town.”

  Armel shoved another spoonful of oatmeal into his mouth and chewed it for a moment before asking, “Wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?”

  Adam darted forward and swiped the bowl off the table. It crashed against the countertop and splintered into dozens of ceramic shards punctuated with dollops of brown sugar-coated oatmeal. Armel didn’t move.

  “Your mommy isn’t going to like that,” Armel said calmly. “You better clean that up before she sees it.”

  It was everything Adam could do not to outright attack Armel, which was probably precisely what the bear wanted him to do. He wanted him to make a fool of himself in a fight that he would not win even if he did physically win.

  “We live as a pack,” he growled at Armel. “Our family does not abandon one another to the wilds. Where is your mother, Armel? What winter wind took her?”

  Armel’s eyes changed, his gaze growing dark. “Do not speak of my mother.”

  “Do not speak of mine,” Adam snarled back.

  Armel sat back and folded his arms over his chest, seeming to concede the point. “What do you want from me, Adam?”

  Adam slammed his clenched fist onto the table, making the remaining cutlery jangle and dance.

  “You mated with her. In my bed. While I was sleeping!”

  “Yeah,” Armel said. “I did.”

  He didn’t deny it. He certainly didn’t seem to be ashamed of it.

  “You… fucking snake!�

  Armel laughed. “You had her in your home for a full day before I came. It is not my fault she did not want to mate with you.”

  Adam narrowed his eyes even as his lips curled up into a smile. “Do you really think I didn’t take her, Armel? Do you think I didn’t fill her with my cum over and over?”

  Perhaps the bear had been in denial before, but now Adam saw the realization hit Armel between the eyes, a brief flash of the same anger Adam had felt when he’d smelled Armel’s scent all over her.

  “You were the second choice.”

  “After you failed to satisfy her,” Armel replied swiftly. “She needed me for that.”

  Adam’s anger rose as swiftly as Armel’s had. “I should have left you naked in the snow and had my pack hunt you down.”

  “I should have finished you off when you came to my cave to take her the first time,” Armel growled back.

  They were nose to nose, snarling and growling with fury when Addie shuffled past with a blanket from the bed wrapped around her.

  “Is there coffee?”

  She followed her nose to the stove where the coffeepot was still warm. Without commenting on their aggressive stances, or the stare-down taking place in front of her, Addie poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table between them. She took a sip, then looked at Armel, then Adam and back again.

  “So are you guys going to kiss, or what?”

  Adam realized just how stupid they looked, squaring off against one another. He sat back down, giving Armel some space. Armel uncurled his arms and swept a few crumbs off the table onto the floor. They were both trying to look casual for Addie’s benefit, but Adam was sure she wasn’t buying the display. She knew she had the power. There was a smug little look on her face as she hid her mouth behind the coffee mug, her eyes darting from one of them to the other.

  He also noticed that there wasn’t any immediate affection between the lovers. The tension was between the three of them jointly. It wasn’t just a matter of Addie and Armel having bonded secretly in the night. Maybe they’d fucked out of rebellion, nothing more.

  A slow smile spread across his face as he realized it was possibly more awkward between Addie and Armel now over that silent breakfast table than it had ever been between Addie and himself.

  “Morning,” he said to Addie. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, thank you,” she said with a little giggle. Her eyes were dancing over his face, waiting for his reaction.

  “Good,” he nodded. “I am glad. You need your rest.”

  Armel retrieved a broom from the corner of the kitchen and started sweeping up the little bits and pieces of broken bowl and oatmeal.

  “Was there an accident?” Addie asked the question with a wide-eyed faux sort of curiosity.

  “Oh, there was an accident,” Adam replied, raising his brow at her. “Just not the accident you might think.”

  * * *

  Addie knew Adam was angry. She even felt a little guilty about his anger. Part of the thrill of submitting to Armel’s desire had been defying Adam’s possessiveness. But his reaction wasn’t what she’d expected it to be. She’d thought he would give her the satisfaction of showing her how angry he was, and maybe even how jealous he was. It was nice to be wanted by two men at the same time. Two beasts prepared to compete for her love.

  She’d woken with Armel’s cum still sticky between her legs. She could feel it even now as she pressed her thighs together with excitement. It took some effort to tear her eyes off Adam and look at Armel, who was scooping up the mess that had been created in their posturing. The angry words had come through the walls and spaces of the house clearly, and the tension was still in the air. They were both pretending that everything was normal, but the truth was, nothing was normal. They weren’t normal. They weren’t even men in the traditional sense of the word.

  Shapeshifters; that was what they were. Addie was not as frightened or confused as she would have been without a solid grounding in biology, which boiled down to a simple phrase: life is weird. Most people didn’t have any understanding of just how weird it could get. She knew of frogs that hatched their babies in the soft skin of their backs, fish that could become male or female at will, even the way humble caterpillars built chrysalises and broke themselves down to a mass of cells within before reassembling as a butterfly was a mystery to science… the ability of people to take the form of other animals was fascinating, and intrigued her deeply.

  On a human level, she did not believe the facade of calm Adam was now projecting—though clearly he was able to contain his anger. Her studies of wolf packs had taught her that an alpha wolf was not always the most aggressive male. It was the male who was able to navigate the social structure, and not only win battles for dominance when they arose, but minimize the number of battles he had to fight. Adam was strong, but he was also smart, and capable of running a pack. Armel didn’t have to run a pack; he only had to care for himself and maybe his mate. The differences between them were quite marked as a result. Adam was interested in order and family. Armel was interested in power and independence. The clash between them was fascinating.

  “Why are you so quiet?” Adam asked the question with a curious little quirk of his head, which she was almost tempted to think of as puppy-like.

  “She’s studying us,” Armel said, putting the broom to the side. “Aren’t you, Addie?” His smile was warm and knowing.

  “I’m just having my coffee,” she said, telling the same kind of lie Adam had.

  “Mhm,” Adam said, pushing up from the table. “Come and find me in my office when you are done with breakfast.”

  With that, he left her alone with Armel.

  “He’s mad, isn’t he?”

  “Furious,” Armel agreed, sliding into a chair next to her. “Are you alright… I mean… after last night?”

  She felt an unbidden and unwelcome blush rising over her cheeks. “More than okay,” she mumbled toward her coffee. “But… I do feel kind of bad. For, you know, doing that in his bed.”

  “You loved doing that in his bed,” Armel replied with a chuckle. “I think we will both pay for that, in different ways.”

  “You think he’ll throw my breakfast on the floor too?”

  “I think he’ll have some words with you. Maybe more.” There was a suggestive note in his tone that made her mind go rushing back to the last time Adam had had ‘words’ with her.

  “You wouldn’t let him punish me for sleeping with you, would you?” She widened her eyes and gave him her best damsel in distress expression. It wasn’t very well practiced and didn’t seem to help much. “I mean, if he tries to lay hands on me…”

  “If you don’t want him to, I won’t let him,” Armel replied, his dark gaze warm. “But I think I’d be depriving you of something if I did stop him.”

  “What does that mean!?” Her voice rose to a squeak of surprise.

  “It means you like being in trouble,” Armel said. “Or, at least, you like being naughty, and there’s no fun in being naughty if there’s no risk of punishment.”

  Addie stared at him, wondering how Armel seemed to understand her so well so quickly.

  “I can’t believe you’re okay with him… punishing me for being with you. I thought you two were about to tear each other apart if either one of you touched me.”

  “Did you,” Armel said with a smile. “Maybe we were. And maybe we weren’t.”

  “What was all that about in here if it wasn’t that? Throwing breakfast and things?”

  “You’ve put us into a position neither of us saw coming,” Armel said. He stood up and refilled his coffee, casting a look at her under his dark brows that made her want to squirm. “And yourself, for that matter. “

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “We’ve both claimed you. You offered yourself to both of us. Took us willingly, gave yourself to us as our mates. That gives us equal claim over you. Adam and I both have to respect that.” />
  “But what about what I want? Don’t I have any say in this?”

  “You’ve had plenty of say,” Armel said. “Your say was when you slept with Adam and then slept with me. You made your choice. Or should I say, choices.”

  Addie blushed.

  “We will have to make sure you do not encounter any more alpha males out here in the wilds,” Armel chuckled. “You could end up being owned by the state of Alaska.”

  “Ouch,” she said, hurt by his joke. “I’m not a slut.”

  Armel shook his head and covered her hand with his own, his gaze understanding. “I didn’t say you were. You followed your instincts, just as you’re supposed to do. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Addie. And I wasn’t trying to shame you either. You’re a spirited girl. You come out all this way on your own, refusing to listen to anyone who tried to tell you better, and you were pursued by not one, but two men. You chose both. A bold move, but that’s what you are, Addie. You’re brave, and you don’t follow rules unless you have to.”

  She was still blushing, and she didn’t recognize herself in Armel’s description of her. He obviously saw her quite differently from the way the rest of the world did—and from the way she saw herself. “I’m not bold,” she mumbled down at her cup of coffee.

  “Addie!” Adam’s voice rang out commandingly from down the hall, sending a zip of anxiety through her.

  “Do I have to go see him?”

  “You could keep him waiting and see how that works,” Armel said with a smile. “Either way, I think the results will be interesting.”

  Still not quite sure what Armel was playing at, Addie pulled the blanket around her and shuffled off in the direction of Adam’s voice. She found him in an office lined with bookshelves piled high with books, all of which had an old leather-bound appearance that immediately drew her curiosity. Her attention, however, was commanded by Adam, who was pacing back and forth behind a large desk.


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