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The Ties That Bind (Brie's Submission Book 22)

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by Red Phoenix

  Copyright © 2021 Red Phoenix

  Kindle Edition

  The Ties That Bind:

  Brie’s Submission Book 22

  Cover by Shanoff Designs

  Formatted by BB Books

  Phoenix symbol by Nicole Delfs

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.


  “His touch is like magic…”

  Brie is in the middle of a fight for her life. A force far more powerful than Brie is determined to destroy her.

  About to give birth to her second child, Brie is vulnerable to the unprecedented attack—but she is not afraid.

  When you are part of the Submissive Training Center, you are never alone.

  Prepare yourself for an explosive climax that will leave you satisfied in more ways than one.

  Watching an entire world go up in flames has never felt so good!

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  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Coming Next

  About the Author


  Join My Friends of Red Phoenix Group


  His Promise



  Gifts of the Heart

  Welcomed Distraction

  His Calling

  Gentle Release

  A Little Lea Time

  The Red Box

  Perfect Day

  Welcome to the World

  Tears of Joy





  Remind Me

  Other Red Phoenix Books

  Connect with Red on Substance B


  Brie was grabbing a quick snack before heading upstairs to work on her next film when she heard the screeching of multiple vehicles braking abruptly, and car doors slamming, just outside their house. Taking a quick peek through the window, she let out a frightened gasp when she saw four black utility vehicles parked outside and an army of men dressed in black suits walking up to the door.

  Grabbing Hope, Brie rushed to Sir’s office to tell him what was happening.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, he pushed Brie toward the back door. “Go to Durov’s while I find out what these men want.”

  “Don’t face them alone,” she cried. “Come with me.”

  Glancing at Hope squirming in her arms, he commanded, “I don’t know their intentions and it will give you time to escape.”

  Brie knew Sir would give his life to protect them and whimpered when he shut the door behind her. Racing to Rytsar’s with her daughter clutched against her chest, Brie banged on his door, hoping against hope he hadn’t left for Russia yet.

  While she waited in agony for someone to answer, Brie kept glancing back at their house, praying for Sir’s safety.

  Rytsar opened the door dressed in a robe that was open but cinched at the waist, showing off his muscular chest. He smirked when he saw her. “Have you come to play before I go, radost moya?”

  Brie shook her head and rushed inside.

  His expression instantly changed as he grabbed Hope from her. “What’s wrong?”

  Brie could barely speak as she panted, “There are men…lots of them…”

  Rytsar frowned. “Where?”

  “At the house. Sir insisted on staying behind.”

  Rytsar growled, calling out to Maxim. “Mobilize my men, now!”

  Guiding Brie to Hope’s room, he stated, “Stay here and remain quiet until I command otherwise.”

  Before he shut the door, Rytsar whistled for Little Sparrow. “Watch over them, Vorobyshek.”

  Brie heard the sound of an electronic door bolt locking into place. She glanced around the room, staring at the colorful murals painted on the four walls. They were of different landscapes in Russia. Because they were life-like outdoor paintings, she’d never noticed that the room had no windows.

  It suddenly dawned on her this was actually a panic room.

  Tears sprang to her eyes when she realized Rytsar had planned for this moment with the sole intention of protecting Hope. He knew there were those who might come for him seeking retribution.

  Hope picked up on Brie’s fear and cried out, squirming in her arms. Brie immediately smiled to calm her daughter and walked over to the white rocking horse. She helped Hope onto it. “Hold on tight.”

  She kept her tight smile, rubbing her pregnant belly while she slowly rocked the horse. Both she and Little Sparrow listened intently to the sounds of the men organizing on the other side of the door.

  Suddenly, the air was filled with Rytsar’s laughter.

  Little Sparrow started dancing excitedly at the door.

  In a matter of seconds, Brie heard the bolt being pulled back as the burly Russian, dressed and armed for battle, opened the door.

  “There is nothing to fear, radost moya.”

  Brie stared at him in disbelief, too stunned to speak.

  “It seems your cavalry has arrived,” he stated, petting Little Sparrow’s head.

  Brie shook her head in disbelief. “What?”

  “The men you saw are here about your film.”

  “Mary did say it would happen soon,” she said, laughing nervously. “But there are so many of them. I just assumed…”

  Rytsar nodded. “As you should. You can never be too careful.” He placed his hand on her shoulder, stating proudly, “It is time for you to meet your destiny.”

  He then glanced down at Hope. “Vorobyshek and I will watch the babe.”

  Brie looked at him in amazement. “I can’t believe this is really happening…”

  Picking up Hope, Rytsar escorted Brie out of the room. “Your Master wants you to return through the rear door.”

  Brie was humbled knowing Rystar and his men had mobilized to defend her and her daughter regardless of the cost. Deeply grateful to them, she smiled and nodded to each man as she walked past.

  She headed back to the house and quietly entered through the back door where Sir was waiting for her. He wore an amused expression as he held out his arms to her.

  Brie melted into his embrace. “Well, that was a scare…”

  “An unnecessary one, at that,” he agreed. “As punishment, I’ve made the men wait outside until you are ready.”

  She pulled back, her jaw dropping. “What? They’re all outside?”

  Sir nodded with a wicked glint in his eye. “Someone should have called you first.”

  Brie’s heart started to race. “Do you think my mystery benefactor is out there right now?”

  “I didn’t recognize anyone, so I can’t say.”

  She glanced nervously in the direction of the front door. “I’d better not keep them waiting.”

  “Actually, I want you to take your time to dress for this important meeting. They failed to inform you they were coming, so now they don’t get the advantage of rushing you. Besides, it will take Mr. Thompson another forty minutes to arrive.”

  “You called our la

  He glanced at the front door. “There are a slew of them out there, babygirl. No point in starting this meeting until you have proper representation.”

  Brie smiled up at him. “I’m grateful for your intervention, Sir.”

  He gazed down at her lovingly. “With Thompson by your side, you will be able to make a clear decision based on what is being offered.”

  “You aren’t going to join me?” she asked in surprise.

  He shook his head. “No. I don’t want their attention to shift to me at any point during the meeting. They need to face the businesswoman behind the talent.” He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “You’ve earned this moment, Brianna Davis.”

  She nodded, feeling both humbled and empowered.

  Brie headed to the bedroom. Understanding the significance of this meeting, she was determined to dress for it. She would have preferred wearing the red dress Sir had purchased for her months ago, but she was in her third trimester now and that wasn’t an option for her.

  Glancing at her round belly, Brie smiled. It was pretty amazing that she could grow a tiny human inside her while simultaneously advancing her film career.

  Brie chose a white blouse and a stylish red jacket. Pulling her hair back in a severe ponytail, she smiled at her reflection. If they had any misconceptions that they were meeting a frumpy pregnant woman, they were entirely mistaken.

  Brie was meticulous with her makeup and finished the look off with bright red lipstick. She pressed her lips together to gently blot the lipstick, then smiled at her reflection.

  There was only one thing missing.

  Brie walked to a drawer in the closet to get the white orchid comb. She wanted Tono to be a part of this momentous occasion. The Kinbaku Master had been with her in spirit every time she filmed, and she needed him to be with her now.

  The moment she touched the flower, however, she felt a jolt of sadness. Brie realized that the last time she’d spoken to Tono was just before Kylie’s death. Frowning in concern, she made a mental note to call him after the meeting.

  Taking in a deep breath, she walked out of the bedroom and nodded to Sir. “I’m ready.”

  He looked at her with approval. “Yes, you certainly are.”

  Sir glanced at his watch. “Thompson texted and should be here any minute. I’ve set up the dining room table to act as your meeting room for today. Go ahead and sit down so you can settle in while I let them in.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Brie, if you need to address me at any point during the meeting, call me by my given name in their presence. I don’t want them mistakenly thinking our unique dynamic influences what happens here today. This is your career, and I trust you to do what is best for your future.”

  Brie was moved by his unfailing belief in her. “You have always been supportive of my career.”

  He cupped her chin. “I am honored to be husband and Master of a gifted artist. I consider it a privilege.” Kissing her on the lips, he winked as he added, “Prepare thyself, woman.”

  Brie grinned as she headed to the dining room. She sat down at the head of the table and placed her palms on the smooth surface, surveying the rows of empty chairs that were about to be filled.

  The butterflies started when she heard Sir invite the men inside. After being blacklisted by Holloway and watching everyone in the film industry turn their backs on her, her moment had finally come.

  Her future was about to change.

  Brie was anxious to meet the mysterious benefactor who had orchestrated this entire deal so she could thank him in person.

  She stood up as the men filed in. “Please take a seat, gentlemen.” She directed them, reserving the chair to her right for Mr. Thompson. The men each carried a briefcase and began rifling through them in silence while they waited.

  Brie quietly observed them, scanning the room trying to determine which person was the mastermind behind all of this.

  Mr. Thompson arrived a few minutes later, introducing her to another man he’d brought with him. “Mrs. Davis, I would like to introduce you to Henry Phillips. He is a highly regarded entertainment lawyer. I thought it best to have an expert in the field join us today.”

  Mr. Phillips held out his hand to Brie. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Davis.”

  Shaking his hand firmly, she told him, “I appreciate any legal advice you have to offer, Mr. Phillips.”

  Brie addressed the man seated beside the empty chair reserved for Mr. Thompson. “I apologize for the inconvenience, but I will need you to make room for Mr. Phillips.”

  The man frowned but stood up, gesturing for Mr. Phillips to take his seat. There was a quick shuffle as the other men rearranged themselves around the table by some unknown ranking Brie was not privy to.

  Once they were settled, Brie sat down again. “Now that everyone is here, let’s begin.”

  The man to the left of her spoke up, “Mrs. Davis, you are aware we’ve come today with an offer to produce and distribute your latest documentary.”

  Brie smiled at him warmly. “And, your name is…”

  “Randall Cummings, ma’am.”

  “Are you the man responsible for this offer?”

  He cleared his throat. “No, Mrs. Davis.”

  She looked around the table. “Who is?”

  Mr. Cummings explained, “We do not know the individual’s identity, Mrs. Davis. We’re simply here to make you the offer.”

  Brie frowned, tilting her head. “Why so many of you?”

  “Each lawyer represents a client who will be involved in the production or distribution of your film.”

  Brie glanced around the table, humbled by the number of companies that would be involved.

  “Let me begin by having the men introduce themselves and the clients they represent.”

  Brie sat in awe as each representative listed the top name in the industry he spoke for, from the famous film composer, and the first-class sound production team to the legendary Michael Schmidt, who was the greatest film editor in the business.

  But it didn’t end there…

  A popular cinematographer had been hired for the documentary to work on the transitions between each scene by creating breathtaking cutaway shots. Brie loved the idea because it would add a whole new dimension to the film.

  Her documentary was not going to have one film distributor but many—each company specializing in their territory of the world. Not only that, but Brie learned they were scheduling it to release in theaters, DVD, cable, and digital download platforms.

  This was the entire package!

  Mr. Thompson went over each contract with an eagle eye while Mr. Phillips gave Brie a rundown on the individual businesses represented and further details about what was being provided by each entity.

  “Collectively, this is a dream team,” he whispered in her ear.

  Brie nodded in agreement, thoroughly impressed. Looking at the army of men, she asked them, “So, let’s get down to business. What is the actual offer?”

  Mr. Cummings smiled. “I’m glad you asked.”

  He took a thick file from his briefcase and pushed it toward her. “Rather than a lump sum, the percentage reflects the funding required, as well as the considerable risk involved in assembling this unparalleled team.”

  Brie opened the folder and glanced at the first page. “I would receive ten percent of the net profit?”

  “Yes, Mrs. Davis,” Mr. Cummings replied without hesitation.

  She nodded, then turned to her two lawyers. “I would like to discuss this privately with you.”

  “Certainly,” Mr. Thompson answered.

  “Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse us,” she stated, getting up from the table. With as much grace as she could manage in her third trimester, Brie left the room with Mr. Thompson and Mr. Phillips following behind her.

  She led them outside to discuss it with them while she watched the ocean waves breaking over the shore. “Do you feel this is a f
air deal?”

  “I do,” Mr. Thompson replied.

  “And you, Mr. Phillips?”

  “It’s quite generous considering there is no financial risk to you.”

  Brie nodded, her heart starting to race. This offer would allow countless people all over the world to see BDSM in a completely new light. That alone was worth it to her. But, having them offer her a dream team, along with considerable financial funding, made this deal suspect. It almost seemed too good to be true.

  She asked Mr. Phillips, “Do you think it’s strange that no one in the room knows who is actually financing the film?”

  He nodded. “It is highly unusual, but then, so is your current situation with Holloway.”

  “Why would anyone agree to this, considering Holloway’s influence in Hollywood?” she pressed him.

  “The compensation must be considerable,” Mr. Thompson stated frankly.

  Mr. Phillips agreed. “Plus, there is power in numbers. The fact that the top echelon has agreed to work on this project protects them from being attacked individually by the man.”

  “Something concerns me,” Brie confessed. “I have no idea who this person is or what vision they have for my film. While I appreciate having expert hands on my work, I don’t want the essence of the message to be lost with all the changes being proposed.”

  “You should request the right for the final say,” Mr. Phillips replied.

  “Make it nonnegotiable,” Mr. Thompson advised her. “But understand you may lose the offer if you do.”

  Brie nodded. Compromising the documentary was not an option for her. “So be it.”

  “You’re sure?” Mr. Phillips insisted.

  “Yes, as long as I retain control over the project, I’m onboard with everything.”

  Mr. Thompson grinned. “Are you ready to sign the contract, then?”

  “I am, but I would like a moment to speak with Thane first.”

  While both men waited, Brie went to Sir’s office to inform him of the offer and her decision.

  “I think it is prudent to retain control,” he told her.

  “I’m glad you agree, Sir. I realize now I’d rather not have my documentary release than have the message muted by trying to make it more commercial with pretty bells and whistles—no matter who’s involved in the project.”


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