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The Ties That Bind (Brie's Submission Book 22)

Page 16

by Red Phoenix

  “You certainly have a way with children and animals,” Sir commented.

  Tono grinned. “Both have a pure energy I connect with.” He glanced around and asked, “Where’s your son?”

  “Anthony is taking a nap, but I don’t expect him to be down for much longer,” Brie explained.

  Tono’s warm smile soothed her soul. “What’s it like having two?”

  She smiled. “I never knew I could love two people so completely.”

  Tono gazed into her eyes. “Your heart has expanded.”

  She blushed. “It certainly feels that way. I can’t wait for you and Autumn to experience it.”

  He nodded slowly. “We will see what the future brings.”

  “What are your plans after this tour?” Sir asked.

  Tono sighed with a troubled look in his eyes. “I believe we should take a hiatus from traveling for my health and Autumn’s wellbeing. It’s time to find a place to call home.”

  “Here, I hope,” Brie squeaked.

  Tono looked down at Shadow and Hope, a smile playing on his lips. “Seeing how content Autumn is here with her friends, I think it would be a good fit.”

  “Oh, Tono, I’m so happy to hear that!”

  Her exuberance woke Anthony up and he started fussing in the other room. Sir was about to get up when Brie stopped him. “You’ve been going nonstop since my first contraction. Let me take care of this.”

  Brie chose to stay in the bedroom while she nursed Anthony so Sir could have some time alone with Tono. She felt certain both men would benefit from the interaction.

  When she finally returned to the living room, she found them talking about Faelan.

  Tono looked uneasy. “After everything he’s been through, I understand his struggle to hold on. It’s another reason I wish to return to California.”

  “You have done enough for him, Nosaka,” Sir assured him. “That should not play into where you choose to live. However, I understand your need to be there for him. I feel the same.”

  Tono looked up at Brie. “I have a favor to ask of you.”

  “Of course, Tono. Anything.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small white envelope painted with Japanese symbols. “I suspect you will see Todd before I do. Would you give this to him?”

  Brie took the black and white envelope and held it tightly. “I will make sure to deliver this safely into his hands.”

  Tono nodded to her. “I hope it brings him some peace.”

  Brie went to give Sir the baby so she could put the envelope away for safekeeping, but Tono asked, “May I hold him?”

  She smiled. “Your lap is already full.”

  “There is always room for one more.”

  Brie placed Anthony in Tono’s arms.

  He laid the baby against Shadow’s back and cradled him so Hope could look at her baby brother, too. The cat did not seem to mind and continued to purr.

  “An-ta-nee,” Hope said solemnly.

  “Your brother is named Anthony?”

  She nodded, reaching out to touch his cheek. Hope squealed with laughter when Anthony grabbed her finger.

  Tono looked up at Brie, his eyes twinkling. “She has your laugh.”

  “Does she? I never noticed.”

  Brie stood back to look at them. She could not describe the intense feeling of joy she felt seeing Tono on the floor with her children. It was so touching, she found herself choking up.

  “Are you okay?” Sir asked quietly.

  She smiled. “I’m just too happy to contain it…”

  Brie felt the ache of their impending goodbye when Lea finally arrived with Autumn to take them to the airport.

  “I wish you could cancel your tour and stay with us,” Brie joked.

  Lea gave her a hip bump. “You guys are brimming with babies. Autumn and Tono should totally stay with me.”

  Autumn surprised Brie when she confessed, “After traveling for so long, I have to admit it’s going to be hard to settle down. I actually like the constant travel. Every week is someplace new with a bunch of new people to meet.”

  Lea grabbed her arm. “Well, I’m not letting you go!”

  Autumn looked at Lea longingly. “I wish you could come with us…”

  “I think Hunter might have something to say about that,” Lea laughed.

  When Tono stood up to leave, Brie felt her heart break a little. The Kinbaku Master was like fresh air to her soul.

  When she went to hug him, he whispered, “I know you are keeping something from me.”

  She giggled self-consciously as she pulled away.

  Brie hugged Autumn next. “If you need anything, let me know.”

  “I’ve got something for you, actually.” With an impish grin, Autumn told her, “Okay, fair warning, this one is a little raunchy, so forgive me. Do you know why you can never trust a baby with a dirty diaper?”

  Brie shook her head in amusement.

  Autumn’s face turned beet red as she delivered the punch line. “Because they’re full of shit.”

  Lea burst out laughing. “I’m adding that to my apocalypse stockpile!”

  Brie giggled as she kissed Anthony’s forehead. “Don’t you pay them any heed, little man.”

  After they left, Shadow stood at the front door. Brie bent down to pet him. “I know, Shadow. It’s hard, but I promise they’ll be back.”

  Brie turned to Sir, beaming. “What an amazing day this has been.”

  “Truly.” He wrapped both arms around her. “But now you must be a good sub and go to sleep.”

  “I’m not tired,” she pouted.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You’re about to crash.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, but before she could, a huge yawn escaped her lips, proving he was right. Sir turned her toward the bedroom and swatted her ass. “You need to listen to your Master.”

  “I love you, Sir,” she murmured, heading to the bedroom.

  The moment Brie’s head hit the pillow she was out like a light.

  In the weeks that followed, time seemed to stand still as Brie grew accustomed to life with two children. She cherished this quiet moment, knowing their lives would soon be interrupted by the demands of both of their careers.

  On Anthony’s actual due date, Brie threw a private little party complete with balloons and party hats.

  When the doorbell rang, she hurried to answer it, expecting it to be the “due date” cake she’d ordered. Instead, she was asked to sign for a mysterious box.

  “Here, let me get that for you,” Sir offered when he saw the large size of it. “What did you order?” he asked, laughing as he set the box on the coffee table.

  “I was just about to ask you that, Sir. So, this isn’t from you?”

  He shook his head.

  Brie quickly opened the box to find another box inside with the name “Versace” printed on it. “I know I didn’t order this…”

  Sir took the box out and found a fancy invitation underneath. Reading it, he told her, “It appears we have been invited to attend a premiere event being held downtown.”

  “Who is the invitation from?”

  He showed it to her. “Recognize the name?”

  Brie’s jaw dropped when she saw Randall Cummings signature. “Oh, my goodness. I guess the cat is about to be let out of the bag.”

  Sir lifted the lid of the box. “And in grand style, my dear.”

  Brie lifted the black dress from the box, her heart racing. The long dress had gold accents that elevated the elegance of the gown.

  “Wow…” she murmured.

  “The event takes place two weeks from now,” he informed her.

  Brie snorted, envisioning the look on Greg Holloway’s face when he heard the news.

  The monster was finally going to be brought down. He thought he’d won, but in reality, Holloway’s demise was only two short weeks away.


  The phone rang just minutes after the package arrived


  “Mrs. Davis,” Mr. Cummings answered, “I am calling to confirm you received the package.”

  “I certainly did.”

  “I trust the gown is to your liking.”

  She glanced at the gorgeous dress. “Very much so.”

  “Excellent. A limousine will pick you up the night of the event. We will be making the official announcement.”

  “Mr. Cummings, I know this request may sound out of left field, but I would like to bring my children.”

  He cleared his throat. “This is a formal event. Why would you want to do that?”

  “Greg Holloway made it clear that my film would never see the light of day. He is a misogynist, and I want the world to know that a woman and mother of young children was able to defeat him.”

  “It would be a powerful statement, Mrs. Davis,” Mr. Cummings agreed.

  “One Holloway needs to hear loud and clear.”

  “While I agree, we cannot have children acting as a distraction…”

  Brie held her breath, expecting him to dismiss her request.

  Instead, he surprised her. “…therefore, I will provide a professional nanny to assist you during the event.”

  Brie smiled to herself, thrilled that he was honoring the request. “Thank you, Mr. Cummings.”

  “It’s imperative that you tell no one you received the invitation or that you will be attending.”


  “It’s a strategic move, Mrs. Davis.”

  His answer made her even more curious about the event. “Who is going to be there?”

  “The most influential people in Hollywood, including Greg Holloway.”

  “And he has no idea I’m coming.” A slow smile spread across Brie’s face.

  Absolutely perfect!

  “Will the person who arranged the deal be there as well?” she asked.

  “I wouldn’t know, Mrs. Davis.”

  Brie shook her head with amusement. “It does make it interesting, not knowing who is behind this. It could be any person in the room—or not.”

  “That would be a safe assumption.”

  She laughed, liking Mr. Cummings’ dry sense of humor.

  “I won’t say a word about the event, but who can I thank for the gown?”

  “I will let Donatella know it was well received.”

  Brie was left completely stunned. Whoever her benefactor was, they had connections beyond her wildest dreams.

  Brie slowly twirled as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. The black V-neck gown was cinched underneath her breasts and had a long, pleated skirt that flowed gracefully when she walked. Because of the unique style of the dress, it hid her post-pregnancy belly.

  An onlooker’s attention would be focused on the bodice with its intricate gold highlights. This gown was elegant and classy in the way it accentuated her femininity.

  Brie dressed Hope in a black dress with a yellow ribbon around the waist. She was lucky enough to find a white onesie with a black satin vest sewn onto it for their son. Anthony looked dashing. But, even as adorable as he was, no one could compete with his father.

  Sir was the picture of sophistication and class in the same black Italian suit he’d worn at their wedding. The dark vest was covered in a silvery vine pattern that matched his bow tie. He was stylish perfection all the way down to his polished Italian shoes.

  “Sir, I think you’re even more handsome now than you were at our wedding—and I can’t believe that’s even possible.”

  He took her hand and twirled her around as he gazed at her intently. “Brianna Renee Davis, you will dominate them tonight.”

  She was giddy at the thought of a submissive dominating all of Hollywood.

  The limousine arrived shortly before the event was set to begin. Mr. Cummings had informed her that she would be arriving late in order to make a grand entrance. The driver arrived and knocked on their door.

  When Brie answered it, he told her, “I have come to drive you and your family to the event, Mrs. Davis.”

  Brie glanced back at Sir and took a deep breath. “This is it…”

  As they approached the vehicle, a young woman got out and formally introduced herself. “Hello, my name is Penny Warton. I’m here to assist with your children tonight.”

  Brie shifted Hope to her left hip to hold out her hand. “Wonderful. I’m Brie and this is my daughter, Hope.”

  Penny shook Brie’s hand before addressing Hope. “It’s lovely to meet you, Miss Hope.”

  The driver opened the door for Brie and bowed. “Mrs. Davis.”

  Brie thanked him as she helped Hope inside before sliding in herself. She could hardly believe any of this was real.

  She was grateful to see that car seats for the children had been provided. When she went to buckle Hope in, Penny politely stopped her. “Please allow me, Mrs. Davis.”

  Brie sat back grinning as Sir slid into the vehicle and sat down beside her. Penny gently took Anthony from him and secured him into the car seat for the drive.

  As the limo pulled out, Sir took Brie’s hand and squeezed it in encouragement.

  “After waiting so long for this moment, I can scarcely believe it’s real,” she confessed.

  Brie couldn’t wait to see the look on Mary’s face when the official announcement was made. Although Mary knew the deal had been struck, she had no idea the ax was about to fall.

  “Savor every moment of this night, babygirl,” Sir said, kissing her lightly on the cheek.

  Brie stared out the window at the tall skyscrapers as they drove into downtown LA. She thought she would be overcome with a sense of peace, but she suddenly became a bundle of nerves.

  That only increased when the limousine pulled up to the Wilshire Grand and she saw the entrance teeming with reporters. Brie had never seen so many journalists gathered in one place and her heart began to race.

  Memories of the hateful reception she’d received at the premiere for her first documentary flashed in her mind, and she felt a moment of panic.

  “My mother is long dead,” Sir reminded her, as if he could read her mind.

  She nodded and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

  My past is not my future.

  The driver quickly exited the vehicle and opened the door. Sir got out first, holding Hope in one arm.

  He held out his other hand to Brie. She took it, stepping gracefully out of the limousine and onto the red carpet to the sound of multiple shutters clicking. Turning back to the limousine, Brie took her son from Penny and held him tight against her to keep him from being frightened by the unusual noise and flashing lights.

  “Mrs. Davis, look over here!” one of the paparazzi shouted.

  The moment Sir placed his hand on the small of Brie’s back, her whole body relaxed. With Sir by her side, there was nothing to fear.

  Brie turned to the reporter and smiled graciously, taking Sir’s advice to savor the moment rather than allow herself to be unsettled by it.

  Although they were close to the entrance, it took considerable time to make it to the doors because of the many requests for their attention as the reporters clicked away.

  Brie found Mr. Cummings was waiting for them inside.

  She laughed in delight. “I didn’t expect that kind of reception.”

  “This is only the beginning, Mrs. Davis,” he stated, as he escorted them to the elevators.

  On their way up to the top floor, Mr. Cummings explained, “You will wait until you are given the signal to enter, then your friends will follow you inside.”

  “My friends?” she asked, as the elevator slowed down.

  He nodded as the doors opened.

  Brie gasped when Sir guided her out of the elevator. The first person she spied was Master Coen.

  “You’re here all the way from Australia?” she cried in excitement.

  The muscular Dom nodded, his eyes flashing with admiration as he looked her up and down. “I am, Mrs. Davis

  Raven, his sub, stood beside him looking as cute as ever.

  Brie shook her head in surprise when she saw that Tono and Autumn where there, too. “I can’t believe you’re here!”

  She scanned the crowd and spotted Marquis Gray, Celestia, Lea, Hunter, Master Anderson, Shay, Boa, Mistress Lou, Ms. Clark, and Baron. Brie quickly realized that every person in the documentary was represented, except for three people—Rytsar, Faelan, and Mary.

  With Sir’s permission, Brie handed the baby to Penny before running to hug her friends.

  “How is this even possible?” she gushed.

  “Your man there made a deal we couldn’t refuse,” Master Coen answered, nodding to Mr. Cummings.

  She looked over at him. “This is incredible. Thank you!”

  Mr. Cummings only nodded in response, looking quite pleased with himself.

  Brie turned to Tono and Autumn. “I never thought I would see you two again so soon.”

  “I’ve never flown in a private jet before,” Autumn squealed. “It was amazing!”

  “It was unexpected,” Tono agreed. “But, as Master Coen stated, it was an opportunity we couldn’t turn down.” He looked at Brie knowingly. “And now I understand what you were hiding from me.”

  Brie giggled. “I signed the papers that very morning.”

  But it wasn’t just people associated with the film who were there. Her parents, along with the Reynolds had also been invited.

  “This is a proud day,” Mr. Reynolds said, giving Brie a long hug. “You’ve fought hard for this moment.”

  “While raising a family, no less,” Judy added, squeezing her tight.

  “Brie has never been a quitter, not even when she was a little girl,” her mother told them. “I couldn’t be more proud of you, honey.”

  Brie could tell her father was uncomfortable, but he was trying hard to hide it. She understood how difficult this must be for him because of the sexual nature of her documentary. The fact he was here to support her meant more than she could say.

  “I’m so happy you’re here, Daddy.”

  “What’s important to you is important to me,” he replied, shifting uneasily on his feet as his eyes darted around the room. As soon as he spied the children, he gave Brie a quick peck on the cheek. “I see two grandkids who need my attention.”


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