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The Prodigy Slave, Book Three: The Ultimate Grand Finale (Revised Edition 2020)

Page 47

by Londyn Skye

  “Shut yo’ drunk ass up and cova’ up those saggy titties!” Ryla fired back, throwing a towel at her. “If I’s Atticus, I wouldn’t want yo’ withered, dried-up pussy eitha’!”

  Everyone erupted in laughter … except for Bella. She actually agreed with Lola. Her words had instantly caused Bella to stop doing her hair and gaze emptily into the mirror. She was suddenly in a trance. She could no longer see her reflection. Instead, the flashbacks of Atticus forcing himself on her were gazing back at her.

  Sensing her distress, Ryla walked up beside her and refilled her glass with wine. She then squatted down and waited for Bella to return her gaze in the mirror. “He ain’t Atticus Atkins, Bella,” she whispered. “He’s whoeva’ the hell you want ’em to be. Drift away in your mind and use that broken rat bastard for your own pleasure, just the way he’s usin’ you.”

  Bella nodded in appreciation for her reminder. She then sat there quietly as Ryla put the finishing touches on her hair and makeup for her. When she was done, Ryla stepped back and faintly smiled at Bella’s beauty. Bella would have smiled too, but she felt the occasion was not worthy of an expression that represented joy.

  “Let’s go ladies,” Ryla demanded after glancing at the clock.

  Ten minutes before nine, everyone filed out of the bathroom and headed to the lounge. Just as Ryla had predicted, Bella’s skin tone led her to be placed in the lineup between Ester and Olivia. Bella was slightly trembling as she stood there. She quietly inhaled and exhaled, trying to gather the strength to calm herself down, something that three glasses of top-shelf wine had failed to do. Her nerves escalated tenfold when Atticus walked through the door precisely a nine. The strength of his musky cologne wafted in with him and immediately overtook the room. His salt and pepper hair was damp and his body was covered by a navy-blue, custom, silk robe with his initials embroidered on the breast pocket.

  Atticus stood there with a glass of bourbon in his hand, his eyes slowly sweeping across the line of lingerie-clad beauties before him. He sat his glass of bourbon down and slowly walked down the line, gently caressing various erogenous body parts of his mistresses as he passed them by. The entire routine was Atticus’s foreplay. He loved to let the sight, scent, and softness of their bodies light the fire in his groin. The fabric rising just underneath the tie on his silk robe proved his method was quickly working. As he groped the candy dish of women before him, his mouth began to water. His salivary glands were always activated by the array of various colors and flavors he had to choose from: white chocolate, caramel, toffee, dark chocolate, and every blend in between. Atticus usually kept his pleasure girls on a flavorful rotation. But, despite already having had a taste of her earlier in the day, he stopped when he got to Bella. He looked deep into her eyes. She coldly stared back. Atticus caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, his lust-filled eyes silently speaking of how badly he wanted her. That wanton look was nowhere to be found on Bella’s face, though. Her glare was empty, as if she was looking right through him. Her only focus was on not letting a look of disgust creep into her facial expressions. But the overpowering smell of liquor, from Atticus’s lustful heavy breathing, suddenly caused her to wince. She reflexively blinked her eyes, recoiled slightly, and her stomach began to turn. Atticus’s arrogance made him dismiss her reaction to him as nervousness. “Don’t be scared. Come with me,” he whispered lustfully, taking her by the hand and guiding her out of the lounge.

  Lola quietly scoffed and rolled her eyes after seeing that her prediction was accurate. In turn, Ryla gave Bella a telling glance, discreetly trying to remind her of her words. He ain’t Atticus Atkins. He’s whoeva’ the hell you want ’em to be. Drift away in your mind and use that broken rat bastard for your own pleasure, just the way he’s usin’ you. Bella discreetly nodded back when she heard those words again in her head.

  Words were one thing, but the thought of putting those words into action had perspiration seeping rapidly from Bella’s pores, as Atticus held her hand and guided her to his playroom. She closed her eyes and prayed for strength when they entered. He ain’t Atticus Atkins. He’s whoeva’ the hell you want ’em to be. Drift away in your mind. Those sentences kept echoing in Bella’s head as Atticus laid her down on the bed. Instead of the softness of a mattress, though, Bella suddenly felt the prickle of hay beneath her back, from the makeshift hay bed in her old slave quarters. She kept her eyes tightly shut. Bella was now blind to Atticus’s skin-curdling, fetish-driven glare. Instead, she was warmed by a set of calming beautiful eyes. They were gazing lovingly at her in the fantasy world of her mind. Her nose was suddenly impenetrable to the stomach-turning odor that seeped from Atticus’s pores. Instead, Bella felt her nether region moisten over the memory of a manly scent, one that always pleasantly aroused her sense of smell, and all other parts of her for that matter. In the world where Bella’s mind had drifted, Atticus Atkins was no longer lying on top of her. Instead, she was wrapped in the warm embrace of a man who once loved her immeasurably. The memory of that night with her lover in the slave quarters began to replay vividly in her mind …

  Just after midnight, Bella was jarred from her sleep by a bizarre dream. Her lover had his arms wrapped tightly around her and was awakened when she shuddered. “You okay?” he asked, sounding groggy.

  Bella rolled over to find him gazing appreciatively at her. “I’m fine,” she smiled, tracing her finger down his bare chest.

  “You sure?” he asked, kissing her gently on the forehead.

  “Mmm, maybe a little hungry,” she replied.

  Her man caressed her cheek. “Want me to rustle you up somethin’?”

  Bella propped herself up on her side and let a kiss linger on his lips. “You already have what’ll satisfy my cravin’s,” she whispered, sliding her hands down into his pants. She began slowly stroking him, and seductively bit his neck when his erection began to pulsate in her hand. The graze of her teeth triggered a moan and further ignited the pleasure in his groin.

  “Shh!” she laughed quietly. “You’ll wake everybody up.”

  He gently pulled her down on top of him and wrapped his arms around her. “I can’t help myself. I lose all my self-control when you touch me like that,” he whispered.

  “Well, since you can’t control yourself…” Bella placed his hand on her buttocks. “I guess you can’t have any ‘a this,” she teased. She broke free from his embrace, threw the blanket on top of him, and quietly trotted out of the slave quarters.

  “We’ll see about that,” her lover replied. He quickly untangled himself from the blanket and put his pants back into place. Like a lion after a lioness in heat, he then immediately gave chase. By the time he made it out the slave quarter doors, Bella was halfway across the field. She began laughing hysterically when she heard her man’s footsteps closing in on her. She playfully screamed when he caught her. He scooped her into his arms and carried her into the barn.

  “The punishment for teasin’ a man and runnin’ off is severe, ya’ know?” he joked, gazing down at her in his arms.

  “There is no punishment that’ll stop me from doin’ it again,” she jokingly defied.

  “I think otha’wise,” he replied, suddenly tickling her neck mercilessly with his lips.

  “Okay, okay, I give up!” she spat through a fit of uncontrollable laughter. “You win! You win!”

  Her infectious laughter had her lover laughing as well. “What did I win?”

  “Put me down and I’ll show you.”

  The sudden sultry tone of her reply immediately made her lover’s mouth water and his member harden again. After he placed her on her feet, Bella lit an oil lamp, and closed the barn door. She then turned and walked back toward her man, slowly unlatching the buttons of her dress along the way. His breaths deepened as he stood in a wide-eyed trance, watching her every movement. Bella stopped five feet away from him and continued to undress. She gazed at him as well, equally turned on by the way he watched her erotic show with his mouth agape.
She loved the way his eyes lingered with appreciation on her bare skin as it became visible. The awestruck look on his face made her feel as though he viewed her like a priceless work of art.

  After Bella’s dress hit the ground, her lover’s eyes slowly careened upward, wanting a second appreciative viewing of her body. Once he panned up to her face, he gazed into her sparkling eyes. He stepped forward to touch her, the way her eyes were silently commanding him to do. Still entranced by her beauty, he stared intensely at her as he approached. He then gently placed his hands on either side of her face and descended on her lips. As he caressed her lips with his, he slowly slid his hands down her angelic face, to her hourglass-shaped hips, and onto the curvature of her buttocks. The way he gently massaged her posterior cheeks invoked a moan from Bella that broke their kiss. The sound of her pleasure garnered a deep-throated groan from him in return. Needing to hear her sighs elevate, he suddenly dropped to his knees, spread her legs, and voraciously sucked her pleasure seed from its hiding spot. He gripped her buttocks tight, holding her firmly in place as he feasted. The strong suction of his lips instantly made Bella’s knees weak. She gripped his head and hers fell backward, allowing her deep raspy purrs to escape with ease. Rhythmically, she then began grinding against his lips, and instantly succumbed to the intense sensations. The hot climactic explosion roared through her vocal cords, tore through her core, and turned her legs to putty. Her lover’s tight grip on her posterior kept her firmly on her feet, as he ravenously drained every drop of her erupting juices.

  Only when her lover was certain that he had extracted every ounce of pleasure from Bella did he release the stronghold he had on her southern set of lips. He then quickly stood to kiss the bee stung lips on her beautiful face. The ravenous movement of his mouth seemed to translate how extraordinarily aroused he had become after getting drunk off the sweet taste of her nectar. Bella’s body, too, seemed to burn with equal need. She pressed her pelvis flush against his. Her lover immediately reacted. He slid his hands down her back, grappled the cheeks of her buttocks again, and hoisted her up. Bella immediately wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing the heat of her abyss directly against the bulge in his pants. Still kissing her with fiery lust, he carried her over to the tail end of a nearby wagon and sat her down. He reluctantly pulled his lips away from hers and quickly grabbed the oil lamp. He placed it inside the covered wagon, wanting to be sure he could see every erotic expression on Bella’s face while he was submerged deep within her body. He then laid a blanket down and took Bella by the hand to help her inside. He laid on his back, inviting her to do whatever she pleased: use him, abuse him, or make love to him tenderly. It did not matter to him, so long as the woman he loved garnered the pleasure that her actions had confessed she was hungry for.

  Bella mounted her lover and ran her hands slowly up his hardened abdominal muscles, while he, in turn, slid his down the soft sides of her body. She hovered over top of him and began teasing him with her tongue on the sensitive skin between his neck and shoulder. She kissed her way downward, stopping to tease her lover’s nipples, ravenously sucking each one. The sudden intense pleasure caused his member to pulsate. With every suck and kiss down his core, the pressure mounted in his stones. He welcomed the intensifying pain, though, knowing that the pleasure soon to erupt would be equally as intense.

  As Bella removed her lover’s trousers, her mouth continued to suck and tease his skin in a way that caused his vocal cords to constantly hum with delight. The low rumbling sound was like music to her ears, so much so that she took her sweet time sliding his trousers off. After stripping him bare, she paused and gazed at the Adonis-like body before her, beautifully illuminated by the firelight. Bella’s eyes slowly coasted up her lover’s nude anatomy, appreciating every muscle, ripple, and scar that composed his artistically sculpted physique. When she reached his face, she became slightly emotional over the innocent set of eyes gazing back at her with such love and adoration. They both remained fixed in a loving gaze for a moment. Then Bella’s eyes hovered to his midsection. She smiled seductively at the rock-hard appendage that was standing at attention, eagerly awaiting entry into her heavenly kingdom. Her eyelids suddenly lowered, and she looked back into her lover’s eyes. The way she gazed at him with burning lust caused his stones to begin seeping semen. Eager for a taste, Bella began kissing the innermost sensitive parts of his legs. The tickling sensations left him torn between the need to laugh and moan. However, the hint of laughter quickly transitioned into deep-throated groans when Bella gently wrapped her lips around the soft fleshy tissue between his thighs. The groans elevated as she slowly slid her tongue north along his hardened flesh. An animalistic growl tore through his vocal cords when she then wrapped her lips around the tip and began ravenously sucking away. When the sound of his beastly moans ignited an inferno in her own groin, Bella suddenly stopped sucking altogether and kissed her way up his abdomen. Like a gluttonous wild animal, her lips bit and sucked his chest, neck, and lips before forcefully submerging her tongue into his mouth. Insatiably, she kissed him as she slid her lover’s pulsating member into the raging inferno between her thighs. The primordial roar that suddenly erupted from him was muted by Bella’s mouth as she continued to devour his lips.

  Bella refused to part ways with her lover’s lips, her tongue was far too happy to be entangled with his, much like her body now was. She only broke their kiss when her lover suddenly began bucking his hips upward, his body now relentlessly chasing the pleasure. Bella steadied her hands on his chest and fell in sync with his motions. Knowing her man well, she could tell by the deepening tone of his moans that their swift motions were about to bring forth his eruption. However, she was not ready for the ride to end. Like a jockey, she took control over her wild animal, forcing his body to obey her commands. She abruptly halted her hips and gazed down at her beautiful beast, her hands petting his chest as she waited for his panting to subside. She could tell that his calm had returned by the way his eyes suddenly opened and met hers. He then began gracefully sliding his hands up the sides of her body and onto her face. The loving way he gazed at her as he tenderly caressed her cheek, unexpectedly made her feel a need to cry. With a slow rhythmic grind of her hips, she began reciprocating the immense love she felt. Perfectly seated on him, like a rider on a horse’s saddle, she continued the subtle motions, letting the intensity build slowly this time. She closed her eyes when the pleasure began to rise, along with a more intense desire to cry.

  Seeing Bella’s emotional reaction made her lover completely forget about his own pleasures. In another expression of his altruistic love, he now selflessly wished to focus only on hers. Like a goddess had just materialized before him, he gazed unblinking at her. He watched intently as acute pleasurable sensations propelled her movements like a hypnotic belly dancer. The exotic show taking place on top of him certainly had him hypnotized. He refused to take his eyes off the alluring sight of Bella’s torso, rhythmically dancing to the waves of ecstasy flowing from his body to hers. The visual from outside the wagon would have been equally as captivating to his eyes. The firelight from the oil lamp had cast her shadow on the cloth cover of the wagon, displaying her movements like an erotic version of the Dream Symphony.

  Much like the patrons of the Dream Symphony, Bella’s lover was equally spellbound by the live show taking place before his eyes. He was mesmerized by the glorious sight and sound she exuded as she passionately rode him on her way to climatic deliverance. She had her back arched, her head tilted, with tears trickling down the sides of her face while erotic cries escaped her luscious lips. Overloaded with pleasure, Bella’s tears suddenly flooded from her eyes and her body blissfully exploded, finally succumbing to the intensity of the physical and emotional love she felt. The explosion of pleasure radiated through her vocal cords, sounding much to her lover like angels singing. The heavenly sounds quickly triggered his body to burst inside of her with a powerful climactic eruption that damn near brought him to tears too. />
  … The misfortune this time, however, was that that beautiful moment was merely a glorious memory for Bella. This time around, she did not open her eyes to find her loving man gazing appreciatively at her, just as he had that night. Instead, she reluctantly forced herself to peek between her eyelids to see that she was lying with a man who disgusted her. Instead of her current need to cry being triggered by the bliss of pleasure, they were triggered by the feeling of betrayal. She closed her eyes quickly, trying to ward off impending tears. Tears are for weak bitches, she heard echoing in her mind. She searched for the strength to accept that this moment would never blossom into a cherished memory, but, rather, remain a nightmarish moment that she wanted to banish from her fragile mind.

  It was a moment that Atticus, however, had already filed away as one he wanted to relive in his mind again and again. Just seconds after their intimate encounter, he already wanted more. The sighs and moans that erupted from Bella during her fantasy had him absolutely captivated. Her erotic movements left him perceiving her passion as love, causing him to become instantly addicted to her, like no other pleasure girl before. He caressed her face and gazed longingly at her, through a set of mesmerized eyes. However, the eyes that glared back at him harbored not a single ounce of mutual emotion. Atticus’s lust and arrogance left him blind to that, though. If he could see through the fog of his lust, he would see with clarity that Bella was weighed down by shame. She was sick to her stomach as he panted on top of her, offensively forcing the odd odor of his breath through her nasal passages. The smell of his breath caused a stray tear to fall from Bella’s eye. Atticus wiped it away and kissed her, thinking that the single tear was yet another indicator of her love for him.


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