Bound By Cage Box Set (Complete Series Books 1-4) : MMA Romance
Page 23
Why the hell is my dad walking so slowly? What’s with this step, together, step, together bullshit? I secure my arm in his and begin to barrel down the aisle, zoned in on my groom, and everyone begins to quietly laugh. My dad tries to halt my forward progress saying, “Sweetie, you’re ruining my moment here. Do you think you can let me soak up this walking my little girl down the aisle business before we start sprinting?”
“This is my day, old man, not yours. If you can’t keep up, I’ll leave your ass behind.”
Finally, what feels like 40 hours later, we make it to the end of the aisle. I never take my eyes off of Zander. He gives me a cocky smile as he walks up to us. With tears in his eyes, my dad takes my hand and places it in Zander’s.
“I don’t think I need to threaten you, son. You already know what I’m capable of. I’m beyond words to explain how grateful I am to be able to hand my daughter off to a man like you. Treat her well because she deserves the world.”
“I plan to cherish her every moment for the rest of our lives together.” After patting my dad on the back, he grabs my hand and leads me up to the minister, and we face each other with our hands intertwined. When he notices the tremor in my hands from my nerves, he slowly moves his thumb, massaging my palms.
The minister starts the traditional ceremony, and I hate to say it, but I barely pay attention because I’m too lost staring into Zander’s eyes. I hear a throat clear and a chuckle as I look over to the minister.
“Would you like to recite your vows, Savannah?”
Panic sets in as I realize I didn’t write anything down. I only just found out I was getting married a little over an hour ago. Zander must notice my hesitance because he tells the minister he would like to go first.
“Back when I was about to open the gym and all of the windows were covered, I never thought I’d notice the most beautiful set of green eyes I had ever seen peeking through a rip in the paper. You were literally knocked off your feet, and you fell backward onto your ass before sprinting away. I never thought I’d get the chance to see you again. That’s the funny thing about fate. I had received an email from a bar owner, a Ms. Savannah Jenks, where she complained about the noise next door and told me her bar was suffering from the renovations on my side of the wall.”
I clear my throat. “I just want it to be noted that I don’t complain. I was merely inquiring about the noise.” Everyone starts to chuckle, including Zander, who continues on.
“When I walked into that bar and saw you serving up drinks, I thought I hit the lottery. How was it possible that not only did I see you again, but you worked next door? And god help me when you told me you owned the place—,” Ashlyn clears her throat, making Zander look around me at her. “Half-owned the bar, sorry Ash. I knew there was something about you that I couldn’t let slip out of my grasp. After that first conversation, I was on a pursuit to woo you.” He winks at me as I laugh. “And make you fall in love with me because I was already falling for you.”
Tears form in my eyes as he continues on, facing the guests. “I know this is hard to believe, but Savvy thought that I was a cocky player. I thought she was joking when she said she didn’t recognize me. Not only did I put my foot in my mouth, but I was that much more determined to prove her wrong.” Smiling, he looks back at me, and my breath stutters.
“The best day of my life was the day I won the belt. Not because it was the pinnacle of my career, but because you were there, screaming like a banshee in the audience, motivating me to be the best I could be. Later that night while we were, well, shit-faced, you thought it was the best idea to get married. When I woke up the next morning and realized you had no regrets, I couldn’t have been more thrilled. I was lying in bed watching you sleep, and my anxiety was through the roof because I expected you to ask for an annulment in the morning. And just for the record, I had already come up with a speech to change your mind.” He wipes away the tears flowing freely down my face with his fingers.
“The day I found out that our wedding wasn’t legal was one of the worst days of my life. Trying to figure out how life could be so cruel by giving me the perfect counterpart in every aspect and telling me she wasn’t really mine…” He gives a slight shake of his head and goes on. “I knew at that point I would do anything to make her my wife again. To say I was less than happy when Savannah told me she didn’t want to go to city hall is an understatement. She wanted to get married this time with all of our loved ones around us watching on. I agreed, but I gave her a deadline.”
“Which was next weekend, I’d like to point out,” I interrupt him for a second.
“Which was next weekend. Most of you know that Savvy has been in the hospital for a while, which opened my eyes to how frail life can be. When she was lying in that hospital bed, drugged off of her ass from the pain killers, she kept asking me if we could get married when she woke up, to which I answered of course, baby, I’d do anything for you. So here we are today. Now, more than ever, I know I will do anything to put a smile on your face, even doing something as crazy as putting a wedding together in just a few days. That smile is worth everything to me, and it’s my life’s mission to make sure you always have it on your beautiful face. I love you so much, and I vow to you right here and now in front of all our loved ones that I will always protect you and take care of you. I will love you until my last breath, and even then, I know we'll be together for eternity.”
I hear soft sobs throughout the backyard along with my own, and I take a deep breath, trying to rein in my emotions before I start my vows.
“You may not know it, but the first time I saw you was in the early hours of the morning after we had just closed down the bar. Ash and I were about to walk home when I noticed a sexy as hell black truck pull up to the curb. I guess you can say your truck was the first thing I noticed about you.” I wink at him, and he laughs.
“When you got out and walked up to the gym, I nearly lost my breath. I could barely see your face, but I knew there was something about you, some sort of connection between us. Ashlyn was actually the first of us to call you gorgeous, but she knew by the look on my face that she had no chance. I was already a goner. You so eloquently pointed out my stalking through the window the next morning, which I was mortified by, but when you came into the bar looking for me, I nearly passed out. My heart was beating out of my chest, and I couldn’t figure out why someone like you would be looking for me until you explained the email. I had never been so happy to be wearing deodorant in my life because I was a sweaty, nervous wreck talking to you.”
Zander looks down and laughs, then looks back up to me. “You were beautiful, not one drop of sweat seen, baby.”
“I love you so much, and even that doesn’t express how much I feel for you. I realized it for the first time in Vegas when I was with my dad. He told me we were crazy to think that it was too soon, that he was so happy to know I found something like he had with my mom before she passed away. Not everyone finds their partner in life, and I’m so incredibly lucky to have found you. I like to think that while my mom was up there in heaven watching out for me, she saw you and steered you in my direction. How else would you have ended up in Massachusetts, opening a gym next to my bar after relocating from Texas? I will fight for you every day for the rest of my life, and I will love you unconditionally every single day I’m breathing. I’m so overwhelmed with the fact that you are about to become my husband. How did I get so lucky?” I wipe a stray tear away from my face and realize a tear is sliding down Zander’s cheek. I reach out and wipe it away as he nuzzles his face into my hand.
“I’m the lucky one,” he whispers so only I can hear.
The minister clears his throat, getting our attention. “Okay, let’s get the rest out of the way so you can kiss your bride, shall we?” We both eagerly nod.
“Zander, do you take Savannah to be your wife, to love and cherish her until the day you two part?”
“And even after we part, I do.”
h, do you take Zander to be your husband, to love and cherish him until the day you two part?”
“Forever, I do.”
“Who has the rings?”
Josh steps forward and places each ring into the minister’s hand. We slide our rings on each other’s fingers, repeating another vow. When we’re done, I know we are at the finish line, and I start to bounce from foot to foot with excitement.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Zander, you may now kiss your bride.”
Pulling me gently into an embrace, he crashes our mouths together in a passionate kiss. Our tongues stroke each other, not able to get enough. We continue the kiss, neither of us willing to back off when we start to hear catcalls and whistles. Pulling back just a bit, he plants tiny kisses on my smiling lips. We turn toward everyone, and we’re greeted with applause.
“I’d like to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Zander Cage!”
The minister announcing our marriage makes it all feel real. I can’t believe we’re actually married. We make our way back up the aisle to the back deck of my dad’s house.
Zander places his forehead against mine, and we soak in the moment.
“Finally, you’re my wife.”
“And nothing has ever felt so good, husband.”
An hour flies by before we are able to join the guests for our reception. I need to unhinge my jaw from smiling so much for our pictures. As Zander leads me to the side of my dad’s house, I can’t believe I didn’t notice the giant white tent when we pulled up earlier. I look over to Zander, unable to believe he pulled this off in so little time. I’m glad he chose to have it here rather than some place impersonal to us. My dad has a massive backyard that leads into a lake. It’s gorgeous, especially at sunset.
The DJ announces us when we walk into the tent to a round of thunderous applause. Riding off the adrenaline of the crowd, Zander gingerly picks me up bridal style and carries me to the head table, minding my ribs and making me laugh. We sit down, and the food starts to be served. I didn’t realize until now how hungry I am.
Going through with tradition, we cut the cake and toss the bouquet and garter. Ash catches the bouquet, mostly because I threw it right to her, and I cringe when I see Josh catch the garter. I know something is up with them, and it’s proven true when Ash exits the tent before he can put it on her leg. I excuse myself from Zander, telling him I need to talk to Ashlyn for a minute.
“You have a minute, wife, then I’m hunting you down,” he growls, planting a whopper of a kiss on my lips.
I wander around and finally find her in my old bedroom with tears in her eyes.
“I promise, I’m okay. Please go back to your wedding. Don’t let me be a dreary cloud over this perfect day. You deserve perfection, Sav.”
I rushing over to her and throw my arms around her, leaning our heads together. I hear her take a deep breath.
“I know something has been up, but I didn’t push. That courtesy is over. Spill it.”
“Not today. But I promise we’ll talk soon. Let’s get you back to your husband before he sends out a search party.”
“Fine, but we will be talking about all of this soon.”
We head back to the party after she fixes her makeup in the mirror, and we hear our jam being played by the DJ.
“Hell yes! Let’s go, bitch!”
Dancing proves to be difficult when you have broken ribs. I’m sure I look ridiculous, but this is my wedding, and I’m having fun no matter what. I feel arms wrap around my stomach and the immediate warmth of Zander against my back as he begins to guide my hips with his. Looking around, I see all of my friends and family dancing; this is what life is all about.
Zander has hinted not so subtly for the last hour that he wants to take me home. I know he’s worried about me and doesn’t want me to overdo it since I just got out of the hospital today. I’m starting to agree with him. Everything is starting to ache, and I haven’t had any pain medication since this morning.
Our exit is so anticlimactic. In the movies, everyone is lined up throwing confetti or rice at you. Zander yelled thanks to everyone and that we were heading home, and that was it. We had a few hollers of goodbye, and Ash came up and hugged the life out of me, saying she’ll miss me.
I decide to keep my wedding dress on until we get home. I’m hoping Zander will enjoy taking me out of it, if he touches me at all. He has been skittish around me when it comes to physical contact because of my injuries. I crave physical touch from him. Maybe I can persuade him into a hardcore cuddle session.
Zander carries me over the threshold bridal style, and I love every second. This is all the stuff we didn’t get to enjoy when we thought we were married in Vegas. He carries me straight to the bedroom, and I start to get excited. Maybe he did have something planned for our wedding night after all.
“Baby, I see that look in your eyes. You know the doctor said nothing physical for two weeks. Sorry to burst your bubble, but your recovery is priority number one. As much as it pains me to say it, there will be no lovemaking tonight.”
Jutting out my lip, I pout. Two weeks without Zander may very well kill me, or I may be the one killing him when I’m cleared for some naughty time between the sheets. He does strip me out of my dress, puts on my pajamas, and lays me down so we can cuddle.
“I’ll take cuddles from you any day. I missed this when I was in the hospital, you holding me and making me feel safe.”
“Get some sleep, beautiful girl. We have a big day tomorrow.”
“What’s going on?”
“It’s a surprise. Now get some sleep. Today must have taken a lot out of you.”
“Mmhmmm…” I mumble out.
“I love you so much, Savvy. I’m the luckiest guy in the world that you agreed to be my wife.”
“I love you too, so much. Thank you for taking such great care of me.” I snuggle into him more.
“I will always take care of you, Savvy. Always.”
A contented sigh slips past my lips as I drift off to sleep, wrapped up in the arms of this sexy fighter… my sexy fighter.
Sometimes life has a way of fucking you up the ass. Case in point: my current situation. How does one little decision change the whole course of your life? If I’m being honest, it wasn’t a little decision. I weighed pros and cons, thought about it late at night, and then in the end, after all of the lists I made in my head, my heart won out.
I’ve had a hunch for a few weeks now that I’m pregnant. I thought if I didn’t know, I could hold it off for a little while longer and could somehow pretend it wasn’t real. I realized I was acting like a child and could potentially be harming my unborn child, so I went down to the store last night and decided to take the test first thing this morning. The box said something about first urine or something.
I think back to when I walked into the bathroom after my timer went off, alerting me it was time to pull up my big girl panties and man up. I had never been more terrified in my life as when I picked up that test and saw the words I was most scared to see, yet secretly thrilled about. Positive. I’m pregnant, with child, have a bun in the oven, whatever you want to call it. I’m going to be a mom to a precious bundle of joy, and I can’t seem to find the negative in it. I will not regret my child. If anything, I’m grateful for them.
I shared one beautiful, passionate night with Josh before everything came crashing down around us. That night had started like so many others when he stopped by for dinner. We were still teetering on the line of friendship when, all of a sudden, it felt so right. I could see that Josh was someone I could spend the rest of my life with, so why was I putting this off any longer? I walked over to him, straddled his lap, and began to work his mouth slowly, cautiously, trying to gauge his reaction. I threw caution to the wind when I plunged my tongue into his mouth. I wanted him so fucking bad and had been denying myself for weeks.
I gave in that night, I gave him all of me. We made promises t
o each other, and I told him I had fallen in love with him. As we made sweet, passionate love, he told me he fell in love the moment he laid his eyes on me. It was the single most beautiful thing I had ever experienced in my life, and I would never trade it for anything. It gave me this beautiful gift growing inside of me.
When I woke up the next morning, he told me he was going to grab some breakfast at the local café. He kissed me on the forehead and left. I was on cloud nine. Little did I know when he returned, everything would change.
He was gone for hours, and I began to worry. He was only going to get breakfast, so what the hell was taking him so long?
I went from pure elation at finding the man of my dreams to complete devastation when he confessed to me that he got a phone call on his way to breakfast from his ex-girlfriend back home. She confessed to him that she was pregnant and wanted to raise the baby with him. I cried, but I knew in the back of my mind that we could make this work. I loved him enough to help him raise another woman’s baby. When I told him as much, he shook his head, shattering my dreams of a life with him.
“I need to be there for her and the baby…” I was zoning in and out of what he was saying, having a hard time understanding what was going on. “Moving up here by the end of the month…” What? Who was moving up here? “I’m so sorry, Ashlyn, I never meant to hurt you…”
That’s when it started to sink in. Josh decided to choose this woman over me. He made me promises that night, promises that would have taken us to when we were old and sitting on the front porch watching our great grandchildren play in the yard. I wanted to shake him, try to make him see reason, because he was throwing away our future over a sense of duty to his unborn child. I would have loved that child because it was a part of him, but he never gave me the chance. I broke down and began to sob as he grabbed his things and headed out the door, apologizing one last time.