Page 10
Suddenly they heard a sound. Everyone stilled in that moment, wary, their eyes scouting far ahead. No, nothing in clear sight. Something definitely was nearby, hiding, waiting. He wondered who — or rather what. It had sounded more like a twig cracking under one’s feet, but louder. Like giant feet crushing a pile of branches.
But it wasn’t a giant. He was sure of that. A tall creature as that couldn’t possibly hide from them in this village. All the houses here had no more than one level. There were no tall buildings — or even wide ones for that matter. Every wall was made of red adobe, the roofs thatched with hay. The village looked as though it hailed from the dark ages. So primitive and underdeveloped.
No, it can’t be a giant. Maybe someone with heavy feet? Or something...
His friends too stood rooted to their spots, their flaming brands clutched tightly in their hands, their swords gleaming in the fire-light.
Matt pulled his spear back out of his inventory thinking that in their current situation he might be better suited to use a long-range weapon, considering his two friends always fought close range. If he lost his spear, he still had his bow and arrow. He hadn’t given much to the other weapons in his inventory weapons ever since @doomsday16 told him he could keep the sword he had borrowed in their previous quest. He held his spear, ready to throw. His knees bent forward and backward, his entire body put into an aggressive stance. He could unleash his weapon at a moment’s notice.
There was a sound again. Louder. Closer.
His heart pounded against his chest, adrenaline rushing high. His skin sweated against his weapon, his teeth biting his lips.
“Come on, come on,” he whispered.
He had no idea why the monster was taking its time to come out. Something cracked again. He could see a shadow on the ground against the light of the half-moon. It approached slowly, as if it was careful like them. And then suddenly, the shadow jumped.
He had almost thrown the spear when he recognized the monster. Well, it was no monster. It was his friend, @hellekith.
He spat. “Jeez!”
“Really?!” @BlondeWarrior yelled.
“You put us in a tense position, man!” @doomsday16 said.
“You couldn’t be more careful, could you? Cracking twigs!” Matt scowled.
@hellekith looked confused. “Cracking twigs, what? I didn't crack any twigs and I was careful - regardless of all those bones and skulls in the way.”
“Bones and skulls?” @BlondeWarrior gasped.
“Yes,” @hellekith replied. “Must have been the villagers. So many of them piled up. Not burned, not buried, but their flesh was chewed off.”
“Eww!” @BlondeWarrior remarked, repulsed.
“What could have done it?” Matt asked.
“There are many who can cause such a thing. Monsters eat the NPCs, you know, not just kill. For them, players and NPCs alike are food.”
“Any idea what kind of monster we’re about to face?”
@hellekith replied, a thin smile on his lips. “Apart from the skulls, I noticed some abnormally large footprints that made a deep holes in the ground. As far as I know, there is only one kind of monster that can do that, but it isn’t going to be easy to defeat. If my guess is correct, Most of their kind were killed by the NPCs and there is a story that one of them fled high into the mountains, never to be seen again.”
“What kind monster is it though?” Matt asked, impatient.
“A troll.” @hellekith smirked.
“Troll!” everyone spoke at the same time.
“Aren’t trolls colorful little creatures with long hair?” @BlondeWarrior joked.
“Oh, come on now!” @hellekith snorted in annoyance, “You’re joking, right?”
“Of course I am.” she rolled her eyes, “I’m not really a blonde. I just act this way in-game so that I can flirt with other players to get what I want.”
“Okay. You had me worried.”
Mat chimed in, “What are these trolls like?”
“They kill and rip their prey to pieces,” @hellekith stated bluntly. “They are very dangerous creatures.”
“And how do we kill this troll?” he asked.
“A stick up its nose perhaps?” @BlondeWarrior joked again.
Matt sighed. He was getting tired of the pop-culture references. He wanted to kill the monster and log out. He wanted some sleep.
“That won’t do!” @hellekith said.
Matt raised his brows. His friend, in all likelihood, had not understood the reference. It had sent @BlondeWarrior giggling, albeit she tried hard to control it.
He shook his head.
“You have to pierce his heart,” @hellekith said. “Difficult to do that at close range.”
“Then we fire our arrows,” @doomsday16 suggested.
“Perhaps,” @hellekith said. “But if everyone only arms themselves with bows and arrows, the troll will just quickly stride over and end the game.”
“We need to find it first,” Matt interjected. “It is nowhere in sight.”
Just then they heard heavy thuds on the ground. Turning towards it, they stared at a huge burly creature, about fifteen feet tall, with large round nostrils. The troll had a spiked club in its hands, its elephant-like tusks protruding out of the corner of its mouth.
Threat Detected: Level 20 Troll
HP| 2,000/2,000
Strengths: Can tear limbs off avatars with ease, smash in heads with a single blow and crush avatars with its feet.
Weaknesses: Unknown.
“You had to speak, didn’t you?” @doomsday16 cursed.
“Well,” Matt retorted, “now we are saved the trouble of finding it, no?”
@hellekith agreed. “Yes, now, Matt has his spear and we three have our swords. While Matt will try to kill it with his spear, we will keep it distracted long enough for him to do the job. Understood?”
“Aye, aye, Captain,” both @BlondeWarrior and @doomsday16 said, their tones playful.
Matt let out a deep sigh. “I’m fine with that plan.”
@hellekith turned towards it. “Make it count. We can’t distract it for long.
@doomsday16 didn’t give him a chance to respond before he turned and ran towards the troll, the other two following him. The troll swung his club at them, but they ducked and jumped to the side, missing the spikes by inches. @hellekith jumped to the side and hid behind an extended wall, the club smashing it into bits and pieces of stone.
@BlondeWarrior stumbled onto a cart, which she positioned to roll towards the troll. Matt had no idea what she was trying to do.
The cart rolled fast as @BlondeWarrior expected. The troll brought its club, smashing the wooden cart. She, however, had jumped and landed on the troll’s chest. Smiling, she brought down the sword to ram it into its chest, only for her plan to be foiled. The troll lashed out at her with a swing of its hands. It hit her on the head and the force of it sent her flying onto the roof of a nearby house.
Matt climbed a nearby staircase and scaled onto the roof so he could have a clear shot at the troll from above.
He could see @doomsday16 running through the alleyways, hiding from the troll’s sight. As usual, his friend was at his sneaky best.
Perhaps we’ll have a chance at defeating this troll after all.
@doomsday16 barreled through a slope and came at the troll from behind. He slashed at the troll’s leg. The monster howled in pain as crimson red blood oozed out of its wound. It seemed like an entire river’s worth as it poured down on @doomsday16’s head, bloodying his armor. He kept jabbing at the troll.
@hellekith had joined him and both of them kept stabbing at the troll. Fortune be on their side, neither the troll’s hand nor the club had met them. But Matt knew the success wouldn’t last long. He had to stick with the plan and aim true to the heart.
He positioned his spear to strike and giving a deep heave, he threw it at the troll. The spear pierced the troll’s hide, making it scream.
[-250 HP]
But it didn’t die.
I missed my mark!
Below, the troll swung at his friends again. Its hand hit @hellekith at his side, sending him tumbling down another stony slope.
Matt quickly retrieved the bow and arrow from his inventory and hoped the arrowheads would be sharp enough to pierce what was seemingly a thick hide. He aimed the arrow and pulled back the string.
@doomsday16 struck at the legs again, drawing more blood, which seemed to annoy the giant creature even more. His friend was growing sneakier still and kept hiding behind whatever he could find after every slash and stab he made.
“Faster!” his friend shouted him. “Kill it, quick!”
He loosed the arrow, but it struck its hand instead of his heart. It was a wide miss.
[-20 HP]
“Come on!” @doomsday16 shouted again. “This is not the time to forget your archery lessons.”
He wished his friend would shut up. He needed to focus. Pulling out another arrow, he aimed again. Heaving a deep breath, he released it.
[-50 HP]
Miss. Again!
The arrow had struck the nape of its neck this time. The troll tried to pluck out the arrows, but every time it did, his friend jabbed at his legs.
Another set of arrows plunged themselves into its neck. Matt wondered where they had come from and looked in its direction. A bloodied @BlondeWarrior had her bow out and she was already aiming another set. Matt thought that she looked a bit woozy. It came as no surprise. She had been hit with a very heavy hand.
She fired again. This time, two arrows hit the side of its chest, piercing in-between its ribs. Clearly she was hoping for the arrows to go deep enough to reach its heart, but to no avail.
Matt tried hitting the troll too.
[-30 HP]
[-20 HP]
[-40 HP]
A series of loose, miss and repeat followed, annoying @doomsday16 who was getting tired of repeating his sneaky moves.
“Both of you shoot like children!” his friend remarked. “Come on, guys! This troll’s getting antsy.”
He was right. The troll was getting antsy and it gave out a loud snarl. Knowing it would get even more aggressive, Matt drew another at him and focused on the troll. He blotted out the noise: his friend’s shouts, the troll’s anger. His focus strong, he saw only one thing — the thin layer of skin protecting the troll’s heart, a couple of inches away from where his spear had hit. He pulled the string and then fired.
The arrow flew straight and true. It pierced the troll’s heart, making it fall down the ground.
Bull’s-eye: Difficult
Assisted Kill
[+210 XP]
Skill Unlocked: Bull’s-eye
Delivers an Instant Kill when you deliver a straight and true arrow through an opponent's weakest spot. Chances of Instant Kill are 70%. Greater chances for Instant Kill increase with higher levels. Requirements: Level > 14, Strength > 15, Agility > 10, Stamina > 10
@hellekith climbed up, gasping for breath. “Is it over?” he asked, sounding exhausted.
Matt jumped to the ground and approached the crossroads. “Yes, it is over. The troll is dead. We killed it.”
@hellekith smiled. “You killed it, dude, you did. Take credit.”
“Perhaps I will.”
@doomsday16 began wiping the blood off his armor. “Well, now what?”
@hellekith smiled. “Now, we go hunt for the artifact.”
“To the caves then,” @BlondeWarrior said as she limped towards them.
“You need a freaking healing potion,” @doomsday16 offered.
“Aye,” she said, “but I don’t have one.”
“I have many.” Bringing out a couple of red flasks, he handed them to her.
She gulped it down as if she was thirsty and like the potion was water. He knew how healing potions tasted — bitter.
“Well, guys, I need to call it a night.”
“Are you sure?” @BlondeWarrior asked.
“Yes,” he replied, a yawn escaping his mouth. “I really need to get some rest. I have to make a public speech tomorrow and I haven't even written up any notes yet.”
“You're getting old, buddy!” @doomsday16 teased, “But in all seriousness, I should probably turn in too.”
@hellekith agreed with his friend. “Yup, don’t worry, we will search for the artifact and keep it safe.”
“Come,” @BlondeWarrior said. “Dawn is quite near and we still have a long walk ahead.”
@hellekith spat onto the ground. “If only you had not rushed at the troll with a rolling cart, we could have used it to carry us to the caverns.”
@BlondeWarrior gave him a glare that appeared as if she were shooting daggers through her eyes. Matt took the moment to quickly access his HUD and check his stats.
DarkForce: Player Stats
Name | @Andrex
Class | Warrior
Level | 14
Experience | 7,250
XP to next level | 750
HP | 2,900/3,400
Mana | 70/100
Strength |Total: 17 | Original: 5 | Level Ups: 1 | Bonuses: 11
Agility |Total: 10 | Original: 5 | Level Ups: 3 | Bonuses: 2
Stamina |Total: 14 | Original: 7 | Level Ups: 5 | Bonuses: 2
Intelligence |Total: 12 | Original: 1 | Level Ups: 4 | Bonuses: 7
Willpower |Total: 11 | Original: 2 | Level Ups: 7 | Bonuses: 2
That was a great run today. I wonder how much I'll level up overnight?
Matt pressed on his right temple and the now-familiar system prompt appeared.
Are you sure you want to log out? As a Premium Member of the Arena, you are eligible to activate Sleep Mode.
***For more information about Sleep Mode, you can chat with a CyberBolt Associate HERE***
Log Out | Sleep Mode
Matt stifled a yawn, and clicked on 'Sleep Mode' without a second's hesitation.
Chapter Fourteen
Late the next morning, Matt stood in front of a microphone in the police station’s briefing room with his tongue caught in his throat. The room was filled with reporters, and the flashing lights were blinding.
“Detective,” another reporter clamored, “how do you intend to respond to the ACLU’s demand for the boy’s immediate release?”
“I assure you the boy will be receive proper treatment.” Matt attempted to be vague.
“The proper treatment, eh?” the woman sneered, “Are you referring to medical or disciplinary treatment?”
“The suspect will be released in due course.” he steeled his gaze, “Next question.”
“Is it true,” another interrupted, “that the boy sustained wounds at the time of arrest?”
“That’s preposterous!” he was starting to get agitated, “I’m the one who arrested him. He was fine.”
“So, are you admitting to police brutality?”
“No!” Matt stammered as the Chief nudged his shoulder anxiously, “Aside from his recent diagnosis of mental instability, the boy is perfectly healthy.”
The Chief of Police nudged him again, signaling his desire to bring the public announcement to an end.
“That’s all the time we have.”
The room erupted in a myriad of jumbled questions and flashes from cameras. A face stood out among the crowd. An older man wearing a suit with shock-white hair stood and stared daggers at him. He knew that face. It was the same man that stepped out of the blue British-styled phone booth across the street from the District Attorney’s office. To either side of him also stood a bald man wearing a brown jacket and an African-American woman with a thick afro, and both of them were talking with the older man and pointing their fingers at Matt.
Who are these guys? And why are they following me?
Matt held up his hand to shield his eyes from the camera flashes as he stepped down from the podium and escaped back behind the locked doors of headquarters.
“Good job. You did
well.” Chief Harris patted him on the back, “Thank you for bringing that to a close. It was starting to get a bit unruly out there.”
Matt nodded, although he still wasn’t sure he didn’t say anything that could come back later to bite him. He’d never addressed the public before, and wished he had spent more time preparing. Clearly the public address he was fed from his virtual teleprompter was insufficient.
When he arrived at the precinct that morning, it was a madhouse. Their three primary suspects had somehow broken free early that morning from their holding cells in the basement. Someone had turned off the video surveillance, obtained access to the encrypted passwords, and deactivated the magnetic locks. It was clearly the work of a professional hacker.
All morning their cryptology detectives had been hard at work trying to decipher how protocols had gotten bypassed, which was why he was surprised when Detective Mansfield followed by two field officers rushed up to them in the hallway.
“Arrest him.” Mansfield pointed at Matt.
“Excuse me?!” Matt stammered as he was swiftly placed into cuffs, “What’s the meaning of this?!”
“As if you didn’t know.” he steered, “Come with me Chief, and I’ll debrief you on our findings.”
Several hours had passed before he received a visitor. James entered the holding cell, looking glum.
“Please,” Matt pleaded as James joined him across from the small table, “What’s going on?”
“You tell me.” he sighed, “What happened last night?”
“We were playing Dark Force at the Arena.” Matt scrunched up his eyebrows in annoyance, “ We defeated the troll, and then logged out. You know that.”
“You didn’t respond to any of my messages last night.” he sighed, “I’m afraid I couldn’t give you a solid alibi.”
“I turned off my communications channel before we started playing.” Matt explained, “I didn’t want any interruptions.”
“Did you even leave the arena last night?”
“No. I used Sleep Mode.” he sighed, “I've been using the service the last few nights since Tiffany kicked me out.”