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by Pepper North


  Dr. Richards’ Littles 18

  By Pepper North

  Text copyright ©2018 Pepper North

  All Rights Reserved

  Author’s Note: The following story is completely fictional. The characters are all over the age of 18 and as adults choose to live their lives in an age play environment. This is a series of books that can be read in any order. You may, however, choose to read them sequentially to best enjoy the characters. Subsequent books will feature characters that appear in previous novels as well as new faces. Prepare to enter the new world of Dr. Richards’ Littles. Enjoy!


  Can you believe that this is the 18th book in the Dr. Richards’ Little series? Oliver has been waiting to find his Mommy since Madi: Dr. Richard’s Littles 12. I’ve loved telling the stories of all these incredible Littles. Thank you for reading and enjoying the Dr. Richard’s Little books. I write for you.

  Send me a message by email, on Facebook, and through my website. It fuels my typing fingers to hear that you are enjoying my stories. I promise you there are a lot of Littles out there waiting to share their stories with you!

  If you wish to connect with other readers who share an interest in age play erotica but would like to have your comments shielded from public posts on Facebook, I invite you to contact me and request to join my private Facebook group.

  I wish you happy reading!

  Pepper North

  & Pepper North on Facebook

  Other titles by Pepper North

  Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2

  Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4

  Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5

  Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6

  The Digestive Health Center: Susan’s Story

  Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7

  Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards’ Littles 8

  Cecily: Dr. Richards’ Littles 9

  Tony: Dr. Richards’ Littles 10

  The Keepers: Payi

  Abigail: Dr. Richards’ Littles 11

  Madi: Dr. Richards’ Littles 12

  Penelope: Dr. Richards’ Littles 13

  Christmas with the Littles & Wendy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 14

  Olivia: Dr. Richards’ Littles 15

  Matty & Emma: Dr. Richards’ Littles 16

  The Magic of Twelve: Violet

  Fiona: Dr. Richards’ Littles 17

  The Keepers: Pien

  Table of Contents


  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Excerpt from Madi: Dr. Richards’ Littles 12

  Chapter One

  Oliver took his final lap on the path around the Redmonds property. His body was tiring but he knew he could push through one more loop. The Redmonds often jogged with him but not this morning. Yesterday had been the six-month anniversary of Nora and Ryan’s match with their Little girl, Madi. Oliver was not expecting to see them for several more hours. Their private celebration would have lasted into the wee hours of the night. The proud Mommy and Daddy would have insisted that their Little girl sleep in this morning. A Little girl needs lots of sleep and snuggles.

  Although he was very glad his employers had found the perfect Little girl, the anniversary was a painful reminder to Oliver that he was still alone. Oliver had been looking for a Mommy for several years already when the PLAYTIME was invented. He’d filled out his information sheet quickly. He had been so sure that his Mommy would be found immediately. Unfortunately, PLAYTIME had yet to match him with anyone.

  He was starting to believe that she didn’t exist. Besides, who was looking for a body builder over six feet tall to be your Little boy? Oliver shook his head laughing at himself.

  Sweat flew in a shower from his saturated hair. He was pushing his body hard this morning. Oliver knew he would need to stop running soon but when he ran, he could at least exhaust his body and quiet his brain. His mind could be focused on any task, and a simple buzz of his phone would make him freeze in place before grabbing his phone to see if the PLAYTIME app had notified him of a match. Just like it had heard his thoughts, his phone buzzed in his pocket.

  “Not today, PLAYTIME. I’m not going to fall for it today,” Oliver stated aloud, scaring a few robins from the sheltering trees. He slowed to a walk for the last hundred feet of the trail to cool down. His phone burned a hole in his pocket. His fingers kept tracing it’s outline in his shorts.

  Finally, he gave up. So much for showing PLAYTIME that he wasn’t captive to his phone. Oliver pulled out his phone and dropped it in shock. Scrambling to catch it before the screen shattered, Oliver raised the rescued device to double check that he wasn’t imagining something. No, there it was! The PLAYTIME emblem was flashing. Staggered, Oliver collapsed to the grass next to the path cradling his phone in his hands. He was almost afraid to press the icon. What if it was just some type of spam message? He closed his eyes and wished with all his heart.

  Finally, he pressed the flashing app. It opened to show him a screen he hadn’t seen before. It was a pink screen with large black letters spelling out, “Mommy Found! Click here.” Oliver quickly touched the indicated spot, and a picture filled his screen. His shoulders dropped, and he sat up straighter. She was so beautiful. Long auburn hair flowed over her shoulders. Her eyes were a deep green set under thick black lashes. Her name was printed below her picture. He whispered it aloud, “Mia Caplin.”

  Quickly, he scrolled down to see if there was any additional information. He discovered that she lived about a hundred miles away. Immediately, he leapt to his feet. He ran to his quarters on the far side of the garden from the main house. Bursting through the door, he pulled his soaked tee shirt over his head and tossed it toward the washing machine. His housekeeping skills were lousy on a good day. This was an amazing day. Laundry was the last thing on his mind. He had a Mommy to find.

  Chapter Two

  Turning on his computer, Oliver waited impatiently for the machine to come to life. He opened the app on the large screen and stared. She was amazing. “What do I do now??” Oliver wondered aloud to the empty room. He froze as a message popped up on his screen.


  What a handsome Little boy you are! I have been waiting to find you for too long. May I come meet you? You are my priority, and my schedule is open. Could I take you to lunch today?”

  Mia – Mommy

  He read and reread the message many times. He’d found her. Finally, he shook himself and realized that he was making her wait for an answer. “She’s going to think I’m not interested,” Oliver continued talking to himself aloud. He clicked on the reply button and tried to come up with a response. This first contact was so important. He rewrote it quickly four times before he was happy with his message.

br />   I have been hoping to find you forever. I will wait until I can call you Mommy in person. I would love to meet you for lunch. Just tell me where and when. Could you make it an early lunch? I don’t want to wait.


  She emailed back with the name of a casual restaurant in Oliver’s town. With a smile emoji, she scheduled the lunch for eleven o’clock when the restaurant opened. Their plans were set. Now, he just had to survive until 11. Oliver dialed his boss on his cell phone.

  Ryan Redmond answered his phone on the third ring. “Oliver! I thought you’d be out jogging this morning. Are you ready to tackle moving that old statue out of the garden? I don’t know why Madi is so scared of it. I’m just glad she finally admitted why she doesn’t like to play in the garden.”

  “Ryan, I’ll come move the statue this morning,” he confirmed quickly. He didn’t want Madi to be scared either. Ryan and Nora’s Little girl, Madi, had been frightened of him at first, too. When he’d shared with her that he was looking for his Mommy, she had realized that he was really just a Little like her. He was simply packaged in a big body. Words rushed from Oliver’s mouth, “Ryan, I’ve talked to her. She’s amazing. We’re meeting for lunch. Can I have the afternoon off?”

  “Wait a minute. You’ve met who? And of course, you can have the afternoon off,” Ryan answered without hesitation.

  The sound of Nora and Madi’s voices murmured in the background. Oliver could clearly hear Madi’s high voice ask, “Who has Oliver met?”

  “The PLAYTIME app just found my Mommy. Her name is Mia Caplin. I’m meeting her for lunch. Can you believe it, Ryan? I think I have found her!” Oliver couldn’t keep the excitement from his voice.

  “That’s amazing, Oliver. I’m so glad the PLAYTIME app found your Mommy.” Hoorays rang out in the background. Nora and Maid were happy for him as well. “Take the morning off, Oliver. Get ready. We can move the statue later.”

  “I can’t just sit around and do nothing, Ryan. I’ll go crazy. I can move the statue and have plenty of time to shower and get to the restaurant,” Oliver answered quickly.

  “I understand. I’ll meet you in the garden in ten minutes?” his boss suggested.


  Chapter Three

  Turning on the cold water in the deep kitchen sink, Oliver lowered his head and let the water rinse his sweaty head and face. He toweled off quickly with a kitchen towel and threw it toward the washing machine. It landed a foot short and laid forgotten on the laundry room floor.

  He changed from his running shoes to a pair of scruffy athletic shoes that he wore when he was working around the Redmond’s estate. He had worked for Nora and Ryan Redmond for about five years. His position included just about anything that the Redmonds needed. He was their caretaker, handyman, gardener, butler, etc. The only thing he didn’t do was cook and clean. Those skills were his weaknesses. If he had to eat his own cooking, he’d exist on smoothies. They were quick, nutritious, and easy. He just wished for a self-cleaning blender.

  Elaine had been the housekeeper for as long as Oliver had worked for the Redmonds. She had announced last week that she was going to retire and move to live with her sister in Georgia. Oliver knew that Ryan and Nora had interviewed several applicants already but had not found the right person who would fit into their unconventional family. They were very protective of their Little girl, Madi. The new housekeeper would have to be Little friendly.

  Heading out the door of his quarters with some supplies, he jogged slowly across the lawn to reach the garden at the back of the Redmond’s large home. The architects had designed a home for themselves and their Little girl before they’d found her. It was a stately mansion that was warm and inviting inside. Oliver had been a self-conscious when he’d applied for the job at their estate, but he’d found Nora and Ryan to be a very easy-going couple who were devoted to each other and now, Madi, their Little girl. It was a happy home that made Oliver wish even more to find his Mommy.

  Looking at the tall statue, he wrapped a wide, woven strap around the statue. He’d use that to lift the heavy concrete onto a rolling platform. Oliver smiled as Ryan and Madi walked toward him. The Little girl skipped happily next to her Daddy. From the soft smile on her face, she had thoroughly enjoyed their anniversary celebration of being matched together. He called out a greeting, “Hi Ryan! Hi, Madi! I just need to know where you’d like me to move the statue. If I put it at the end of the pathway to the garage, will that be far enough away?”

  Madi smiled at him and held on to her Daddy’s hand. “Hi, Oliver. I know I’m being silly, but he looks at me so fiercely. I just don’t want to hang around him. Could you set him, so he stares at the garage instead of at the gardens?”

  “I can even hide him behind that big cherry tree, if you’d like. Or, I can just put the statue next to the garage. That way, I’m the only person that sees him. We can have a mean staring contest,” he offered giving Madi his best mean stare.

  Peels of Little girl laughter filled the air. Madi tried to give him a mean stare back but failed miserably. The sweet Little girl couldn’t look mean even when she tried.

  “Okay, you two. Enough staring contests,” Ryan said firmly. He maintained his stern face while laughing inside at the Littles’ antics. “Let’s move it to the garage, Oliver. I think I’ll contact the garden society and see if they could use a statue in their gardens. I have a feeling they’d love the donation.”

  With a more somber expression, he set the brakes on the rolling platform and quickly heaved the statue on top. Unlocking the brakes, he walked around the statue and began rolling it away.

  “Turn it to face the garage, Oliver. Would you please?” Madi asked huddling next to her Daddy. That statue gave her the willies.

  Oliver looked under one muscled arm to meet her gaze. “I’ll put his nose against the garage wall. I wish a could paint his bottom red. We all know he just got spanked for being bad,” he said winking at Madi. Her laughter followed him.

  “No red paint, Oliver. The garden society would never understand a spanked statue,” Ryan directed wryly shaking his head.

  “Yes, sir,” Oliver’s answer drifted back to them as moved out of sight. He looked over his shoulder to see Ryan lift his Little girl in his arms and kiss her deeply enjoying the garden freed of the intimidating statue. He sighed. He couldn’t imagine having someone care for him as much as Ryan and Nora treasured their Little girl. Mia Caplin’s smiling face popped into his mind. Oliver crossed his fingers for luck as he pushed the statue to its new hidden spot.

  Chapter Four

  The time had passed so slowly. Oliver had done a few more tasks around the estate before showering and washing his light brown hair. Standing in his closet, he tried to decide what to wear to meet Mia. He ran a hand through his tousled, damp hair cinching the towel around his waist to keep it from falling. He needed something casual but nice. He decided to choose a pair of grey slacks and a black lightweight sweater. Oliver put on extra deodorant. “I’m already nervous. I don’t want to knock her out by my smell,” he thought to himself.

  Oliver put the final touches on his appearance. He brushed his teeth twice – just in case. He put on his favorite superhero black socks with a familiar yellow logo and black loafers. Standing at the mirror, he ran a comb through his hair. His casual, tousled hairstyle didn’t have a right or wrong to it. He just let it kind of do it’s thing.

  He took one last critical look in the mirror trying to picture himself as Mia would see him. He was tall and broadly muscled. The black sweater subtly revealed his bicep, chest, and abdominal muscles. The slacks had been especially tailored to fit his narrow waist and muscular thighs. He’d never look like a little boy. He just hoped that she would be able to imagine him as her Little boy. With one last brush of his fingers through his thick hair, Oliver grabbed his keys from the dresser and walked to the door.

  He climbed into his truck trying to ignore its battered condition. Body builders did not ea
rn a lot of money. Most worked as personal trainers to survive financially. Oliver had been lucky when he’d applied as a general maintenance employee for the Redmonds. He didn’t have any formal training in maintenance, but he was very good with his hands. He could fix just about anything. The Redmonds allowed him to tailor his schedule to work some each day and evening leaving a chunk of time either in the morning or afternoon to lift at the gym. Nora and Madi had even asked if they could come to one of his competitions. They were becoming more like his family all the time.

  Hoping that Mia wouldn’t dismiss him due to his lack of income, Oliver started the car and drove to the casual bistro that Mia had named. He parked in the back section of the parking lot and walked quickly to the door. He was ten minutes early. He stood in the entrance undecided. Should he ask for a table or just wait in the lobby. A rich, deep feminine voice said his name. Chills went down his spine as he turned to lock eyes with Mia Caplin. She was more beautiful than her picture. Oliver swallowed hard. His feet were locked into place.

  He watched her glide gracefully out of the booth and start walking toward him. Her auburn hair cascaded over one shoulder. She was curvy as Oliver liked his women to be. The stick-thin athletic women that inhabited in the gym did not appeal to him. He tried not to be obvious as he checked her out from head to toe, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Oliver judged her to be in her early forties. He ran a hand through his hair disconcerted. She was amazing. Mia was wearing a dark green dress that draped flatteringly over her full figure. Her outfit revealed a glimpse of her toned legs before ending in stylish boots. He crossed his fingers behind his back. “Please let her be interested in me!” He barely had time to think before she was standing right there – in front of him.


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