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Page 3

by Pepper North

  “I miss you,” was the simple message he texted to her phone. Almost immediately, he received a reply. A red heart filled his screen with the message, “Soon!” Oliver stood frozen in place. “What does that mean?” he wondered. “Should I call her?” A glance at the clock showed he just had a few minutes to get to the Redmonds’ kitchen in time for dinner. He decided it was better to call when he could stay on the phone as long as she would talk to him. “Some things you just don’t want to rush,” he thought with a smile as he walked out of the door.

  Walking in the backdoor without knocking, the first thing Oliver saw was a beautiful table with fresh flowers and a bright tablecloth. “Wow!” he said to the first person he saw. “Nora has really outdone herself tonight. Is it a special occasion?” he asked Ryan. A playful giggle from Madi made him hesitate. “I didn’t forget her birthday, did I? I thought it was in April,” he looked back at Ryan.

  “No, Oliver. You’re correct. Nora’s birthday is in April. We hired a new housekeeper today. I don’t know how we got lucky enough to convince her to come to work for us. The smells coming from that kitchen have been amazing all afternoon. She even put Madi and Nora to work helping with a special pie for dessert,” Ryan laughed.

  “Could it be chocolate?” Oliver guessed spying a smudge of chocolate at the corner of Madi’s rosy lips.

  Madi almost danced in her excitement. “It is! I got to sample it. You won’t believe how yummy it is! The new cook says she puts a sprinkle of magic in her cooking. I believe her. I watched her from the corner of my eye, so she wouldn’t see me looking and I saw her. She did this,” Madi rubbed her fingers together on her right hand as if sprinkling, “over everything.” She rushed forward and pulled Oliver to a chair. “Let’s sit down. Everything is ready. You sit here,” she instructed patting the back of his assigned chair. She ran over to her highchair and waited for her Daddy to lift her into the elevated seat and attach the tray. When everyone had taken their seat, she called, “Mommy, we’re all in our chairs. Come join us!”

  Drifting into the room with a faint smile, Nora brought out several dishes to lay on the table. She kissed Madi’s forehead before taking the seat next to Ryan. That left an empty spot next to Oliver. The new housekeeper must be joining them for dinner. Oliver smiled. The Redmonds treated everyone as family. He was sure she’d be nice, but he hoped she’d be accepting of the Redmonds’ lifestyle. Madi seemed to like her. At the whoosh of the butler’s pantry door opening, Oliver turned with a friendly smile to welcome the new housekeeper and his mouth dropped open.

  “Mia?” he said with shock.

  She placed the last of the dishes in the center of the table, brushing against Oliver’s hard body as she leaned across him. She kissed the top of his head as she stood up before sitting down in the chair next to him. Mia smiled at his amazed look. She barely had time to take a breath before she was pulled tightly against Oliver’s body. His arms wrapped around her as if he’d never let her go.

  “Surprise!” Madi crowed and she clapped her hands in childish delight.

  Only Mia’s warm hands rubbing Oliver’s back could calm his racing heart. He allowed her to pull back slightly. “You’re here.”

  “I’m here, Oliver,” she reassured him. Kissing his lips briefly, she pulled back from his arms. “I’m not going anywhere unless the Redmonds’ decide that I am the worst housekeeper ever and fire me.” She laughed as he glared at that thought. “Oliver, I wanted to be with you. I needed a change. This is perfect.” When the anger cleared from his face, she continued, “Now, enough drama at the table. The next clapping, I want to hear is when you try my special soufflé.” She sat back into her chair and smiled at everyone. “Who will try it first?” she asked lifting the dish.

  “Me!” Madi cheered. “I want to try it.” She held her plate out toward Mia to allow her to put a heaping spoon of the dish on her plate before looking conspiratorially at Oliver. “It has zucchini in it. But, you’ll have to give it a chance because . . .” she paused dramatically before whispering, “magic sprinkles!”

  Laughter filled the room as the atmosphere lightened around the table. Oliver couldn’t keep his eyes off Mia. She was so beautiful. Her work in the kitchen had freed several tendrils of auburn hair from her bun and they rested teasingly against her glowing skin. Her food was drawing compliments from everyone. He felt her hand rest on his thigh.

  She met his eyes with a private smile. “Eat! You need some fuel after that hard workout today. I’m not going to disappear. I promise,” she gave his thigh a small squeeze before picking up her fork.

  Immediately, Oliver began eating. There was no way, he wasn’t going to listen to his Mommy.

  Chapter Seven

  Everyone had lingered over the delicious meal for as long as possible. Only Madi’s restless squirming in her highchair hinted that she needed to be changed. Ryan swooped her up in his strong arms as he distracted her from her protests that she wasn’t finished eating. Rubbing his whiskers against her tender neck until she was giggling, he carried her to the nursery with her Mommy following. The caring parents knew that she wasn’t hungry. Everyone’s plates had been polished clean as they had savored the meal. Oliver and Mia could hear Madi’s high voice extolling the benefits of vegetables cooked with magic sprinkles. Mia had already made a believer of her.

  The woman with the magical touch leaned over to kiss Oliver softly. “I like the family you work for,” she said gently. “Are you okay with me working here, too?”

  “I’m amazed and excited. I still can’t believe you’re here,” Oliver said pinching his large bicep playfully.

  “I can’t believe I’m here with you, either. I didn’t think I’d ever find my Little boy,” Mia said looking into his brown eyes. Pulling her eyes away from his with reluctance, she looked around the table, “Let me get these dishes cleaned up and I’d love to spend some more time with you.”

  “I’d love that too,” Oliver said catching her hand gently as she reached across the table to pick up a dish. When she turned to look at him, he added softly, “I’m glad you’re here, Mia.”

  Her smile became radiant. “I’m glad I’m here, too.”

  They worked together to clear the table and Oliver even helped with the dishes. Mia was a chef that believed in cleaning as she worked so the kitchen mess was minimal. Thanks to the magic sprinkled on each dish, the dishes had been emptied. They loaded the dishes speaking occasionally as they enjoyed being together.

  When Mia pushed the button to start the dishwasher, she turned to Oliver with a smile. “I need to head back to the hotel for tonight, but could I come spend a little more time with you? I understand you have your own quarters on the grounds?”

  Oliver nodded eagerly. “I live just on the other side of the gardens.” He waited patiently for her to collect her purse. “It may be a little chilly outside since it’s gotten dark. I have a jacket by the back door. Would you like to borrow it?”

  “I’ll be fine. Let’s just walk quickly. Let’s see. With those long legs, I bet I’ll take two Mia-sized steps to keep up with your two,” she said with a laugh as they headed out the backdoor.

  “I’ll walk slowly,” he promised before falling quiet. His mind began to boggle at the monumental changes that had occurred in his life in the last 12 hours. He’d been alone and then, he’d been notified of the match. He’d met Mia for lunch and not known when he’d get to see her again. Now, she would be working at the Redmonds. He stopped in his tracks pulling her to a stop. “Wait, the old housekeeper stayed in the apartment over the garages. Are you going to move onto the estate?”

  Mia laughed warmly, “Come on, Oliver. You’re going to make me freeze out here. I thought we’d talk about that when we get to your apartment. Want to race?” she began running forward.

  After she’d taken a half-dozen steps, Oliver began to chase her. “You’re going to have to run faster than that, Mommy,” he yelled. He swooped her up in his arms and ran to his door. Opening t
he unlock door, he carried her in before kicking the door closed. Gently setting her back on her feet, Oliver was dismayed to see tears running down Mia’s face. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” he asked setting her feet down on the floor and running his hands up and down her legs to find out where she was injured.

  Mia’s hands cupped his face. “I’m not hurt, Oliver. I’m so happy. You called me, Mommy!”

  That rocked him back on his heels. He dropped his eyes to the ground and then, he lifted them to meet hers. A smile spread across his face, lighting it with happiness. “You are my Mommy, aren’t you?” he asked.

  “Yes, Oliver. I am,” she answered softly stretching her arms around her very big, Little boy.

  Chapter Eight

  Glancing around, Mia inched Oliver toward the large sofa she could see in the center of the main room. There was a clear place at one side where she was able to sit down holding him to her body. She rocked him gently loving the feel of his body against hers. Oliver’s hands laced into her confined hairdo to hold her close. She could feel the flex of his fingers against her scalp. She closed her eyes to bask in this feeling of togetherness for just a few minutes.

  Gently, Mia pulled back from Oliver’s tight embrace. “Oliver, I think we need to talk about our desires and expectations for our relationship. You may decide that I am not the woman that you wish to have for your Mommy.” When he immediately shook his head no and started to protest, Mia laid a finger over his lips. “I don’t want you to get hurt, so we’ll talk. Okay?”

  Oliver quieted and said, “Okay,” waiting to hear what would follow and anticipating that he wouldn’t like it.

  “Oliver, I’m much older than you. I think your profile says that you are 28. I’m 41. That’s a lot of years between us. You’re very athletically focused and concentrating on your body building career. About the heaviest thing I’m interested in lifting is a twenty-five-pound bag of flour or potatoes.” She held up her hand to stop him from replying. “I’m happy with myself. I hope you are happy with yourself.” At his nod, she continued. “I don’t plan on changing and I don’t plan on trying to change you. Well, your goals and ambitions at least.” Mia laughed softly as Oliver picked up on her insinuation and blushed.

  “I have had one Little boy before you,” she shared watching his face carefully. She could tell that he wasn’t happy that she’d cared for someone before him. Mia continued, “He was with me for four years. It ended amicably. At the end, we both realized that we’d never been fully committed to this relationship. He’d needed someone to care about him and I’d needed someone to take care of. I want to make sure that we both go into this with our eyes open and with the same goals.”

  Opening his mouth to answer, Oliver hesitated. At her smile and nod, he replied. “I’ve been on my own for a while. I’m not looking for someone to live on, I’m looking for someone to live with. When I read about age play for the first time, I knew without a doubt that this was how I was wired. The guys at the gym wouldn’t understand. Heck, my folks don’t understand, but they try to be accepting. I’ve never lived as someone’s Little boy. I hadn’t found that special someone that I could trust that much. I’ve been afraid to try with anyone else. I’m not afraid with you. I don’t care about your age. I hope you won’t care about mine.” He smiled at her hopefully.

  “I’d like us to spend time together and explore the possibilities of our relationship. I think you need time to see what life is like as a Little boy and to make sure that I am the right Mommy for you. You may decide that despite the PLAYTIME app, we don’t mesh well together or that you don’t like the reality of what I will ask of you as a Little boy.” She held up a hand again to stop him from denying this. “I am a very strict Mommy.” She gestured around the room at the general disorder and messiness. “My Little boy’s bottom will be very red if he lives in such a jumble.”

  Watching him turn red again in response, Mia’s eyes also dipped to his tight jeans. She smiled to herself as she noticed his penis was also reacting to the idea of being spanked. The idea aroused her Little boy. “I will require that you allow me to care for all of your needs. That will mean we’ll need a nursery with a crib, changing table, rocking chair, and more. You will allow me to feed, bathe, and care for all your needs. Obviously, you are larger than me. This means you will have to submit voluntarily to my directions and care. You will not be able to use your superior strength to avoid treatments that you don’t like. Can you do this?”

  Oliver shifted uncomfortably on the couch. He pulled slightly at the tight fabric around his groin. There was no concealing the effect her words had on his body. He jumped as her smaller hands reached to unbutton his waistband and release his fly. He breathed in audibly and stared unable to move as she pulled down the elastic of his boxers and stroked his penis firmly as she moved his erection to lay straight against his equally rigid abdominal muscles. She smoothed his boxers back into place appreciating the engorged head of his penis that rose above the waistband. Her Little boy was very excited.

  As she sat back away from his body once again, Mia repeated her question, “Can you surrender your body to your Mommy’s care completely?”

  His body almost quivered in reaction. “Please,” he said meeting her eyes with desire flaming in his deep brown eyes.

  She nodded simply. “That’s the hardest step, Oliver. Now, we just enjoy each other in small steps toward our goal.” She leaned in to press her body against his briefly.

  “This may kill me,” Oliver groaned deep in his chest as she moved her body away from his.

  “The Redmonds have decided to allow me to move into the former housekeeper’s apartment. I have asked and received their permission to remodel that area into a home for us. I have already contacted Jake Edwards to come next week to look at the apartment so that we can decide how to reconfigure it to include a nursery and other necessary features. Jake came highly recommended by the Redmonds as a contractor but also as a Little. He’s bringing Charlotte Gordon with him. They work together on many jobs. Charlotte’s skills as a Little designer are becoming well known, even outside this Little-friendly community. From your smile I can tell that you know both Charlotte and Jake,” Mia paused smiling back at him.

  “They’re amazing. I can’t wait to see the nursery that they’ll design. But, I don’t want this to cost you so much. I could do some of the work myself. That will save a lot. I’d like to help pay but my gym membership and equipment combined with the competitions I’ve been entering deplete my money,” Oliver tone became stilted. Money had never meant that much to him. The Redmonds provided him a good salary along with his room and board but body building was expensive.

  “I can read your thoughts just by watching your face, Oliver. Look at me,” she said sternly. When his eyes immediately jumped to hers, Mia told him. “Oliver, I’m your Mommy. It’s my job to take care of us and our home. I am a wealthy woman. I do not expect, nor would I allow my Little boy to pay for his care. If we want to help in the process of creating our new home, that’s wonderful. But we will only do small tasks. There is a reason that I have chosen experts to remodel and design our new home. It will need to last for a very long time. I plan on us lasting for a very long time.” She held his eyes until he began to smile slowly. “A very long time, Oliver,” she repeated softly.

  “Now, it is getting late and Little boys need their rest. Especially, a day that has been so emotionally charged.” She stood up and waited for him to stand as well. Mia brushed his hands away to zip his pants up partially to hold them around his waist. “Mommies take care of their Little boys. Completely. That means no masturbation. I want you to think about all we’ve discussed tonight. It’s okay if your penis misses me. That will make our time together even better,” she looked at him firmly until he reluctantly nodded.

  “I will know,” she added watching his face color. She smiled inwardly. Little boys always have to push their limits. “Now, I’m going to return to my hotel room for the n
ight. You are going to clean your quarters. Put fresh sheets on the bed and scrub out the tub. Little boys need bath time before bed. I will bring my suitcases to stay with you while the apartment is being reconstructed.” At his big smile, she continued, “We will take things slowly.” His enthusiastic agreement made her laugh.

  Shaking her head, Mia picked up her purse and scanned the room deciding on the best corner for a naughty boy to stand in after his spanking. She knew she’d have a magnificent view of a red bottom tomorrow evening. Oliver would need to understand that there were consequences for not following her directions. Frequent consequences would be needed in the beginning especially.

  Oliver followed her gaze not understanding her interest in the empty corner. He had a sinking feeling he wasn’t going to like it.

  Chapter Nine

  He lay in bed staring at the dark. His mind was moving at an incredible pace. Oliver gripped the sheet below him crumpling it into a tight ball in his fist. Mia had said no masturbation. His body ached. His erection pressed against the soft lounging pants usually he wore to bed. It wouldn’t take much. His body was incredibly turned on. Just a stroke or two would push him over the edge. “She said no masturbation. Mommies take care of their Little boys,” he repeated aloud. He forced his mind to think of work out routines and vegetables for every letter of the alphabet. Finally, his body relaxed enough that he could drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Ten

  The next morning, Mia drove down the long drive to the house early in the morning. She saw the first light come on in the large mansion. She had timed that perfectly. She’d get coffee going in the kitchen for Nora and Ryan before putting the quiche she’d prepared yesterday afternoon into the oven to bake for breakfast. She knew they didn’t usually have a big breakfast during the week, but she wanted to spoil them a little. Once the Redmonds had left for the office, she’d straighten the master bedroom and nursery before changing the sheets. She and Nora had decided on a house cleaning plan for each work day. Nora had requested that Madi’s sheets were changed on Monday and Friday mornings. Mia had decided Madi’s parents deserved fresh sheets twice a week as well.


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