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Page 7

by Pepper North

  Mia breathed deeply. She held Oliver’s body against her own enjoying his warm and hard muscles. She felt when his deep breathing settled into sleep once again. She mentally thanked PLAYTIME for matching them together before allowing herself to drift off once again.

  Chapter Twenty

  Just before her alarm was set to ring, Mia slowly moved to turn it off. Oliver was warm and sleepy. He grumbled at the warm hand that began to press low on his abdomen. She watched his eyes open in alarm a few seconds later as his bladder released into his diaper. “Shhh, Oliver. Everything is all right. Just relax your tummy and use your diaper. We’ll get you all cleaned up and ready for breakfast.”

  “Mia . . . this is really hard. Can’t I just wear the diaper? I could use the restroom and just pull it down,” he pleaded as his body betrayed him and the last of his urine drained into his diaper.

  Leaning forward to kiss him, Mia distracted him from his fears before reassuring him, “Oliver, Little boys don’t use the toilet. You’ll use your diaper when you’re at home. It would be better to use your diaper always, but I know it would be difficult at the gym and impossible at competition. We’ll figure out all the details together, but you will always use a diaper when you’re at home or with me,” she explained definitely. “Is your tummy empty now?”

  Oliver nodded his head silently. His cheeks were pink from embarrassment.

  She signaled him to lift his hips by running one of her small hands under his hips. Sliding a large changing mat under his hips, Mia unfastened his diaper and dropped it into the trashcan by the bed. She took her time wiping the urine from his smooth skin. Before rediapering Oliver, she pushed his side signaling him to roll over slightly and she picked up the lubricant jar from the bedside table.

  Oliver turned to see Mia’s finger coated in white lubricant moving toward his bottom. He tried to squirm and lay on his back, but she gave him a sharp spank on his exposed bottom. He quickly froze in place as he recalled the pain of his first spanking. “No spanking, Mommy,” he said quickly.

  “Be a good Little boy, Oliver,” Mia asked him as she separated his buttocks and pressed her finger against his clenched rectum, sliding her finger in as far as possible. She rotated her finger to lubricate his tight channel. As she withdrew her finger, Mia pulled the thermometer out of the lubricant jar and slid it deeply into his bottom. “Mommy’s going to take your temperature often. Just relax. You’re doing very well.” Mia rubbed his back as her Little boy fussed and wiggled on the changing pad. Finally, she withdrew the thermometer to see a large smudge on the end. “I’ll make sure his tummy is clean today,” she promised herself, knowing that Little boys needed a little help using their diapers especially at first.

  Finally, she wrapped a fresh diaper around him tickling his flat tummy to make him laugh. She let him scramble off the bed and pulled him in for a quick hug before patting him on the bottom. “Do you need help getting dressed, love bug?” she asked and smiled as he shook his head no vigorously. She turned to pull her nightshirt over her head and stopped as strong arms wrapped around her body.

  “I have the prettiest Mommy in the world,” Oliver complimented meaning every word as his eyes ran over her nude body. He leaned in to kiss her neck and hugged her closer when he heard her soft sigh.

  Her hands held his as he started to explore her body. “Oliver, we’ll have time to snuggle later. We want to put some food in that tummy of yours.”

  With that mention of food, Oliver’s tummy immediately growled, loudly. They both laughed and hurried to dress. They held hands as they walked across the garden to the main house. Oliver was happy. He was with his Mommy. Even though her ways of taking care of him were embarrassing, Oliver couldn’t imagine life without her again. And if he was truly honest, he didn’t really mind. His Mommy had sneaky ways to make him enjoy her care.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  “Yes, Dr. Richards. We can be there tomorrow afternoon for a complete physical. I’ll make sure Oliver is prepared for your exam. Thank you for finding time to see us,” Mia hung up the phone and turned with a smile.

  “I don’t want to go see Dr. Richards. I’m not going,” Oliver said disagreeably. He’d have a tough day at the gym and he felt out of sorts. “You’ll have to call and cancel,” he ordered.

  “Oliver, I do not like your tone. Dr. Richards had an opening to see you tomorrow. We are very lucky that he was able to fit us into his schedule. You will go to see the doctor tomorrow afternoon,” Mia said with narrowed eyes.

  “I’m not going,” Oliver repeated crossing his strong arms over his chest.

  “Let’s go back to your quarters, Oliver. We need to talk,” Mia said taking a hand and towing him out the back door, across the garden and into his main living space. Stopping by an empty wall, she turned to him and unfastened his pants pulling the pants and his briefs down to his ankles. Without a word, she turned him around and put his hands against the wall leaning him at an angle that pushed his bare cheeks outward, leaving him slightly off balance. “Do not move!” she warned.

  Oliver heard her leave the room. He was regretting being so stubborn. He heard her footsteps return to his side. A cool, flat paddle pressed lightly against his bottom. “No, Mommy. I’m sorry. I’ll be good. You don’t need to use the Enforcer. I promise. I’ll go see the doctor,” the words tumbled out of Oliver’s mouth.

  “I’m glad you’re sorry, Oliver. I know you are going to be sorrier after ten swats with Mommy’s new paddle. I don’t like to spank you, but you must learn that Mommy gets to make the decisions. You can talk to me nicely and tell me how you feel, and I will listen. I will not listen to a grumpy boy that is disrespectful. Count,” she ordered as his only warning before he felt the rush of air and “Whack!”

  Oliver’s bottom felt like it was on fire. His automatic response to stand up was counteracted by a firm hand between his shoulder blades holding him in place. A second swat landed on his other cheek making him dance in reaction.

  “You’re not counting, Oliver,” Mia’s stern voice said softly.

  “Two!” he said quickly.

  “You must start with one,” Mia corrected as she swatted his firm bottom for the third time.

  “One!” he answered desperately. For each remaining spank, Oliver choked out the number. By the tenth, Oliver’s bottom burned. “Ten! Mommy that’s ten! I don’t get more, do I?” he sobbed. The vestiges of his muscled persona from the gym had dissolved under the punishment of the Enforcer. When he started to stand up, again her hand held him in place.

  “Ten minutes with your nose against the wall, Little boy,” Mia said in her strict tone. “Then, you can apologize to your Mommy. Afterward, we’ll deal with the reason that you’re not feeling well. For now, I want you to think about your words and actions,” Mia instructed firmly. She helped him shuffle his feet closer to the wall to press his nose against the paint. A clicking sound reached his ears. “I’ve set the timer. You can step back from the wall when it rings. Come find me in the bathroom. Bring the timer with you.”

  Oliver’s forehead banged softly into the wall. He’d done it this time. His bottom had been sore from his Mommy’s hand but now, he knew how easy she had been on him for the first spanking. He knew he’d come in this from the gym frustrated and uneasy. He’d acted badly. Tears ran freely down his face. He’d cried more in the last few days than he had for years. His feelings just seemed more real now. He listened to the quiet tick, tick, tick, of the timer. He groaned low in his throat.

  He knew what was coming next. He knew the type of preparation Dr. Richards’ required before an appointment. Ryan and Nora often treated Madi in the family room. He’d walked in several times by accident. They had reacted as if it was no big mystery or anything to be ashamed. They held Madi on her hands and knee on the large ottoman with a hand between her shoulder blades anchoring her shoulders to the surface with her bottom raised. The first time, an important phone call had come in for Ryan. He’d had to walk into the roo
m to hand Ryan the phone receiver. Madi hadn’t moved an inch. She’d moaned low in her throat as Nora rubbed her tummy. The long white hose had risen to a bulging enema bag hung on a hook. The gurgle of the water was audible over the sound of the kid’s movie that played on the TV. Ryan had simply rubbed her bared bottom and assured her that he would be back soon.

  Oliver had followed Ryan out of the room but the image of Madi’s body invaded by the large nozzle had stayed in Oliver’s memory. He’d fantasized about it many times as he pleasured himself. Not because he’d seen Madi naked. He saw Madi naked a lot. She was like a Little sister. His body responded immediately when he imagined receiving an enema from his Mommy. Now, he was scared and worried just like any Little boy would be.

  “Ding!” the timer rang loudly.

  Stepping back from the wall, Oliver wiped his cheeks. He hesitated before toeing his shoes off his feet and stepping out of his pants. He picked up the timer and turned to walk down the hallway. The door was closed. He knocked quietly.

  “Just a minute, Oliver. I’m almost ready for you,” Mia called through the door. Her eyes ran over the treatment area that she had set up for him. She hadn’t forgotten anything. She stepped over the mat on the floor and opened the door. She took the timer from his hand and set it on the vanity.

  “I’m sorry Mommy. I’ll go see Dr. Richards,” he promised tearfully.

  Wrapping her arms around her Little boy, Mia hugged him tenderly. “I know you don’t feel well. You must learn that Little boys do not tell their Mommies ‘no.’ Dr. Richards is an amazing doctor that takes care of all the Little boys and girls that you know and many you haven’t gotten to meet yet. He will make sure that you are healthy. Then, Mommy can concentrate on making you happy. Mommy’s going to help you feel better now and get you ready for your appointment with Dr. Richards. Are you ready to cooperate with your Mommy or do you need more time in with your nose against the wall?” she asked firmly.

  Oliver looked around the bathroom with dread. There on the wall, she had suspended a full enema bag. The long hose led to the mat which was pulled up to the tub. A bottle of cleanser stood on the sink and Oliver could smell the minty soap. A jar of lubricant was opened to be ready to use with one of the anal plugs from the set that Mia had purchased yesterday. He was relieved to see that it was one of the smaller ones. The set of nozzles was open. His Mommy had not yet selected one yet. “I don’t want an enema, Mommy. I’ll be nicer. The spanking taught me my lesson,” he promised.

  Rubbing his chest, Mia let her hand slide down to his washboard stomach. “Your tummy is clogged, love bug. I know it has to hurt.” She held his eyes until he dropped his eyes and nodded. “Some bottom medicine will make you feel better quickly. Now, do you need to potty before your tummy treatment?” When he nodded, she opened the lid of the toilet and stood back.

  Oliver swallowed loudly. He didn’t know if he could pee with her in the bathroom. He stood at the toilet and closed his eyes trying to distract himself from her presence. He held his penis in his hand and tried to relax his bladder. At the spattering sound, he opened his eyes to see he was missing the bowl. He quickly adjusted his aim, blushing. As he finished, his Mommy wiped the seat clean and dabbed at his penis to dry it.

  “Little boys have trouble sometimes with their aim. That’s why Mommies wrap them securely in a diaper. Now, if you’re finished, kneel here on the floor. That’s right put your knees on the mat. Lean over the tub. Your arms go inside the tub. Just rest your chest on the side of the tub. That’s right. Now, spread your knees to the sides of the mat.” She patted his inner thighs as he inched his legs apart and she was satisfied with his position. “Good boy, Oliver. Now stay right there. Mommy’s going to get your bottom ready and then, we’ll start your enema, so you can feel better.” She pressed a lubricated finger into his rectum spreading the slippery mixture around. Giving him some time to adjust and relax his muscles, she added another finger to begin stretching his bottom slightly. His groan and shifting of his knees made Mia smile. Her Little boy might protest but he was very aroused. Several minutes later she removed her fingers, rubbing his bottom affectionately. “You’re doing very well, love bug.” After washing her hands, Mia turned to consider what nozzle she wished to use.

  “Please, Mommy. The small one, please?” he asked looking forlornly over his shoulder.

  “Love bug, Mommy will choose the right one for your bottom today. Turn around, please,” she requested. When he’d turned back to face into the tub, Mia selected the smallest nozzle. Oliver’s bottom was tight. She would need to stretch his tight passage with the dilators after seeing Dr. Richards. He could guide her in the best steps to keep Oliver healthy. With the nozzle attached to the hose, Mia placed a restraining but gentle hand between his shoulders. “Take a deep breath, Oliver. Now, let it out slowly.” As he was exhaling, Mia pressed the nozzle gently into his bottom. Allowing him a moment to adjust, she waited for his hips to stop rocking slightly from side to side.

  “Is it in, Mommy?” Oliver asked in a small voice. A click answered him. Immediately, the warm, cleanser-filled solution began to gush into his bottom. He tried to clamp his tight muscles closed but the water kept flowing. “Mommy . . .” he wailed as the stinging fluid coursed into his intestines. He could feel his Mommy’s caressing hand run along his spine to cup his face reassuringly. He tried to focus on her hand and her voice murmuring softly behind him.

  “You’re doing such a good job taking your bottom medicine, Oliver. Mommy is very proud of you,” Mia praised moving one hand to begin to rub his tummy in circles urging the fluid to flow higher into his body.

  “Is it almost done?” Oliver fussed pressing his hips back to try to stop the enema’s flow.

  She rubbed his red buttocks affectionately. “Shhhhh! Oliver. Let’s sing together. Do you remember that song about the bus wheels?” When he nodded rapidly, Mia started the song. They ran through as many verses as they could remember until the enema fluid gurgled as it emptied into Oliver. Mia quickly clicked the clamp swapped the nozzle with the slightly larger anal plug that she had lubricated well in advance. “Ten minutes, Oliver. I’m setting the timer. Are your knees getting tired?” she asked softly. When he nodded restlessly, she helped him shift to lay on his back elevating his hips on a wedge pillow.

  Oliver tried to cover his erection with his hands. Mia instantly moved his hands to rest under his head. His knees moved restlessly as the cleansing fluid churned inside his stomach. “Mommy, it hurts. Can’t I go to the bathroom now?” he asked with tear-filled eyes.

  “When the timer goes off, love bug,” she reassured him.

  “Then, I’m all done?” he asked searching her face.

  “Can you feel the cleanser stinging in your tummy?” she probed gently.

  “Yyyeeeessss,” he answered as the truth stretched out of him.

  “Your bottom needs to be rinsed after a strong enema. Mommy will make you feel better,” she soothed him brushing his damp hair from his face. She hummed a soft song to him as the timer clicked off the ten minutes. Mia brushed lightly down his filled tummy to clasp her hand around his raging erection. Her Little boy raised his head slight to watch her hand slide up and down his penis. His moans helped her fine tune her motions to bring him pleasure.

  Closing his eyes as he concentrated on the amazing feel of her hand on his body, Oliver’s hips began to rise off the pillow to meet her hand. The pressure of the enema combined with the feeling of submission and invasion, stoked his arousal. The click of the timer seemed to fill the room. With a yell announcing his orgasm, Oliver drowned out the sound of the timer as his rectum clenched fiercely on the inserted plug. Round after round of his ejaculate burst from the red, swollen head of his penis. Oliver’s hand wrapped around his Mommy’s grasp on the throbbing organ, holding her to his body. Slowly as his body stilled, Oliver heard the tick, tick, tick. He smiled at the sound. It no longer seemed menacing. The ringing sound made them both jump as their hands tightened
once again on his penis. He felt his Mommy’s kiss soft on his lips as she drew her hand away to wrap under his shoulders.

  Dazed, Oliver allowed Mia to help him off the floor. He braced his chest against her as she quickly removed the anal plug. Rapidly, he dropped to the toilet and the enema began to burst from his rectum in spurts of dirty water and solid chunks. He dropped his head in his hands as his stomach ejected the strong bottom medicine. Only when he heard the water in the sink begin to flow did he look up to see Mia was still in the bathroom with him. His face blushed bright red and his chin dropped to his chest.

  A soft but firm hand lifted his face and Mia pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. “You don’t need to be embarrassed, love bug. Mommy knows that Little boys are smelly sometimes. I’m just sorry that I let your tummy get in such poor shape. We’ll treat it much more often to keep you feeling better,” she comforted him. He nodded his head eagerly until he figured out what he was agreeing to. The shock on his face made her laugh softly. “This will get easier for you.”

  “You promise?” he whispered.

  “I promise,” Mia answered without hesitation.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  The exhausted Little boy lay in his Mommy’s arms. Without hesitation, he opened his mouth to allow her to introduce the bottle’s nipple between his lips. Sucking softly on it, the sweet, rich formula filled his mouth. “Mmmmmmm,” he hummed as his toes wiggled in enjoyment. His hand rubbed softly up and down hers as he treasured their close time together. Oliver’s mind flashed to earlier that morning. She’d held him tenderly in his arms as he’d pleasured her breasts. His eyes opened to meet hers. His sated body relaxed against her warmth enjoying their closeness.


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