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Power to His Dragon Mate

Page 1

by Marcy Jacks


  Dragon Fights 2

  Power to his Dragon Mate

  [Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove: Erotic Romance, Paranormal, Supernatural, Fantasy, Shifter, Gay/Alternative, Action, Suspense, Contemporary, MM, HEA]

  Mike can't forget about being attacked by dragons. They wanted to turn him and his best friend into playthings. They almost got away with it, if some other dragons hadn't stepped in to save the day.

  Tristan is exactly Mike's type, even if his red eyes scare the hell out of him at times. But Mike doesn't want to be a dragon chaser anymore. He doesn't want to be a fanboy, because no dragon would ever respect a guy like that, right?

  Somehow, they seem to keep meeting up. Tristan keeps on coming to him, and Mike can't bring himself to stay away. When the chance to get back at some of the dragons who attacked him comes up, and Mike is invited to the fight, invited to be Tristan's support, how can he possibly say no?

  Length: 25,500 words



  Dragon Fights 2

  Marcy Jacks


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Power to his Dragon Mate

  Copyright © 2020 by Marcy Jacks

  ISBN: 978-1-64637-140-2

  First Publication: May 2020

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2020 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Marcy Jacks lives and works in Ontario Canada with her loyal hound, writing steamy stories, crafting, drawing, and getting a little too addicted to Netflix. Discover more of her work at

  For all titles by Marcy Jacks, please visit



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven



  Dragon Fights 2


  Copyright © 2020

  Chapter One

  Why the hell was he here right now? It was raining, dark out, and creepy as hell. Meanwhile, he was pretty sure the fool human was watching more of that trash TV.

  Tristan Burns didn’t often make trips to visit the humans he met. He might make small talk with them, might fuck them if they were willing, and they usually were, but this was the sort of scary incel shit that he made fun of other males for.

  Currently, he was mostly in his human shape, though his wings were folded nicely behind him after his flight here. Sitting on the neighboring rooftop to the dumpy-looking apartment complex where Mike Sweeney lived was not the way Tristan planned on spending his night.

  The first time they met, it was when Mike passed out and Tristan had to save his ass from cracking his head open on the pavement.

  Some humans weren’t as tough as they thought when dragons tried to attack them. Not Tristan. No, he’d been one of the dragons responsible for the rescue that came after. And he got a punch in the face for his troubles, as well as yelled at and accused of all kinds of sick shit. He’d practically thrown Mike out of his home by the ear for daring to say such things to him, a dragon, after he’d finished rescuing the male, but now here he was, partaking in some of that stalker-ish behavior Mike had accused him of before he’d slammed the door in the little bastard’s face.

  He checked his phone. He’d been out here for a good thirty minutes. Five minutes was one thing. He was just supposed to be checking in on the other man to make sure he was still all right. Ten minutes, eh, maybe? There were dragons out there who were pissed off with Mike’s cousin, Zack. They might want to use Mike to get back at Zack for what happened.

  Hanging out here for thirty minutes? That was pushing it.

  But what did Tristan care? So what if he hadn’t been told to stick around here and make sure nothing happened to the man? Tristan didn’t need to be told to do that. He didn’t take orders from anyone. He was his own dragon, and he and Tory were just friends. Neither of them had any rank over the other and that was the way they liked to keep it, unlike in other dragon groups.

  So Tristan didn’t need to be told to stick around for longer than had been requested. He was choosing to do that to make sure no other dragons came along and fucked with the ungrateful inhabitant inside.

  That was it. Otherwise, this was entirely innocent, and it had nothing to do with his curiosity to see if someone else would be coming over tonight.

  Mike was an adult, and he was allowed to have guests. Yesterday a woman had come over. Tristan wasn’t sure what they did because he didn’t bother getting that close, but he did know she stayed for a while before leaving with a happy smile on her face.

  Didn’t mean anything and he wasn’t jealous or even curious.

  Zack Sweeney, Mike’s cousin, used to live here. The two of them shared the rent, but then Zack mated with Tory, a true mating of all things. Tristan still couldn’t believe it, but there it was. It was real, and it was true.

  Zack was currently living in the penthouse condo on Park, living with Tory now, which was weird enough because now Tristan couldn’t just invite himself over to hang out with his friend. Someone else lived there, which meant he had to knock to get in, despite still having a key.

  The guy owned a pet rabbit. Christ, the thing bothered Tristan. He didn’t like prey animals. They did something to his instincts that made him want to hunt.

  Mike did that to him, too. He couldn’t figure out why. He was pretty sure it wasn’t a mating. He would have been able to take note of that and identify it immediately, right?

  Either way, it might have been that instinct to hunt that made him agree to come here, too.

  To hunt a different sort of prey.

  Now that Mike lived on his own, it meant he was more vulnerable to that sort of attack. But it would be the kind he would enjoy having done to him. Tristan would make sure of that. None of his lovers ever left disappointed. He was very proud of that accomplishment.

  The best part about it was Mike’s red hair.

  Zack’s hair was more strawberry blond, and in some lighting, more blond in general, but Mike was the real deal. That ginger hair was just the sort of thing every dragon loved to see, because red-haired humans gave their power to dragons. Sometimes they gave that power without realizing it, and other times, when in fights, they gave their energy simply by standing by and cheering on their lovers or mates, which made a dragon warrior even stronger.

  Most humans could do this to a degree, although th
ere were some who couldn’t, but it was the redheads that really got dragons excited.

  And Mike made Tristan all kinds of excited. He wasn’t sure why, but he got the impression that if he were to spend the night with the other man, that he would feel a strength buzzing inside him the likes of which he’d never felt before.

  Tristan was getting a little annoyed standing here. He wanted to get closer. Not necessarily to do anything, but because he wanted to get a better look.

  If he did have sex with Mike, Tristan wasn’t sure why, but he got the impression that it would leave him feeling more powerful, more alive, and ready to rumble than sex with any other human, redhead or no, had before in his entire life.

  He was definitely curious to see if that was the case.

  But if Mike had a woman, Tristan would back off. He didn’t like cheaters. He was as monogamous as they came with his lovers, despite some dragons telling him he could have multiples at the same time.

  It was fun to mess around with, but ultimately not his style.

  If Mike had someone, Tristan would back off.

  If Mike was straight and didn’t have a lover…

  Well, there were many straight humans who wanted to experiment with a dragon. They said it didn’t count. Tristan didn’t care how they justified it. He just wanted to see what would happen if he got closer.

  He flew to the fire escape and landed without a noise. The lights were on, but even without them he could clearly make out the sounds of Mike walking around inside. He seemed to be cooking.

  Smelled nice.

  Not as nice as Mike did, but still.

  The fire escape was in an awkward position along the window. It would make anyone trying to get in or out have to crawl to get onto the thing, or worm their way to the lower stair beneath them.

  Tristan was pretty sure this was illegal, but what else could he expect with a building like this?

  Zack had let it slip that there were bugs once, and a couple of times Tristan had watched as a few drug transactions went down just outside the front door. Probably a couple happening inside, too.

  This was no place for someone with hair as red as Mike’s, even if the little peckerhead didn’t deserve Tristan’s concern.

  Tristan was an outstanding guy like that. He was worried about the safety and wellbeing of the guy who punched him after saving him.

  Yup, that was him. Just looking out for the little guy.

  Tristan ducked out of the way when he saw Mike walk by. The room he was looking into was the one that used to belong to Zack. Now it was mostly empty with the exception of a few larger pieces of furniture, but the bedroom door itself was open, allowing Tristan a better look as Mike walked back and forth.

  Still not close enough.

  Tristan damn near opened the window before he stopped himself, his body freezing as his hands were ready to push up the window. What the hell was he doing? Was he out of his mind? This was the craziest thing he’d ever done, and Tristan had done some crazy and stupid shit before.

  He couldn’t break into some human’s apartment like this. Even if he was a dragon, there were still certain rules he could be expected to follow.

  Of course, he could always bribe any human police to look the other way. He wouldn’t be the first dragon in history to use his money and influence to get away with shit he wasn’t supposed to be doing.

  But would Mike trust him if he just entered his home?


  Tristan made a decision. He needed to see the other man, if only to confirm a few things, and then he could go. But he couldn’t invite himself in, even if the fool had left his window unlocked. Tristan was going to have a word with him about that when they talked.

  For now, he gently knocked on the window.

  He did it again just in case Mike happened to think there were pigeons tapping on the glass.

  He tapped on the glass a third time when Mike suddenly appeared in the doorway to Zack’s old bedroom, the kitchen light behind him giving off a silhouette of his body. It was the sort of thing that somehow made him look even better than he already looked. He looked like Tristan could strip him out of his clothes and take what he wanted right here and now.

  Mike approached the window slowly, squinting a little before the recognition dawned.

  He’s not necessarily going to want to have sex with you, don’t get your hopes up.

  Tristan had to remind himself that Mike might have someone else, and even if he didn’t, the guy clearly didn’t like him after his bad experience with other dragons a few weeks ago.

  This could turn into nothing at all and the guy might tell Tristan to fuck off.

  For some reason, Tristan couldn’t stop his heart from beating so fast, from drumming in his ears and throat as Mike opened the window, looking up at Tristan while he sat on his haunches.

  “Hi,” Tristan said. “I came to check on you.”

  Mike blinked up at him, his soft brown eyes kind of perfect.

  Fuck, Tristan forgot how many freckles the man had. Freckles were his absolute weakness.

  “You came to check on me?”

  Tristan nodded. “To make sure Boris and his stupid friends don’t come along and start something. Don’t worry though, we don’t really think you’re in any danger. It’s just a precaution, and Zack’s been worried.”

  “Oh,” Mike said.

  Tristan waited, but it seemed he wasn’t going to get much more out of the man than that.

  “Are you all right? Have you been afraid?”

  Mike shook his head. “No, I haven’t. Are you sure I don’t have anything to worry about? People don’t normally go out to guard places or people they’re not worried about.”

  Tristan thought quickly. He didn’t have to lie too much. “Zack was upset after what happened, even after Tory won the fight with Boris and beat the piss out of him, Zack still wanted to make sure you were safe.”

  “Have you been coming by a lot?”

  This conversation was getting a little stale.


  He was about to say that he should go, that he shouldn’t be there when Mike interrupted him. “Yeah, I figured because I thought I felt a giant bat out there somewhere.”

  Tristan tensed, annoyance rushing through him. “A giant bat?”

  “Yeah, you kind of look like one when you’re fluttering outside and you think I can’t see you.”

  This human was so fucking lucky Tristan didn’t hit people weaker than himself. Humans were, for the most part, off limits in that respect.

  “I won’t come by anymore if this annoys you.”

  Mike shook his head. “No, I was just wondering when you’d stop being a creep and come on in.”

  Before Tristan could yell at the man or fly away, Mike reached up for him, pulling him halfway into the bedroom and yanking Tristan down to his hands and knees on the improperly placed fire escape, while Mike pushed himself to his toes and kissed him on the mouth with his perfectly plump, pink lips.

  Well, that was… unexpected.

  Chapter Two

  Mike had no idea what the hell he was thinking or why he was doing this, but he’d been thinking about it ever since that day when he woke up in Tristan’s bed.

  He still felt kind of bad for hitting the man, but it was only what he deserved for standing over him like that, shocking the hell out of him after Mike thought he was still being attacked by those other dragons in that alleyway.

  Yeah, he’d been thinking about this for a while, about what Tristan’s mouth would feel like against his own, about how rough his cheeks would be from any stubble he happened to have, and about how warm his body was.

  The only answer he had to all of these questions was perfection.

  Everything was perfect. His brain wouldn’t put together anything else other than this was right and this was what he’d been wanting and missing ever since coming back home.

  Zack was going to have a field day with this when he found out,
but if this was what Mike needed to do to get this out of his system, then he was going to do it. Because he was tired of dreaming about Tristan and waking up with his shorts and sheets wet.

  Which was why he ended up yanking the other man inside Zack’s old room, the both of them moving clumsily as they went.

  Tristan might have fallen into the room a little bit, but he caught himself, their mouths coming apart only briefly before Tristan stood up to his full height—Mike forgot how tall he was—and reached for him for another hard, claiming kiss. Mike moaned into it. He tilted his head back and pushed himself up onto his toes. He didn’t consider himself to be a short man, but Tristan made him feel absolutely tiny in comparison to himself.

  Mike had to admit, he liked that. He liked guys who were taller than him and he liked it when they were obviously stronger than him, too.

  Zack always laughed at him for that, for idolizing dragons.

  After the attack, Mike thought he would never look at a dragon the same way again. Except, much as he told himself he didn’t like Tristan, and how embarrassing their first meeting was, he couldn’t get the guy out of his head.

  So he was going to take care of that right now.

  The kissing was nice. He had to give that to the man. The way his tongue pushed between Mike’s lips, as though he knew without a shadow of a doubt that it belonged there, was kind of hot. Mike tried to push back, to keep up with him and show he could take control as well, but he… couldn’t.

  Not that Tristan was being too rough with him, but it seemed more as though the other man was just too powerful, too sensual, and Mike had no choice but to be swept away by him.

  That was fine. He was fine, and he was still in some control here. This was his apartment, and Mike was going to make sure Tristan knew which one of them called the shots in these walls.


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