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Consumed By The Lost Highlander (Steamy Scottish Historical Romance)

Page 26

by Maddie MacKenna

“Here,” said Andrew.

  He passed Juliana a coin, and she walked over to give it to the young man standing by the side of the road. He was their first foot, the first person the parade met on the way to the church, and would bring them luck in their marriage. He joined the party and walked with them.

  I hope that he brings us luck, but I do not think that we need it. There must be someone watching over us for everything to end the way that it has.

  They continued on, flower petals being thrown in front of Andrew and Juliana, and were soon at the church. The clergyman waited for them there. The sun was beating down from above, and there was a sweetness in the air. Juliana brought the heather up to her nose and breathed it in.

  The white heather was fresh and fragrant, with a slight mossy aroma. It took her back to the day of their first kiss. She could never have imagined that everything would turn out like this, nor would she have believed the secrets that were being kept.

  The vows were exchanged, but Juliana did not remember much about them. It was all a blur to her, a wonderful dream and, the next thing that she knew, she was enjoying her first kiss with her husband. There was some cheering from friends and family members, much of which was because of the feast and celebration that would follow.

  “We should talk business.” Juliana could overhear her father talking to Laird Drechten as they moved from the exterior of the church to the interior.

  “Father,” said Juliana. She gave her father a playful scowl, hoping that he would get the message.

  “It’s fine, me dear,” said Laird Drechten. He smiled over at Juliana and directed her father by the shoulder. She hoped that they would not do business during the mass.

  Andrew took her hand and led her inside. “Let them talk if that’s what they want.”

  Juliana could only shake her head and smile. Her father had been excited at the news of business between him and Laird Drechten. He had always felt that there should be more agreement between the English and the Scots, though she was not sure if this was to promote peace or prosperity. Either way, they currently had both.

  The nuptial mass made Juliana eager to go back outside. It was in a language that she did not understand, and it seemed to go on forever, but she sat there quietly and attentive, enjoying the occasional squeeze of her hand from Andrew.

  A small price to pay for a life with this man.

  When they were back outside and back on their way to the Castle, the song of a bird caught her ear. She looked to the trees for it, but could not find the creature as the beautiful song endured. It matched the buds of color that were slowly emerging from the ground and above. The Castle and surrounding area would soon be bathed in color.

  As she looked behind her, she could see her father and father-in-law deep in conversation. They both looked happy, and that brought a smile to her face. She was part of a new family now, and her family was joined too.

  The great hall was where everything had been decided. Now, the bare floors had been covered with a multitude of tables, and the elevated dais had a long table running from one side to the other, the large chairs removed.

  Juliana and Andrew sat at that table, facing out toward the people who had gathered, sitting at long tables, facing to each side. She would catch the eye of someone, known or unknown, every so often, and they would raise their cup. She would raise it in return and drink, making sure to take small sips of the wine within.

  It was a feast fit for a King, or, at least, a Laird’s son and daughter-in-law. Laird Drechten had told them that the Castle would be their home if they wanted it, and they could stay for as long as they wished unless they wanted to go to England. The way that he had said it to Juliana, had told her that he had a great desire for them to stay.

  “I have no plans to go anywhere, I have fallen in love with the Highlands, and your son, of course.”

  The words had pleased the Laird, and he had given them everything for the wedding, including the feast before them. Juliana looked at the food and felt full before even taking a bite. As soon as she did, she realized that she had not eaten at all today.

  Barley broth was brought out first, a watery soup with a lot of taste. It made Juliana even hungrier. As she spooned the soup into her mouth, people would come and wish her and Andrew well. She took the time to talk to each person, finding out their names, and trying to remember them.

  They continued to come through the main course of beef, mutton, fowl, bread, oatcakes, turnips, parsnips, carrots, and peas. Juliana was feeling genuinely full now, but she had a sweet tooth, and the dessert was welcome when it came. Small puddings swam in rich cream, and a small portion remained on her plate at the end of the meal.

  “I do think that I will burst if I take one more bite,” laughed Juliana.

  Andrew pretended to cower and shield his face, should she actually explode, and she laughed again.

  “I’ve somethin’ for ye,” said Laird Drechten, talking lower so that only Andrew could hear, though he had drunk enough that his whispering was not as low as he thought. The Laird waved his hand, and one of the Laird’s guards walked over, carrying a bottle.

  Juliana thought it unusual that the task would not fall to a maid, and it was as if the guard was there only for this moment. He passed the bottle of whisky to the Laird and left the table.

  “When ye died.” The Laird had tears in his eyes. “When I thought ye had died, Andrew, I went down tae the cellar and took the most expensive bottle of whisky I had. Me plan was tae get blisterin’ drunk and relieve the pain. I couldnae dae it. I got back tae me room, and placed the bottle on the table, a glass beside it. It sat there for years, gatherin’ dust.

  “It’s time tae drink it. Would ye join me in a wee dram tae toast yer marriage tae this fine lass?”

  “Aye, Father.” Andrew put his hand on his father’s shoulder, and the Laird reciprocated.

  Two glasses of the amber nectar were poured, and the glasses clinked together. Two glasses came back empty, and another dram was poured into each. The Laird stood up, and his voice boomed across the great hall. The guests at both the lower tables and the raised table, save for Andrew and Juliana, stood up.

  “Tae Andrew and Juliana,” thundered the Laird.

  “Andrew and Juliana!”

  * * *

  Later that night, Juliana lay in bed with Andrew pressed against her. They were both naked under the blankets and embraced in each other’s arms.

  “I enjoy this all the more now that we are married,” admitted Juliana.

  Andrew kissed her softly on the neck and murmured in agreement. A low moan was let out as the kissing moved across her body, down onto her chest, and then her stomach.

  She loved his warmth as he shifted his weight, their bodies touching constantly, hands wandering, and lips probing over her. Juliana had to admit that this was much more comfortable and civilized than their indiscretion in the forest, no matter how thrilling that was.

  It also gave them time. They had the rest of their lives to spend together and the remainder of the evening to be alone. There was no rush.

  “I love you,” said Juliana. She slowly guided Andrew back up so that she could look into his eyes.

  “I love ye too.” Andrew kissed her again. Their kisses had been thrilling when they had been stolen before marriage, but they were different now. There were warmth and closeness, their souls were coming together.

  Andrew moved so that he was on top of Juliana, using his arms for balance, while pressing his unclothed body onto hers, the contact bringing them closer together. He kissed her again, their tongues meeting this time.

  The kiss was long and passionate. They explored as if discovering each other for the first time, and the movements were slow and deliberate. Their previous kisses had been rushed. They had both known that it would come to an end, but that was not true anymore. They lingered, hesitated, paused.

  Juliana had spent some of the morning before the wedding picking flowers, with help from those arou
nd her. She had placed lavender, heather, and other flowers all around their room. The aroma hung in the air, it was as if they were in a meadow.

  When they finally stopped kissing and came up for air, they both had big, silly grins on their faces. The two of them were teenagers again, full of emotions, mainly joy. Juliana laughed and had to wipe a tear of happiness from her eye. When she composed herself, he kissed her again.

  This time, his hands explored, moving over her breasts and nipples, her shoulders, down her sides, and over her thighs. Juliana clung onto his back fiercely as she became more and more aroused. She brought her hands down to his rear and squeezed his muscular cheeks.

  I have found myself a warrior.

  It was late, and the window showed darkness outside. The birds had long gone to sleep, but crickets were chirping. There were probably others awake in the Castle, but most would be asleep. Juliana felt as if they were the only two people in the world.

  Juliana’s hands moved around to Andrew’s front, touching his meaty chest, before moving her hands down to his abdomen, and then exploring between his legs. She reveled in his reaction as she took him in her hands and gently moved her fingers up and down.

  Andrew moved his hands to Juliana’s nipples, caressing them, and licking them. Shivers ran through her body, and she had to bring one hand away from him to touch his cheek and bring him up for another kiss.

  “Juliana Drechten. I still cannot believe it,” Juliana gasped as they came apart briefly.

  “Ye better get used tae it, as I’m nae lettin’ ye go again.”

  Juliana guided him into her. Andrew held her cheeks in his hands and softly kissed her, their lips meeting gently before moving away. They stared deeply into each other’s eyes and did not say a word as Andrew moved up and down, thrusting himself into her.

  She could feel the pleasure rising inside, and clawed at his back, unintentionally. She regretted it for a moment, but Andrew thrust harder, he enjoyed it. She dug her nails in again and gasped loudly as he thrust deeper than before.

  He was immersed in her and slowed down. That only built the anticipation inside Juliana. She pushed herself upward to kiss him, an outlet for her passion. Her hands were on his buttocks, pulling him toward her more and more as her body began to shake.

  Her insides erupted with more pleasure than she thought possible, and her warrior continued pushing. Each time he did, the feeling inside of Juliana increased, multiplying infinitely. Juliana was about to cry out for him to stop, the pleasure too much for her when she felt him pulsate, and a deep moan was let out.

  Yes, give me everything that you have.

  She was filled with warmth from head to toe, and he ceased moving just before she was about to beg him to. There were a few more pulses, and he collapsed on top of her. Juliana wrapped her arm and legs around her man.

  She burst out laughing.

  “What are ye laughin’ for?” Andrew tried to keep a straight face, but he could not help but be caught up in the emotion. He laughed too, the two of them intertwined and chuckling.

  “I have never been happier in my life,” said Juliana when she could finally speak.

  “Yer right about that,” said Andrew. “This has been the best day of me life.”

  He rolled to the side and lay on his back, reaching across to take Juliana’s hand in his own. He kissed her hand and placed it on his chest, bringing the other hand up to hold hers tighter, as if she would escape from his grasp.

  I am yours forever.

  As Juliana lay there, something grew inside. There was happiness, joy, contentment, and love, but that was not all. A seed had been planted, and with certainty, she knew what that meant.

  I do not know how I know, but I am sure that a baby will soon swell in my belly. We are a family now.

  The End?

  Extended Epilogue

  Would you like to learn how Juliana and Andrew’s relationship evolved? Then enjoy this complimentary short story featuring our favorite couple!

  Simply TAP HERE to read it now for FREE! or use this link: directly in your browser.

  Trust me, you’ll love it ♥

  But before you go, turn the page for an extra sexy and wild Scottish treat from me…

  More steamy historical romance

  Turn on to the next page to read the first chapters of Ravished by the Iron Highlander, one of my best stories so far!

  Preview: Ravished by the Iron Highlander


  Northern England

  “Pardon me!” Isabella Dellendine exclaimed. She was sure that she had not heard her brother right. It was either that, or her brother had lost his God-given mind. “I’m to do what?”

  “Stop acting obtuse, sister,” Ralf sneered. “It does not suit you. I said, and as my word is law in this house, you will marry Lord Lofter. After all, aren’t married ties better bonds to conduct business with?”

  Isabella’s golden eyes narrowed, “Your business doings are not any affairs of mine. I will not marry that Baron,” she spun to leave but her brother grabbed her arm tightly and her head snapped back to him. “Let me go.”

  “You are too headstrong, sister,” Ralf snapped, his golden eyes glowing like a snake ready to strike. “Father gave you too much latitude to do what you wanted. He should have made your marriage betrothal long ago. You are nearly twenty now. I know women who marry at the age of sixteen. And yes, my business does affect your affairs. How do you think you can live in such luxury? Father’s investments are drying up, I have to find some way to keep this estate afloat and you marrying Lofter is it.”

  “Let me go,” Isabella ordered again. “I don’t care if the man is richer than Midas himself, I will not marry him. He is three times my age and is rumored to have more women than an Arabian harem. He listens to no one but himself.”

  “About that,” Ralf jerked her arm, “do not try to give the man advice on his business when you know nothing about it ever again. Lord Lofter had a right to overrule you. Father was wrong when he spoke of business with you in the room. He spoiled you and gave you airs that you have no right to have. A woman lets men speak without interruption. But you don’t know that, do you?”

  Yanking her arm out of his slightly loosened grip, Isabella looked at her brother, five years her senior, with pity, “A woman is not a dog you can order around, Brother, but you don’t know that, do you? I will not marry him.”

  “You will marry him. Do you hear me, Sister? Your foolishness will not ruin all my plans. I could force you, you know. I don’t need your approval or so-called permission to marry you off. I could just bring the priest here and then my hands are washed off from you.”

  “If you dare do that Father would strike you from the grave,” Isabella said tightly.

  “But…” Ralf grated, “I will have you come to know the meaning of sense and duty. On the morrow, I will send you to Aunt Matilda. She will knock some sense into you!”

  Not giving her brother another look, she spun and hastened to her room, the curtain of her waist-length dark brown hair fluttering behind her. She shoved the door closed, grabbed the back of a chair with both hands and swallowed down the urge to scream her frustration.

  Who was this man she termed her brother? Ralf had become a man she did not know. With his neighbors and friends he was a delight but when it came to her, he was a terror. Never having a kind word or a kind look, he always snapped, scoffed or ordered her around. There were days when she wished their father had taken her to the grave with him than allow her to live under her brother’s controlling hand.

  She bit her lip tightly as her eyes clenched. Tears burned behind her eyes but she would never let them fall. The touch of a wet nose to her thigh, made her open her eyes to see her dog, Bandit, an Irish wolfhound nosing at her dress.

  The huge golden-haired dog that was as high as her waist, came to her. His large, soulful brown eyes were looking up at her with pure love. If only that same emotion came from he
r brother. She went to sit on the edge of her bed and Bandit came with her. Fondling his ears, she remembered the day she had found him.

  She was six and playing with her favorite rag doll in a garden while her mother pruned some rose bushes. Her mother had called her over to see a flower but as she went to her side, something dragged her doll away. She spun to see a large puppy with the doll in his fangs and gnawing at it while looking at her with large innocent eyes. What other name could she have given him but Bandit? Thirteen years later, he was still by her side.

  “Did you hear that, Bandit, my brother is sending me away to get some sense knocked into me, all because I won’t marry the man he wants me to marry,” Isabella sighed and combed her hands through his soft fur. “I might be dependent on him but I will not bow to what he wants and force myself to suffer for what I do not want. He is an angry man who has been jealous of me all my life. I want to hate him but I cannot,” she sighed, “why... he is still my brother.”


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