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The Lord of the Plains

Page 21

by Sarah Chapman

Chapter 21

  At first the only visible change in Riley was that on occasion there was a faint blush to her cheeks. She smiled more. She noted things around her less, as she was often day-dreaming.

  Then, when Peitar’s interest in her continued, for she’d thought he might have been mistaken, her symptoms only escalated.

  If someone had asked her to describe Peitar she would have struggled. To her he blazed like the sun. But what colour are his eyes, Riley? Is he tall or short? Clean shaven or does he have a beard? She could have answered those questions. But if someone had asked, what does he like, Riley? What are his interests? Oh, he’s in the air force, she might say. What else? They might have received an answer. More likely she would have just smiled dreamily.

  ‘Where have you been?’ Aerlid asked as Riley drifted in after dark.

  He’d thought she might have had a patrol and forgotten to tell him, and that thought had been enough to quiet his worry. Mostly.

  Riley smiled at him. ‘Peitar.’ she answered.

  ‘Peitar?’ he repeated, confused.

  She nodded and launched into an excited description of Peitar. It wasn’t a terribly enlightening description as far as Peitar was concerned, though that couldn’t be said where Riley was concerned. It described quite nicely a fifteen year old girl’s first brush with romance.

  Aerlid stood up so violently the chair fell over. It hit the bare floor with a bang, startling Riley out of her daydream.

  ‘How dare you!’ he roared.

  Riley took a startled step back.

  ‘Get out, get out, you fool, you traitor, get out, out out OUT!’

  Riley had already fled.

  Riley, shocked and afraid hid in the park.

  She didn’t understand.

  She sniffed, a strange tightness in her chest. She didn’t understand, but she felt like bursting into tears and crying like a little girl.

  Why was he upset? What was there to be upset about? Everything had been so wonderful.

  But she could stay out here. Then, in the morning, she would go to the military school as usual. She didn’t wonder if Aerlid would have turned back into Aerlid, and not a shouting monster, by then. Perhaps she hoped, but she didn’t think about it.

  That was the first day in some time that Riley was properly focussed. Aerlid’s anger had knocked her out of her daydream.

  She began noting things again. In surprise, she saw that the unit was treating her differently. Batar seemed the same, and Leili, though Jann frowned at her and Geilar was oddly cool.

  It continued the entire morning, so during break she approached Leili to ask what was wrong.

  It was more than a little surprising that Riley found herself with no idea. She looked through her stores and found them decidedly bare on everything since perhaps last Restday.

  Leili shrugged and didn’t meet her eyes. Suddenly Riley felt Leili was treating her differently too.

  ‘Um, I guess it’s about that guy, Peitar.’

  When Riley didn’t say anything Leili shrugged again, clearly uncomfortable. ‘Uh, I guess, he’s not… um, well we don’t think he should be walking out with you.’ Leili said and for once that day looked her straight in the eye.


  ‘Um,’ the nervousness was back, ‘well you know…uhm, ah, I guess he’s not a very nice guy w-with girls.’ Leili said, her eyes returned to her lap.

  Riley was silent. She watched Leili. Noted.

  ‘Thank you for telling me.’ she said, standing.

  Riley spotted Batar and made a beeline for him.

  He glanced up as she sat down.

  ‘Why is everyone treating me differently?’ she asked.

  ‘Because you’re walking out with Peitar.’ he said promptly, holding her gaze.

  For the first time she realized he was not just patient and good at following orders, there was a solidness to him too. A strong core. A good core.

  ‘Why?’ she asked. She thought Peitar was wonderful. How could there be a problem? Why did everyone think there was a problem?

  ‘Because you’re a gemeng.’

  Her hands came to the table and gripped it tightly. Everything else seemed so very distant. ‘W-why…?’

  Batar didn’t say anything. That was probably for the best.

  Riley suddenly shook her head. ‘I don’t understand.’ she managed. ‘How come he doesn’t think it’s a problem?’

  Batar shrugged. He didn’t know.

  When Riley returned to the apartment that evening Aerlid had recovered.

  He apologized, asked if she was ok.

  She didn’t notice. Unease had wormed its way into her heart.


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