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The Lord of the Plains

Page 46

by Sarah Chapman

Chapter 44

  ‘I don’t know what to do.’

  Lillia watched Vann, her eyes filled with concern. He was staring out of her window, a look on his face she had never seen before.

  He turned to her. It hurt Lillia to see that look in his eyes.

  ‘Why doesn’t she want me?’ he asked.

  ‘Vann, shouldn’t you move on from this girl?’ she suggested gently.

  He shook his head and went back to looking out the window.

  ‘Maybe it’s not you. Maybe she just doesn’t want a relationship, who knows what’s going on in her life.’

  ‘She won’t even talk to me…’

  He spun away from the window, possessed by a sudden burst of energy. He walked over to her mirror and glared at himself.

  ‘Maybe she doesn’t like guys in the military.’ For most girls, the submariner’s uniform was like a magnet. But Riley was surrounded by military men all day, perhaps it worked the opposite way for her. At least, he hoped. It was something. He needed something.

  ‘Vann, there’s nothing wrong with how you look, I’m sure it’s not that.’ Lillia stressed. ‘It’s probably something else.’

  ‘Maybe it’s my cast.’

  ‘How would that be a problem?’ Lillia asked. ‘Vann, don’t you dare take that thing off!’

  He turned to her, ‘she doesn’t want me. Lillia…’ panic was entering his eyes, ‘what if she thinks of me how I think of Azra?’


  He started pacing. ‘But why- if she just told me what to do, Lillia, I can’t, she can’t think of me like that!’

  ‘Vann, stop,’ Lillia grabbed his shoulder gently, ‘Vann, how about I go talk to her ok?’ she said soothingly. ‘Offer to show her around. It will be different coming from me.’

  ‘Lillia, I need to know her. I just want to get to know her.’

  Riley didn’t head to the Blocks library until after the morning demonstration was over. After the fighting the Blocks emptied quickly of submariners. Mostly, she wasn’t bothered in the library.

  Vann had been right. The library was very interesting. There were details of attacks on Coastside that just weren’t available in Astar.

  What she found was also frustrating. If the records were correct, there was no way she was going to be teaching any Coastsiders to fear gemengs. They already had enough gemengs around them that were a lot scarier than her.

  She found pictures of the leapers. Just thinking about leapers was enough to bring Vann to her mind.

  But the attraction was purely physical. She didn’t know him. She didn’t want to, couldn’t. So it couldn’t be anything more than physical. It was distracting, but it was manageable. If she had known him… she didn’t allow her mind to go down that track. Though perhaps, she thought, if he turned out to be a creep knowing him would probably help.

  She made sure to leave the library a few hours before the submariners usually arrived back. Mostly, they didn’t approach her any more. Aside from Vann. But she didn’t want to risk it, so she timed her departures from her room around the submariner’s schedules.

  She had not been safely ensconced in her room for long when a knock came at her door.


  A tumult of mixed feelings enveloped her. She pushed them away and prepared a glare as she opened the door.

  It was not Vann. It was a tall, blue eyed blonde.

  The glare vanished.

  ‘Hello.’ Riley said. The woman wasn’t dressed like a submariner. What could she possibly want?

  ‘Hi.’ she smiled. She had a pleasant smile, her eyes twinkled when she smiled. ‘I’m Lillia. You must be Riley.’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘I’m a friend of Vann’s, I came to apologise.’

  ‘O-oh.’ Riley didn’t want an apology.

  ‘I understand the submariners haven’t been very friendly.’

  ‘No, that’s not it-’ More like too friendly.

  Lillia waved her objections away. ‘Oh, don’t worry about it. You’re from Astar, but I’m sure things will change. In the meantime, why don’t you let me rescue you from that stuffy little room?’

  ‘I don’t know…’

  ‘Oh, don’t worry. It’ll be just us girls. Come on, let me show you around. You needn’t be stuck in the Blocks the whole time.’

  ‘No, it’s ok, thank-’

  ‘And we can have a little chat about Vann.’

  Riley hesitated.

  ‘Is there any reason not to come?’ Lillia asked, her blue eyes fixed on Riley.

  She was unsettled by the determination she saw there. She hesitated.

  ‘I don’t want to see any submariners…’

  ‘That’s fine.’ Lillia smiled.

  Cautiously, Riley stepped from the room. When the door shut behind her, her resolve firmed. Riley wasn’t used to spending so much time locked up in one place. She was getting bored and fidgety. She practiced her movements during the day but she needed to stretch her legs. A good walk would help.

  Lillia was nearly running to keep up with the dark haired girl. And the gemeng was just walking! Every now and then she’d glance behind, see Lillia was a ways behind and she’d slow for a few seconds. Then she’d start powering off again.

  And they were going up the damn hill!

  Lillia had thought somewhere by the bay would be nice but the gemeng had wanted to go up the hill!

  Whenever she looked back Lillia made sure to smile brightly. As soon as she turned around again Lillia glared in annoyance at the girl’s back. Astarians! No manners!

  Riley glanced back again. Lillia smiled brightly. This time Riley turned back and came to walk beside her.

  ‘Is there anything at the top of the hill?’ she asked.

  ‘You want to go to the top.’ Lillia stated.

  Riley nodded. Her eyes lit up eagerly. For a moment Lillia forgot how out of breath she was. For a moment, the gemeng’s eyes were the green of new leaves. They held spring, the promise of new life. And then it faded.

  Riley was beaming. ‘Can we go to the top? And maybe you can show me something down here later.’

  ‘Why don’t we explore down here now then?’ Lillia demanded.

  ‘Do you live up the hill? Afterwards I can walk you home.’

  ‘How many times do you want to go up and down this thing?!’ Lillia snapped.

  She shrugged. ‘What’s it like at night here? Are there lots of people around?’

  ‘It depends what time.’ Lillia huffed. They were still walking up the hill, at least the pace was more reasonable now. ‘And what part. Near the theatre there are usually people out late. Why?’

  Riley became oddly shy for a moment. Then she glanced at Lillia and confided, ‘I’d like to go running.’

  ‘Up the hill?’

  Riley nodded. She was beaming again. And spring came back to her eyes. Once again Lillia forgot where she was as she got lost in those eyes.

  ‘Ok,’ she sighed as it faded. She took Riley’s arm in hers. ‘Ok, I see I should have come and rescued you earlier.’ As long as she had a hold of the girl she couldn’t run off. ‘I guess you don’t want to run into any submariners while you’re running.’

  Riley shook her head.

  ‘And definitely not Vann.’

  Riley nodded in agreement.

  ‘Alright. Well, I’d stay away from the side beach. Vann goes there often, besides, it’s dangerous. The shopping district is too crowded and submariners are always visiting the Square. Hmm, I suppose you could run near the residences. There are less people outside at night there.’

  ‘Will you show me?’ she asked eagerly.

  ‘Certainly, I’ll show you. But first, we’ll go to View and have something to eat, alright?’

  Her face fell.

  ‘Don’t worry, it’s the highest restaurant in Coastside. That’s why it’s called View.’

  Her face lit up again.

  Sitting down, having a refreshing drink and enjoying the view of C
oastside from up high improved Lillia’s mood. She looked over at Riley.

  The girl was riveting in a strange kind of way, but Coastside was full of beautiful women. Vann’s obsession was more than a little unsettling.

  Lillia didn’t bring up Vann until they’d finished eating. ‘So, Vann.’ Lillia began.

  Riley’s green eyes were instantly on her. She said nothing.

  ‘You’re not interested?’

  Riley shook her head. Her eyes darkened. ‘No.’ she said firmly.

  ‘I understand.’ Lillia said. From that look Lillia suspected Vann didn’t have a chance. ‘Can you tell me why? If I can explain to Vann perhaps he’d leave you alone.’

  Riley shrugged and looked away for a moment, out towards Coastside. ‘I’m not staying here. I want to leave.’

  Lillia didn’t understand why she couldn’t enjoy Coastside while she was here. Lillia herself enjoyed having swift and sweet affairs with the submariners. She couldn’t quite see why the length of time she’d be in Coastside could be a problem.

  ‘So it’s not Vann?’

  Riley shook her head.

  ‘It’s not his cast?’ Lillia asked. She didn’t think it could possibly be that, but she needed a ‘no’. Vann was very good at ferreting out her lies. The man was impossible.

  ‘What?’ Riley replied, stunned.

  When Lillia didn’t respond Riley said, ‘no.’ and she gave Lillia a funny look.

  Lillia smiled, a small knot unravelling inside. But there were so many. ‘And is it how he looks?’


  Lillia was quietly amused to see her turn red. ‘You don’t like how he looks?’

  ‘N-no, that’s not it. It’s not him.’ Riley visibly controlled herself. Her cheeks were still burning but she gave Lillia an unsettlingly unyielding look. ‘It doesn’t matter how he looks. I’m leaving this place, I’m not starting something now.’

  Lillia had a feeling that wasn’t all. Those words meant something different to Riley than to her, and she didn’t seem about to elaborate. ‘I see. So it’s not Vann then, you just don’t want a relationship right now.’

  Riley nodded. ‘Not with anyone.’

  Lillia dearly hoped that would calm Vann. Then she asked ‘And you couldn’t be friends?’

  She went red again. ‘No.’ it came out like a squeak.

  Lillia smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. ‘Riley, Vann and I used to be lovers, but we’re friends now. He is capable of being friends with a woman.’

  Riley gave her an unreadable look. She turned away without responding.

  ‘Just think about it.’

  The server came over and gathered their plates. Lillia paid him for the meal.

  When he was gone Riley looked back over at Lillia. There was an accusing look in her eyes. ‘Is he with many girls?’ she demanded.

  ‘I think that’s something you should ask Vann.’ Lillia smiled. ‘Shall I show you where you could run now?’

  Riley nodded. She didn’t smile.

  When they were walking back down the hill Riley wordlessly handed her some money. She seemed moodily distracted.


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