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The Lord of the Plains

Page 48

by Sarah Chapman

Chapter 46

  Lillia’s couches and chairs were now filled with gossiping women.

  Riley looked around at Vann’s former lovers. The fact that they were all so beautiful didn’t really help Riley much. What on earth was he doing chasing her around when he could be with these gorgeous women?

  One in particular caught her eye. She had golden hair and the biggest eyes Riley had ever seen. They were enormous and blue, surrounded by long, fluttering lashes. At the moment her delicate hands were clasped around a tea cup. She smiled so brightly whenever anyone talked to her. She seemed so delicate and sweet. Riley felt small just looking at Teila. What was Vann doing even glancing at her when he could have been with this woman?

  The women were having a wonderful time gossiping about Vann. Lillia squeezed her hand hard and gave her a meaningful look at regular intervals.

  The fact that they all seemed to be on good terms with Vann said a lot in and of itself.

  Still, Riley didn’t want to be just one woman in a room full of his lovers. And especially not when they were all so much better looking than her! She didn’t belong among this glittering cast. Some wore dresses, some had pants or skirts, but they were all lovely and colourful. Most had some form of jewellery, whether it was colourful, knotted string or sea shells. Teila had a giant red gemstone hanging from her neck. Riley felt quite out of place in her uniform.

  ‘Oh, I think you’re quite wise.’

  Riley looked up to see Teila looking at her earnestly and leaning forward. ‘He’ll break your heart. He’ll say he wants to be with only you and he loves you then he’ll-’ Teila sniffed. A girl next to her put her arm around her. ‘He’ll say he wants to see other women!’

  ‘He never said that!’ Lillia interrupted. She glanced at Riley and repeated. ‘He never said that to her.’ She looked back to Teila. ‘Teila, you know he never said that.’

  Teila was crying into the other girl’s shoulder now.

  ‘Arella, you know he never said that.’ Lillia insisted to the girl holding Teila.

  ‘I know.’ she said, ‘but you know Teila, she lives in a romantic daydream. She doesn’t pay a lot of attention to reality. Just don’t upset her, Lillia.’

  ‘But now she’ll think he’s a-a lying, womanizing cheater!’ Lillia said, clearly referring to Riley.

  ‘Oh, darling,’ Arella was looking at Riley, ‘Vann’s a submariner. Anyone who expects one of them to be tied down is a fool.’ She patted Teila’s shoulder. ‘A very sweet one though. But at least Vann’s honest.’

  When Vann heard Lillia had been gathering up girls to have a we-hate-Vann fest he was more than a little frazzled.

  It was the sort of thing that could only lead to trouble. It was something that he clearly had to put a stop to. Besides, it took his mind off Riley. He’d spent all day by the side beach. In less than ten seconds, Riley had gutted him.

  The look in her eyes had been so much worse than her words.

  She’d looked at him like she hated him.

  But a we-hate-Vann fest sounded like a wonderful distraction. So when he heard about it from laughing submariners he headed straight to Lillia’s. He tried not to wonder what Lillia was thinking!

  When he knocked Lillia opened the door.

  Whatever he was going to say fell out of his head. Through the open door he could see Arella, Mireila, Cas, Leina, oh damn, Teila.

  ‘Vann.’ Lillia smiled. ‘How are you?’

  ‘Lillia.’ he said in a small voice. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Oh, just talking about you with some of my friends.’

  He paled. ‘Why?’ Why would she want to do that?! And had he really been with this many of her friends?!

  ‘Come in, Vann!’ Arella called, an evil grin on her face. ‘We’re just comparing you to other men! I’m afraid it’s not very favourable so far!’

  Vann stepped in. Lillia closed the door behind him and sat down.

  He felt weak at the knees. He wondered suddenly if gemengs had to put up with this. Had Molk ever swum in on a gathering of his exes all grinning at him like that?

  He looked around the room, counting faces. There had to be at least ten of them here! And then… on a couch squeezed between Lillia and Belle…

  Her eyes were on him. Every eye in the room was on him.

  There were so many things he wanted to say he couldn’t get them out. To her, he wanted so desperately to apologise, he couldn’t bear for her to look at him like that again. And at Lillia, why is she here?! he wanted to scream.

  But her eyes. The anger and hate was gone from them. Her expression was unreadable.

  Lillia’s eyes went between Vann and Riley and back again. He was just looking at her.

  Oh, if she said something cruel to him now.

  Lillia patted Riley’s hand, getting her attention. ‘Be kind.’ she mouthed.

  Riley turned her eyes back to Vann. She looked uncomfortable.

  Well, everyone was looking at them avidly, like they were watching a play.

  ‘They’re very pretty.’ Riley finally said into the silence.

  ‘O-oh,’ Vann managed, ‘um. I-I suppose, maybe, wh-what are you doing here?’ he finished somewhat desperately.

  Riley blushed. ‘I’m not sure.’

  ‘Lillia.’ Vann turned to her. ‘Lillia,’ He spread his arms, ‘what is this?’

  ‘Well, Vann.’ Lillia patted Riley’s hand again. Riley glanced at her. ‘I’m afraid this morning was my fault. I gave her the idea you snuck around with lots of different women and were generally an all-around no-good liar.’ Lillia smiled sweetly.

  The look on Vann’s face was priceless.

  She had never seen the calm and collected Vann so out of his depth. It was almost funny.

  ‘But now she knows,’ Lillia continued. ‘That you don’t sneak around with your lovers. You’re very honest about your inability to commit.’

  ‘In-in-in-’ Vann squeaked, his eyes very wide. ‘Inability to commit?!’

  Lillia nodded, struggling not to laugh. ‘I’m afraid Riley requires a more mature man.’ she patted her hand again. ‘Someone who doesn’t run around with every woman in Coastside.’

  ‘Someone who doesn’t-? Riley, I don’t want anyone but you.’ His eyes were on her. The intensity there was too much, Lillia looked away.

  Riley was going very red.

  ‘I swear, there’d be no one else except you. Riley, I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll be whoever you want.’

  Lillia suddenly felt very uncomfortable being in that room. They were intruding. The air was thick with tension.

  Riley had said nothing.

  Vann then looked around the room. He stepped forward and held his hand out to her. ‘This isn’t a good place to talk. Let’s go outside.’

  Riley took his hand almost instantly.

  The night felt very cool outside. He still had her hand.

  He let go and stepped back, giving her some space.

  ‘I’m sorry.’ He said. His voice sounded very loud to him. ‘I don’t need an answer from you now, Riley. I-I’ll wait.’

  Riley spared him a quick glance in the darkness. Then she ran down the hill.

  Vann watched her go in surprise. Painful hope had taken flight within him. The sight of her running away from him was almost enough to undo that.

  When he got back to his dorm he laid down gingerly in his bed. He felt very fragile.

  He’d just bared his heart to a woman who’d done nothing but reject him in a room full of his former lovers.

  ‘I need to get back in a submarine.’ he muttered. As far as he was concerned, he couldn’t get his cast off soon enough.


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