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Wicked Fireman

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  This made him laugh. “I can promise you being in my bed would be anything but.”

  “I’m sure a lot of men say that.”

  He stared at her for several seconds. She wondered what he was thinking about when he placed his glass on the table. “Come here.”

  Putting her glass down, she stepped close to him, ignoring every single warning going off inside her head.

  He reached out, taking her hand, and she stopped across the sunbed, straddling him. His hands went to her thighs and he moved them up, gripping her hips before drawing her down to sit on him.

  Through her thin shorts, she felt the hard ridge of his cock pressing against her, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out.

  “Sex is whatever you make it.” His hands moved down her thighs before sliding up and resting inches away from her pussy.

  Her nipples felt incredibly tight, and it took every single ounce of control not to beg him for more.

  “Tell me to stop.”

  Did she want him to stop?

  Chapter Four

  When Blair made no sound and just stared at him, Dwayne slowly moved his hand between her thighs, cupping her pussy. She’d stood up, and he was able to touch her without anything in his path. Even through the fabric of her shorts, he felt the warmth of her cunt. Back and forth, he stroked her, waiting for her to call a stop to it. She didn’t.

  His cock was ready to tear a hole through his jeans he was so hard.

  She tilted her head back, her blonde hair cascading behind her. Today had been a dream mixed with torture. He’d never known strawberry picking could be so sexual. If he stood behind Blair, he’d get to see those curves of her ass while she bent forward. He spent most of the day wanting nothing more than to strip the clothes from her body and kiss every single inch of her.

  Removing his hand, he gripped her hips once again, drawing her down toward him. Pressing her against his hard dick, he began to rock her back and forth. Stroking one hand up her back, he sank his fingers into the softness of her hair.

  “Have you ever felt the need to be fucked?” he asked. “To throw caution to the wind and to take what your body wants?”

  “Someone always gets hurt.”

  “No, they don’t. They don’t have to get hurt if they both want it. Do you want it, Blair? Do you want to create fire together?” He brought her head down and claimed the kiss that he’d been desperate to get.

  She moaned, her hands resting on his shoulder, nails sinking into the flesh. He ran his hands down her back, the mounds of her breasts against his chest. He wanted her naked, craved it.

  “Tell me to stop, Blair,” he said.

  “I don’t want to.”

  “Then let me fuck you. Let me give you a night you’ll never forget.”

  “Can it just be one night?” she asked.

  Fuck no! “It can be anything you want it to be.” He trailed his lips down her neck, sucking on the pulse at the base. “Do you want to feel my lips on your pussy, spreading you open, licking your clit? I can make you scream and wish you were nowhere else in the world.”

  “You can do that?”

  “I can do a lot of things. You’ve just got to be willing to let me.”

  “Yes. I want that. I want you, Dwayne. At least, just for the night.”

  Easing her up off his lap, he didn’t want to wait, and taking her hand, he led her back into her home. He went straight for the bedroom which he’d spotted earlier while she’d been making jam. Closing all the curtains, he turned the light on and spun toward her.

  No words were spoken as he stepped in front of her. Gripping her shirt, he pulled it over her head, tossing it onto the floor. She grabbed his shirt, doing the same.

  The bra she wore was a padded one, and he reached behind her, taking care of the clasp.

  “You did that quickly.”

  He expected her to hide her tits from him. She stood before him proudly, her hands on his belt as she began to work it open.

  Cupping her tits, he lifted them up, seeing the tips were dark red. He couldn’t resist them as he’d been dreaming of sucking on these tits since the first moment he saw her.

  Leaning forward, he flicked the tip of one nipple with his tongue as he rubbed the other with his thumb. They were so hard, and he saw from her response how sensitive she was.

  She pulled out of his touch, pulling down his jeans. Stepping out of them, he lifted her up off the floor and as he placed her on the bed, she released a little giggle. He gripped the waistband of her shorts along with those of her panties, and pulled them off in one fell swoop.

  “You had much practice in taking off a woman’s underwear?”

  “I’ve been imagining taking yours off for weeks. Spent entire nights thinking of what I’d do if I got you here naked.”

  “And now?”

  “Spread your legs. I want to see that pretty pussy.”

  “You like to talk dirty?”

  “Baby, I’ve only just gotten started. If you think this is dirty you’ve not seen anything yet.” He winked at her, and she rolled her eyes.

  She opened her thighs, and there she was, pretty, waxed, completely open.

  “You wax?”

  “Yes. I like the way I feel without any hair.” She reached between her thighs, stroking a finger over her flesh.

  Pulling his boxer briefs down his thighs, he gripped his cock and began to work the length. The tip was already slick with pre-cum, and he rubbed it into his dick, getting himself nice and wet.

  “Push a finger inside your cunt,” he said.

  She slid one then two fingers inside and began to fuck herself.

  Bending down, he released his cock and spread the lips of her pussy open. He watched her working her cunt, and took her fingers out, licking them clean of her arousal. “Keep playing,” he said.

  He worked her clit, teasing and stroking the bud into his mouth, tasting her, driving her higher toward orgasm and relishing the sounds she made, which echoed around the room.

  He went back and forth, around, over, before sucking her clit in deep. She cried out, and he watched her work her pussy, thrusting her fingers inside her as he brought her to orgasm.

  The sounds of her release were a pleasure to hear, but he wanted more. This first orgasm was just the start. He wanted to hear her beg him for more, but he also wanted to make sure that by the time he was done, she craved his touch and never forgot it.

  He wasn’t a one-time kind of guy, not when it came to Blair.


  Blair couldn’t recall ever coming that quickly before. In fact, she often got bored, and would find another time to pleasure herself. Dwayne knew where to touch, how to touch, and he’d brought her to orgasm with ease. His tongue had felt so good between her thighs that she feared once would never be enough. She wanted to feel him again.

  She watched as he grabbed a condom from his jeans and slid the latex over his length. He was long and thick, and his movements were sure, not clumsy. He stepped between her thighs, and he rubbed the tip of his dick between her slit.

  Dwayne wasn’t in a rush. He ran his hands up her body, cupping her tits and pressing them together.

  “One day, I’m going to fuck these tits. You’ll hold them together, and I’ll fuck them. When I come, it’ll be all over those tits, marking you as mine.”

  She shouldn’t be aroused by that picture, which sounded like something out of a porn flick.

  He pinched her nipples, making her cry out as his cock bumped her clit. She was so sensitive that the smallest stroke ignited a fire inside her.

  “Please,” she said.

  “What do you want, Blair?” he asked.

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  “Then tell me to. Tell me to put my dick inside you, and to take your wet cunt.” She whimpered. “I will do whatever you want. All you have to do is ask.”

  She licked her lips.

  Her mind shattered, fighting with itself to cave to his demands and to

  She gave in, begging him to fuck her, to shove his dick inside her and take her. “I want you, Dwayne. I want to feel you inside me, and I’ve been wanting it for a long time, but I kept denying it. I was scared. What you make me feel, it scares me. I want you. I’m wet for you. I need you. Please, put your dick inside me. Fuck me hard, take me.”

  He rewarded her.

  The tip of his cock slid inside her, his hands going to her hips as he slammed every single inch of his dick, shocking her with how deep he was. The length of him made her aware of all of his inches as he took her hard.

  “Fuck, baby, I knew you’d be tight.”

  His fingers moved between her thighs and started to stroke her cunt once again. He teased her clit at the same time.

  The angle was all wrong, so he moved them both so that they were on the bed. He grabbed her leg, lifting it up as he slid in from behind. He was big enough that he could fuck her at the same time as he teased her clit.

  He grabbed her hand and placed it over her pussy. She started to stroke her clit, but he stopped her, replacing her fingers with his own.

  “Touch us, Blair. Feel my dick as I push inside you.”

  She’d never had anything so dirty or so sexy before in her life. While he played with her, she touched his cock, feeling him enter her, stroking him. She cried out, marveling at the sheer passion of his touch.

  “I want you to come again. I want you to come all over my dick.”

  “I don’t think I can.”

  “You can, baby. I want to feel it.”

  He worked her pussy, lifting her foot as he made the angle of his cock go deeper, shocking her with the pleasure of both his hand and fingers, and she came, screaming his name. This orgasm was slightly more powerful than the last one.

  She felt full to the top, and she didn’t want him to stop.

  Dwayne didn’t.

  He pressed her against the bed, fucking her hard, his cock going deep. When that wasn’t enough, he lifted her to her knees, and he spread her ass wide, driving harder inside her.

  She felt the first stirrings of another orgasm start, and it was like Dwayne knew her body better than she did. He worked her clit, driving her toward a third orgasm. She thought that she wouldn’t be able to come again, but he proved her wrong.

  Blair came, screaming his name until her throat felt hoarse. He rode her pussy hard, making her take every single inch of his dick.

  He slammed in deep, the bed hitting the wall with the force of his thrusts. She closed her eyes, basking in the pleasure and wanting nothing more than what he could give her.

  When he came, he did so with his grip on her hip going tighter than ever, so tight that she knew she’d have bruises, and a growl that echoed around the room, giving way to his release. His cock pulsed inside her, and she felt each spurt as it filled the condom he wore.

  They both collapsed to the bed, and she did so panting, exhausted, and completely sated. She’d never known sex to be like that.

  “One day, I want to fill you with my cum and watch you take it inside your pretty pussy,” he said.

  Pushing some of her hair off her face, she glanced behind her. “Are you always like this?”

  “Like what?”

  “Dirty talk? Demanding?”

  “I like sex, Blair. When I fuck I like to take everything and to give everything. There’s nothing I wouldn’t try.” He lifted his hand up, cupping her breast. He leaned over, taking her nipple into his mouth. “Life is too damn short to spend it worrying about small things. You need to take what you want or live with regret.”

  She watched as he pressed another kiss to her breast. This was dangerous, she felt it.

  “I … I’ve never felt that.”

  He smiled. “Just think of everything you’ve ever wanted to try and give me a list. I’d be more than willing to experiment with you.”

  “I don’t have a list. Do you have a list?”

  “No list. I’ve got a pretty open mind. Do you want me to tell you some of the things I’d like to do to you?” he asked.

  “No. I want you to show me.”

  “That would require more than a night.”

  “More than a night to have sex?”

  “Are you on the pill?”


  “Are you clean?”


  “So am I. We’ll get tested though so that you know for sure, and then we can get started on some things.”

  She didn’t know what to say to that. Should she be alarmed? Scared? She was neither. In fact, she was more excited about finding out what he had to offer.

  Chapter Five

  “Have you ever fucked another man?” Blair asked.

  Dwayne smiled as he took a drink of his tea. He’d have preferred coffee, but she only had tea for him to drink, and some weird-sounding British stuff. After feeling her come all over his cock last night, even through the condom, he’d known he’d need more of her. Blair was a keeper, and from the first moment he saw her, he’d known he wouldn’t be able to resist her. “Yes.”

  “You have.”

  “It was during a threesome many years ago. I told you last night, I very much believe that pleasure is something to not be embarrassed about and to enjoy.”

  She sat opposite him, drinking her tea. “How many partners have you had?”

  “I don’t keep count, Blair. It’s never been something I want to brag about. I’ve had relationships, and I’ve indulged in great sex. I’m a safe, consensual partner. I don’t go looking for rushes or highs.”

  “I’ve had one person,” she said.

  Her cheeks were once again red.

  “All you need is one person.”

  “Last night was the first time I ever orgasmed during sex,” she said. “And you cared enough to make sure I did not once or twice, but several times.”

  The two condoms he’d had with him were now in the trash. He’d woken in the middle of the night with Blair in his arms. The sight of her tits, the feel of her soft body against him, and he couldn’t resist. He’d taken her slowly that second time, basking in every gasp and moan that came from her.

  “I don’t know why I’m even telling you these things. They’re private.”

  “Your pussy was wrapped around my dick a few short hours ago. Maybe I should be the one to ask you questions.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Have you ever had a threesome?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Do you want one?”

  “No. Maybe if Tom Hardy was the third person.” She winked at him, and he chuckled.

  “I see why you like English tea.”

  “I just like it.”

  “Have you ever had sex in a public place?”


  “Anywhere other than a bed?”


  “What about with the lights on?”


  “What about anal?”

  She coughed in her tea and shook her head. “No.”

  “Pity. You’ve got a great ass. Have you ever watched yourself?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “In the mirror, watched yourself be fucked.”

  She waved her hands in the air and shook her head. “I think we’re getting off track. It’s safe to say that I’m in no way as experienced as you.”

  He smiled as she pressed her hands to her face.

  “You’re a stranger.”

  “Sometimes it’s easier to do these things with a stranger.”

  “I don’t know. I just … was this a mistake?”

  “No,” he said. “How is your pussy feeling right now?”

  “You can’t do that.”

  “I really can. I told you I’m not embarrassed by these things, and you’re going to have to stop being so. I’m not going to let you hide from me. I want to know everything.” He got to his feet and moved toward her. He cupped her cheek, and she put h
er cup down. Sliding his fingers across her neck, he teased over the pulse then down again, going to her tit. She wore a robe, and he ran his thumb across the already hardened nipple. He wore a pair of old sweatpants that were from her ex.

  He didn’t like them, and also, they were too short for him. His cock was already hard and pressing against the front. Her gaze kept going to his length.

  “Take out my cock.”

  She gripped his pants and pulled out his length.

  “Good. Now stroke it.”

  Her fingers wrapped around the length, and she ran her hands up and down, starting at the base going up to the tip and down again. The head already held his pre-cum once again. She licked her lips.

  “Do you want to taste it?”


  “Then open your mouth.”

  She opened her lips.

  He held his cock and moved closer, placing the tip against her tongue. She took the tip of his cock into her mouth. Her gaze was now back on him as he thrust a bit more, hitting the back of her throat. When he pulled out completely, her saliva now coated his dick. He got her to work his length, up and down, and when he had more pre-cum for her to swallow, he gave it to her.

  He pulled out of her mouth and reached down, touching her pussy. She was soaking wet.

  They had no more condoms, so he got her up on the table with her head hanging over the edge. He liked how she followed his instructions even as she looked nervous as hell about them.

  With the new position he pressed his cock into her mouth and watched as she took him. He made sure she was comfortable before taking her pussy with his own mouth. Sliding two fingers inside her cunt, he felt her clench around him. He licked and sucked at her clit, teasing the nub.

  Slowly he thrust his cock into her mouth, being sure not to go too deep so that she didn’t gag on his dick.

  Using his fingers, mouth, and tongue, he brought Blair to orgasm, feeling when it hit her as she cried out around his length but didn’t push him away. She worked his dick until he couldn’t hold his orgasm back much longer. He slid inside and filled her mouth with his spunk.


  “I hear you’re spending a lot of time with that new fireman.”

  Blair smiled at her mother, Rachel’s, conversation opening. Not that they needed one. They could talk for hours, but Blair had been basking in the week of dirty sex she’d had with Dwayne.


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