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A Red Sky Has Fallen

Page 26

by Ryan Gilbert

  As they approached Yorktown, Riggs directed Clint to hide the ship so that they could not be seen. He was almost certain there would be an even stronger Navy presence because of Garrett’s attack. They had to anchor the ship miles away from the settlement, making the last leg of the journey a little harder than they had planned.

  Riggs, Julia, and Commodore Hamond went ashore and started the long walk through the woods to get to Yorktown. It was tough, but Riggs could not risk being seen in the town. They had to take a more secretive approach to get the Commodore back home. It took them well into the night to find the right trail, but eventually, the three made it back to the Hamond mansion.

  They approached the back entrance as quietly as they could. There was no light coming from inside the house at all. It was almost like nobody was there.

  Taking out a dagger, Riggs slid it in between the door and the doorframe and wedged the door open. The wood cracked and split, but it did not make too much noise.

  “Hope your servants are sound sleepers,” whispered Riggs.

  Together, Riggs and Julia helped her father into the house and sat him down at a table. His leg was still bothering him, and it desperately needed to rest. While Julia tried to find a cane for her father, Riggs swiped a bottle of wine to drink. He pried the cork out of it, sniffed it, and shrugged. It would be a good change from rum.

  The floorboards began to creak upstairs, but it did not bother the Captain. He heard them come down the stairs and into the entryway. A candle began to show, its yellow light shining in through the doorway. Once the barrel of a pistol appeared in the hallway, Riggs had his gun ready in a second.

  *click* *click*

  “Evenin’, Mrs. Hamond. Lovely night for a duel, eh?” said Riggs, lowering his weapon.

  She did not lower hers.

  “What do you want, Captain Riggs? What is the meaning of this intrusion?” she said, still in the hallway.

  Quickly taking a drink of the wine, Riggs said, “How ‘bout ye put the gun down, Ms. Hamond? I’m not here to hurt no one.”

  “Then why are you here?” she asked, slowly lowering her weapon.

  “Come an’ see. I think ye’ll find it quite pleasant,” he said, gesturing to the other room.

  Mrs. Hamond took one step into the room and saw her husband, sitting in the chair, rubbing his leg to try to get it to stop bothering him. The instant she saw him, she cried out in delight.

  “Matthew! I’m so glad you’re back,” she exclaimed, setting the candle and gun on a table and hugging her husband.

  “As am I, Catherine. You wouldn’t believe what I’ve been through.”

  “I didn’t see a ship return today. When did you get back?” she asked frantically.

  “I didn’t return with the Navy, dear. You see… my ship was destroyed, but the Captain here was kind enough to help bring me back.”

  “And our daughter? Is she with you?”

  At that moment, Julia came around the corner. Once she saw her mother, Riggs could see her face light up.

  Mrs. Hamond started to cry as her daughter ran to her and embraced her. After so many weeks of waiting for news, she had almost given up hope of seeing Julia again. It was relief to be able to hug her child again.

  “Sweetheart, I’m so glad you’re alive. I thought I’d lost you.”

  The family was whole again.

  Riggs watched the reunion silently from the corner. He knew that he did not belong. Julia was safe at last, and that was all he needed to know. Setting the bottle of wine on the table, he made his way out of the house. He did not want to say goodbye again. He could not even make himself say it.

  As his boots plodded across the grass, he tried to convince himself that he was doing the right thing. If she was free from harm, then it was right. He had forced himself to think that ever since they had first parted. By now, he had just accepted it.

  Just as he reached the tree line, he heard the door whip open behind him. He stopped, turning his head to see Julia standing on the lawn.

  “Robert Briggs… you are not leaving just yet.”

  Turning to face her, Riggs said, “You’re back home, love. You’re where ye belong.”

  “Is that so?” she said, sauntering closer, “Or is that where you think I belong? Come over here.”

  Riggs obeyed, just as the Commodore and Mrs. Hamond joined them outside.

  Julia said to the pirate, “Robert… please respect me enough to let me make my own decisions.”

  As her lover watched, Julia walked up to her parents and gave them each a hug and a kiss. Neither Riggs nor her parents knew what to say or do. Everything was all happening so fast.

  “I’m sorry, mother… but I only came back to say goodbye. I love Riggs… and I want to go with him.”

  With tears running down her cheeks, she embraced her mother again and said, “I’ll always love you.”

  Mrs. Hamond was at a loss for words, but she nodded her agreement before crying, “As will I, Julia. No matter where you are… or what you do, you’ll always be my baby girl.”

  Turning to her father, Julia could already see his eyes welling up with emotion. For the first time in years, the girl actually saw her father cry.

  “I never thought… this day would come,” he croaked.

  Giving a tearful smile, Julia said, “It had to come at some point, father.”

  She gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, “I’ll always be praying for you.”

  Wiping his eyes, the Commodore said, “Julia… give me your hand. There’s something I need to do.”

  She placed her hand in his, and he beckoned for Riggs to come closer. Once the pirate captain stepped in front of him, Commodore Hamond extended his hand, giving his daughter to her true love.

  “A father’s got to give his daughter to the man she loves. You have my blessing… son.”

  As Riggs took Julia’s hand, he gave a salute to the Commodore. He had to admire Matthew Hamond’s heart. Only a truly good man could do what he had just done.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Julia held onto Riggs’ arm as they walked back to the woods. Approaching the tree line, Riggs looked back, but the Hamonds waved them on. They knew that Julia could make her own decisions… even if that meant leaving them. The Captain accepted it at last, leading the girl into the forest and disappearing from her parents’ sight.

  They walked through the woods for hours in the dark. For the longest time, they did not say anything. They just let each other’s presence be enough. Julia rested her head on Riggs’ shoulder, letting her mind and heart wander. Riggs let everything that had just happened sink into his head. He did not have to convince himself that this was the right thing.

  It was the right thing.

  The sun was just starting to rise as the two lovers left the forest. In front of them lay hundreds of thousands of miles of ocean to sail and even more to be discovered.

  The Red Sky sat on the sea, the early rays of the sun just starting to hit the sails. Its battered, black hull and stitched, red sails were so inviting. Riggs chuckled and watched as the crew crowded on deck. Their cheers and celebration could be heard even from the shore.

  “Are you ready for a whole new adventure? Maybe some more treasure hunting?” Julia asked with a smile.

  “Ye know me too well, sweets,” Riggs replied.

  Giving her a kiss, he said, “On second thought… I have all the treasure I need… right here.”

  Julia blushed almost as red as the ship’s sails.

  “I guess the men’ll want some gold though. Better make sail then,” he said, teasing her.

  As they walked down to the longboat, hand in hand, Julia said, “You know, Riggs… I’ve always wanted to know the words to that song of yours. Care to teach it to me?”

  “Just listen and see if ye can follow,” he said with a grin.

  “Give me the sea;

  Give me the wind.

  Give me a ship

  To plunder the la

  Steal and lie;

  Steal and lie;

  There are no rules,

  But you will not die.

  Raise the skull and crossbones;

  Bring fear into a man’s soul.

  Shoot and loot; steal his gold;

  Bring him down to the depths below.

  To simple pirates,

  Love is like the sea.

  Possible for few;

  Certain it may be.

  Captain of the Red Sky,

  I be a lucky one.

  Start of a new era;

  A careless life is done.”

  The End… For Now


  A Red Sky Rising

  The Red Sky Series

  A Red Sky Is Upon Us

  A Red Sky Has Fallen

  A Red Sky Rising

  Dawn of a Red Sky

  Era of a Red Sky




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