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His Pretty Little Thief

Page 5

by Madison Faye

  His hips rock, forbidden pleasure teases through me, and with a small pop, suddenly, his thick, swollen head slips into my ass.

  I cry out, tensing as I gasp for air. But his hands are stroking my skin, and his lips are teasing down my neck, and when he pushes into me, the tightness suddenly melts into something wonderful.

  I moan quietly, my hand tight on my ass, fingers digging into my skin as I push back against him. His fat cock slides into me—slick from my pussy and his cum, and as it sinks deeper up my ass, I let out a cry of pure, filthy pleasure.

  “Just like that, little one,” he groans deeply, muscles clenching as he pushes his cock deeper and deeper. “Open up that naughty little ass for me.”

  He grunts, sliding deeper until I can feel his heavy balls pressed tight to my body. I groan deeply, my ass clenching and squeezing him so fucking tightly as he throbs and pulses. He pulls back, easing out of me as I whine in pleasure, clawing at the sheets and reaching back to slide my fingers into his hair. With just the thick head of him inside, his lips find mine, and as he kisses me fiercely, he thrusts all the way back in to the hilt.

  And I. Am. His.

  I scream for more when he starts to fuck my ass harder, and deeper, his muscled body coiling against me as his hips meet mine. His fingers slide over my hip, down to my pussy, and when he starts to roll my clit as he thrusts in and out of my ass, I suddenly come like rocket without a single warning.

  I’m still screaming for more and moaning like I’m possessed as he rolls us, pushing me down onto the bed as he mounts me from behind. I’m flat on the bed, his knees on either side of my legs and his cock deep in my ass as he starts to truly fuck me. I cry out, giving it all to him and begging him for more. His hand is between my body and the bedsheets, toying with my clit as he sinks his cock into my ass over and over again. His other hand slides into my hair, tangling in it and pulling it hard enough to make me come for him again, whining in pleasure as I flood his fingers and the sheets beneath us.

  It’s primal, and animalistic, and after I come again, I start to lose track of my orgasms. All I know is, I’ve never in my life felt so dominated and so utterly taken, and it’s so good, and so fucking hot that I’m not even sure I can take any more. My cries and his fill the room, the bed slamming against the wall as Knox fucks my ass like it’s his, his fist in my hair and his fingers rolling my clit as everything else in the world just fades away.

  I come again, shuddering in pleasure and gasping for air, when suddenly, I can feel his cock swelling up even thicker inside of me, and his grip on me tightening as a low growl rumbles from his lips. He thrusts into me, burying his big dick to the hilt in my tight, needy, naughty little ass, and he lets go.

  I moan as I feel his thick, hot cum blasting into me, coating my insides and filling me up to the brim as he pins me to the bed. His lips find my neck, his teeth raking over my skin as he grinds into me. Shot after shot of cum empties into my ass before the both of us finally collapse onto the bed, gasping for air.

  Knox rolls us, turning my head to kiss me slowly and tenderly as he wraps his big, muscled arms around me and pulls me tight.

  “That was… fuck, Simone,” he groans quietly, kissing me. “That was perfection, beautiful.”

  “Oh, that?” I grin lazily and happily, shrugging nonchalantly. “Just a typical Friday night with me, you know. Better hang on tight.”

  He chuckles, grinning as he leans in to kiss me slow and deep, until I can feel it in my damn toes.

  “Typical, huh? I hope I didn’t bite off more than I can chew.”

  I giggle, kissing him back as he strokes my skin, holding me so tenderly, soothing me after the hardcore fucking of my life he’s just given me.

  “I bet you can manage,” I say quietly as I pull back and lose myself in his gaze.

  He smiles, leaning in to kiss my lips again as he slowly and gently pulls his cock free of me. I whimper as I feel the thick torrent of his cum drip from my ass, and I feel so completely filled and covered with him that it’s almost a head rush of pleasure.

  “Come here, gorgeous,” he purrs, sliding from the bed and leaning down to scoop me easily into his chiseled arms. “Let’s get cleaned up.”

  He kisses me again as he strides across the room, into his bathroom and the waiting shower.



  AN HOUR and three orgasms for Simone from my fingers, tongue, and then cock later, we step out of big quadruple-head rain-shower to dry off. I wrap her small body in a big terry-cloth robe, pulling her into me and hugging her as she pants against my chest.

  “You, Mr. Carmichael,” she moans quietly as she grins into my skin. “You’re going to be the death of me.

  And the thing is, she may very well be the death of me, too, but damn what a way to go. I can’t fucking get enough of her. I mean hell, I’ve already claimed her mouth, her pussy, and her ass tonight, and cum in all three of them, and I still want more. I’m still harder than ever, and the thought of bending her over on all fours on my bed and watching my thick, big cock sliding into her obscenely tight little butt again is enough to make my balls twitch with need.

  But then I hear the sound of a cell phone ringtone going off—her cell phone, seeing as it’s not my ringer. Simone glances out of the bathroom door towards the bedroom, but just snuggles into me as it goes quiet. It goes off again, and again, we let it go. But then it goes off a third time, and she frowns as she pulls away from me.

  “Okay, who the hell is calling me this late?”

  And slowly, I start to grin.

  Simone shakes her head, still frowning. “Bianca would text, maybe, not call,” she murmurs, almost to herself. “And it’s not work. I’m off until Tuesday.”

  My grin widens. Yeah, I’ve got a pretty good idea who it is. And when the fucking thing goes off a fourth time in a row at roughly two o’clock in the morning, I know I’m right.

  It’s The Agency, wondering where the hell my semen is.

  See, though they may refer to themselves as this shadowy, secretive organization, really, they’re not. I’ve known about them for quite some time, and I also know that I’m at the top of their “list.” Not to be a pompous douche, but a sperm sample from a guy like me? With my success, my brains, my looks? It would go for a fortune on the black market to rich people who need some help with conception.

  But, while I feel for those people, fuck that. Selling my sperm without my knowledge or consent, so I can have kids out there in the world I don’t even know? Yeah, fuck everything about that.

  The Agency is going down.

  They’ve never been busted because they use desperate girls who will cover for them. If a girl does get caught in the act, they’ll pay her if she just plays it like she’s crazy and denies their existence. Simone isn’t crazy, of course, and she trusts me. Also, it’s safe to say that marrying me pretty firmly takes her out of the “desperate financial straits” situation in a pretty fucking big way.


  She half turns back to me, still shooting a glaring look at her phone as it goes off yet again.

  “What is—”

  “The Agency,” I say quietly. “That’s who’s calling you.”

  She turns fully towards me, swallowing.

  “You really do know it all, don’t you?”

  I nod. “I’ve known about them for a long, long time. Suffice to say, you’re not the first girl they’ve tried to use to get to me.”

  Simone’s face goes livid for a moment, flashing raw heat and anger before I laugh, shaking my head as I pull her into me.

  “You are the only one I ever even spoke to, love.”

  She purses her lips and God does she looks sexy with that spark of green envy in her eyes.

  “Trust me, I could see through them all.”

  “Including me,” she mutters.

  “Yeah,” I growl, tilting her head up and kissing her softly. “But I wanted to see through you. I wanted you to get to me.�

  The phone goes off again, and she groans. “God, they’re relentless.”

  “They’re a bunch of sick assholes is what they are,” I snarl, shaking my head. “They go after girls exactly like you—girls in dire financial straits or have nothing else to fall back on. Girls who might appeal to men like me—young, gorgeous, engaging.”

  She blushes, and I lean down to kiss her cheek. I take a breath, and then I look her in the eyes.

  “How’d you like to help make sure they burn. How’d you like to make sure they never send another girl out into this city to sleep with a man she doesn’t know and may very well not at all want to sleep with, because she has nowhere else to go for survival.”

  A cloud of red sweeps over her face, her lips a thin, tight line as she nods.

  “What can I do?”

  “I just need your phone, and that fucking ‘sample’ cup they gave you.”

  “And this will shut them down?”

  I smile tightly. “Simone, this will bury them.”

  She nods, her face hardened.

  “Let’s do this.”

  Within minutes, I’ve got my substantial law team who I’ve already had on-call on the phone and ready to go to war. My forensic guy, a former CIA hacker-type, rings my penthouse doorbell within ten minutes, laptop already open and ready to make copies of Simone’s cell phone records. I’ve had my hunches about the little “collection cups” The Agency gives the girls, since they’re way more high-tech than just a plastic jar. And sure enough, my forensic guy confirms that there’s a microchip and tracking device embedded in the screw-top, which can be reverse-traced.

  I grin. Oh, these assholes are going down. By the time my forensic guy leaves and I get off the phone with my army of lawyers, not to mention my guy in the District Attorney’s office, I know these Agency motherfuckers are going to be in chains within the hour.

  This isn’t just about me, either. I have a couple of friends in my little circle of men of my means who’ve also been taken by them, and you can be damn sure they’ll be civilly suing the shit out of The Agency, not to mention tracking down where their damn sperm went.

  But for now, after my guy leaves and after I finish my calls, I can take a breather. For now, we’ve won the battle while we prepare for war.

  I make my way to the kitchen, where Simone is wrapped in a big terrycloth robe of mine, sipping tea at the counter. She looks up as I walk over, a small frown on her beautiful face.

  “What is it, love?”

  She looks down.

  “You set this all up, didn’t you?”

  I won’t lie to her. Ever.

  “I did.”

  “How did you know it’d be me who they sent for you?”

  I smile. “I knew. I knew because I got Bianca the job.”

  Her eyes snap to mine, her mouth opening wide.


  “And I knew she’d get you involved.”

  Simone stares at me, doubt shadowing her face.

  “Knox, I don’t—I mean…” she shakes her head, her brow furrowing. “I don’t under—”

  “A month ago,” I say quietly as I move into her, sweeping her into my arms.

  “I went to a coffee shop. Not my normal one. One outside my neighborhood. I walked in, I ordered a cappuccino from this surly hipster with a beard and shitty tattoos, and I was fully prepared to go on with the rest of my life, when I happened to look up, and see the girl making my drink.”

  She freezes in my arms, and slowly, she lifts her head, bewilderment on her face.


  “I saw you, Simone. I saw you, and my entire fucking world just shifted on its axis. I saw you, and I knew I was done for.”

  She flushes, swallowing thickly as she stares into my eyes.

  “Wait, you set all of this up…”

  She bites her lip, and then without another second’s hesitation, she presses her lips to mine, kissing me softly.

  “You’re wondering why I didn’t just say something to you.”

  She blushes, grinning. “I mean, kind of.”

  I smile, shaking my head. “I wish it’d been that easy. If it was, I’d have told you loved you right fucking there, because beautiful, I fell in love with you right fucking then, the moment I saw you.” I sigh. “I didn’t, though, because I couldn’t. I knew I was at the top of The Agency’s list, and I knew they were watching me, and keeping tabs on me. If I’d just come out and showed that I was into you, they’d have found a way to get rid of you.”

  She pales, and I growl as I pull her close.

  “They needed me unattached, to try and get one of their girls with me to get what they were after. If they saw you as a threat to my being single…” I clench my jaw. “Well, I don’t want to imagine what they’re capable of.”

  “So, you walked away,” she whispers.

  I grin. “Sort of. I made enough of a show of interest in you that you’d at least be on their radar. I asked your manager about you, loud enough that I knew The Agency’s guy loitering in the shop tailing me would hear. I went back when you weren’t working and asked one of your coworkers about you, and if you had a boyfriend.”

  Simone starts to grin, her brows raised as she shakes her head at me.

  “That is some serious James Bond spy stuff!”

  I grin as I lean in to kiss her. “Damn right it is. And it worked.”

  Her smile falters for a moment. “God, wait, Bianca…” her face falls. “Knox, you got her into The Agency?”

  Okay, it’s true. I’m a devious motherfucker.

  “I did. I knew she was your roommate, and also financially running on fumes, and also pretty.”

  That flash of jealousy sears across Simone’s face, and I chuckle as I kiss the top of her head.

  “Easy, little one,” I purr. “I saw her out, at some club, and I made a very, very weak pass at her, knowing The Agency was watching.”

  Simone scowls, and I grin at her. “You know how sexy you look when you get that jealous look on your face?”

  She twists her mouth, trying to hide the smile.

  “I’m not interested in your friend, love,” I whisper, nodding at the ring on her finger. “I hope you get that.”

  She grins sheepishly. “I do.”

  “Well, I made a few crude passes at your friend, just pretending to be a drunk rich asshole and telling her how I just wanted something casual, again, loudly. I had my tech guy turn off her credit card, too, so when she went to pay her tab, it came up with insufficient funds. Simone,” I sigh. “Trust me, I owe your friend an apology, but it was all part of the plan. And sure enough, those Agency assholes were on her that very night, recruiting her when she was most desperate, like the jackals they are. They got her to get to me, of course. But I summarily dismissed her the two times she made pretty bad attempts at feigning interest in me out at some club.”

  Simone stares, shaking her head before she frowns.

  “But, Knox, she…” her face darkens. “God, Bianca did work for The Agency, though,” she says quietly, lips pursing tight. “Knox, there were men she did jobs for.”

  There’s a sickly tone to her voice as her face sours.

  “My friend had to go seduce three—”


  I smile, and Simone frowns.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Simone, your friend has, shall we say, embellished quite a few factors of her life. She did work for The Agency, but it wasn’t the number of men she told you, trust me.”

  She frowns. “And how do you know?”

  I grin. “Does anything about what I’m telling you make you think I’d ‘wing it’ with any part of this?”

  She smiles furtively.

  “Bianca didn’t have to go home with the number of men she may have told you. It was…” I smile. “Well, perhaps she should tell you. It’s not three, though. And trust me, she’s as set right now as you are, for similar reasons.”

  Her brows shoot
up. “What?”

  “Beautiful,” I spread my arms. “There was no ‘chance’ to any part of this. I had it all planned out, including who Bianca was set up with. You should hear it from her, but trust me, she’s finding her own happy ever after right now, too.”

  Simone shakes her head, a small smile creeping over her lips.

  “You are a very tricky guy, you know.”

  I chuckle. “Just call me Bond.”

  “Bianca’s really okay?”

  “She’s in very good hands, and she is much more than okay. Trust me.”

  She smiles as she wraps her arms around me. “I do.”


  I sigh, pulling her close as I nuzzle my face into her neck.

  “I’ve wanted you for so fucking long, beautiful,” I growl. She turns her face towards me, and my fingers slide into her long blonde hair as our mouths come together heatedly.

  “And now, I’ve got you.”

  “Damn right you do,” she breathes, moaning as she kisses me. “I mean,” she giggles. “You did ask me to marry you on our first date.”

  I grin. “Damn right I did.”

  “That’s actually pretty hot.”

  I shrug. “I know what I want, and I know when I want it.”

  “And you wanted me, huh?” she breathes.


  Our lips come crashing together again, and I growl as I scoop her into my arms and start marching for my bedroom again.

  “You don’t ever get tired, do you?” she moans eagerly into my mouth.

  “With you? Never.”

  “Or soft,” she giggles, reaching down and cupping the thick erection in my briefs.

  “If you’re going to be around me all the time, it might actually be a problem.”

  She pulls away from me, grinning impishly as she bites her lip. “Well, we can’t have that, can we? Good thing I’ll be around to take care of you, isn’t it?”

  I just growl, and she shrieks as she goes tumbling across my bed, with me instantly stalking over her, pinning her to the bedsheets.

  “I love you, little thief.”

  She yanks me into her, searing her lips to mine.

  “I love you too,” she whispers. “But I’m not sure I’m the thief here.”


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