A Companion to Late Antique Literature

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A Companion to Late Antique Literature Page 95

by Scott McGill

Nazianzen 202, 204

  Nemesius of Emesa 335, 574

  neologisms 144

  Neoplatonism 11, 224, 338

  Nepotianus, Januarius 444

  Nestorianism 49, 113, 169, 172, 336, 409, 441

  Nestorius (theologian of the East Syriac Church) 50, 54, 335, 409, 536

  Neuwirth, Angelika 137

  New Persian literature 577

  New Testament 64, 80, 202 see also Jesus Christ

  compared to Old Testament 34

  Florilegia 440

  Greek 603, 607

  and poetry 34, 230, 231, 232, 271

  pseudepigraphy 531

  and sermons 344

  translation 11, 17, 49, 113, 533, 534, 535

  Nicaea I (325) (ecumenical council) 11

  Nicaea II (787) (ecumenical council) 11

  Nicaeno‐Constantinopolitan creed 335, 336

  Nicander 393

  Nicene Creed 330, 334, 339

  Nicene faith 15, 50, 168, 333, 336, 409

  Nicomachus 525, 527

  Nicomedia, earthquake of 201

  Nicostratus of Trebizond 146

  Nikephoros (806–815) 561

  nineteenth‐ and twentieth century writing 627–641 Beat Generation 636–638

  decadent and aesthetic late antique literatures 628–633

  Modernism 633–636

  present and future late antique literatures 638–639

  Nino (holy woman) 93, 94

  Nonnos of Panopolis (fl. ca. 430) 13 Christian poetry 264

  epic poetry 221, 223, 224, 227

  epigrams and occasional poetry 252, 256

  nonsense syllables 289

  O.Cairo 44674.118 483–484

  occasional poetry 245–246

  O.Col.inv. 766 482–483

  Odes of Solomon 49, 50

  Ojneci’i, Yovhannes (650–729) 81

  Old Arabic 127, 128, 129

  Old Syriac (Syriac version of individual Gospels) 48

  Old Testament 202 see also Exodus; Genesis

  biblical commentary 318

  Cain and Abel 226

  commentaries 48

  compared to New Testament 34

  Florilegia 440

  and Greek literature 11

  Isaac, sacrifice of 226

  miracles 586

  paraphrase 260

  Peshitta translation 15, 48, 49, 533

  and poetry 34, 227, 231, 232, 271

  Olympiodorus of Thebes 154, 155, 224, 406, 407

  Oman 126

  On Celestial Signs (Lydus) 540, 541, 542, 543, 548

  On God/Against the Sects (Eznik Kolbac’i) 79, 80, 91

  On Human Life (George of Pisidia) 226, 256

  On Months (Lydus) 540, 541, 542, 543, 548

  On the Priesthood (Chrysostom) 350, 353

  oracles, in verse 262

  oral culture 297

  “Oral Formulaic” verse 130

  oral literary tradition 104

  oration, festal 197, 202–204

  oratory epideictic see epideictic oratory

  panegyrical and secular, in Latin works 28–30

  Ordo Salutationis (legal text) 419, 420

  Orestes (mythological work) 32

  Organon, The, (Aristotle) 526

  Oribasius of Pergamum 147, 493, 495, 496

  Orientius (Bishop of Auch) 255, 272, 273

  Origen (ca. 186–254) 31, 63, 80, 231, 315, 318, 323, 378, 379, 408 Contra Celsum 12, 333

  De principiis 332–333, 334, 339

  Homilies on Genesis 314, 317

  sermons 345–346

  Orosius (d. post 418) 29, 153, 186, 334, 368, 591

  orthography 456

  Ostrogothic administration 420

  Otto of Freising (d. 1158) 591

  Ovid 32, 244, 251, 319, 425

  P. Bouriant 1 480–481

  P. Cotsen‐Princeton 1 481–482

  Pabst, Bernhard 281

  Pacatus Drepanius 215

  Pachomian federation 69, 70

  Pachomius (Christian monastic founder) 10, 67, 70

  paganism/pagan beliefs 79, 89, 96, 147, 251, 270, 328, 560 antiquarian literature 545, 549

  Armenia 79, 83

  and Christianity 261, 263, 269, 270

  literary material 436

  Pahlavi (Middle Persian) literature 103–121 apocalyptic and visionary texts 108–110

  Avesta, commentary on 106–107, 111

  Christian and Manichaean literature 113–114

  cultural texts 112–113

  dictionaries 113

  didactic texts 110

  earliest remains 104

  geographical and epic texts 110–111

  Greek and Sanskrit literature, contact with 114–115

  inscriptions 104

  and Islam 103–106, 110, 111, 114–115, 116

  legal texts 111–112

  Manichaean literature 574–575

  philosophical and debate texts (Pahlavi) 108

  prose fiction, translation 530, 531

  Psalms 105

  Sasanian period (224–651 CE) 103, 106, 107, 114, 115

  scientific terminology 114

  technical religious terminology 114

  Zoroastrianism 103, 105–107, 109, 112, 116

  Pahlavī Rivāyats 107 Pahlavi Rivāyat of Adurfranbay 110

  Pahlavi Rivāyats Accompanying the Dādestān ī Dēnīg 110

  Palaemon, Remmius 453, 454

  Palatine Anthology 224, 263, 264

  Palestine, 17, 88

  Palladius 377, 493, 498

  panegyrical (laudatory discursive) works 209–220 consular 228

  epic poetry 228–229

  flowery style (stylum pingue atque floridum) 29, 30, 34

  fourth century 28

  Greek 14

  hexameter 209

  inscriptions 512

  legal texts 427–429

  mini‐panegyrics 36

  oratory, Latin works 28–30

  poetry 223–225

  as propaganda 217

  prose 29

  verse 29, 30, 32

  Panegyrici Latini 29, 195, 212, 215, 217

  panegyricus 215

  Panegyricus (Pliny) 212

  Pange lingua (Fortunatus) 273

  Panhellenic games 197

  Pannartz, Arnold 601

  Pannonius subagrestis 150

  papal letters 35

  papyri 298 Arabic 136

  Bodmer papyrus 225

  consularia 178

  Egyptian 10, 524

  Greek and Coptic languages 10–11

  transition from papyrus roll to codex 144, 432

  parabiblical texts 534

  paradise 108

  paradoxical encomium 204

  paradoxography 204

  parahistoriographical genres 162

  paraphrase 226, 243–244 biblical 264, 314

  Christian poetry 260, 263

  philosophical commentary 302–303

  Psalms 271

  Paraphrase of the Gospel of John (Nonnus) 227, 264

  Paraphrase of the Psalms 264, 411

  Parentalia (Ausonius) 32

  Paris, Julius 431, 444

  Parkinson, Thomas 636, 638

  Parmenides 297

  parody 291

  P’arsman (K’art’velian royalty) 91

  Parthians, acculturating 95, 96

  Paschale Campanum 182, 187

  Paschale Carmen 231, 232

  Passion of Habo (Iovane Sabanis‐że’) 90

  Passion of Šušanik, The, (hagiography) 89, 94

  past, the perspectives on 544–547

  and the present 548–550

  presenting 540–543

  Pater, Walter 631, 632, 633

  Patricius 264

  Patrologia Graeca (Migne) 263

  Paul (biblical) 80, 329

  Paul of Tamma 66

  Paul the Deacon (d. 799) 591, 592

  Paul the Silentiary 224, 264

  Paula (aristocrat
ic traveler) 361, 362

  Paulina, Fabia Aconia 253, 254

  Paulinus of Béziers 272

  Paulinus of Nola (ca. 354–431) 33, 395, 635 and Christian poetry 270, 273

  epigrams and occasional poetry 247, 249

  and Western Middle Ages 587–588

  Paulinus of Pella (d. post 461) 27, 33, 249, 272, 376

  Paulinus of Périgueux 232, 273

  Paulus of Tyre 474

  Paulus Silentarius 245, 256

  Pelagia of Antioch 381

  Pelagius 606

  Pentadius 243, 253

  Pentateuch 524, 586

  Pergamene Temple of Apollonis, Cyzicus 252

  Pericles, funeral oration of 202

  periegeseis and periploi 366–368

  Periochae Homeri Iliadis et Odyssiae 443

  Peristephanon (verses on Christian martyrs by Prudentius) 33

  Peshitta biblical translation 15, 48, 49, 533

  Peter of Cluny (d. 1156) 589

  Petrarch, Francesco 599

  Petronius 288

  Peutinger, Konrad 365

  Peutinger map 365, 366

  Pharr, Clyde 418

  Philip II of Macedon 198, 444

  Philip of Side 165

  Philo of Alexandria 329

  Philoponos, John 12, 574

  philosophy see also specific Greek philosophers, such as Plato

  commentary see commentary

  dispute between Christians and Neoplatonic philosophers 12–13

  Greek 11–12, 54, 297

  Latin literature 31–32

  Pahlavi (Middle Persian) literature 108

  and poetry 286, 287

  and prosimetra 285–286

  Syriac literature 56–58

  systematization of 11

  translation 525–526

  Philostorgius (ca. 424–438) 154, 162, 164, 168, 169

  Philostratus 210

  Philoxenian translations (ca. 507/508) 15

  Philoxenus of Mabbug (d. 523) 48, 49, 52, 53, 55

  phonemic vowels 129

  Photios/Photius 146, 154, 437, 440, 442, 549, 559, 564 Bibliotheke 145, 558, 559

  Physics (Aristotle) 303, 306, 572

  Piacenza pilgrim 39, 364

  Piccione, Rosa 441

  pilgrims 363, 364, 518

  Pisentius of Koptos (569–632) 71

  Plato 12, 57, 80, 284, 285, 331, 402, 473, 577, 580 philosophical commentary 297, 299–302, 305

  Protagoras 297

  Republic 65

  Timaeus 303

  Platonic Theology (Proclus) 304–305

  Pliny the Elder (23–79 CE) 434, 442, 495, 496, 501

  Pliny the Younger (61–112 AD) 29, 34, 212, 213, 495, 614 and letters/letter collections 390, 391, 393–398

  Plotinus (205–270 CE) 12, 299–300, 301, 302, 306, 525

  Plutarch 289, 304, 440, 473, 486, 559

  Pluto 230, 255

  Pocock, J.G.A. 612

  Poemata Arcana 263

  poetry see also epigrams; verse

  Arabian literature 129–133, 138

  autobiographical 264

  biblical 34, 226, 231 New Testament 34, 230, 231, 232, 271

  Old Testament 34, 227, 231, 232, 271

  Christian 225–227, 259–280 Greek 260–266

  classical 28, 259, 377, 496

  elegiacs 248, 249, 250, 587, 588

  encomiastic 248

  epic see epic poetry

  epigraphic 251, 253–254

  female poets 133, 231

  figural 242, 243, 266

  formal 125

  Greek 5, 251

  Hebraic 264

  hexameters see hexameters

  iambics see iambics

  immoral 261

  Latin 5, 266–273

  liturgical 13, 261–262

  minor 255

  occasional 241, 245–246

  panegyrical 223–225

  and philosophy 286, 287

  poetic middle way 261

  poetics, Christian 260–261

  polemical 263

  public 29

  quasi‐tragedies 376

  short‐form 130, 241

  spiritual uses 262

  Syriac literature 5, 49–51

  theological 49

  translation 529–530

  “wandering poets” 245

  wedding 198

  polemical poems 263

  Polemon 316

  Polybius 162

  Polycarpus 97

  polymetry 248

  polytheism 93, 135, 362

  Pomerius, Julianus 30

  Pompeius 454–455

  Pomponius 242

  Pontius Pilate 410

  Porphyry 12, 16, 81, 458, 525, 560 philosophical commentary 300, 302, 304, 309

  Porter, Peter 639

  Possidius 39

  Pound, Ezra 631, 634, 635

  P.Oxy. 1786(hymn) 261

  practicability, pursuit of 500–502

  Praeparatio evangelica 334

  Praetextatus, Vettius Agorius 216, 253, 254, 269, 525, 545

  Praetorian Prefecture 540–541

  Praise of Baldness (Synesius of Cyrene) 204

  Praise of Folly (Erasmus) 205

  praise speeches see panegyrical (laudatory discursive) works

  preaching 344, 346, 347, 349, 354 see also sermons

  apostolic 345

  audiences 352–353

  missionary 345

  scriptural commentary 345

  précis 434, 464

  priests 84, 94, 144, 348, 353, 526, 571 see also bishops

  and Pahlavi literature 106, 110

  Zoroastrian 103, 116, 575

  print culture 601

  Prior Analytics 525

  Priscian 209, 247, 303 and grammar 453, 457, 461, 462, 463, 464

  Priscianus, Theodorus 495, 500

  Priscus of Panium 155

  Prisoner’s Philosophy, The, (Relihan) 282

  Pro lege Manilia (Cicero) 212

  Proba, Anicia Fultonia 254

  Proba, Faltonia Betitia 231, 242, 267, 268, 436, 496

  Probus, Petronius 254

  Probus, Titius 444

  Proclus 249, 304–305

  Procopius of Gaza (ca. 465–525) 13, 14, 89, 163, 368, 393, 441 and classicizing of history/historical epitomes 144, 155–156

  epigrams and occasional poetry 247, 248

  Proculus, L. Aradius Valerius 508–509, 510, 512, 513, 518 statue of 517

  Prohaeresius (rhetorician) 77

  Prokopios 562

  Propempticon ad libellum (Sidonius Apollinaris) 495

  Propertius 425

  prophecy 345

  prose Armenian ecclesiastical and theological works in 79–81

  epideictic oratory 193

  epitaphios (prose eulogy) 202

  free psalmic 248

  hagiography 264

  and mixed‐meter satire 283

  panegyrical works 29

  prose fiction, translation 530–532

  theological 80–81

  and verse see prosimetra

  proselytizing 345

  prosimetra 281–295 Consolation 285–287

  literary shifts in the second century 287–289

  mixed‐meter satire 283–285

  pre‐Boethian and post‐Boethian traditions 291–292

  sympotic literature 289–290

  prosopography 510

  Prosper, Vatican epitome 182

  Prosper of Aquitaine (d. ca. 455) 33, 38, 184, 187, 244, 255, 587

  Protagoras (Plato) 297

  Protestantism 173, 603, 608

  Proverbs 64, 66, 78

  Providential History 37

  Prudentius (d. ca. 405) 33, 242, 250, 255, 270–271, 273, 587, 614, 635

  Psalms 64, 105, 244, 346 and Christian epics 264

  and Greek epic poetry 226–227

  paraphrase 271

  Psellos/Psellus 256, 558, 563, 566, 568

  pseudepigraphy (f
alsely‐attributed works) 401–415 alchemical writings 405

  ascriptions deliberate or not 402

  definitions/terminology 401

  forgeries 402, 407, 408–409, 410, 411

  genuine religious 407–408

  Hellenistic era 403, 405

  historical texts 406

  imitation of canonical models, in Greek education 403

  innocent 408

  intentionality 402

  late antique pseudepigraphy 404–411

  medical, technical and similar texts 404–406

  New Testament 531

  origins in antiquity 402–404

  scholarly canons 403–404

  typology 402

  Pseudo‐Apuleius 495

  Pseudo‐Aristotle 525

  Pseudo‐Augustine 453

  Pseudo‐Callisthenes 406

  Pseudo‐Caper 462

  Pseudo‐Clementine 408, 410

  Pseudo‐Dionysius 16, 52, 57, 337, 338, 339, 560

  Pseudo‐Galen 405

  Pseudo‐Isidorian Decretals 411

  Pseudo‐Isocrates 473

  Pseudo‐Joshua the Stylite 167

  Pseudo‐Probus 453

  Pseudo‐Soranus 405

  Pseudo‐Thessalus 405

  Pseudo‐Zachariah 165, 171

  Psychomachia (allegorical text by Prudentius) 33, 271

  Ptolemy 525, 527, 528, 577

  public poems 29

  Pus ī Dāneš Kāmag (The Youth in Desire of Knowledge) 108

  Pythagoras 525

  qāfiya (rhyme of final consonants) 130

  qaṣıdas (odes) 130, 133, 135

  Quadratus 332

  quadriga Messii 460

  quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music) 27

  Quaestiones medicinales 405

  quasi‐tragedies 376

  Quenneshre, monastery of 54

  Querolus (theatrical work) 33

  Question 45 (Ambrosiaster) 314, 320

  Quintilian 195, 215, 316, 333

  Quintus 222

  Quodvultdeus of Carthage 352

  Qurʾān 123, 124, 136, 137–138, 531–532, 570

  Raby, F.J.E. 635


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