Crashing Hearts- The Complete Series

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Crashing Hearts- The Complete Series Page 40

by Zane Menzy

  “I’ll tell you what, Damo,” Todd whispered. “I’m not a fag like you, but I could still make your day.” He tightened his grip around Damon’s cock.

  Damon shivered and closed his eyes, letting Todd explore his privates. “How do you propose to do that?”

  “Come inside and I’ll give it to you just how I saw you give it to Matt. No one has to know that you’re this way.”

  Damon grabbed hold of Todd’s bronzed legs, rubbing them erotically. “Yeah?” he whispered, raising his hands ‘till they rested on the firmness of Todd’s buttocks.

  Todd let go of Damon’s meat, leaning forward so they were face to face. “Yep. Come inside and you can see what it’s like to be fucked by a proper stud. Not some white trash dropkick.”

  Damon smiled. “There’s only one problem.”

  “What’s that,” Todd said.

  Without warning, Damon hurled his head forward crashing it into Todd’s nose. Todd cried out in pain, falling to the side and Damon pounced, landing atop of him, pinning Todd down just the way he had done to Damon. “The problem is, Todd, that you will never ever fuck me! It will be a cold day in hell before any man shoves his cock in me.”

  Todd struggled to break free, coughing and spluttering. His nose ran with a red river of blood. “Get off me, Damon!”

  “Not until you tell me why the fuck you have been vandalising my house.”

  Todd writhed beneath him, struggling to escape Damon’s clutches, but it was all in vain. “Get the fuck off me,” he growled again.

  “Tell me why, Todd! And then I’ll let you go.”

  Todd stared up at him. His eyes began to moisten with tears. “Why don’t you ask Jenna.”

  “Ask Jenna what?”

  Todd turned his face to the side, tears spilling. “Ask Jenna how she was a fucking cock tease that led me on.”

  Damon felt like an electric shock had zapped his body. “What the fuck are you on about?”

  “Your mum and me made out. She was fully fucking into it. Grabbed hold of my cock. Let me kiss her tits. Slip my fingers in her.”

  Damon’s stomach turned. He hopped off Todd and released his hands. Damon sat on the ground, shaking his head. “Jenna wouldn’t fucking do that.”

  “Well, she did. And I know she wants to do it again despite what she says,” Todd sputtered.

  Damon stared at his best mate. Todd’s eyes burned with the fire of truth and dashed hope. “So, you what? Started vandalising our house with shit all because she didn’t want to do it again?”

  Todd wiped his bloody nose, looking down at his blood-stained hands. “Yep. That’s pretty much it.”

  Damon’s voice cracked as he brought up the most hurtful part, “Why—why would you say Victoria dying was the best thing to ever happen? That is just fucking twisted, Todd.”

  Todd sighed. “I know.” He glanced over at Damon. “But… me and Jenna only hooked up because she was so upset after Victoria died and I was there trying to comfort her.”

  The reason annoyed Damon something terrible. “It wasn’t your job to try and comfort my fucking mother Todd.” Damon swatted his hand in the air, refusing to agree with the scenario. “Like, why the fuck would you even try taking advantage of a woman who just lost their child.”

  “It wasn’t like that,” Todd spat back. “She was sad, so I hugged her. She was the one that fucking took it down the physical path, not me. Then she has the gumption to fucking deny me, turn around and say it was nothing. It wasn’t fucking nothing. I could tell.”

  Damon looked over at his soon to be former best mate. Todd was deluded. Wishful thinking had tricked him into confusing a fantasy with reality. He was furious with Todd but a part of him sympathised. “You have to stay away from Jenna, Todd. This crap with dumping the twins shit on our doorstep has to stop. Now!” Damon fired the words out with heartfelt conviction.

  “I’m not stopping ‘till she talks with me again. I know it’s fucked up cos it’s your mum but she owes me more than what she gave.”

  “Jenna owes you fucking nothing.” Damon glared at him, emphasising his point. “Don’t be such a fucking wanker.”

  “Whatever faggot,” Todd muttered.

  The insult stung. Damon decided he didn’t like this word very much. “You can hardly talk. You were just grabbing my cock wanting to fuck me.”

  “I wasn’t serious,” Todd snapped back. “You’re the one who’s a bum fucker. Not me.”

  Damon realised they had a problem. They had dirt on each other and the situation was delicate. He took a breath and replied diplomatically, “I was just trying something out. That’s all. Nothing more.”

  “Yeah and I was trying your mother out. That’s all. Nothing more.”

  Damon curled his fist up into a ball. “Be careful what you say, Todd.”

  “What? That Jenna’s a cock teasing slut.” He laughed. “That’s nothing compared to what the town think of her.”

  Damon’s skin crawled, he was losing his thin hold on composure. “Don’t talk about my mother like that.”

  “Oh, come on, Damo. Even you know the whole town calls her a gold-digging whore.”

  Damon leered forward, hovering his fist in front of Todd’s face.

  Todd laughed, mocking him. “Cool your heels, Nancy.”

  “Fuck you, Todd.”

  A nasty glint appeared in Todd’s eye. “Since we’re busy spilling secrets, I’ve got another one for you while you’re here.”

  Damon didn’t say anything, he looked at the vile look on Todd’s face, a sense of revulsion filled his bones. How had he never seen this side of his best friend before?

  Todd bared his teeth with a sickly smile. “Turns out your father agrees with everybody else in town about your mum now.” He nodded to himself. “Apparently, he regrets ever leaving Sally. He regrets you and your sister. The whole fucking lot.”

  “Stop making shit up.”

  “I wish I was, mate. But I’m not. Your father was drinking at the yacht club a couple months back with my dad and after a few too many whiskeys he let it all pour out.”

  “Dad would never say something like that.”

  “I can assure you he did, Damo. Your whole existence is like one big mistake in his life. If he had his way, he would have never spunked inside your mother’s cheap pussy.”

  Damon snapped. He hurled his body forward, punching Todd in the face three times, each hit harder than the last ‘till Todd managed to crawl out of reach. Damon panted, shaking. “You are just a fucking demon.”

  Todd’s face shone red from the whacks, his eyes squinting. He cast Damon a filthy look. “Don’t be hitting me for your father’s words, Damon. He said them, not me.”

  Damon stared into Todd’s eyes, searching for any hint of a lie. The bastard’s telling the truth. Dad really did say this. It was a bitter pill to swallow. His father had always been aloof but so had Jenna. Neither of them had been bundles of cuddly joy with him or Victoria growing up. But if he were being honest with himself there was a difference between Jenna and his father. Jenna had a spark his father did not possess. Damon had always thought the spark was the mark of a fighter, someone who was stubborn and difficult. But he was wrong. The spark was love. It was a ferociously protective instinct that looked out for her family. An instinct his father did not share.

  “I didn’t want to tell you, Damo. I really didn’t. No one needs to be told something like that. But you fucking asked for it,” Todd said, rubbing his injured face.

  “Whatever,” Damon muttered.

  “Imagine how much more disappointed he will be when he finds out he has a homo for a son,” Todd said.

  Damon jerked his head up. “I’ve told you. I’m not fucking gay, Todd.”

  “I don’t know if that’s how everyone will feel after I tell them.”

  “You fucking wouldn’t,” Damon hissed.

  “Are you willing to take that risk? Don’t forget, loose lips sink ships.”

  Damon cringed. He
didn’t want his ship sunk. If Todd was vicious enough to stain a house with shit when he didn’t get what he wanted, then there was every chance he would open his mouth to try and ruin Damon’s reputation. “What is it you want, Todd?”

  “What I want most of all is to fuck Jenna,” Todd said. “You can have a word with her for me maybe?”

  “Get fucking real. That’s never gonna happen.”

  Todd sighed for dramatic effect. “I guess I could settle for fucking her son instead, if I really had to.”

  “You’re not fucking me, Todd. I told you that.” Damon shook his head, amazed by Todd’s sudden interest in fucking him. “Since when did you ever want to fuck me, anyway?”

  Todd shrugged. “I don’t particularly.”

  “Then why bloody ask?”

  “Because it will be one hell of a way to get one up over Jenna by getting my cock inside you.” He nodded his head then looked Damon in the eyes. “Haven’t you ever wondered about it, though? Me and you?”

  “No,” Damon said sternly. He saw the way Todd was glaring at him in disbelief. Damon sighed, letting free a well-hidden snippet of honesty. “I maybe thought about it when we were younger. But never seriously.”

  “I fucking knew it,” Todd said, sounding pleased with himself. “You’ve always had a vibe like you wanted me.”

  “No, Todd. I just thought about it when I was a horny-as-fuck virgin. I imagined lots of shit back then.”

  “You weren’t imagining fucking Matt last weekend.”

  Damon ignored the comment.

  “So, Damo. What’s it gonna be? Bite the pillow or be helped along coming out to the whole world.” Todd shuffled forward on his knees and grabbed hold of Damon’s wrist and guided his hand to his abs. He looked at Damon with a hopeful smile. “Play with my cock,” he whispered. “You can suck it to say sorry for punching me.”

  Damon gulped. He didn’t like his choices. But between the two, he would rather keep his reputation than have everyone in town know he had fucked another guy. He slid his hand over Todd’s snail trail, slipping it under the waistband of Todd’s shorts. He raked his fingers through Todd’s nest of curly pubes ‘till he felt his best mates dick, warm and semi-erect, waiting to be serviced. Damon slowly squeezed Todd’s girth, not looking forward to going inside the house where he would be bent over and fucked like a piece of meat. Becoming the latest victim of Todd’s philosophy; just another hole that became a goal.

  This isn’t fucking fair, Damon thought. He wasn’t like this. He didn’t want to be fucked. He didn’t want to suck Todd’s dick. Images of Matt swept his mind, reminding him he was guilty of what Todd was doing right now. I really am a horrible person. He sighed, accepting that karma was about to happen. There was no way out of paying the price for his sins.

  Todd’s cock hardened in Damon’s hand, throbbing between his reluctant fingers. The hardness of his best mate’s dick told Damon that Todd was fully hard. He kept hold of him, tugging gently in slow wanking motions.

  Todd wasn’t lying when he said Damon would win a cock contest between them. Todd’s rock hard prick was slender and didn’t feel too long. Still, it didn’t matter that the blonde prick’s cock was below average, Damon knew it would still fucking hurt going inside his virgin hole.

  “Touch the tip,” Todd said. “Feel what you’re doing to me.”

  Damon dropped his fingers to the tip of Todd’s dick that oozed with sticky precum. Todd pulled his shorts down to his knees, exposing his leaking dick gripped between Damons furled fingers. Seeing was believing. There was no denying that he was jacking Todd off. Damon stared down, casting his judgement on his hand forced into submission, pleasing his mate’s petite cock.

  “It’s not the biggest but I can assure you it does the trick,” Todd crowed.

  “Yeah,” Damon mumbled. “I’m sure it does.”

  “You like it?” Todd asked.

  Damon hesitated. There was no point in upsetting Todd— the guy in charge of how Damon would be fucked. Maybe if I’m nice, he’ll go easy on me, Damon thought. He pulled his hand away and inspected Todd’s cock properly. “You’ve got a nice-looking cock, man.”

  Todd laughed. “It’ll look a whole fucking lot nicer once it’s inside you.”

  Damon placed his hand back to Todd’s cock, tugging faster, hoping he could make him cum before it got to such intrusive intimacy.

  Todd grabbed Damon’s arm, halting the speedy handjob. “Not so fast. I don’t want to cum yet.” He shivered slightly then said, “Lick your fingers.”

  “What?” Damon said, dumbstruck.

  “Lick your fingers. Taste my jizz.”

  Damon shook his head. “I’m not so keen on that, mate.”

  Todd lifted Damon’s chin, beating his eyes with a surly stare and whispered, “Lick your fucking fingers.”

  “Fuck sake,” Damon sighed, relenting. He scooped up a dollop of Todd’s precum on his fingertip and shoved it in his mouth, sucking down on the sharp sweetness. He screwed his face up as he swallowed Todd’s juice. He wondered if he would ever be able to get rid of the taste, this sexual flavour that belonged solely to Todd.

  Todd grinned, impressed by the effort. “Good man.” He tapped Damon on the shoulder. “Shall we go inside?”

  Damon looked down at Todd’s erect cock jutting out. Jittery panic gripped Damon’s voice, “I don’t think I can do this, Todd.” He shook his head. “I really can’t do this.”

  “Come on, Damo. Just get your arse inside and seal the deal.” A shadow of irritation blotched Todd’s face. “Or do you want me to go outside and let Lexi be the first person to hear how you’re an arse bandit? I think she’ll find it pretty fucking hilarious, don’t you reckon?”

  A voice hurled across the yard. “I think she would find it wonderful if you ask me.” Damon turned around and saw Lexi appear from behind one of the fruit trees.

  Todd quickly hoisted his pants back up. “How long have you fucking been there?”

  “Long enough,” Lexi said. “Seriously, did you really think I would go wait in the car for you two to stop your fighting. I’m far too bloody nosey for that.”

  Damon’s face burned in shame. He couldn’t believe Lexi had just busted him stroking Todd’s cock. He covered his face with his hands and groaned. “Fuck this is embarrassing.”

  “You’re telling me,” Todd muttered.

  “So, Damon, do you want Todd to fuck you?” Lexi asked bluntly.

  “No,” Damon said. “No, I don’t.”

  “Good. That’s settled then.” Lexi stood still, tapping her foot on the ground, staring at Todd with dagger-like eyes. “Todd. I suggest you get some fucking help and deal with your issues. Jenna doesn’t want you. Get that through your thick skull.” She turned her attention to Damon. “And Damon, you need to stop being such a slut and fucking everybody. Leave some for the rest of us. And both of you need to stop thinking with your fucking cocks!”

  Damon’s mouth gaped open, shocked at Lexi’s quick summary of the situation. He got to his feet and went to stand beside her.

  Todd stayed on the ground, hiding his crotch with his hands. “Hey, Damo. I’ll call you tonight to talk things through.”

  Lexi let out a sad laugh. “You won’t be calling him, Todd. We all know that you’ll try and wrangle some sort of deal out of him. Now I don’t care if either of you are straight, gay, bi or tri-sexual, but no one is doing anything they don’t want to do.”

  Todd finally rose to his feet, his arousal no longer visible. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said sounding innocent.

  “I was right there behind that tree, Todd.” Lexi pointed to a bushy orange tree. “So I know exactly the threats you were making.” She took a deep breath, building herself up for an avalanche of words. “If you whisper a word of any of this, and I mean even the faintest whisper about Damon and Matt, or you and Jenna, then I will tell everyone what I saw and heard here today. And trust me, it is you who will come away looking th
e worse off.”

  Todd blinked, frazzled by the onslaught of emotion in Lexi’s voice. “You can’t do shit,” he said weakly.

  “Can’t I?” She laughed. “You said it yourself, Todd. Loose lips sink ships. They really, really do.”

  Todd looked like he would explode from being scolded like a child, he huffed out a pissy breath before giving her a solemn nod. He was not going to risk his own reputation.

  “Thank you,” Damon whispered.

  Lexi gave him a furious look. “You probably won’t be saying that once we’re in the car and I give you your lecture.” She walked past Damon, heading towards the house. “Come on, Damon, we’re leaving.”

  Damon stood still like he was about to leave behind more than a person. He was going to leave behind an entire era. He stared across at the blonde boy who looked more like a stranger than a best mate. A crestfallen smile passed Damon’s lips. “See ya,” he said and gave Todd a wave that meant goodbye forever.

  Todd nodded. He opened his mouth to say something but no voice came out. It didn’t have to. Damon could easily read the words rolling from his regretful lips… I’m sorry.


  Wild Delirium

  It was mid-afternoon and Matt lay under his bedclothes, wishing he could vanish. He had been like this for three days now, hardly leaving his bed. He had no interest in facing the world. As far as he was concerned his world had ended on Damon’s doorstep. An explosion of melancholy inside him so catastrophic it felt like planets had collided.

  Through snivelling sobs and bloodied pain he had trudged home, so focused on his hurt that he had nearly been hit by a car while crossing the road. The driver had opened their window and screamed abuse at him, telling Matt that he was a “Fucking moron.” Matt had just shrugged it off, continuing his lonely path ‘till he reached his house and crawled inside like a sea creature slithering under a rock.

  The first thing he did was take a shower. A long hot one, cleaning his wounds. It didn’t help clean where the main hurt lay—his heart. It was battered and bruised much worse than his face which after three days still wore a bright purple shiner, rendering his face to ugliness.


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