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Crashing Hearts- The Complete Series

Page 77

by Zane Menzy

  Keegan stood there like a small child who had been dismissed. Garth wasn’t being rude but he didn’t appear in a hurry to be overly friendly either. Keegan walked forward and looked over the bar at Garth crouched over. “Garth.”

  “Yeah,” he replied, not turning around.

  “Can we talk.”

  “Can’t talk. Too busy.”

  “Don’t be like that,” Keegan moaned. “I told you I was sorry.” He didn’t have to see to know that Garth was scowling.

  “I know you did, blondie. We’re all good. Don’t worry about it.”

  Keegan drummed his fingers on the bench of the bar. As nice as the view was of the tip of Garth’s arse crack, he was getting annoyed at being so ignored. “Garth. Just stand up and look at me.”

  Garth stopped what he was doing. His shoulders heaved as he took a deep breath before standing up and facing Keegan again. “What?”

  Keegan stared Garth in his hazel eyes, eyes that wore a shield like he was fighting off an attack. “I wanted to say that I am sorry about what I did.”

  Garth smiled. A false one. “You don’t have to apologise again. I told you we’re all good.”

  Keegan shook his head. “No, we’re not. We aren’t all good until you agree to give me one more chance.”

  Garth rolled his eyes. “One more shot at what?”

  “Being your pretend boyfriend.” Keegan smiled. “Maybe this time we could drop the pretend part and just try being boyfriends.”

  “You don’t want me like that, Keegan. You told me yourself that guys like Liam are your type. You like tidy-haired gym bunnies that look like they should be on a fucking magazine cover.”

  “Stop being so insecure,” Keegan snapped. “It doesn’t suit you. Especially when you have nothing at all to be insecure about.

  “I’m not insecure,” Garth muttered.

  Keegan smiled “You are totally insecure.”

  Garth narrowed his eyes. He looked like he was about to hurl insults but in a split second his face softened. “You’d be insecure too if you liked someone who had a thing for Liam cunting Corrigan.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that. I don’t want to be with Liam. I want to be with you.”

  “Bullshit,” Liam scoffed.

  “I’m telling you the truth.” Keegan dropped his eyes to Garth’s stomach, admiring the treasure trail dipping below his pants. “You’re my favourite person in the world. You helped me while all my world was turning to shit. You went out of your way to try and make me feel better. And you do make me feel better. You make me feel so much fucking better when you’re around. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you this whole week. Every morning I wake up and you’re the first person I think of. When I go to bed you’re the last face I see in my mind. All through the day I’m springing boner after boner thinking about how hot it was when we…” Keegan drew a breath. “What I am trying to say is… I miss you.”

  Garth blinked at him. He parted his lips and said, “So thinking of me gives you stiffys?”

  Keegan laughed. “That’s all you got from what I just said?”

  Garth stared back with a cheeky grin and nodded.

  “Yes, Garth. Thinking of you turns me on and gives me stiffys.”

  “Cool,” Garth said nonchalantly.

  “Just cool?”

  “Yeah. That’s cool.”

  Keegan felt like he was losing this battle of the heart. He summed up the courage to lay himself bare. “I want to be the person you fall in love with because I think I am pretty close to falling in love with you. I want you to be the one. My one.” Keegan felt himself blush at his confession. “I will do anything you want to make things right. Anything.”


  “Anything!” Keegan nodded firmly “I’ll move back home if that’s where you want to go. I’ll cook you breakfasts every morning. I’ll let you be in charge. If you want to be the one doing the fucking, then you can be the one fucking. I don’t care. Just give me another chance.”

  “You’d let me fuck you? Everyday? Whenever I feel like it?” Garth’s eyes narrowed seductively.

  Keegan swallowed. “Yes. If that’s what you want.”

  Garth motioned with his finger. “Come round here.”

  Keegan walked around and joined Garth on the other side of the bar.

  “Take your top off,” Garth growled.

  Keegan didn’t disobey. He peeled his shirt off. “Are you going to fuck me now? Right here?”

  Garth exhaled through his nostrils. He placed a finger to Keegan’s lips, signalling him to be quiet. He kissed Keegan gently on the neck, pecking all the way up to his ear. He then grazed his tongue back down just below Keegan’s collarbone. Garth sank his teeth in, biting and sucking with force. He then went a little lower doing the same again; sucking and biting with sharp intent.

  Keegan felt a tingle run up his spine from the traveling bites Garth was plating all over his chest. His hole quivered, expecting to be bent over the bar and fucked aggressively. He was scared as hell but he had offered Garth the chance to do this. He had given himself away if it meant they could be together. Keegan kept his eyes closed and waited for the last part of his virginity to be taken from him. Garth’s mouth kept moving south below his nipples, crossing all over his abdomen. It went on and on and Keegan felt his chest and tummy covered in saliva from all the tongue and teeth action.

  Garth started sniggering.

  “What’s so funny,” Keegan whispered.

  “Look for yourself.”

  Keegan opened his eyes and glanced down. Garth had covered his chest and stomach in bright love bites. His flesh was ravished completely. “What the fuck?” he shrieked. “I look like I’m covered in fucking birthmarks.”

  Garth smiled “I know right. I’m quite proud of myself.”

  Keegan went to get snotty but remembered he had said anything. He took a deep breath and unbuckled his belt, he pulled his pants down his legs and leant over the bar, pressing his face into the bench, so Garth could finish degrading him. “Just try and go slow. I know I said anything but I’m worried cos it’s my first time.”

  Garth promptly crouched down and tugged Keegan’s pants back up. “What are you doing, blondie?”

  “Letting you fuck me.”

  “I’m not doing that.”

  “You’re not?” Keegan suddenly felt embarrassed. He fiddled to do his belt back up. “I thought you liked me? Is there something turning you off?”

  Garth placed his hands on Keegan’s shoulders, locking him in place to stare him in the eyes. “I do like you, Keegan. I like you A LOT.” He smiled kindly. “But I am not going to make you do something you’re not ready for.”

  “But I said you could.”

  “But do you actually want me to?” Garth arched his eyebrows. “Do you want me to fuck you? Right here, right now?”

  Keegan gently shook his head. “No,” he whispered.

  “Then why would I do it?” Garth leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. “I know you have this issue about sex being some sort of power game like it’s a battle for who gets to be in control but that isn’t what sex is about for me.”

  Keegan felt his cheeks burn even more from shame.

  “Sure, sex can be like that, but I’d rather it be something we both enjoy. And yep I would love to fuck you but I’m not gonna force you to do shit you’re not keen on.” Garth kissed him again. “Now I’m not saying I ain’t keen on getting freaky now and then, but I’d like to just have some nice stuff between us for a while. Think you can handle that?”

  Keegan nodded. “I think I can handle that.”

  “Good.” Garth stepped back and smiled as he inspected his handiwork. “Now I must say, I do have some motherfucking sharp teeth.” He laughed.

  “Ya think? I swear your part-werewolf.”

  “Watch out for the full moon, baby.” Garth pretended to howl up at the sky.

  “Why’d ya have to go and cover me l
ike this anyway?” Keegan chuckled, still in disbelief at the amount of marks.

  “Just to remind you that anything Liam—one bite—Corrigan can do, I can do better.”

  Keegan found himself laughing at Garth’s need to be competitive, which in a weird way he found adorable. “So are you and me…” he didn’t want to say the word in case he jinxed it.

  “Pretend boyfriends?” Garth winked.

  The word pretend felt hideous but Keegan accepted it. “Yeah, are we?”

  Garth bit his lip like he was thinking it over. He stepped forward and grabbed Keegan’s crotch, groping his cock. “There’s nothing pretend about my man.” He smothered his mouth over Keegan’s, slipping his tongue inside with such passion it felt like they were inventing their very own kiss. Keegan thought for a moment they would melt, merge into one person.

  When they finally ran out of air, Garth pulled back, grinning. “I think I’m really gonna enjoy having a boyfriend.”

  Keegan smiled. “Me too.”

  “And you know the best part about being my boyfriend?”

  “Sex on tap?”

  Garth playfully whacked his side. “Other than that. It’s helping me manage the bar today… shirtless.”

  “Say what?” Keegan balked.

  “Yep. It’s gonna get super busy after the ceremony so since you’re my guy you can help me run the bar. But you have to keep your shirt off like me ‘cos apparently Jason’s friends need some eye candy to ogle while they drink.”

  “You have got to be fucking kidding,” Keegan muttered. “Have you just seen what you did to my body?”

  “I know. And I am gonna enjoy telling every single person who asks about the marks that it was me who gave you them. You know… ‘cos I’m your boyfriend and they can’t have you.”

  “You most definitely are.” Keegan liked seeing how happy and proud Garth looked referring to him as his boyfriend. It made him happy and proud too. Garth was right. Sex wasn’t a competition—aside from beating Liam apparently. It wasn’t some dubious game where only one person had control. That wasn’t what Keegan wanted. He wanted this! Garth and love.

  He threw away the embarrassment at the prospect of working the bar—shirtless and love bite-ridden—and decided fuck it. The guests could say whatever they liked. In fact, the whole fucking world could say what it liked because Keegan’s world would be right here beside him. Protecting him and loving him. My boyfriend.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  The wedding turned out to be beautiful and perfect. Yes, having three strippers seated in the front row, Spice Girls music blaring and a life-sized My Little Pony named Peanut running riot was hilarious and bad taste, but it didn’t take away from the love that had been at the altar. The truth in Jason and Will’s words as they held each other’s hands, staring into one another’s eyes. It was beautiful. Truth like that always was.

  Matt had tried hard not to cry but he failed. As his good friend made a commitment of love, he let happy tears roll down his cheeks. Normally he would blush from embarrassment at having his feelings spill into open air but he didn’t hold back. The more they fell the better he felt. Damon had discretely grabbed hold of his hand, squeezing gently and gave him a warm smile.

  Matt appreciated the warm touch. He thought it was somewhat brave of Damon to sneak in some affection like that with so many people around. If it were up to Matt, he would tell the world about his love for Damon. Anybody who was lucky enough to be loved by such a fine person like Damon Harris would want the world to know. But out of respect for his best mate and lover—who he suspected would want things kept under wraps—Matt intended to remain silent. It was better to have a secret love than risk losing it and having none at all. Damon may have been fine with Keegan knowing about them but the wide community? Well, that was probably something the handsome photographer with a womanizing reputation would be afraid of, Matt assumed. It turned out he underestimated Damon. Completely.

  After the grooms kissed and sealed their union, Jason addressed the crowd. “Now for those of you that know me well, I hate and I really do mean hate longwinded boring speeches, so I promise I will be as quick as I can.” Jason looked out at the crowd of faces, smiling. “I want to thank every one of you for coming today and taking part in mine and Will’s special day. It means a lot to us that you are here. Especially our dear friends who made the effort to fly over from Sydney and brave a New Zealand summer. I know you all came equipped with Antarctic jackets expecting snow. Sorry to disappoint you and your low expectations. But don’t throw them out just yet cos you’ll probably need them tomorrow.” He chuckled and was met with friendly laughter. “Before I tell you all to go start drinking, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to my dear friend, Matthew.” Jason pointed, singling him out. “Matty Pie, here, was kind enough to allow us to use his home today and he has done a tonne of work in helping get this carnival—me and my husband call a wedding—ready.” He looked directly at Matt and with sincere eyes blew him a kiss. “I love you to pieces, Matty Pie. I know we haven’t seen each other as much as I would like over the years, but I hope you know that you are family to me. I’ve always known I could count on my poverty peak sister and I am forever grateful for our friendship. Annnnd if anyone is ever lucky enough to marry you then I hope to return the favour and plan you the gayest brightest wedding ever, girl.”

  Matt smiled. His heart shone from the love his friend was sending. For once he accepted the gender bend and mouthed back, “Thanks, girl.”

  “I would be lucky indeed,” Damon whispered quietly.

  Matt felt butterflies in his stomach. Their wings flapping so hard he thought he would lift off the ground.

  “So you messy bitches,” Jason continued, “it’s time to go hit the piss and have some fun.” He pointed behind him to the rear of the garden. “If you head in that direction you will find a lovely wee bar with tasty refreshments.” He sniggered. “And for the horny sluts amongst you, please also enjoy the shirtless bartenders I have there to serve you. But go easy on them since one of them is Matty’s son and he is still teen meat.” He waved his arms, encouraging people to go start the afterparty.

  Oh god! Matt suddenly realised he hadn’t seen Keegan since outside following the cage fiasco. “Bloody hell, Jason,” he muttered to himself in a laugh.

  “Marie will love to hear about this,” Damon teased. “Her baby boy being pimped out to serve drinks half-naked.”

  Matt turned, frowning. “Don’t you think it’s a little awkward to be making jokes like that.”

  Damon looked surprised to hear him say this. His face settled to a look of knowing. “You’re not worried about me and…” he knew better than to finish the sentence.

  “I’m not worried about anything,” Matt replied.

  “Good.” Damon lent forward and whispered in his ear, “You’re the only man with the surname Andrews, I am interested in.”

  Before Matt could say anything, a booming voice shouted across the yard, “Damo!”

  They both looked over and saw Will’s brother, Todd. He made his way toward them looking just as smug as Matt always remembered him being. Todd had been Damon’s best mate growing up here in port Jackson and together they had ruled high school. Matt had always envied the pair and wondered why they had stopped being friends. Damon had never told him why. Not that that mattered. Todd and Damon’s fallout had helped bring about Damon and Matt’s friendship and in a weird way he had always felt grateful to Todd for that. It didn’t stop him from finding the guy a wanker of the first degree though. As he got closer it was apparent that Todd was still an attractive specimen but to Matt’s relief some of the blond man’s shine had faded; his hair appeared to be thinning and he was the owner of a fleshy beer pouch that poked out above his belt. The loss of some of his looks hadn’t dampened any of his confidence though. He bowled right up, shaking Damon’s hand with firmness, totally ignoring Matt’s existence like it was high school all over again.

  “Hey, Tod
d. How are you?” Damon replied, smiling back.

  “Yeah, really good.” Todd looked around at all the guests. “How could you not have yourself a good laugh with all these fucking fruits about.”

  “You mean your brother and his friends,” Damon said coldly.

  “Yeah. Nothing against them. They are what they are.” He smiled looking Damon up and down. “You’re looking good, Damo. Time has treated you well.”

  “Thanks, Todd.” The lack of retuning the compliment was more than a little obvious.

  “Did you end up settling down and having some little Damo’s?”

  Damon chuckled. “Nar, no little Damos. The world can only handle one of me. Yourself?”

  “Single at the moment. Just split from my second Mrs last year. Fucking nightmare I tell you.” He pointed over to Will and Jason who were talking to a girl who looked about ten. “That’s my girl, Sophie. She adores her uncle Will so I decided to bring her along even though I probably shouldn’t.”

  “Well, I guess it is his wedding so…” Damon frowned, his expression asking Todd why it’s a big deal.

  “Yeah, but you know. I didn’t want her getting any funny ideas about this sort of stuff.”

  Fucking moron. Matt wanted to punch him but he was sure Jason wouldn’t want a fist fight at his day of days.

  “You mean funny ideas like you wanting to fuck me when we were teenagers?” Damon said crisply.

  Whoa! He what? Matt wasn’t sure if he had heard that right.

  Todd’s jaw dropped in shock, his calm exterior showing a slight crack. “Now, come on, Damo. We were young and stupid. Just boys being boys.”

  Damon smiled, reeling back from an argument. “I guess you’re right. I’m just joshing ya.”

  Todd laughed. “It’s really good to see you again.”

  “You remember Matt, don’t you?” Damon said, bringing him into the conversation.

  “Matt? Fatty Matty?” Todd looked stunned, only now making the connection that Jason’s friend Matt was him. “Is this your place?”

  Matt nodded.


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