Book Read Free

Nice Until Proven Naughty

Page 5

by K. L. Grayson

  Time to put my plan into motion and get my flirt on.

  I saunter over—slowly because I don’t want to break an ankle—and stop in front of him.

  He sucks in a breath when I place my hands on his chest, brushing them over the soft material of his shirt. “I love this shirt. It’s my favorite.”

  “I kn—I mean, it is? I had no idea.”

  I nod with a cheeky smile. “It is. I love the way it looks on you.”

  Crystal and Scott snicker behind us, but I do my best to tune them out.

  “I was just telling these two knuckleheads that I’m ready…” I trail off, wagging my eyebrows up and down, hoping he’ll catch my drift.

  “For what?”

  Crap, I must suck at this if he doesn’t know what I’m hinting at. Time to lay it on the line. “For love.” There. Can’t get much more blunt than that.

  “You are?”

  “I am. In fact, I’ve got big plans for after the Christmas party.”

  “You do?” He frowns and glances to Scott and Crystal.

  “Mmm-hmm.” I spin around and shoot Scott and Crystal a wink. She gives me a thumbs up, and he rolls his eyes before I whirl back around. “We better get things ready before everyone gets here.”

  The sooner we get this party started, the sooner it’ll be over, and I can give Ben his present and hopefully get mine in return.




  “She’s ready for love?” I ask as soon as Dani struts off into the kitchen.

  And when I say struts, I mean that girl struts—ass swaying from side to side and long, smooth legs on full display. “And what the hell is she wearing?”

  “It’s called a dress.” Crystal walks by and pats my shoulder. “Hang in there, boss. I have a feeling this is all going to work out.”

  How the heck is it going to work out if the girl I love is dressed like that and looking for love?

  She’s trying to kill me.

  I’m about to turn around and find out what the hell is going on when the front door flies open and Ethan, along with the rest of the crew, walks in.

  “Let’s get this party started,” Ethan hollers.

  Brooke, Faye, Amelia, and Drew hoot and cheer behind him. They all bounce between serving and bartending, and I’m sure they’re ready to enjoy a night off.

  Every year Dani and I have a big dinner for everyone on our staff. We all hang out, play pool and darts, laugh and drink. It’s one of my favorite nights of the year, mostly because we get to enjoy each other without all the busy work, but also because at the end of the night I get to spend a few hours alone with Dani.

  After everyone trickles out, she and I always stay back to clean up. I swear we have more fun just the two of us in those few hours than we do during the whole rest of the party.

  Somewhere along the way I foolishly started to convince myself our friendship was moving in a different direction.

  I was wrong, and now—

  “You okay?” Ethan nudges me in the arm.

  “Yeah. I’m good.”

  He hands me a beer. “I thought maybe you were stunned speechless by Nice’s outfit.”

  I roll my eyes and pop the top off the beer. “Is she wearing something different? I didn’t notice.”

  I would have to be blind not to notice how different Dani looks, and it pisses me off that she feels she has to change who she is just to impress some dude.

  There’s so much more to Dani than her beauty—which she has in spades. Most men are drawn to her long dark hair, golden eyes, and bright smile. To me, she’s the funniest, kindest, most real person I’ve ever met.

  And I’m madly in love with her.

  Have been for years, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Even if she’s looking for love—which I know for a fact doesn’t involve me because she made that blatantly clear last year.

  My gut twists at the thought of her with another guy. I’ll likely die an angry old man, still in love with the girl I fell for in grade school. And what does she mean she’s looking for love and has big plans after the party tonight? She normally spends the after party with me.

  Wait a minute.

  My heart stops before kicking into high gear and thudding hard in my chest.

  She couldn’t be talking about me, could she?

  No. I shake my head. Impossible. Every word she said last year is burned into my memory.

  “We’re business partners.”

  “You’re my best friend.”

  “I’m not sure if we should mix business with pleasure.”

  And then the final blow.

  “I think we’re better off as friends.”

  Shit, there’s no way her big plans have anything to do with me.

  Screw this beer. I’m going to need an entire bottle of Jack to get through tonight.

  The card I’d planned to give her later burns a hole in the breast pocket of my shirt.

  “Then you better look again, brother, because that woman is hot.”

  She’s always been hot. And now I want to punch Ethan in the throat. I take step forward to do just that when Kyle Pritchard busts through the front door.

  “Can I use the bathroom?”

  “Sure.” The frazzled look on his face has me moving forward. “Is everything okay?”

  “No.” He shakes his head, and that’s when I notice his clothes are soaking wet.


  “I hope you’re hungry,” Dani says, barreling from the kitchen. “The food is ready to go and so are—” She stops short at the sight of Kyle. “What’s wrong?”

  Kyle blows out a breath and runs his hand through his hair. “I just stopped to use the restroom. I’ve spent the last hour pulling cars out of ditches. James is heading out to get your sister now.”

  “My sister?” Dani shrieks, rushing forward. “Where is she? Is she okay?”

  Kyle holds up a hand. “She’s fine. She’s with Lucas.”

  “Lucas Dahlenberg?”

  He nods.

  The smile that crosses Dani’s face is nothing short of surprised satisfaction. “Well done, sister. Well. Done.”

  “What was that?”


  The lights in the room flicker off for a few seconds before turning back on. “Shit. I better get going. It’s getting bad out there.”

  When Kyle turns for the bathroom, Dani runs for the front door, and I follow. She steps outside, her arms wrapped around her body to fight off the bone-chilling wind. “Ben, look.”


  As far as we can see, the town is dark, except for our street and everything north of us. Unfortunately, everything north is businesses and a school that’s out on Christmas break. Everything in the other directions is residential.

  When Dani turns to me with wide eyes, I’m reminded of why I fell in love with her in the first place.

  “We have to do something,” she pleads. “It’s freezing out tonight, and who knows how long the power will be out.”

  “You’re right.” I wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her body flush with mine to keep her warm, and walk her back into Sal’s. Everyone is gathered in the main room, their worried eyes searching mine. “Half the town is out of power. Let’s spread the word. Anyone can come here for shelter to stay warm. Ethan and Scott, I know it’s your night off, but are you two prepared to cook up some quick meals if anyone comes in?”

  They answer at the same time.


  “Anything, boss.”

  I knew I could count on them. “Amelia, Faye, round up as many blankets, hats, and gloves as you can. Everyone else, let’s get the place ready for some people. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night.”

  I’m met with a round of nods and yes, sirs, and when I turn for the door, Dani stops me. She throws her arms around my neck, pressing her ice-cold nose below my ear.

  “You’re a wonderful man, Ben.”

  She feels so good wrapped around me, and I waste no time pulling her into my arms. When she pulls back, her eyes are shining with…love?

  Unfortunately, I don’t have time to find out because a second later Kyle’s phone is ringing, and we’re making arrangements for him to drop off a few elderly citizens.


  I look at Dani. “Yeah?”

  “When things settle down, I have a Christmas present for you.”

  My heart warms. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “I wanted to.”

  I was considering throwing away the card in my pocket. Maybe I’ll hold onto it for a little while longer. “I’ve got something for you too.”

  I swear I hear her mumble, “Yeah, you do.”

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing,” she says, scurrying off before I can say another word.



  “Thank you so much, dear.”

  Mrs. Bauman holds out her wrinkled hands and takes the bag from Ben.

  Sweet, swoony Ben who just trudged a quarter mile in a snowstorm to get a little old lady her medicine.

  “You’re welcome.”

  With a sigh, I sit back and watch him sift through the hundred or so meds she has, to find the ones she needs right now. He gets her a bottle of water and some food, and he doesn’t leave her side until she’s taken them all and is warm and cozy with a blanket he pulled from the back of his truck.

  We’ve had twenty-two people come in tonight to get out of the cold. Some didn’t have heat. Others didn’t feel safe at home alone. Regardless, it was nice to be able to provide them with whatever comfort they needed—even if it meant sacrificing our night off.

  This is what the spirit of Christmas is all about, and I can’t imagine celebrating it for another year without Ben by my side.

  It took five long hours for the power to come back on, and we’ve managed to get everyone home safely except for Mrs. Bauman, who seems content to stay right where she is, and Mr. Streiker, who is waiting for his son to come pick him up.

  Brooke, Faye, Amelia, Drew, and Ethan left about an hour ago after helping us clean up.

  “He’s pretty great, isn’t he?” Crystal says, pulling up a chair beside mine.

  “Yeah, he is.”

  “They just don’t make men like that anymore.”

  I look at her and smile. “No, they don’t.”

  “Either that or they’re all hiding from crazy women like me.”

  “That could be it too.”

  We both laugh and watch Ben move to check on Mr. Streiker.

  “I know it’s not my place to give you advice since you’re my boss and all, but I’m going to go out on a limb anyway, if that’s okay.”

  Uh-oh. I nod, unsure if I’m ready to hear what she has to say.

  “Most people spend a lifetime trying to find someone to look at them the way Ben looks at you every time you walk into a room. I had that once, and I lost it. I’d give anything to get it back.”

  “I’m sorry. I had no idea.”

  Crystal shrugs and turns to face the room. “It was my own fault. But if I ever get it again, you can bet your sugar cookie I’m not letting it go. And you shouldn’t either. Stop wasting time. Go get your guy. And that’s all the sappiness I’ve got for one day. I’m outta here.”

  She leaves without another word, and I watch Mr. Streiker move across the room and take a seat beside Mrs. Bauman. How the hell they’re still awake and functioning at almost—I glance at my watch—midnight is beyond me.

  But there they are, laughing and talking with Ben.


  Crystal’s words play over in my head.

  Stop wasting time.

  Go get your guy.

  I move around the bar and plug my phone into the stereo system, select my favorite Christmas song, and wait for it to start playing throughout the bar before walking across the room.

  The upbeat tune of “All I Want for Christmas Is You” careens through the speakers.

  I stop beside Ben and hold my hand out. “Dance with me.”

  Ben and I don’t dance, which is probably why he’s looking at me like I grew a second head. “This is a fast song.”


  “So.” He smiles sheepishly. “I can’t fast dance.”

  “So, we’ll slow dance. I just want to dance with you, Ben.”

  “Well, okay then.” The little stinker takes my hand and pulls me to the dance floor with the ease of a man who knows what he wants.

  He hooks an arm around my back and cradles my hand in his free one. It feels so good to be pressed against him like this.

  Too good.

  Like a warm fire on a cool winter night.

  Sleeping in your own bed after a long vacation.

  Being in Ben’s arms feels perfect.

  It feels like home.

  I close my eyes and bury my face in his neck. It’s either that or start blubbering like a damn baby, because I love him so much that I’m bursting at the seams.

  Last year is a mistake I’ll never make again, and if he gives me a second chance, I’ll show him every day that I can be the kind of woman he deserves.

  I open my mouth to tell him just that, but he pulls me tight, keeping my face pressed against him while he brings his lips to my ear and says, “I haven’t had a chance to tell you how beautiful you look tonight.”

  I lift my head and smile up at him. “You can tell me now.”

  He moves his hand from my lower back, up my side—sending a shiver through my body—over my shoulder and cradles the side of my neck. “Danielle Kringle, you look absolutely breathtaking tonight.” With each word his head dips a little lower. His eyes fall to my mouth, and I take a shuddery breath.

  This is it.

  He’s going to kiss me.

  Bennett Wallace is going to kiss me, and it’s going to be wonderful and perfect and soul shattering.

  Warm, peppermint breath fans across my lips. The heat from his body penetrates mine, putting every nerve inside of me on high alert. I’ve never felt so alive…so ready…so—

  The front door slams shut with a thud, causing me to jump. Ben quickly steps away and shakes his head, leaving me stunned and a little confused.

  Didn’t he want that kiss just as badly as I did?

  Or was it a mistake? Did he get caught up in the music and the moment?”

  My body is buzzing with a newfound energy as I watch Ben shake a man’s hand.

  “I’m Gino, Mr. Strieker’s son. Thank you so much for letting my dad come here. It took me forever to get in from the city. The roads are treacherous.”

  “It was our pleasure.”

  Mr. Streiker uses his cane to walk toward his son. When he’s close enough he whispers, “Would it have killed ya to take a little longer? The lady and I were just starting a little somethin’ somethin’.”

  “Dad,” Gino admonishes.

  “What?” Mr. Streiker looks from his son to Ben to me, and I smile. “I might be old, but I’m not dead. And neither is she. Don’t worry. I forgive you, son,” he says, patting Gino on the back. “Here, program this into my phone when we get home.”

  Mr. Streiker’s son takes a piece of paper from his father, looks at it, and rolls his eyes. “Really, Dad? You got her phone number?”

  “How else am I supposed to get ahold of her?”

  “Whatever. Let’s get you home.” He shakes my hand as well as Ben’s. “Thank you again.”

  We stand in the doorway to make sure they get to their car okay. They pull away, and I turn to head back inside, but Ben grabs my wrist. Goosebumps scatter across my body, and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m wearing this tiny dress and it’s freezing out here, or if it’s his touch.

  I’m guessing it’s the latter, but it sure would be nice to know if I have the same effect on him.

  “We didn’t get a chance to finish our dance.”

  The song we were danci
ng to fades into another holiday classic—this one a little slower.

  “No, we didn’t. But…” I lift my eyes and point to the mistletoe I know is hanging in the doorway.

  I know because I’m the one who put it there. Yay, me!

  Ben’s eyes follow mine, a slow smile pulling at his lips. “Well, we can’t break a Christmas tradition, can we?”

  “That wouldn’t be very festive of us.”

  “No, it wouldn’t,” he says, pulling me farther into the bar. He shuts the door and backs me against it. Our bodies are lined up in all the important spots: lips, hips, and hearts and oh, jingle bells, this is it.

  This time it’s happening.

  Me and Ben and Mrs. Bauman.

  Wait. What? Mrs. Bauman?

  “Mrs. Bauman,” I shriek, when I see her out of the corner of my eye. She’s standing beside us with a toothy smile and tired eyes.

  For the second time tonight, Ben steps away, and I’m left feeling empty and cold.

  “Sorry, sweetie, didn’t mean to startle you. I was just going to ask Ben if he could give me a ride home.”

  “Sure.” Ben pushes his fingers through his hair and walks around for a few seconds as though he forgot what he was doing.

  “What are you looking for?” Scott says from across the room.

  Shit. I forgot he was still here too. And he’s standing behind the bar each with a Cheshire grin on his face.

  “My keys,” Ben answers.

  Scott points to the coatrack. “They’re probably in your coat pocket.”

  “Right.” Ben shakes his head and nods. “Right. My coat. I’ll probably need that.”

  “It is a little cold out.”

  “It is? I mean, it is. Yes. Freezing. I’ll need my coat. So will you, Mrs. Bauman. Let me grab that for you.”

  Ben helps her into her coat and ushers her out the door. And when the big goof behind me starts laughing, I turn and give him my best evil glare.

  “What are you laughing at?”

  “You broke Ben,” Scott says. “He didn’t know which way was up. Quit playing with the poor guy’s emotions and just kiss him already.”

  “Trust me, it’s at the top of my list.”

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