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McKenzie Cousins Box Set 2

Page 8

by Lexi Buchanan

  I miss sleeping in his arms and waking the same way, and just about everything about him. Paige knows this and is really irritating me with her indifference. I’m sure as hell going to have something to say if she continues mentioning Brad though.

  Glancing around my room, I realize that I’m not coming back here. I should be because that was the original plan, but now, after I’ve finished in Italy, I’m heading home to Lexington. This, I’ve kept between Alexander and I, but it’s the only thing I’m sure of right now because everything with my sister has put me off balance. Paige has also made it difficult to talk to her, about anything. It’s gotten to the point that I’m afraid she’s going to snap my head off, so I’ve kept to myself, it’s lonely.

  Tonight is going to test my limits as she’s invited Jaxon and Dylan around for dinner. It’s a usual thing, but the first since we’ve been back from the wedding, and hearing voices outside of my room, my heart sinks when I don’t just hear my cousins, I hear Brad and Seth too.

  Perhaps Paige will be on her best behavior with Seth being here. She certainly won’t want to show herself up.

  With resignation, I move to my bedroom door when there’s a knock.

  Dylan slips in the minute there’s a gap, closing it behind him.

  He grins and after a quick hug, drops to my bed. “I’m so tired. Coach has us training hard.”

  I roll my eyes and join him on the bed, lying beside him. He grabs my hand and brings it up to his lips. “Why are you being so nice to me?” I narrow my eyes. “What have you done?”

  He pretends to look wounded, which he isn’t, and then he laughs. “Okay, you caught me. I haven’t done anything though. I just need a favor.” He rolls to his side and stares at me. I roll so we’re facing.

  My door barges open.

  Dylan and I glance at the doorway and see Paige standing there with her mouth hanging open. Dylan blurts, “You’re catching flies.”

  Her mouth snaps shut and she glares at me, fuming.

  “Another one!” The door slams shut behind her.

  I’m left staring at the door until Dylan clears his throat. “What the hell is wrong with her?”

  I sigh. “She’s pissed at me and until she accepts what I want, then it’s always going to be between us.”

  “Stop talking around the subject. I know about you and Alexander, and I’m not going to judge even though it feels a bit weird.”

  My eyes snap to his as he continues, “I’ve known you both since I was born, and I mean that I know you, and our cousin. I’ll get used to it, and so will the others. Paige will come around eventually, although I’m not sure why she’s being so difficult about this.” He rubs a hand over his face. “I know she can be a pain in the butt once she gets onto something, but this is different.”

  “Enough about me, what’s the favor you needed to ask me?” He lets me go back to our original conversation much to my relief.

  “Madison is taking a commission—”

  “That’s amazing.”

  “—from Derek Jackson,” Dylan mumbles.

  My eyes widen. “Oh!”


  Frowning, I ask, “I don’t understand what the favor is though? I mean we all saw the attraction between the two of them.”

  “Jeez, Rachel! He’s old for heavens sake.” Dylan rolls to his back and stares blankly at the ceiling.

  Moving closer, I rest my head on his shoulder and snuggle up against him. Out of all my cousins, Dylan and Jaxon are whom I’d consider more as brothers. Because we’re the same age, we spent the most time together.

  “Derek is only a couple of years older than Garrett, you know this right?”

  “She’s my sister.”

  “Then ask Michael or Joshua how they handled their sister being with a much older man.”

  He turns his head and looks as though a light bulb has gone off in his head. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

  Sitting up, I turn and tell him, “I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that Michael and Joshua accepted their sister’s relationship because it’s obvious how much Garrett loves her.” I smile. “Sirena is just as strong willed as Madison. I actually don’t think Derek has a chance now that Madison has fallen in love with him.”

  “Oh God, don’t say that.” Dylan rolls to his feet and holds his handout before he glances at the door then back to me. “Paige invited Brad and Seth.”

  I nod. “I heard their voices when you all arrived.”

  “I hate that she’s leading him on by using me. I don’t know how to stop it.”

  He shakes his head with his hand on the doorknob. “I’ll talk to him later and tell him you’re taken, and your twin has a problem with that.” He kisses the top of my head. “Don’t worry, Rachel. Everything will work out in the end.”

  He opens the door, but I tug on his arm. “I still don’t know the favor.”

  “I forgot.” He chuckles and puts his mouth against my ear. “Will you talk to Madison and make sure she really is okay?” He winces. “It might be easier her talking to another girl.”

  I pause for a minute then I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him tight. “You’re a big softy, Dylan McKenzie, and I love you.” I kiss his cheek and smile as I greet the others.

  “I want one of them,” Jaxon pipes up and before I know it, he has me in his arms and off my feet, followed by a sloppy, noisy kiss to my cheek.

  “You’re gross.” He pretends to sulk as I push him away. “But, I love you anyway.” I grin. “Happy now?”

  “I am.” He drops to his usual chair at the table we use when there are a few of us to eat. Unless of course it’s pizza, then we spread out over the living room.

  “Brad came to see you, Rachel,” Paige announces.

  My surprise, I’m unable to hide, and Dylan and Jaxon seem to be having the same trouble. Dylan frowns and gives Paige a dark look while Jaxon makes himself busy flicking between cable channels, and Seth just glances between us all trying to figure out what’s going on.

  I give a heavy sigh and face Brad who has blushed to the roots of his hair. “My sister has no manners,” I say, ignoring Paige. “Perhaps, we can talk later?”

  “I’d like that.” He smiles and my heart sinks.

  I really don’t want to encourage him, but at the same time I’m not prepared to embarrass him in front of the others.

  Forcing a smile, I sit between Jaxon and Dylan at the table and leave Paige to settle between Seth and Brad. I’m so annoyed with her right now.

  Dinner is eaten with an uncomfortable silence, and afterwards, I lead Brad outside the apartment and tell him the truth: my heart belongs to someone else whom I’m going to be moving in with. I apologize for my sister who is about to get a piece of my mind.

  Brad is a good sport about everything, and I watch him leave as I head back into the apartment.

  All eyes focus on me while mine find my sisters. “You had no right to encourage Brad to be here for me!” I slam the front door closed. “You know my heart belongs to someone else. Brad is a nice guy and doesn’t deserve to be used by you. How could you be so cruel Paige?”

  “Do I have this right?” Seth asks. “Paige knew you belonged to someone else but she encouraged Brad to go after you?”

  “That about sums it up,” I admit and turn my gaze back to my sister. “I know you’re angry with me, but that doesn’t give you the right to hurt others.” I wrap an arm around my stomach, and add sadly, “I don’t even know who you are anymore, Paige.”

  Turning to Jaxon who is the closest to me, I accept his hug, and then Dylan’s, who says, “Call if you need anything, and I mean that Rachel.” He kisses my cheek again.

  “I’ll see you around Seth.” I shrug. “Sorry you had to see this.”

  He shakes his head. “No worries. Shit happens.” I don’t miss the look of disappointment that crosses his face when he glances at Paige.

  I lock myself in my room for the rest of the night.



  Elias is asleep upstairs while I spread out on Sirena and Garrett’s couch, my sister Olivia, comfortable in the armchair with a book in her hands. It’s been a while since I’ve babysat for my cousin and her husband, but on this occasion, I welcome the break from wallowing in self-pity because I’m not with Rachel.

  “Do you think Sirena has had the baby yet?” Olivia interrupts my woolgathering with a question she has on repeat.

  I cast a glance in her direction and stay silent.

  “I guess that’s a no.” She sighs.

  “Look, we’re all on the family chat, so we won’t miss the announcement … can’t you just read or something.”

  “I can’t concentrate.” She puts the book down. “So, are you really doing—” she coughs “—things with Rachel?”

  Glancing at my younger sister, I move into a sitting position and slouch forward. I put my head into my hands and then hold my sisters gaze. “Yes.” I offer her a wry smile. “Rachel has always been special to me, even when we were kids. It wasn’t until I grew up that I realized what it was: love. We’ve both tried to stay apart for our family’s sake, but it hasn’t worked for either of us.”

  Finishing the coffee in my ‘I love Lexington’ mug, I continue, “I love her, Olivia. It hurt too much keeping my distance, which didn’t work too well either. We always ended up together.” I smile. “I actually want to shout it from the rooftops—I’m in love with Rachel McKenzie.”

  I shake my head and admit, “Dad, Ramon and Noah, are aware of my relationship with Rachel. I’m not sure about Mom.”

  Olivia throws her head back and laughs. “You’re kidding, right? If Dad knows then you can be assured Mom does. In fact it was probably Mom who directed Dad to look more closely.” She grins. “Nothing gets passed Mom.”

  At that moment we both grab our buzzing phones, which indicates a message on the family news channel—Whatsapp group.

  “She’s had a girl!” Olivia bounces up. “A baby girl,” she mumbles.

  I glance at my own message and find I’m looking at my new … cousin? Second cousin? Oh, who cares, Elias calls me Uncle Alex, and so will McKenna Lily Hudson. I hope Elias isn’t too disappointed that he doesn’t have a brother.

  “We need to visit,” Olivia shoves her feet into her shoes and then glances at me. “Why aren’t you moving?”

  I narrow my stare at my sister. “Are you planning on leaving Elias on his own?”

  Her eyes widen. “Oh no!” she covers her mouth. “How could I forget?” Olivia looks genuinely distraught. “You’re excited. You’d have remembered before stepping outside.”

  “Yes, I would have.” She grabs her purse. “At least I like to think I would have.”

  I shake my head. “You would. Give them all my love, and tell Garrett to stay overnight if he wants, and I’ll bring Elias to them first thing.”

  “Will do.”

  Silence envelops me when she leaves.

  All I hear is the clock ticking the seconds away as the big hand slowly goes around. It’s still peaceful—for all of ten minutes before someone knocks on the front door.

  Dragging myself from the sofa, I open the door, and end up with Rachel wrapped around me. It takes me a moment to come back to my senses and then my arms wrap her up in a tight embrace.

  I drag her into the house, my hands dropping to her bottom and lifting her up. Her legs wrap around my waist, and as her lips hover above mine, she asks, “Are we alone?”

  “Elias is upstairs asleep, but Olivia’s left.”

  When her mouth covers mine, all I can think about is getting her under me, which is how we end up lying on the couch. I’m just not sure how I then end up on my back.

  “I’ve missed you,” she mumbles kissing my jaw, and moves down to the gap in the neck of my shirt. “You look so sexy when you’re ruffled.” She grins. “Hair a mess, no tie, sleeves rolled up, shirt unbuttoned.” She kisses my throat and swirls her tongue lightly around.

  My body jerks, my erection pushes against the zipper of my pants, and I almost come when Rachel moves down my body, straddling my hips.

  “We need to slow this down,” I suggest, slowly dying of pleasure when she seats herself on my cock.

  I pant and moan, grasping her hips in my hands. “Don’t move … Just give me a minute to get control—” My words get lost when Rachel quickly lifts from my lap and fiddles with my pants. In the next breath she has me hard and aching in her hands, and then I feel her slowly sitting on me.

  The slide into her body is unbearable and it takes everything in me not to come before I’m even fully inside. When I am, she rises above me and slowly rotates her hips. My breath catches at the sensation while my hands glide up her thighs, landing on the naked cheeks of her bottom. The thong she’s moved to one side so she could get me inside of her.

  “You’re killing me,” I gasp when she moves, and then her slow movements are no longer enough.

  I’m no longer in control of my body and I don’t think Rachel is either, but one thing I do know is if we don’t hurry she’s going to wake Elias up with the desperate noises she’s making.

  I quickly flip us, seal my mouth over Rachel’s, and hammer into her. Her pussy is so warm and silken. The walls feel swollen and slightly pulse around my hard flesh. Seconds later, I feel the pulses getting stronger as I really let go.

  Rachel digs her nails into my arms as she arches up gasping for breath, her body throbbing below me. Having Rachel under me, watching her reaction to what my body does to hers, is all too much. I slam into her one last time and come. I bury my face in her neck to try and bury the loud grunts I can’t hold back as I empty my body inside of her. Not just anyone though. I’m inside the woman I love, which makes it all the more profound.

  Eventually, I get enough oxygen back in my body to be able to lift myself up slightly and gaze over her face. “I love you,” she whispers and offers a slight smile. “I hadn’t intended jumping you the minute you opened the door.”

  I give her a salacious grin. “You can jump me anytime, babe.” I laugh and kiss her on the tip of her nose. “But I think we better keep it to ourselves about doing it on Sirena’s couch.”

  Her eyes widen and then she covers her mouth with a hand and giggles. “Not that I’d tell anyone about jumping you, I sure as heck won’t be mentioning the couch.”

  Leaving her body chills me, but I quickly put everything away and fasten my pants before I grab some tissues for Rachel. She goes to take them from me, but I’m having none of it.

  Her blush is cute as I move between her legs and quickly clean the mess I’ve made. I tug her thong back into place and then kiss the top of her mound.

  “Now you’re teasing me,” she moans.

  I laugh and tug her dress back down her thighs. “Whatever the reason is that you’re here, I’m glad. I’m not just referring to the sex. I’ve missed you and had been thinking about you before we got the text about Sirena.”

  She cups one side of my face so I turn and kiss her palm.

  “Go flush the tissue, and I’ll tell you why I’m here.” She winces. “But I’ll give you a clue—Paige.”

  My heart sinks even though I knew Paige had to have something to do with Rachel showing up unexpectedly.

  Before I head back downstairs, I quickly check on Elias and move into his room and peer into his cot. Smiling, I watch as he sleeps deeply on his front. His knees are pulled under him and his butt is sticking up in the air, while his face is turned toward me. He’s so cute that my heart tightens as I leave his room.

  Rachel meets me at the bottom of the stairs. “You’ve checked on Elias, huh?”

  I nod and she leans into me, resting her face against my neck. “I love this spot, right here.” She kisses. “When I’m resting against you like this, and have my face here, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy—like better than chocolate. You have a subtle scent, and because it’s familiar, it calms me.”

let the words sink in, and admit, “This is home to me, Rachel. Wherever you are, having you in my arms, will always be my home.”

  “Hmm,” she sighs.

  I lead her to the large armchair and settle her on my lap. Kissing her cheek, I ask, “Please tell me what’s happened with Paige?”

  “She invited Dylan and Jaxon for dinner, which is a usual thing at college. We eat together a lot. Except she also invited Seth, and Brad, who is a friend to the guys.” Rachel sighs. “Brad is interested in me.”

  My body goes tense, but Rachel soothes me with caresses back and forth on my arm. “You know I’m only interested in you.” She kisses my lips. “Paige led Brad to think that there could be more between him and me, so it was extremely awkward and I felt awful for letting him down. I then confronted Paige. She led him on and let him think that it was all me. I can’t stay there anymore.”

  “As much as I agree with you. I want you to finish college Rachel. You’re so close to finishing.”

  “I emailed my adviser and because all I have to finish up is my dissertation, and the Italian trip, she says there is no reason why I have to be in Boston. She did say I may be called into a meeting before the trip, but I told her that wouldn’t be a problem as long as I have a couple of days notice.” She grins. “So, I wondered if you’d like a roommate?”

  Chuckling, I hug her closer. “I’d love a permanent roommate.”

  “After Italy, we’ll make it permanent.”

  “Somewhere down the line, you and Paige really need to get back on track. I hate that I’ve come between you both.”

  Rachel shakes her head. “You’re family to us both, she will eventually come around. I hope she will at least. I may get Noah to talk to her. He’s okay with us, I think. Ramon won’t talk about it.”

  “Both your fathers are great guys, and I’m sure in the end that once they see how happy we are together, they’ll be okay with us. The same with everyone else.” I sigh. “I actually think nearly everyone knows or suspects anyway.” I shrug when Rachel lifts her head and meets my gaze. “It’s been hinted at.”


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