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McKenzie Cousins Box Set 2

Page 20

by Lexi Buchanan

  We sit in stunned silence while watching Paige caress along her lips where Seth’s had just been. I slip my hand into her open palm resting open on her lap and lightly squeeze. “I told you that he loves you.” I smile through my own tears. “He even knows you well enough to know you have a hard head.”

  “I know right,” Paige laughs, swiping at her tears. Once she’s calmed down, she looks at us one at a time, her gaze serious. “There is something I need to do without Seth being with me.”

  I frown having no clue as to what that could be when she continues, “I want you all to take me to the hairdressers.” She inhales and lets out a shaky breath. “I want it all off.” She swallows hard. “I can’t do this alone.”

  Swallowing back tears, I realize that the one person she doesn’t want there is the one person who needs to be there. “Paige,” I say softly, “if Seth isn’t there I have a feeling that it might hurt his feelings.”

  She shakes her head, but I continue anyway, “It will. He’s been here for you every step of the way, you can’t shut him out now. Do you really want to shut him out now?”

  Tears pool in her eyes. “No.”

  “I’ll go and arrange it,” Charlotte offers.

  Olivia adds, “I’ll help you.”

  They both need a moment and I don’t blame them because I do too, except I don’t get one.

  “They ran away,” Paige comments. “I wish I could do that sometimes.” She shrugs. “I’m constantly asking, why me, but I haven’t gotten an answer yet.”

  “I don’t know what to say to that.”

  “Then tell me about Derek.” She smiles.

  “He’s amazing, Paige. I’m in love with him, but Tanner isn’t happy because of the age gap. He wants his father with someone of a similar age. It hurts, and I know it’s hurting Derek too. All these years, it’s always been him and Tanner. It must be weird for him.”

  “Sirena has never been happier, and it’s all down to Garrett. If they can make it work, and be so in love, then I don’t see why Derek and you can’t.” She smiles. “Tanner is a great guy and I’m sure he just needs more time to adjust.”

  “I’m hoping so,” my words drift off when I watch Seth walking toward us.

  “I believe we’re having a trip to the hair dressers.” He grins, but Paige looks horrified.

  Seth crouches down and stares at Paige. “We’re doing this together, whether you like it or not. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” He kisses her on the cheek and scoops her up into his arms. “We’ll meet you in the car.”

  Sighing heavily, I watch him carry her inside to get ready and I can’t help feeling my heart swell in my chest.

  “I know right,” Olivia whispers. “He’s so sweet and kind to her.” She glances at me, swiping at a tear. “We’re ready to go.”

  It doesn’t take long to arrive at the salon, which has opened especially to do this today. Paige insisted on walk in when Seth went to carry her and managed just fine, which makes me wonder if Seth just likes having her close.

  Paige glances around and notices the silence. “Why isn’t anyone else here?”

  “We don’t usually open today,” Dorothy, the owner steps forward. “Who would like to go first?”

  I watch Paige closely and see the frown on her beautiful face. “First?”

  Olivia steps forward. “You don’t think you’re having all the fun,” she says lightly. “We’re doing this together.”

  Olivia, Charlotte, and I take seats. Seth scoops Paige up into his arms and takes the one remaining seat in the salon, settling Paige on his lap.

  “No,” Paige whispers, starting to cry. “Please don’t do this.” She looks at the three of us. “You have no idea what it means to me that you’d want to do this for me, but I can’t let you. You all have glorious hair, and I will again, one day. I know we’re McKenzie’s and stubborn, but I honestly don’t want you to do this. Please don’t.”

  We glance between the three of us and I know that we won’t be doing anything today. It’s something that I’ve thought about even since Charlotte had mentioned it to me, and I would have gone ahead with it if Paige hadn’t said anything. Seeing the tears on her face and hearing her begging us not to, means we won’t. We were all prepared though with colorful headscarf’s in our purses.

  “They’re not going to go ahead now, but I am,” Seth adds. “I’m doing this with you.”

  Paige shakes her head and cups his face. “I like your hair.” She runs her hands through the strands. “I’ll miss it if you get it shaved.”

  “Like you said, it will grow back.”

  “Compromise?” Paige suggests, and Seth narrows his eyes.

  “Tell me?” He sighs.

  “Leave some on, even if it’s only a centimeter. Some. Please.”

  They stare at each other for a long time until Seth shakes his head. “Let’s do this.”

  It doesn’t take long and once we’re back in the car with Paige wearing the beautiful silk scarf we’d bought her, I feel my belly full of anguish. Today hasn’t been easy for Paige, and if I’m honest, it hasn’t been for us either.

  I told myself that I hadn’t to cry, but that flew out of the window the moment Paige had burst into tears, and I saw the tears on Seth’s face as he held her close. It just got to me as it did my other two cousins.

  Paige puts on a brave face but inside she’s scared, and I don’t blame her one bit. I would be. I’d be terrified. But she’s doing the best she can, and Seth is the one keeping her fighting, and I love him myself for that alone.

  Leaving Paige was difficult as I head toward Lexington with Olivia and Charlotte.



  A week after Madison left and I’m kicking back on the deck with a beer in my hand and Geary for company. I say company but neither of us have said a word for maybe thirty minutes, and I don’t care. I’m too busy missing the woman I’m in love with while Geary has his own problems, the likes of which I’m not going to guess at.

  Hearing a text message, I open my phone and laugh when I read the words from Madison: Would it be okay if my cousin, Olivia, travels back with me for a few days? Want her to meet Geary. X

  My heart suddenly feels lighter knowing she’s coming back to me and a take a few minutes to really appreciate that, and then I glance at Geary and back to my phone chuckling.

  “Why do I get the feeling that has something to do with me?” Geary drawls.

  “Because it does.” I grin. “Madison is bringing her cousin, Olivia, back to meet you.” I quickly shoot off a reply and smile while finishing my beer.

  “Is that all you’re going to tell me?” Geary complains.

  “What else do you want to know?”

  “Make, model, and serial number.” He laughs. “I’m serious. All I have is a name.”

  I think for a moment and answer, “Well, she’s American made, and the dark-haired model, and I have no clue what her serial number is.”

  “Ha ha.”

  “Seriously Geary, Olivia is a beautiful young woman who works too hard. I’ve never known her to relax and she’s always in business suits. From what Madison and Charlotte have said over the months that I’ve known them, is that she just needs someone to love her without seeing dollar signs because she’s a McKenzie.” I pause. “The more I think about it, the more I think you’d be a perfect match.” I grin and leave him to his thoughts as I head into the house.

  Placing my empty beer bottle into the recycling, I head toward my home office and come to an abrupt stop. “What the...are you doing here? Who let you in?”

  Dee looks surprised at the anger in my tone, but it’s hard not to be angry when she’s in my home uninvited and has a suitcase at her feet. I briefly glance upward and count to ten, trying to control my temper.

  “I don’t have anywhere else to go,” she whispers, her tears now falling. “I’ve lost all power at the house and the company can’t get to it for a few days. You have a large house
, so I figured—”

  “No!” I snap. “There is a hotel in town. Two in fact. You can’t stay here.”

  “Why?” she asks, her tears drying up.

  I don’t understand this woman and her pushiness. I’m also not sure I believe her.

  “Dee,” I say crossing to stand in front of her, “you are not staying here. So please leave.”

  “The hotels are booked up for a family reunion. I really don’t have anywhere else. You’re the only one I know around here,” she pleads. “Please Derek.”

  I close my eyes briefly, knowing I’m an idiot for what I’m about to do. “One night, Dee. Then you can sleep in your car if you can’t be bothered to find a hotel.” Hopefully that will make the woman do something.

  “Surely you don’t mean that.” Dee steps forward and strokes my arm.

  Shaking her off, I back up a step. “I mean it. This is Madison’s home now, and I know she won’t want you staying under the same roof, which I’m sure you can understand.” Sighing, I add, “Let me show you to one of the guest rooms.”

  Dee looks at her suitcase before offering me a smile.

  I’m not usually so rude to a woman, but ever since the beginning really, she’d irritated me, now more than ever. “You carried it inside so I’m sure you can manage.”

  I smile when she follows, carrying the case as though it weighs nothing. Wanting to keep the front guest room for Olivia, I show Dee to the one in back, much to her disappointment.

  “Is this it?”

  I raise a brow. “Your car is outside.”

  She clears her throat. “It will do then.”

  Turning to leave, I have my hand on the doorknob to close it behind me when she asks, “What time is dinner?”

  Holding my temper back, I face the annoying woman. “Dee, this is not a hotel, or even a guest house. If you want something to eat, then I would suggest you make yourself something in the kitchen. Both Geary and I had an early dinner tonight.” I slam the door needing to get away from her.

  Stomping out back I find Geary half asleep right where I’d left him. “We have a house guest,” I grumble. “Damn woman.”

  “I heard,” he drawls. “She wants you and this is probably a ploy to try and seduce you. You know that right?”

  As his last words leave his mouth the heavens open and the rain forecasted earlier in the day has now arrived. Moving to stand side-by-side we watch as it bounces on the ground, loud in the quiet night.

  “What about the creek? It’s still high after last week’s rain.” Geary admits. “I might check it out if this continues.”

  “Yeah, do that. We’ll both go.” In this weather it’s safer riding to a creek that could possible flood in pairs. “I think I’m going to take a drive over to Dee’s place.” I look at Geary. “Check out the power issue.”

  “Want company?”

  I grin. “You just don’t want me leaving you here with her.”

  “You got me.” He looks out at the weather. “I’m serious though. I get itchy when it’s like this. I need to keep busy.”

  I watch him carefully and nod. “Okay, then. Let’s go and find out whether or not Dee has a power issue.” Cursing, I add, “I better tell her we’re going out and to stay indoors. Don’t need her wandering around.”

  “You also don’t need her around when Madison gets back.”

  “I’ll have Dee out of here tomorrow. I’ve already told her that tomorrow she finds another hotel or sleeps in her car.” I grin and Geary laughs.

  Shaking his head, Geary asks, “When is Madison coming back?”

  “Are you sure you’re asking about Madison and not Olivia?” I tease.

  He laughs. “Seriously though, when is Madison due back?”

  “She didn’t say, but I’m hoping tomorrow, which is why she is leaving first thing in the morning.”

  He shrugs. “Let’s go and check the power so we can get back and check the creek.”



  “Are you sure we shouldn’t have stayed overnight in a hotel,” Olivia asks for the fifth time. “I don’t like the look of this weather.”

  Chewing on my bottom lip, I have to agree with Olivia, but I’m not about to admit it to her, I’ll never hear the end of it. “We’re not that far from Derek’s house. Maybe fifteen minutes.” I continue driving slowly in the hire car Olivia had insisted on getting so she could get herself around, so she didn’t need to rely on anyone else.

  The moment Olivia had agreed to come back with me, I’d packed, and so had Olivia, both of us just making the flight in time. I’d messaged Derek as we’d landed even though I knew he’d be perfectly fine with Olivia coming back with me.

  I’d felt awkward and didn’t really know what to say that wasn’t so brief as ‘I’m on my way’. I’d just wanted him to know that I was coming back to him and the shyness had crept in. I’m nervous and annoyed because I’m nervous. It’s Tanner’s fault for wanting us to be apart to see how we managed and whether or not we still had feelings for each other after the separation. I’m not sure what he actually expected because my feelings don’t get turned on and off the way a faucet does. Derek is old enough to know his attraction to me isn’t simply hormonal. I do grin though, because his hormones are certainly potent whenever I’m around.

  Olivia sits forward again and while looking intently out of the windshield asks, “Why do you have a silly grin on your face?”

  “Derek,” I sigh without hesitation. “I can’t wait to be back home with him.”

  Groaning, Olivia narrows her eyes in my direction. I don’t see this, but I feel it. She has a stare that can pierce through anything. “Please tell me that I’m not going to have to listen to you and Derek having hot sex all night?”

  “We’ll try and keep it down.” I smirk. “Of course, if you happen to seduce Geary then you wouldn’t be in the house to listen to us.”

  “Will you stop going on.” She huffs. “Anyone would think I haven’t had sex in decades.”

  Laughing while turning on to the road leading to the ranch house, I tease, “I don’t think Geary has either.”

  “How would you know that?”

  I roll my eyes. “I’ve never known him to leave the ranch in the evenings, or during the day much either. He keeps to himself. He’s lonely, Olivia. I think you are too,” I admit. “And don’t get annoyed with me for that assumption. Everyone sees the professional you and that’s why you end up with assholes who think you can help them get ahead. I love you like a sister, Olivia, and your happiness and wellbeing are important to me.”

  “Oh damn,” Olivia whispers, rapidly wiping at her eyes. “You’ve made me cry.”

  “Then maybe you’ll keep your mind open to the possibility of Geary. He’s a man who won’t care what you do for a living or how much you have in the bank or who your family are. He has strong values, just like you do, and as an added bonus, which isn’t that important, he’s drool worthy to look at.”

  Coming to a stop, I cut the engine and sag back into the seat. “We’re here.”

  Olivia glances over to me. “You were a lot more worried than you let on, huh?”

  “Yeah, I was. But we made it.” I frown as I look at the house. “I wouldn’t have thought it was late enough for Derek to be asleep though.”

  “It’s nine-thirty.” Olivia glances around. “It’s so dark.”

  “There’s usually lights on over by the barn.” Shivering, I grab the door handle. “Let’s just run to the porch. We can grab our stuff later.

  “We’re going to get soaked to the bone.” Olivia huffs. “Soaked.” Still mumbling, she opens the door and makes a run for it as I follow.

  We don’t get too drenched really, so I grin at my cousin and show her inside. “I’ll take you to the guest room and then I’ll go and find my man.”

  A little bit confused as to where he’s gone, and concerned, I show Olivia to the front guest room. It’s the nicer of the three and I know it will ma
tch Olivia’s personality.

  I wasn’t wrong.

  She gasps as I open the door, and her eyes rapidly run over the large king-sized bed, the sofa in the same blue and cream stripe as the bed cover, and the white Victorian nightstand. It’s a beautifully calm room and I’m delighted her eyes are gleaming with excitement.

  “There’s a dressing gown in the bathroom, you can lounge in that and then we’ll grab our luggage once the rain stops.”

  “Okay, now shoo.” She smiles. “I know you’re twitching to go and find Derek. I’ll be fine, go.”

  “I’m gone.” I quickly shut the door and hurry to Derek’s room.” I stop and realize it’s no longer Derek’s, but our room, pressing the palm of my hand to the dark wood. “It’s our room,” I whisper to myself, a small smile on my lips.

  If Derek isn’t already in bed then I know just the way I’m going to be waiting for him, and it won’t be looking like a drowned rat.

  Gripping the doorknob, I slowly turn the handle and shove the door open. My whole body stills in shock at the naked woman sleeping in Derek’s bed. My heart pounds and all I hear is the blood rushing through my head, a voice in the back of my mind saying this isn’t real. It can’t be. Except, Dee really is naked in Derek’s bed. I glance around the room but no sign of the man himself.

  As though reading my thoughts, Dee sits up, barely covering her chest and gives me an evil smile. “I guess he chose someone closer to his own age after all.” She smirks. “If you want to ask him yourself, he’s just gotten out of the shower.” She inclines her head toward the bathroom.

  I don’t know what to say or do as I slowly back out of the bedroom, and turning, I flee downstairs and straight out through the backdoor. There I stand on the deck and give way to the big heart wrenching sobs that tear through my body, and I take off running. The rain continues to pound down, but all I know is that I have to get away and this is the only way I can think of…I run.


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