McKenzie Cousins Box Set 2

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McKenzie Cousins Box Set 2 Page 30

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Cold.” I feel her shiver against my body, a frown marring my brow. “Don’t worry. It’s just the cold wind is getting to me.”

  “We’ll be there soon, and you can put my sweatshirt on under your jacket to get warm.” I pull her closer, wanting to be able to wrap my own jacket around her, but I know it’s pointless offering because she won’t let me while it’s so cold. I can’t even promise she’ll get warm when we’re there because the rink isn’t known for warmth.

  “What’s wrong?” Sofia asks, shivering next to Jax.

  “We need to get inside.” I make sure Sofia is watching me and then I quickly glance at Paige and back to Sofia.

  Sofia nods softly. “We have a block to go, right? Let’s hurry and I’ll go and get some hot chocolate with Paige.”

  “Good idea.” I feel relief wash through me, knowing Sofia is now aware that Paige needs warming through. I hate her being uncomfortable, but most of all I don’t want her getting sick because her immune system hasn’t had a lot of time to recover from her sickness.

  In no time at all, we’re shuffling through the doors and I’m tugging Paige away from the draft of the hallway. I drop my gear and quickly remove my jacket followed by my sweatshirt. “I’m going to get you warm.” I unzip Paige’s jacket and quickly take it off of her.

  My sweatshirt is still warm from my body as I shove it over her head and on. It’s big on her. I grin. “You look so damn cute.” I grab a fist of the neck and pull her into me, sampling her sweet plump lips. “Mmm, I don’t want to leave you.”

  She cups my face with freezing cold hands. “Go and win the game.”

  “When you two have finished, we have somewhere to be,” Dylan grumbles, but as I turn to tell him where he can shove it, I realize he’s just as worried as I am about Paige. He grabs her jacket and puts it back on her himself, and even goes as far as zipping it all the way to her chin. He then places a kiss to her cheek, rubbing her shoulder before he follows Jaxon down the hallway.

  “I’m okay, I promise and I’m already feeling the heat from your sweatshirt. Please don’t worry about me.”

  “It’s easier said than done.” I kiss her briefly and gathering my gear up, I follow her cousins with a glance over my shoulders.

  Sofia has linked Paige’s arm with her own as they head in the opposite direction to get drinks before the game.

  Rounding the bend, I smack into Dylan who is pacing back and forth, his eyes worried.

  “Is Paige okay?”

  I open my mouth to reply and shut it quickly, frowning. “She’s been fine for a couple of months now.” I run a hand through my hair. “She was told that at the first sign of even minor sickness, that she had to go to the emergency room and ask for them to page her oncologist.” I hold his worried gaze while my heart pounds wondering if she’s getting sick again. “You don’t think—” I can’t even finish my thoughts.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.” He gives a mirthless laugh. “I just didn’t think it was as cold as Paige was.” He shrugs and crosses toward the locker room. He pauses before entering. “Seth, I’m sorry I worried you.”

  I shake my head in denial. “You haven’t. I’m always aware that she can get sick really quickly. It’s always there every time she so much as sneezes.” I hold his gaze. “I love her Dylan. I’m not going to let fear ruin anything between us. I’m there for her no matter what, and I think she finally believes that too.”

  Dylan pauses and then reaches out, grasping my arm. “You’re good for her, and even though I’m worried, I’m sure this time she was just chilled like she said.” He opens the door. “We’ll all keep an eye on her. It’s not just up to you.” He punches me in the shoulder and disappears into the locker room.

  Although I’m worried and that won’t go away any time soon, it’s a relief knowing I’m not the only one there on a daily basis to keep an eye on her too. It takes some pressure off. I’m not sure what the hell I’d do if she gets sick again because she’s my world.



  “Sofia, please don’t worry. I know what getting sick feels like and this isn’t it.” I squeeze her hand. “I promise.”

  My cousin lets out a short sigh and smiles. “I can’t help but worry, Paige.”

  “I know.” I offer her a worried smile. “Seth was worried too.” I chew on my bottom lip. “I don’t like him being distracted because of me.”

  Sofia waits until we’re seated in the arena. “Seth is so in love with you that he’ll worry about your health whether or not you want him to. You can’t change who he is. He was there throughout your treatment and he has been with you through most of your doctor’s appointments. He’s bound to worry.”

  I rest my head on Sofia’s shoulder. “I love him, and deep down I’m afraid that I’ll leave him long before I’m ready.”

  “You really can’t think that way.” Sofia forces me to look at her. “You’re a fighter and you’ve come so far. I also know that Seth will be with you no matter what happens in the future, just like I know you’ll be there for him.”

  Tears hover on my lashes. “I haven’t really thought about my sickness coming back, until today. I saw the worry in Seth’s eyes, and you, Jax, and Dylan. The fear isn’t going to go away.”

  Sofia wraps her arm around my shoulders while we watch the Zamboni finishing up on the ice. It gives me enough time to pull myself together and enjoy the warmth of Seth’s sweatshirt. His scent is all around me as the sweatshirt drowns my body, but I don’t care. Just inhaling him calms the beat of my heart and I start to realize that the chill from the cold wind is all this is tonight.

  I never used to be so sensitive to the weather, but I guess now it’s one of the draw backs of being sick with cancer. I’ve lost weight and my immune system has had a lot to deal with and eventually I hope to be back to where I was before I’d gotten sick. I’m aware that it will take time, and I’ll just have to deal with the worry for a while.

  “You’re feeling like yourself again.” Sofia squeezes my shoulder, pushing me away. “I’m going to get us those hot chocolates, and I’m feeling in the mood for popcorn.”

  I giggle. “My stomach will eternally thank you, if you bring back toffee popcorn.”

  “Don’t go chatting anyone up while I’m gone.” Sofia jogs up the stairs, disappearing from view.

  The smile she put on my face is still in place when Jaxon slips into Sofia’s vacated seat. I raise a brow, amused. “Are you joining us?”

  Jaxon frowns. “I’m not playing tonight, so figured I’d watch the game with you and Sofia.” He glances around. “Where is she?”

  “She’s gone getting supplies.” I sigh. “Actually, I think she needed a moment to gather herself after talking to me.” I meet his gaze. “I’m glad she came to visit you.”

  Jaxon wraps himself around me, and mumbles into my hair, “She didn’t come to see me.” He kisses the top of my head before sitting back in the seat.

  My cousin doesn’t always say too much but you always know he cares. He’s more sensitive than the others and I like that about him, which is why I’m sure he isn’t a manwhore like Dylan. He won’t just be with someone for the sake of dating. He’ll wait until he meets someone special. I drop my head to his shoulder and smile when his arm slips around me. I love teasing Jaxon but tonight I’m enjoying sitting here with him, feeling his love for me. My cousins really are so much more than that. It’s like having lots of brothers and sisters.

  Suddenly feeling a buzzing at my hip, I realize it’s Jaxon’s phone as he wiggles to pull it from the pocket of his sweats. He smiles reading the message and then shows me the screen of his phone.

  Sofia: Instead of sitting relaxing come and help me carry the food.

  Jaxon rolls his eyes and untangles himself from me, and when he does a lazy stretch, his shirt raises, showing his stomach. I snicker, drawing his gaze. “The girls are enjoying the show,” I tell him, and notice a blush creeping on his face.

  He’s totally oblivious to the attention. “Yeah, right! Don’t go anywhere.”

  I chuckle as I watch him leave, and I certainly don’t miss the glares of jealousy rolling off of the other girls around us.

  I don’t have the same attitude as I once did when it comes to teasing my cousins about this. At one time I’d really tease Jaxon and I’d probably make the most of the attention from others. Let them think he really was my boyfriend. I think the fact that I have no inclination to do that now is all down to Seth.

  “Does Seth know how close you are to other men?”

  The voice draws my surprised gaze. “Amanda?” I straighten in the seat. “Seth didn’t say you’d be here watching his game.”

  “He doesn’t know.” She shrugs. “Can we talk?”

  I pause and then indicate the seat next to me. “Take a seat.”

  “Somewhere we won’t be overheard.” She glances around and points. “Over there. You can still see the ice, but there’s no chance of your friend finding you while we’re talking.”

  I bristle at her tone and it’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her who my friend is, but instead I keep quiet. She doesn’t deserve to know with that attitude. I’m debating whether or not I want to talk to her because she’s never said two words to me before, but in the end she doesn’t give me much of an option when she turns and walks over to where she’d suggested.

  It takes some effort for me to move and follow her because of the bulk of my clothing, and because I was actually really comfortable in my seat. Her willowy frame moves with ease between the rows until she’s tapping her foot waiting for me to join her. Something about the way she’s standing, and the set of her shoulders makes me want to run. Instead I continue on knowing that I’m only doing this for Seth. She’s his sister and deserves a chance.

  The moment I reach her, I have icy green eyes focused on my face. Her lips are pulled tight as she snaps, “I want you to walk away from Seth.”

  I blink wondering if I heard her correctly even though I know I did. I certainly wasn’t ready for this attack by his sister. “Why?”

  “You’re not good enough for him. He needs someone who can give him everything he wants. A man has needs that a sick thing like you can’t possible satisfy.” She looks down her nose at me.

  Burying the hurt her words cause, I ask, “Are you in love with your own brother?”

  Her eyes widen. “God, no!” She shudders. “My mother has someone lined up to move on Seth, but we need you out of the way first.”

  I take a step back looking around me, trying to blink back the tears I can no longer hold together. “I give Seth everything he needs. Trust me, he ends up more than satisfied.”

  Her eyes narrow as she stabs me in the chest with her finger. “The girl my mother wants Seth with can give him children, which I know you never will. She’s also not likely to die anytime soon.”

  Too shocked to react, I stare at the girl wondering how someone could be so cruel. Amanda’s eyes widen and as I take another step away from her, I’m pressed against a wall of muscle.



  From the ice I saw Amanda and I recognized the ice queen for what she is—a first class bitch. My heart had beat rapidly in my chest when I saw the distress on Paige’s face, so without any thought, I dashed across the ice and out into the arena. It wasn’t until Paige stepped into me that Amanda had realized her error—never talk to my girl when there is a chance I’m around to catch her.

  My hands grab hold of Paige and I turn her into my body, using one of my hands to press her face into my chest.

  I heard the end of Amanda’s accusations very clearly and my fists clench wanting to smack the look from her face. “Get the fuck away from Paige,” I hiss, trying to keep my anger under control. “You need to understand Amanda, that Paige is the woman I love. I love her more than I’ve ever loved anyone. She’s mine, and one day she is going to be my wife.” I tighten my arms around my girl while facing my sister. “Tell our parents that I’ve made my decision and I think it’s about time they butted out of my life.”

  Kissing the top of Paige’s head, I let my lips hover while I breathe her scent into my body. “My choice will always be Paige,” I whisper, lifting my gaze back to Amanda. “Tell them we’re moving to Lexington when I’ve finished here in Boston.”

  Moving Paige away, knowing that I’m going to take her home, and forget about tonight’s game, I add, “And Amanda…you’re not welcome.”

  “You know this is wrong!” Amanda takes a step forward. “You’re choosing her over your own family.”

  I laugh. “You don’t get it Amanda…Paige is my family. Her family have welcomed me with open arms. I have everything I could ever want or need with Paige.” I sigh. “Go home Amanda. We’re done here.”

  Paige slips her arm around me and doesn’t complain while I grab my gear, call a cab, and get us back to the apartment. I bundle her inside, removing all the layers of clothing she has on. I debate whether to get her comfortable on the sofa or our bed. The bed wins because I don’t want any interruptions.

  Smiling, Paige cups my face through her tears. “She was viscous, Seth. I can’t believe you’re related to her.”

  I take one of her hands from my skin and kiss her palm, closing her fingers around my kiss. “I love you, and I’m so sorry for what she said.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, it isn’t.” I curl up beside her, pulling her down until she’s lying in my arms. I tilt her face up to mine. “No one has the right to speak to you the way she did. I’ve never wanted to hit anyone as much as I wanted to hit her when I heard what she said.” I place a hard kiss to her forehead. “You know that I’m here with you always, right? Nothing will ever make me walk away from you. Nothing. Your cancer is in remission, and we already know there are options if we want children in the future. Please don’t take what Amanda said to heart. She was being viscous to hurt you.”

  “It worked,” she whispers in a soft voice. “She gave voice to my fears, Seth.”

  “My sister is insecure, and she does what Mom wants regardless of the consequences. I’m done with them now. I don’t ever want you hurting the way Amanda hurt you tonight. But most of all, I need you to acknowledge that you believe me when I say, I love you, and I will until the moment I take my last breath. I need you tell me you hear me and trust me.”

  Tears wet my shirt and Paige grips me tightly with her arms and legs. “I trust you, Seth. I trust you to love me forever, like I will you.” She inhales. “I love you.”

  I rest my forehead against hers, relieved. “Can I make love to you? Show you with my body as well as words how much I love you?”

  “Yes.” Paige reaches up and brushes her lips across mine. “Make love to me, Seth.”

  My body is a live wire the moment she utters those words and in no time at all I have Paige spread out on our bed without a stitch of clothing keeping her from me. Kneeling between her thighs, I smirk before I wiggle down her body and kiss her mound. I get comfortable on my stomach although my dick is rock hard between me and the bed. Holding her gaze, I dip my tongue between her swollen pussy lips and growl at the feel of her against my tongue.

  It’s arousing as hell having my face so close to her, and my mouth between the sensitive folds of her flesh. Every lick of her pussy has my cock throbbing. Every slide of my tongue into her body has precum trickling out of me to the bed.

  “Seth,” she pants, trying to wiggle her hips.

  She can’t move when I clamp her hips to the bed with an arm while my other slides under her bottom to raise her to my desperate mouth. I suckle and lick the wet folds, feeling them swell with arousal. Her core clenches with her pleasure but I hold back for now. I don’t want her coming until I’m buried so deeply inside of her that she explodes the moment my cock slides into her.

  Slowly kissing her clit, I hear her gasp and feel her hands slide into my hair, tugging me up. “I want you up here, su
rrounding me, with your penis throbbing inside of me.”

  Groaning, I raise myself up slightly and wrap a tight fist around the root, hoping I’m not too aroused to pleasure her. I lean forward and rub the broad head of my shaft between the wet pussy lips, leaking more precum over her pussy. The sight is beyond anything. Unable to wait another moment, I slowly slide all the way inside her tight sheath.

  “Home,” I mumble, once I’m completely swallowed up. “I’m not sure I can move without coming though,” I admit, embarrassed that I’m acting like a horny teenager.

  “Then don’t move.” Her fingernails dig into my butt as I watch her arch upward, toward my body, offering me her gorgeous breasts. “I can come without you moving.”

  The suction inside her tight channel is unbelievably erotic and sends goosebumps down my spine to curl at the base. My mouth captures a large plump nipple, causing Paige to inhale sharply when I suckle and lick, my teeth nibbling the hard flesh. Her pussy flutters around me and I can’t stay still any longer. I slowly slide my cock out of her warmth to the tip, making sure she feels every long inch of me before I thrust back home.

  Her core pulsates hard around me and Paige throws her head back groaning my name while her orgasm rushes through her. I can’t control my own body anymore and with one last long slide, I thrust home. My cock pumps hard and long, excited at the feel of Paige coming on me, I can’t stop releasing. Semen flows from me with every jerk of my cock. My hips start moving slowly, making sure I pull every last bit of pleasure out of Paige.

  Tiny flutters run over my cock as Paige starts to breathe again. I feel sweat trickling down my back, but the nails digging into my ass make me forget everything but the woman under me with her naked body pressed close to mine. The mounds of her breasts are pressed tightly against my chest and my lower body is bathed in wet warmth.


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