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Heroes of the Fallen

Page 35

by David J. West

  Ashkelon: Lamanite city in the borders between Mutula and Tullan. It lies on the northern most edge of the Red Coast. Its name means ‘Weighing’.

  Ashtoreth: Female demon god and the wife of Baal. She is worshipped by a variety of peoples from pagan midwives to more sinister cultists that sacrifice children in dark underground temples.

  Asmodeus: His name means ‘Demon of Wrath’. He is a Gadianton favorite to swear by.

  Avenues: Name by which all the main thoroughfares in Zarahemla are begun, based on the Egyptian.


  Baal: A chief god of the pagan peoples whether Nephites or Lamanites doesn’t matter. The name means ‘Lord’ or ‘Master’. He is often considered the Chief of the Lamanite pantheon of Gods.

  Babylonians: Warlike people that helped force both the Nephite and Mulekite peoples flee from their homeland of Jerusalem.

  Balam-Ek: The Chief High Priest of king Xoltec. He is both the spiritual and political advisor of the king. His name means ‘Black Tiger’ in a reformed Hebrew/Lamanite.

  Barak: Nephite guardsman captain, loyal to Onandagus. His name means ‘Flash of Lightning’.

  Barkos: Known as the Fat for his great girth. Richest man in Zarahemla on account of his fire department and real estate holdings throughout the Nephite lands. Member of the Sanhedrin, though not a friend of Onandagus he is an enemy of the Gadiantons. His name means ‘Parti-colored or Painted’.

  Barkosiah: Son of Barkos. His name means ‘Painter of Jehovah’. Barkosiah was not an artist.

  Belial: Another name for Satan as known to Nephites in general, though sometimes referred to as a separate demon. His name means both ‘Wickedness and Trouble’.

  Benjamin: Younger brother of Daniel a friend of Amaron’s. When the scouting reconnaissance mission was put together Daniel volunteered his younger brother to accompany them to help fill out a unit of ten men. His name means “Son of the Right Hand’ denoting one who would stand on the right hand of God as opposed to the left hand like Satan.

  Bethia: Eldest daughter of Onandagus and Miriam. She first joined the caravan of Rezon but later left and joined another bound for the cities of Desolation and Teancum. Before reaching these, they were ambushed by the Tultec’s under Gadianton orders, she was the only one spared. She was taken along with the army north to Zarahemla where her captor the Ishmaelite general Anathoth let her go free. She was later rescued by Amaron from Lamanite scouts and returned to her father in Zarahemla, she then befriended Mormon the younger. Her name means ‘House of Jehovah’.

  Black Necropolis, the: pyramid of the Sorcerer in Ushmael.

  Black Mountains of Fire: A volcanic set of mountains to the south and east of Tullan. Regarded by some as the home of pagan gods.

  Book of the Law: Gadianton book of rules, statutes and commandments containing all its secret oaths and penalties, these are incredibly like those used by the Church of Christ but in reverse or counterfeit as the Devil makes a mockery of the sacred.

  Bountiful: Both a land and city though is often referred to as the full land of the Nephites in general.

  Bowl, the: The section of Zarahemla that slopes in a circular depression down to the River Sidon. It is a common joke in the city that the less desirable elements do slide downhill into ‘the Bowl’.

  Brick Back House, the: A den of ill repute in Manti. It was frequented by those that did not wish society to know of their persuasions.

  Brothers Malekite: Twin brothers who have helped train the scouts of Zarahemla. Distantly related to Jazer Malekite a deceased Gadianton Grand Master. The family name means ‘Warrior’.

  Brotherhood, the: One of many names the Gadiantons are referred to, mostly by themselves.

  Buluk: A Lamanite god of floods, war and sacrifice, appears as a sturdy man covered with dark tattoos about his eyes. His name means ‘Black Scorpion’ in Lamanite. Besides being known as a particularly bloodthirsty god he is also the patron of cocoa.


  Cain: The original murderer and founder of the Order of Mahan and Gadianton. It is rumored that he is a huge giant of a man with dark skin and dark hair covering his body and that he is in contact with the leaders of the Gadiantons. Also spelled Kane. Also known as the cursed one, the first murderer, the dark one, the hairy one and as the Master Mahan. His name may mean ‘Acquired’.

  Cahok: A Lamanite warrior and scout. His name means ‘Living Mountain’.

  Calendars: The Nephites, Zoramites, Jacobites and Josephites use a model almost identical to the original Hebrew but the other tribes all have their own variations sometimes incredibly removed from the original. The Lamanites use a far more complicated system used in two different ways, the first is called the Tzolkin. The Ishmaelites use this as well though the Lemuelites do not, they follow a simple calendar based on the cycles of the moon for which they have no written record.

  Captain Moroni: Nephite general of renown over four hundred years earlier. It was he who first proclaimed the ‘Title of Liberty’ which became the Nephite standard for their remaining years. He was the personal hero for Mormon the younger who avidly studied his journals for insight to his own life in many respects. His name means ‘He who stands upon the Mountain of the Lord’ from the Adamic.

  Cemetery Gates: The small north gate into Manti.

  Cezoram: A member of the Sanhedrin who is rather belligerent toward*ds Onandagus. Possibly a King Man. His name means ‘A Measured Strong Rain’.

  Cibola: A Nephite city near the borders of the lands of David and Josh. It is a wild city frequented all the different tribes of peoples and one of the only ones the Lemuelites deign to trade with. Its name means ‘City of Golden Corn’.

  Chief Judge: The highest office of law within the Nephite realm.

  Coatl: A serpent God as used by the Lamanites. A corruption of the symbol of Christ.

  Coriantumr: The last Jaredite king, he found the Mulekites soon after they had landed and bestowed his wisdom and knowledge to them like an elder god from the beyond. Jaredite words now in the Nephites language came from him. He was the father of many children among them and these are usually known for their great size and sometimes extra digits. He also gave the Mulekites most of their knowledge of engineering and mathematics. His influence would centuries later still spark rebellion among his descendants with those of the Nephites proper, though that may not have been his intent. He knew enough from the last prophet Ether, that more people would come to the Promised Land and after witnessing the great destruction of his own people he hoped to be a part of their culture and unite with them. Some wished him to rule them, but he would not. He was known as a man of great sorrow. He was larger than any man the Mulekites had ever seen standing more than yard taller than the tallest man and stronger than any three men together. Though he did not threaten the Mulekites they did fear him and always sought his pleasure the nine moons he remained with them. His regrets for his own people’s fate took hold and after the nine moons he had been with them and shortly before the first of his children would be born, he left them and none knew where he went and what became of him. Almost considered legendary by the time of Mormon, Coriantumr is sometimes seen as a figure that will come back and set things right for those against the system of the Judges. Hence, he is a favorite of King Men and often his name is associated with them. His symbol, the black crown with a flaming black sword through it, has been adopted by the King Men as their own. Sometimes referred to as the Father of giants, the Last Man, the Last King and as the True King. His name means ‘Great Blade or Great Cutter’.

  Corihor: His name means ‘In the Presence of Horus’ from the Egyptian.

  Cosmic Serpent: The name of the Milky Way according to the Lamanites and Nephites, etc.

  Cumeni: A Nephite city several days up the Hermounts River from Bountiful. The cities name means ‘Blind man’.

  Cumom: Jaredite name for what is known to us as a Uintatherium.

  Cumorah: Hill and land thereabouts. It sits in the north east
ern most portion of the Nephites lands and is known as the final battle ground of the Jaredites, though their name for it was Ramah. It translates closely as ‘Priest hood’.

  Curelom: Jaredite name for what is known to us as a Baluchitherium.


  Dagger Men: The term usually used for the Order of Gadianton assassins.

  Dagon 1: A city at what is considered the northern most point of the Red Coast. Though held in the Ishmaelites thrall, the city itself is peopled mostly with Lamanites and is considered a Lamanite city.

  Dagon 2: A fish God worshipped by various pagans in the Promised Land though usually a favorite of sailors. From the Phoenician.

  Damascus: City of the old world but referred to primarily in the Promised Land as it pertains to a certain type of steel wherein the metal has multiple shades and color wherein one can see the blending of the metal from the forging process.

  Daniel 1: Lesser Judge and assistant to Hiram, a Gadianton. His name means ‘God is my Judge’.

  Daniel 2: Scout and friend of Amaron whom he accompanies on the ill-fated mission to watch for the Lamanite invasion. Brother to Benjamin.

  Desolation: One of two Nephite cities and surrounding lands with the same name. The first is a great walled city but falling into disrepair. A river also named the Desolation meanders nearby. It is located at nearly the southernmost extreme of the Nephite lands. The other is north east of Zarahemla and encompasses a vast amount of land adjacent to the land of Antum and the North Sea. The Sacred Cross of Waters is its south and western borders.

  Desolation of Nehors: Not to be confused with the other cities named Desolation. The Desolation of Nehors was a cursed city and land since the days of Alma. Though it had been repopulated at the time of Christ by about 250 A. D. it was again deserted, the general belief being that the grounds were haunted.

  Dinah: Woman of Zarahemla, member of Onondagas’ family. Her name means ‘Judged’.

  Disciples: Also known as the Three Disciples, what we would call the Three Nephites.

  Dumah: Chief Assassin of the Gadiantons during the First War and invasion of Zarahemla. His name means ‘Silence’.


  Eber: A small Nephite city to the northwest of Manti. Its name means ‘Region Beyond, or Other Side’.

  Egypt: Nation from the old world that has had a profound effect upon the Promised Land chiefly through its influence of the Hebrews as recorded in the Plates of Brass and therefore greatly affecting the peoples of the Promised land in general. The only words and culture that over influence the Egyptian is that of the Hebrews themselves. The name means both ‘Double Border’ and ‘Forbidden’.

  Elkanah: A raptor like god of the Egyptians and adopted by the Lamanites. He is the god of the east and his name means ‘God of Canaan’.

  Enoch: A friend of Judah the scout who went with Amaron’s company of ten on their recon mission to watch for the Lamanite invasion. His name means ‘Consecrated’.

  Exalted Copper: Name for worked copper that has been refined and treated to have the strength and durability of steel. It is made through a process of bombarding the metal with sound waves that force the very atoms of the metal to line up creating an incredibly strong product. The copper must be worked and shaped prior to the sound wave process or it is almost impossible to shape whereas beforehand it is very easy to work with. By the year of 321 A. D. there are not many smiths left who still know how to do the sound wave process. It was revealed through the Priesthood when Christ came in the Golden Age.

  Ezra: Man of Zarahemla, former Gadianton who by betraying his former masters assisted Onandagus with realizing the plot against the Nephites religion and freedom. He then accompanied Amaron as one of his ten for their recon mission. He is nephew to Rueben and had a cousin named Sam, he also has a sister yet unnamed. His name means ‘Helper’.



  Gadianton: An Order of murderers and robbers held together by various oaths done in counterfeit of those in the Temple of the Lords church. Though in times past they have been beaten and destroyed almost to the point of annihilation by 321 A. D. they are an enormous force so vast they are no longer hiding in the shadows of society. They seek to rise and enslave all men. Also at this time they have broken into two factions, the regular Gadiantons and those of the Tultec Ishmaelites. The regulars constitute over 75% of Gadiantons. The infighting was brought on when the reigning Gadianton Grand Master Jazer Malekite apparently went senile and chose a charismatic young man to be the next Grand Master. Over a dozen more senior Gadianton Lords declared a split with Jazer and Akish-Antum, most of them were soon killed. One however Apep of Tullan was able to consolidate power in his own kingdom and drive the other Gadiantons out. The name means ‘Good Fortune for Thee’.

  Gehenna: A Gadianton city far out west and known as the place known as Hell near Jerusalem in the old world.

  Gershom: Son of Joseph. He is the secretary for Onandagus. Shortly before the Lamanite invasion he was framed for burning the Judgment Hall and Temple. His name means ‘Exile’.

  Gibea: A Nephite city on the western banks of the River Sidon yet north of Bountiful. Its name means ‘Hill’. The first town structure was a fortress upon the hill overlooking the town. The fortress was in extreme disrepair when the city was attacked by marauding Lamanites.

  Gideon: A small city almost halfway between Manti and Zarahemla. The city was named for Gideon who spared King Noah’s life and was later slain by Nehor. His name as well as the city means ‘Warrior’ but even more precisely ‘One who Cuts Down’ as in enemies.

  Gidgiddonah: A Nephite captain of the army in Zarahemla. A trusted confidant of Onandagus. He commanded some of the few survivors of the Lamanites assault from before the Battle of the Gates. He is a direct descendant of the great Nephite general Gidgiddoni. Both names translate roughly as ‘Warrior Lord’.

  Gilhi: A Nephite soldier of Zarahemla, older brother of Teomner. He went with Zelph and Amaron down to the Red Coast to rescue the maidens of Anti-Herru. His name in reformed Egyptian means ‘Open Mind’.

  Gimino: A Gadianton captain, one of the highest-ranking officers in the field during the Battle of the Gate. He was the right hand to Teth-Senkhet, he was slain in the battle. His name is a corruption of the Greek and means ‘Furnace’.

  Gish: A Nephite herdsman that Amaron’s scouts gathered rumor from. The name means ‘Bow’.

  Goddess of the Jade Skirt: An Ishmaelite name for the pagan Goddess Ashtoreth. She is rumored to be the mother of King Apophis.

  Grand Master: Title of the supreme overlord of all Gadiantons. Each great city or land has its own overlords, but these are all in subservience to the Grand Master who in turn is rumored to report directly to Cain. Though in some circles the Grand Master is thought to be a grand frightening rumor there are few who would ever openly mock such a person, the realities of Gadianton Dagger Men prevent this. Currently there are two opposing Gadianton Grand Masters, Akish-Antum of the regular branch and King Apophis of those in Tullan and its lands.

  Gulam: A Lemuelite warrior and a Gadianton, part of Uzzsheol’s wolf pack. His name in the Lemuelite tongue means ‘Red Spear’.

  Gunan: According to legend the first musician and father of illicit music, brother to Tubal-Cain the first artificer of metals. A descendant of Cain, if not the son of.


  Hadad: A Gadianton captain, the slayer of Amaron’s scouting party. His name means ‘Fierce’.

  Hagoth: A Nephite shipmaster who sailed away never to be heard from again. His name means ‘Pilgrimage’.

  Ham: Son of Noah. Father himself to a wide range of peoples including Kushites, Nubians and Egyptians. His name means ‘Hot’.

  Haza: Woman of Tullan and wife to Anathoth. She is the mother of Joram-Baal. Her name means ‘Golden’.

  Hazelponi: Deceased wife of Qof-Ayin and mother of Zelph.

  Helam: A guardsman of Zarahemla, friend of Amaron. His name means ‘Dream’.

elorum: A Nephite scribe that the boy Mormon studies under after the murder of Ammaron. His name means ‘Strong Dream’.

  Henew Rite: A solemn gesture given by bending one leg and having the knee nearly touch the ground but not quite and one arm raised to the square and another held to the breast. Though originally used as a sign to acknowledge the arrival of a deity by the Egyptians, it is now used by the Tultec’s as the sign of an unbreakable oath to their ruler.

  Hermounts: The wilderness north west of the lands of Zarahemla and beyond the Desolation of Nehors. This wilderness is known for its wide rolling hills and vast open grasslands, all manner of beasts roam these territories with impunity. The only cities within the Hermounts are small and well defended, they are also almost exclusively to be found alongside the River Hermounts a tributary of the Sidon. Below Hermounts are the plains of Heshlon and to the west are the Mountains of Nephi. Vast numbers of Lemuelites roam the Hermounts as nomadic tribes preying upon the beasts therein. The name is taken from the Egyptian ‘Hermonthis’ the God of the wilderness.

  Hermounts River: A great navigable river that begins in the far north west of Nephite lands near the mountains of Nephi. It erupts firstly from a great spring in the earth and then has many other tributaries joining it. The city of Bountiful is located where the Hermounts eventually feeds the Sidon. This location is why Bountiful was built there; it is a natural trading community on the crossroads of these liquid highways.

  Heshlon: The Jaredite name for Great Plains that stretch for hundreds of miles west of the lands of Zarahemla and Bountiful. The name means ‘Place of Ambush’. It was called such because of the fierce raiders that prowled its wide-open spaces not unlike the Hun’s and Mongol Hordes.


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