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Heroes of the Fallen

Page 37

by David J. West

  Morianton: His name is Reformed Egyptian and means ‘More for Thee’.

  Morihor: The highest-ranking Judge within the city of Desolation. Morihor was to oversee the case against Qof-Ayin but he and Abinadab escaped first. His name means ‘More to the god Horus’.

  Mulek: The last surviving prince of Judah that escaped the fall of Jerusalem and with a party of others escaped to come to the Promised Land. Among his party were Hebrew courtiers, comprising mostly those of the tribe of Manasseh and some of Judah and Ephraim. He also had a healthy contingent of Greek warriors from Sparta and Mantinea. Prince Othba’al of Sidon also accompanied him with members of his court as well. Mulek was not his real name but an affectionate nickname meaning ‘Little King’. His real name was almost the same as his father’s given name, Mathias.

  Mulekites: The people of Mulek who when he was of age had him as their king. There were still known by this name when they were found by the Nephites. Though they were a far more populous people they were absorbed by the Nephites and were henceforth also called Nephites.

  Mulekiah: A Nephite city near Almahia and north of Bountiful. Its name means “Gods Little King’.

  Musook: A Lamanite Gadianton, one of Uzzsheol’s wolf pack. He was slain by Amaron. His name is a Lamanite term for ‘Sensitive’.

  Mutula: The capitol city of the Lamanites. Located far to the southernmost reaches it is a large city expanding out from the palace and temples for miles. The name is Lamanite and means ‘New Tullan’. It was probably founded by people who either had left Tullan or admired it. People had begun building and living there from before Christ had come.


  Nab Narayaw: Literally ‘Lord of Terror’ from the Egyptian. Preferred title of Apophis of Tullan.

  Narrow passage: A strait through rocky hills following the River Tyre. From the southern lands it is the quickest surest way north to Bountiful, Manti and Zarahemla. Being that there are high rocky cliffs and hills all about the passage it can become an easily defended position either way of one’s travel.

  Nehor: A false priest back in the days of Alma and Gideon. Nehor attempted to lead people away with a lackadaisical religion and was hotly debated with for some time but after he slew Gideon a hero of the people he was officially tried and hung on top of Manti Hill overlooking the city. According to local legend he still haunts the hill and surrounding forest. His name means ‘I Serve Horus’ from the Egyptian.

  Nemuel: A young Nephite Judge of Zarahemla. He was entrusted by Onandagus to be the Judge over the trial of Gershom because Onandagus did not believe him to be a Gadianton. His name means ‘Day of God’.

  Nephi 1: Original founder of his line and peoples. The son of Lehi and brother to Laman, Lemuel, Sam, Jacob and Joseph. He led his people out into the wilderness to avoid being slain by the Lamanites. Ultimately his people controlled a vast estate of land with the Promised Land. His name means “the Fire of My Mouth’ (as in the Lord’s mouth) from the Adamic.

  Nephi 2: Brother to Lehi. He and his brother Lehi agreed to go with Amaron on their secret recon mission to watch for the Lamanite invasion.

  Nephi, land of: Farther south and west it is the land originally occupied by Nephi and his people when they fled from the Lamanites. It has high mountains and a wondrous supply of minerals and ores.

  Nephites: Collective name for those descended from Nephi son of Lehi but at this time it also includes the Mulekites, the Josephites, the Jacobites and the Zoramites.

  Nephihah: A Nephite city on the southerly edge of the Borders of Hermounts. Should not be confused with a larger city named Nephihah farther east near the city of Moroni.

  Nimrod: A Lamanite Gadianton, one of Uzzsheol’s wolf pack. He was slain by Uzzsheol. His name means ‘Firm and Brave’ from the Sumerian.

  Nu-Bak-Chak: A Lamanite lord closely related to Xoltec. He is high enough in the Lamanite priesthood to participate in the endowment ritual for Prince Aaron. His name means ‘Skull Shield’.

  Nubians: The people descended from Ham son of Noah. Typically dwelling in the lands south of Egypt a few them have come with Phoenicians and traded and settled in the Promise Land. Being large and dark skinned they typically attract attention from the general Nephite population and have at times been mistaken for Lamanite giants with which they are in no way related to.


  Obadiah: Scout of Zarahemla and friend of Amaron. He went with Amaron on the recon mission for Onandagus. His name means ‘Serving Jehovah’.

  Omni: A Nephite guardsman and a fine archer. He assisted in getting Mormon the younger off the burning tower. His name means ‘All’.

  Omnihah: A Nephite city on the south eastern banks of the River Sidon.

  Onandagus: Nephite of Zarahemla. The most powerful lawful man in the Nephite nation. He is the Chief Judge of the Land as well as the Governor and the Head of the Priesthood of the Church of Christ. There is nothing that could be construed as modern-day equivalent save the president of the nation and the president of the church also having the final say in all legal matters. Onandagus has many detractors who claim he is too powerful and equivalent to a king but he adheres to all Nephite laws and yet there is nothing precluding him from holding all these offices. He is beyond reproach when it comes to obeying the laws still, he has many enemies to contend with chief of which are the King men. He oversees Nephite defenses and appoints Mormon the elder to take over as military commander, the only executive position in Zarahemla he does not already hold. Finding out about the Gadianton/Lamanite invasion he dispatches scouts to be an early warning system for the inevitable. His name means ‘Strong Father’.

  Onidah: A Nephite city to the southeast. Its name in Reformed Egyptian means ‘Strong Place of Arms’.

  Onhi: A Nephite captain loyal to Onandagus. He was marked for death by the Gadiantons and slain shortly before the invasion came. His name means ‘Strong Jaw’.

  Old Ones, the: The Jaredites.

  Order, the: Another name the Gadiantons refer to themselves as.

  Order of Daggers: The assassin wing of the Gadiantons, known commonly as Dagger Men.

  Orihah: A righteous Jaredite king, the son of Jared. He gave Amaron a vision in a dream. His name means ‘Strong in the Lord’.

  Othba’al: Prince of Sidon who helped the Mulekites flee the old world and sail to the Promised Land. His name means ‘With Baal.’

  Oziasrowa: The sword of Mormon the Elder. It was forged by Nephi in the Promised Land after they had moved yet again to evade the Lamanites. It is a superior blade compared to others Nephi made earlier and shows how his skill progressed. It was considered one of the twelve finest blades in the Nephite world. Its name means ‘Strong Arm of Jehovah’.


  Pahoran: A Nephite, chief Judge of Zarahemla during the days of Captain Moroni. His name means ‘the Asiatic’ or ‘the Far Easterner’ from the Egyptian.

  Palal: An unruly Judge and member of the Sanhedrin that Mormon the elder has thrown out of session. Likely a King man if not a Gadianton. His name means ‘Judge’.

  Paron: An Ishmaelite who served Uzzsheol as a member of his wolf pack. He was slain by Amaron. His name is a contraction of Pahoran.

  Peace Frogs: The derisive name, Amaron and other scouts refer to pacifists and King Men as. Not necessarily meaning those who want peace per se but those that are willing to give up their freedoms for security.

  Phoenician: The people of Phoenicia. They came to the Promised Land ages past to trade for copper and other commodities with the Jaredites, after the passing of the Jaredites the Phoenicians helped to bring the Mulekites to the Promised Land and many joined with them.

  Phrygian Cap: A red cap worn by Gadiantons and King Men to display to one another who they are. It has only recently been discovered by law abiding Nephites that it is a mark by Gadiantons to try and display in an unobtrusive manner their affiliation. Since it is becoming more well known, the progressive Gadiantons are abandoning it as a badge. The laymen among the
King Men still embrace it, however.

  Pianki: A Judge of Zarahemla. He is the close friend of Barkos and an enemy to Gadiantons. His name is Egyptian and means ‘Made to Live’ but the Gadiantons wish to prove that a lie.

  Pom: An incense used by the Lamanites and especially favored by king Xoltec.

  Priesthood: Generally viewed as both a power and responsibility by those endowed members of the Church of Christ but also held in secret counterfeit to of the Christians by Gadiantons. Each group in turn proclaims themselves as having the Truest form and denounces the other.

  Procuress: A Sorceress who (attempts at the least) to communicate with spirits and if possible, command them. The only one known at this time is Zoreah/Lilith.

  Promised Land: The whole of all the land inhabited by the Nephite peoples. This is their own general term for it taken from what their forefathers Lehi and Nephi called it. Also referred to as the New Land.


  Qof-Ayin: Father of Zelph and husband of Hazelponi (deceased). His name means ‘Eyes in back of Head’. He is descendant of Samuel the Lamanite. The truths that were passed on down his line have grounded him from the hatred of the Lamanites towards the Nephites and these things he has passed on to Zelph. Namely a belief in the one true god rather than the pantheon of Lamanite deities. Widely considered the greatest of Lamanite warriors he was asked multiple times to be the personal bodyguard of the king, he always refused.

  Queen, the dead: Xoltec’s last wife recently executed. She attempted a coup against Xoltec, the plot was found out and reported by Qof-Ayin. The Queen and all her young children were slain, even though they were junior heirs of Xoltec.


  Rabbanah: Literally ‘Great King’. It is the preferred title for the highest Lamanite King and denotes his station over all others. It is sometimes used by one ruler’s servants to another King but is considered bad form to be used by anyone to multiple kings at the same time.

  Ramevorn: The current sword of Amaron and former sword of Teancum, Amaron’s direct ancestor. The blade is sharpened only along one side in contrast to the usual double-bladed style of most Nephite swords though it is longer than most others and is slightly flared at the last few inches of the tip. Forged out of meteoric iron it has a brilliant sheen and is incredibly sharp. It is one of the twelve greatest swords of the Nephite world. Its name means ‘High Holy Steel’ from the Adamic.

  Record, the: The Plates of Brass which contained the history and learning’s of the Israelites. It was brought by Nephi from Jerusalem and eventually to the Promised Land. Where it is the basis for standard Nephite doctrine, history and learning.

  Red Coast, the: The land all along the sea that is heavily controlled by the Lamanites. This stretches for hundreds of miles from Dagon to Laban-Antum.

  Rezon: A Nephite man. The self-styled prince of merchants. He leads one of the largest merchant caravans in the Nephite territories. A charming and flamboyant man he is more of a ringmaster than taskmaster. His name means ‘Prince’.

  Robbers: A common name for the Gadiantons especially by those who do not know how large and organized their order is. The term is looked down upon by the Gadiantons as they think of themselves as more intelligent and manipulative than mere robbers.

  Rueben: Uncle to Ezra and father of the slain Sam whom Ezra had hoped would join Amaron’s company. Rueben decided to join the recon mission to both get revenge and get over his drunken grief at losing his son. His name means “Behold a Son’.


  Sacred Cross of Waters: The point where three rivers meet roughly dividing the quadrant of Nephite lands into four quarters. This cross is made up of the River Sidon running north to south, the Bountiful River running east to west and the Hermounts River running west to east. The Cross is considered sacred partially because of its astrological symbolism and because following any one direction will lead to the other great bodies of water namely the North Sea, Riplanicum, Irreantum and the Sea of Enoch or south sea.

  Samaria: A Nephite land far to the north west beyond the wilderness of Hermounts. It was founded by people who were trying to live the United Order after the Savior had come and could see the coming depravity of Nephite society. It encompasses the land with high Rocky Mountains that is situated with a large freshwater lake at its center. The name means ‘Watch Place’.

  Sam 1: A Judge in Zarahemla who will not take bribes and is therefore marked for death by the Gadiantons. His name is Egyptian for ‘Unite the Lands’.

  Sam 2: Murdered son of Rueben and cousin to Ezra. He was slain by Dumah the Dagger man for gambling debts to a member of the Gadianton hierarchy, this was not known to Rueben.

  Samson: Bodyguard to Onandagus. Samson is a huge man with a sarcastic sense of humor. He is one of the only men that can get away with being so familiar with the Chief Judge. His name means “Awe Inspiring’.

  Samuel: Samuel the Lamanite, a famous prophet from whom Qof-Ayin, Zelph and Pathros are descended. His name means ‘Asked of God’.

  Sarah: Deceased wife of Ammaron the scribe and mother of Amaron. Her name means ‘Princess’.

  Sariah: The wife of Tobron. Her name means ‘Princess of God’.

  Sayame: Daughter of Xoltec and sister of Almek and Aaron. Her mother died at Aaron’s birth and she took it upon herself to raise her younger brother. Xoltec finds it difficult to talk to her because she looks exactly like her mother. She is intelligent and free willed but finds there is little for her self-expression at the palace. Her name is Lamanite for ‘Beautiful One’.

  Secret City: A Gadianton city far to the south west rumored to be hidden where no one can ever find it, hewn from living rock in a deep canyon.

  Seer Stones: Stones endowed with the power of granting their users the ability to be seer’s or at least some user’s. Some stones will only work for some people or even only one person. They have come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Among the largest is the crystal skull seer stone of Akish-Antum. They are also called Interpreters.

  Semiramis: The wife and Queen of Nimrod. Her name means ‘the Substance of Life’.

  Set: A serpent god spanning worship in areas held by most pagans whether Lamanite or Ishmaelite even some Nephites in secret. He is looked upon as a variant form of the Adversary. According to legend he once had legs and walked as men do but lost them after deceiving Eve.

  Seth: A Judge of Zarahemla marked for death by the Gadiantons even though he is not a supporter of Onandagus, he has still refused to take their bribes. His name means ‘Substitute’

  Sethur: A Nephite and a Dagger man. He is loyal to Akish-Antum and he alone. Considering his name means ‘Hidden’, it is almost certainly a pseudonym.

  Shagreel: The sun god of the Lamanites and Egyptians.

  Shem 1: A young dagger man from the city of Shem. It is almost certainly not his real name, but a nickname derived from his city of origin. The name means ‘Hear my Name’.

  Shem 2: A Nephite city to the south west of Manti.

  Shemanihah: The name means ‘Jehovah hath heard’.

  Sidon, River: The greatest river in the Promised Land. It is the largest and longest as well. Both it and the city are named after the city of Sidon in Phoenicia from where a large amount of the Mulekites came from. The name means ‘Fishery’. In turn the Lamanite name Mississippi means ‘River of Fish’.

  Sidon, the city: A Nephite city near the mouth of the River Sidon where it empties into the Sea of Enoch.

  Simon ben David: A scribe in the employ of a member of the Sanhedrin. His name means the same as Simeon.

  Sinhue: A Judge of Zarahemla and close friend of Onandagus. The Gadiantons seek his death. His name is that of an Egyptian hero of legend it means ‘Luck’.

  Siyach: A Lamanite captain. He was part of the Lamanite invasion force and previously captain of prince Almek’s ball team. After Zelph deserted his post as Almek’s bodyguard Siyach replaced him. His name means to “Meditate’ he is also sometimes called ‘the Wise’.
/>   Sparta: The Greek city state that a number of Nephites with Mulekite blood in them can trace their ancestry back to. It was the Spartan mercenaries that fought to get Mulek and his remaining family out of Jerusalem after they were abandoned by Zedekiah and the other warriors. These Spartan warriors particularly their commander known as ‘the Spartan’ were the influence that took Mulek to Sidon in Phoenicia and from there onto the Promised Land. For years the Spartan bloodline was held as a warrior caste within the people of Mulek even after the influences of Coriantumr and his own bloodline into the collective.

  Stargazer: Generally, a derogatory term for those who have studied Astrology and Astronomy which according to the Nephite mind are nearly the same thing.

  Sword of Laban: The greatest sword in the history of the world. Its true name is too sacred to be repeated outside the Temple, so it is referred by habit as the sword of the wickedest man who ever owned it. Forged from before the world was, along with the Urim and Thummim, it is rumored to have been the sword that forced Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. After Laban it has never been in the possession of a wicked man for long. It has however been lost. It was stored in a treasury room in the city of Moroni and when the Savior came the entire city of Moroni sunk into the sea, the sword was not recovered before the flooding. Even the city of Moroni’s exact location has been lost in the mists of time but a map of where it was exists in the sunken pyramid of Petra Lake some days north of Zarahemla. Retrieving the map to find the lost city of Moroni is the only possible way to recover the sword short of a miracle.


  Taharka: A huge Nubian bodyguard of Zoreah/Lilith. He is a mute; he is also named after an ancestor that once ruled Egypt.

  Taloc: Lamanite god of rain. He appears as a man with a strange elongated nose.

  Tanit: A Phoenician lunar goddess who is interchangeable with the Egyptian Neith and the Semitic goddess Ashtoreth. She is worshipped by a few peoples across the Nephite lands.


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