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Sparking Magic (Protectors Academy Book 1)

Page 11

by Nika Gray

  I'd only been to two meetings so far, but I wondered what could be done. None of the mages who’d been there had enough power to open up a portal into the faerie realm. How could we even begin having discussions? Without a portal there was no way to contact the Fae. There was a third-year who’d worn a mask and refused to give his name at the last meeting who claimed to know of someone in a Vampire family who had contact with the Winter court. I hadn’t entirely believed him.

  And now my best friend believed he was half-Fae? He sounded nuts.

  “Are the dreams part of this too?” I asked.

  Fergus nodded. “It all started at the same time. Feels like each time I close my eyes, I have visions of another life in this sunny place next to an ocean with people who look like me. A family who smiles and loves me. I live in a castle perched on a cliff overlooking a beautiful, blue ocean. There’s peace and happiness there. It's like nothing I've ever experienced in my life here.”

  “I don’t know, Ferg,” I said. “Maybe that’s just the stress of your situation? I mean, it sounds like literally the exact opposite of what you actually have.”

  Fergus didn’t say anything to that. He just looked down at the ground.

  “Are these memories or do you think you're actually there?” I asked.

  “I don’t think I’m opening a portal in my mind to a different realm,” he said. “The dreams feel like memories to be honest.”

  “Is this something we should bring to Hotchkiss?” I asked.

  I wasn't sure if Hotchkiss was on our side, but he was definitely on Sadie Bishop’s side. One of the no-name third-years boasted the resistance had the support of senior mages at the school, but he wouldn’t mention any names. There was so much work to be done, they couldn't take the chance of being connected to any cause that could potentially overthrow the Council. Not yet, at least.

  “Hells, no.” Ferg said. “We should wait and see what I can uncover. If I am part Fae, then maybe there's a way I can connect to the faerie realm or open up a portal myself.”

  Now, I understood why he wanted to join our side.

  “And what do you think Sadie Bishop has to do with this?” I asked.

  I could swear I felt a tug on my insides when I said her name.

  “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I just know we have to keep her safe. I don't know why, but everything in me is screaming ‘keep her safe’. So that's what I'm going to do.”

  “Then I'm right here with you, brother,” I assured him.

  He nodded and we bumped fists.

  I knew he’d been scared as hell to tell me his secret. My strong, brave friend was worried I’d turn him in. It killed me to think he didn’t fully trust me after all these years and everything we’d been through together. That’s what happened when you were heir to a Magic Council seat. That’s what you get when you come from one of the asshole cut-throat, backstabbing families of the magical community.

  “You’re my family, Fergus Mathonwy,” I said. “I would never go against you. I'm with you all the way to the end. You know that, right?”

  He nodded.

  “I do now.” Fergus smiled.

  Chapter 14


  When I woke up the next morning both Fergus and Declan were gone. I dragged my aching body out of bed and was grateful I didn't have to choose what to wear because I couldn’t care less and just wanted to be clothed.

  I put on the white shirt, blue skirt, and blazer with the requisite black robe and made my way out to the hallway with the book bag slung over my shoulder. Their dorm was in the same exact configuration as the dorm I’d been staying in for the last two days.

  I shook my head. It had only taken two days for everything to go completely wrong and I was left picking up pieces once again, trying to make them fit.

  As I headed downstairs, my Spidey senses started tingling. Every mage I walked past gave me a wide berth. I wasn’t sure if it was because they weren’t used to seeing a girl in their dorm, or if it was because that girl was me. My heart pounded and my hands went clammy as I opened the front door and stepped outside into the angry, grey morning. Well, at least the weather mirrored my mood, I thought sourly.

  I crossed the quad, my stomach rumbling from hunger and felt the other students whispering and pointing at me. I’d expected this, but it still felt like some kind of ridiculous walk of shame.

  The news of the fire had spread through campus and it wasn’t even eight in the morning. I knew I had my former roommates, Sonia and Avery, to thank for that. We’d barely made it out of the burned dorm last night before they started feeding the rumor mill, so it was really no surprise. I thought of Kyna’s stupid threats from the day before. It must be killing her to know I was even closer to Fergus now.

  My heart sank as several girls from my classes who’d seemed friendly before now looked the other direction as I approached.

  An old familiar feeling crept through me and I felt like a six-year-old foster kid starting at a new school again. The whispers, the stares, the disapproving looks from adults. The shock and humiliation of having the door slammed in my face after my new friend told me her mother said she couldn’t play with me anymore and to not talk to her at school.

  I’d confronted so many hurtful, scary things in my life before and somehow I’d always overcome them. This was no different, I told myself. I’d been here before. I would overcome again. I just needed a place to pull myself together.

  I checked the time and it was an hour before my battle magic class began. I could use the lecture hall to ground myself and take stock of my ever-changing situation. I wanted to make peace with the familiar feeling of being the reject that people didn’t want around. Suddenly, I realized it was only two weeks ago when people I’d considered friends had tricked me out of my last apartment. No wonder I was exhausted. I’d certainly taken a lot of shit since then.

  Enjoying the misty breeze on my face, I made my way up the little hill. The further away I got from all the mages streaming into Gallagher Hall for breakfast, the better I felt.

  I might be lonely, but sometimes it was better to be alone. Especially when you weren’t sure who you could trust. It seemed it had always been that way and I was okay with that. It made me sad, but I knew there was power in being able to sit with just myself and fully see the situation I was in. Only then could I plan with a clear head.

  When I arrived on the main quad, I sighed in relief. The place was virtually empty. I saw some mages I didn't recognize coming out of the library building, but they were too far away to take any notice of me.

  They also weren't wearing robes, so I knew that they must be second or third-years. I wondered if I would ever experience those years. At the rate I was going, I’d probably be kidnapped or dead by Halloween.

  I walked into Bloodstyne Hall and found the assigned lecture room. I sat down and closed my eyes. I focused on my breathing and the silence but a voice startled me out of my meditation within minutes.

  It was Alexis.

  “Sadie!” She interrupted my silence. “I’ve been looking for you. I saw you walking up here and figured you'd be getting to class early.”

  I did not want to see her. Couldn’t she see I wanted to be alone? I hoped my face didn’t look as annoyed as I felt.

  She sat down next to me with a flourish and took my hand.

  “I heard what happened last night,” she said quietly. “I am so sorry. Are you okay?”

  I gave her a guilty smile. I was a sucker for attention. Her simple act of kindness made me feel so much better. I hadn't been able to find Kelly all morning and had hoped in the back of my mind she would've come to find me. Her father must have told her where I was staying. But she hadn't. Yet here was Alexis, whom I’d only met the day before, and she actually seemed like she gave a shit. My tone softened towards her.

  “Thank you for saying that Alexis. I really needed to hear that this morning.”

  “Is it true there was a fire in your room?”
she asked.

  “Yes, that's true,” I nodded. “What have you heard about last night?”

  She pursed her lips at my question.

  “Sadie, Sonia and Avery aren't exactly your friends,” she started.

  “Yeah, no kidding,” I snorted. “Are they saying I started a fire in my dorm room?”

  “They’re saying you had a nightmare,” she replied. “They’re saying you can't control your magic, and something exploded and set the room on fire. With them in it.”

  “Do people wear their conduit rings to sleep?” I asked, realizing I’d found a hole in their story.

  Alexis crunched up her nose. “No. Never. Were you wearing yours last night?”

  “No, I wasn’t.” I shook my head. “So I don't know how magic could've come flowing out of me and started a fire, can you?”

  “Well, their story doesn't actually make sense,” Alexis said. “And I don’t even think that really matters to them.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Well, it keeps changing. At first it was all about how terrified they were and how they couldn’t even wake you up and all, and now it’s more about how brave they were when Sonia tried to put out the fire and Alexis dragged you to safety.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Seriously? They were the ones who wouldn’t wake up! But actually, Sonia had tried to put out the fire. Guilt sprouted in my chest. I’d started the fire and put everyone in danger. Even though it was an accident and I was only defending myself, it was still all my fault.

  “Last night was confusing and scary,” I said.

  “I’m sure,” Alexis said. “Try not to worry too much about them. Everyone knows they can be such bitches.” She sounded like she had her own beef with the minions.

  “Let’s talk about something else,” I said, done with the subject. All I could do was hope something new took the place of the rumors. I didn’t entirely trust Alexis not to gossip. The less people talked about me the better.

  “Okay, then,” she said with a smile. “Where are you staying now?”

  “Headmaster Hotchkiss put me into a room with some other mages. It’s just temporary. I guess he’s worried about fallout from the Council since Sonia and Avery are from such important families.”

  Alexis nodded. “It can be hard to be here without much social standing or power.”

  “Honestly, I don’t need social standing or power. I’d just like to get through first year.”

  We had to be close to beginning of class because students began to filter in. Professor Krysz appeared at the front of the room, looking as if he was in a foul mood.

  My stomach grumbled loudly and a nasty headache made itself known. My nerves were shot. I wondered again why he was so upset Kelly and I used the room the night before. Didn’t he want me to catch up? I’d assume he’d want his students to practice what he was teaching.

  “Please, just let me get through this class,” I muttered under my breath.

  “You’ll be fine,” Alexis said with a smile. “Let me give you more spells we went over last week.”

  Grateful to have something besides my nerves to focus on, I pulled out my notebook and copied the spells and hexes Alexis showed me.

  More students streamed in for class. Most glanced my direction, then made sure to give us a wide berth. They left all the rows directly in front and in back of us empty. Quite a feat for such a full class.

  Alexis, to her credit, stayed by my side. I resisted the urge to scan the room for Fergus or Declan. I hadn’t seen them since last night when we’d all gone back to bed. Anyway, I knew they couldn’t be near because I couldn’t feel either of them.

  Professor Krysz gave his usual preamble about battle magic needing to be a second sense and wrote two new spells on the whiteboard. He gave us instructions on how use them and then put down his notebook.

  “Now, for the sparring exercises,” he paused dramatically, his sharp, dark eyes moving about the room. “Sadie Bishop,” he called out.

  My stomach dropped to my feet as I stood up, ignoring my wobbling knees and forcing my feet to move.

  “Marie Nichomar,” he called.

  “I'm not sparring with her,” came a voice from the back.

  I turned to look, along with everyone else in the room. I didn’t recognize the girl who spoke, standing some rows back. I couldn’t see all of her, but she was slim, dark, and apparently really good at hair and makeup.

  “And why not Mage Nichomar?” he asked.

  “She can't control her magic,” she called out. “I’m not getting hurt. She totally destroyed her dorm room last night and almost killed Avery and Sonia.”

  The room erupted into whispers and soft laughter. I wanted to totally disappear. Wasn’t there a spell that could make that happen?

  “Quiet!” Professor Krysz thundered. “Everyone quiet!”

  The room calmed down to a silence louder than the laughter.

  “This is my classroom, Mage Nichomar. That was not a request…”

  “I'll spar with her,” Declan interrupted.

  All eyes were on him as he came down the steps to stand by my side.

  Professor Krysz regarded us for a moment and I thought he might lash out at Declan for interrupting him. Instead he turned back to Marie Nichomar.

  “Mage Nichomar, do you agree to give up your space to Mage Longbane?”

  “Gladly,” she said sweetly.

  “All right,” Professor Krysz replied. “Then that’s a demerit for Mage Nichomar…”

  Marie Nichomar wasn’t the only student who gasped in surprise to hear that.

  “And thank you, Mage Longbane,” the professor continued. “You will have good prospects out in the Borderlands with that kind of attitude.” Professor Krysz glared at the rest of the room.

  “Wait…” Marie started down the steps toward the professor.

  “What kind of school do you think this is?” he thundered, stopping her in her tracks. “We don’t get to choose who we fight out in the Borderlands! Where do you think you are?” He directed his disgust at the entire classroom.

  “This is the Protectors Academy. This is where only the bravest and most accomplished mages come to train. This is where you learn to protect our very existence!”

  He glared at us all in silence, then said, “Shame on you, Mage Nichomar. That’s another demerit for questioning me. Both Headmaster Hotchkiss and your father will hear about this.”

  The room remained silent as Professor Krysz opened the portal to the mirror world and Declan and I stepped through.

  “Thank you,” I silently mouthed to him.

  “Hope you can keep up,” he said with a sly smile.

  I gulped down my terror as my heart fluttered against my ribcage. Our arms brushed against each other and I tripped on my own feet from the shock of his touch.

  Who were these guys that my body responded so much to? Was this going to happen with every mage I touched or just the ones that would get me into the most trouble? So far my body seemed to respond to the guys from the most powerful families. Maybe the families that were trying to have me killed?

  Declan was handsome as hell and those luscious lips made my heart pitter-patter. I felt the same pull toward him that I did with Fergus, but it was also different. Maybe because he was different? I was supposed to spar with this guy, so why did my body want to press itself against his so damn desperately? Like right now? And at the worst possible time while an entire class of mages who wanted me to fail watched? A bead of cold sweat rolled down my back.

  “Focus,” I said to myself as my mind searched out some of the spells and hexes Alexis and Kelly had shown me.

  I shuffled about ten feet away from him and caressed my conduit ring. My entire body shook from the stress of walking the tightrope between performing magic and hiding what I could really do. One false step and they would know I didn’t belong here and I was not a mage.

  I wiggled the conduit ring far back onto my
fingers and breathed deeply. My mind blanked on all the spells and hexes I was supposed to know right now. My eyes widened in panic.

  “Relax,” Declan said. “I’ll go first.”

  I opened my mouth to say something, but no sound came out. I nodded, my terror rising.

  He said words I couldn’t hear and lifted his arms. I shifted to the right and felt an invisible force catch the edge of my foot. I’d made the right choice. This whole sparring thing felt like a farce to me.

  The first spell I’d done with Kelly the night before popped into my head. Before I forgot it again, I whispered it while pointing my conduit ring-clad fingers towards Declan’s shoulder.

  Energy rushed down my arm making the skin prickle with goosebumps. It flowed out of my fingers and I panicked as I saw the red glow. I squeezed my eyes shut and imagined the red glow disappearing.

  “Become invisible,” I whispered.

  I opened my eyes to see Declan had barely moved.

  “Nice try,” Declan said, grinning.

  “I’m trying my best,” I muttered.

  “You’re fast on your feet,” he said. “I’ll give you that.

  “Apparently not fast enough,” I said after he flicked another spell at my feet.

  It caught my right foot full on. The area stung and I limped to my left. It took all my concentration not to stoop over and rub it.

  “I have no idea how I'm gonna pass this test,” I muttered again and tried another spell aimed at his abdomen. I hadn't done such a great job this time keeping it invisible and as the spell neared him, the red fireball began to appear.

  He jumped to the left but not fast enough. He grimaced as the spell grazed his shoulder. He looked at me with narrowed eyes and I received the message loud and clear. Be careful.

  I gave an indiscriminate nod and tried another spell aimed at his feet.

  We weren’t giving the class much of a show. I didn’t care if everyone thought I was an inept mage. My knees were still weak beneath me and my hands shook. I knew that screen was big enough to show all of it.

  A whirring sound barreled down at me. I ducked.


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