A Gray Christmas
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A Gray Christmas
Copyright © 2019 by S.E. Roberts
All rights reserved.
Formatting by: Jessica Ames
Cover design by: Desire Premade Covers
Edited by: Kim Deister
Proofread by: Dominque Laura at Dom’s Proofreading
This is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except for the brief quotations in a book review.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Also by S.E. Roberts
About the Author
Dedicated to all my amazing author friends. Your love, support, and guidance mean the world to me.
“Mare, I really don’t want to intrude,” I tell my best friend over FaceTime, as I twist a long, blonde lock around my finger. She’s been begging me for the last thirty minutes to fly to Venice for Christmas.
“Nora, come on!” she whines for the hundredth time. “What the hell else are you going to do with yourself? Your parents will be in Vegas.”
“Who’s gonna watch Kiwi?” I ask as I pet the furball next to me.
“Oh, my God! She’s a cat, but I’m sure your neighbor would check in on her,” she says in exasperation.
“Did you hear that? Meanie Maren called you a cat. You’re not just a cat.” I make a kissy noise before pecking the top of her furry head.
She giggles on the other end. “You’re ridiculous.”
Kiwi jumps from the bed, without a care in the world. I’m sure she’d actually be happy to have the apartment to herself for a while.
I pout, “Why did you have to move so far? I hate flying.” I’m thinking of every excuse in the book not to go, which is dumb because I literally have nothing else to do for my holiday.
“If you’d come visit, you’d understand. It’s gorgeous here, Nor.” She gets a mischievous look on her face, “Who knows? Maybe you can actually clean the cobwebs out.”
“Maren Pierce! Why are you so filthy?” Although this doesn’t actually surprise me. We’ve been friends since junior high, and her maturity hasn’t much improved over the years.
“You know you love me.” She bats her eyelashes at me. “But really. All you do is work. It’s time for you to have some fun.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being a responsible adult.”
She twists her hair into a messy bun before responding. “There’s nothing wrong with getting some either.” She shrugs as if this is no big deal. I’ve never been one for sleeping around. Maren, on the other hand, finds no problem with it. “And Gray will love seeing you too.”
Her brother, Grayson, was three years ahead of us in school and moved to Chicago right after he graduated. I never told her, but I had the biggest crush on him. But soon after he left, I started dating his best friend, who is now my ex-boyfriend.
Maren stayed in Wimberley until she got the crazy idea to follow her brother to Venice two years ago when he took a photography job.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” I roll my eyes. “Your brother thought I was almost as annoying as you.”
“In high school, he thought everyone was annoying.”
“Fine,” I say like a child. “But I’m not hooking up with anyone.”
“Yay!” She bounces on her couch as she claps her hands. “We’ll have so much fun, and it’s so pretty here in December. I promise you won’t regret it.”
“You better hope not, because I haven’t left Texas in ten years.” I glare at her.
And it’s true. I’ve lived in Wimberley, Texas, all my life. The only bad thing about it is that everyone knows everything about everything. It would actually be nice to be a nobody for once.
Chapter 1
This place is even more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. Maren has sent me tons of pictures of different sites and museums she’s visited, but this, this is surreal.
It would have cost me an entire month’s rent for this water taxi had the couple sitting across from me not agreed to share one with me and their three kids. The curly-haired toddler has been screaming since we got on, and I kind of feel like pulling my own hair out, but I can get over it since I’ll hardly have to pay anything. Plus, I’m a teacher, for God’s sake. I definitely need sleep. After nearly thirteen hours on a plane, I’m feeling kind of bitchy.
I look out the small window on the side of the boat as we go under the Rialto Bridge. It’s immaculately decorated with white Christmas lights and surrounded by snow-covered trees. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it.
A few minutes later, the taxi slows and the captain alerts me that I’m at my destination. I can’t believe my best friend lives here. It can’t be cheap to live along the Grand Canal, but Maren has never let something like money keep her from getting what she wants. I’m sure Gray would have been happy living in a shoebox on the side of the road, but she wouldn’t have that.
“Nor!” Maren hollers as soon as I pay my fare and drag my suitcase off the boat, onto the dock. Her shoulder-length, dark brown, curly hair is already covered in snowflakes.
“Hey, Mare!” I smile as she pulls me into a hug. I haven’t seen her since last Christmas when she came home for a few weeks.
“I can’t believe I actually got you here.” She squeezes me tight, and I think she may suffocate me.
“Honestly, me neither.” I chuckle as I back away.
She reaches for my suitcase and then grabs my hand. “Come on. Let’s go inside. It’s freezing out here.” She’s not lying. It’s a good thirty degrees cooler here than it is back home. I don’t do well with cold.
We go inside, where it’s thankfully much warmer.
“We’re on the second floor.” She points to the elevator directly in front of us.
“This place is stunning,” I tug my coat tight against my body, trying to thaw out. It may be beautiful, but I couldn’t deal with this weather.
She smirks at me. “I do believe I said that.”
“Touché. How’s work going?”
“Busy as hell, but I love the hospital I’m at now. Oh, and the freaking hot doctor I’ve been working with lately is just a perk.” She winks. “If you know what I mean.”
The elevator dings before the door slides open.
“Why are you such a slut?” I tease her. Although, I do often worry about how careless she is.
“Shh!” she says as she puts her key in the door. “Gray would have a coronary if he found out. He turns into Major Asshole when a guy even looks at me.”
“Aww, he’s just being a good big brother.” I snigger, remembering that he’s always been that way toward her.
She rolls her eyes before pushing the door open.
“Look who’s here!” she hollers into their apartment, as if Gray doesn’t know I’m coming.
I walk down the entryway into their living room and time seems to momentarily stand still. I always thought Grayson Pierce was hot, but damn. He’s all man now with his clean-cut black hair and the short scruff that graces his handsome face. He’s awakened something inside of me that hasn’t gotten much attention in a very, very long time.
He stands from the couch, and I can’t con
trol the fluttering in my stomach when I see the piercing green eyes I always loved. Maren is like the sister I never had, but my feelings toward Grayson were far from sisterly. I used to dream about those eyes. Of course, I wouldn’t have dared to tell her that, because having fantasies about your bestie’s brother was not okay.
“How the hell are you, Nor?” He draws me into a big bear hug, as if we haven’t been apart for the last ten years. Why is this guy living with his younger sister and not married with two point five kids by now?
“Hey, Gray.” I smile up at him. “I’m doing good. How are you?”
He lets go of me, and for some odd reason, I’m left with a feeling of loss. I enjoyed that damn hug way too much.
“Good.” He nods. “Just been staying busy with the photography business. I’ve had a gig just about every weekend for the last few months.”
“Wow, that’s great. You’ll have to show me some of your pictures later.”
“Yeah, for sure.”
We both walk to the couch and sit on opposite ends. I notice Mare’s Christmas decorations that seem to have exploded in their living room. There’s a small tree sitting on a table in the corner of the room, but that’s not the bad part. This place is lit up like Times Square with all the strands of lights that are hanging from the ceiling. Poor Gray has to put up with her crazy ass.
“Mare said you’re teaching now? That was your dream.” He smiles at me, and I have to admit it melts my heart that he remembers that.
I spent a lot of time over at the Pierce house, and most of the time Gray was there with his friends, but they usually did everything they could to avoid me and Maren. We always enjoyed flirting with the other guys, which of course pissed him off.
I snap back to the present and nod when I realize I haven’t answered him yet.
“Yeah, kindergarten.”
“That’s great. You were always good with kids.”
“Nor, you want some coffee?” Mare hollers from the kitchen, interrupting us. I feel like the worst best friend ever, but I forgot she was even here. What the hell has gotten into me? This guy thinks of me as nothing more than his sister’s annoying friend and here I am letting the inappropriate thoughts run wild in my mind.
We make our way into their closed-off kitchen. The apartment is tiny, but I imagine one of them had to sell a kidney to be able to afford it.
“This place is so cute.” I look around the small space and hear Gray groan beside me, which makes me giggle. “What? You don’t like me calling your home cute?”
He winces. “She insists on always buying girly shit. I just want my Xbox and a bed to sleep in. We live in a damn dorm room. Why do we need all the extra nonsense?”
I laugh as I look at my best friend. This doesn’t surprise me at all because she’s always been this way.
A wadded-up napkin flies through the air, and she gasps dramatically.
“That is so not true. You’re such a guy.”
He grins as he effortlessly catches the flying object. “What do you ladies have planned while you’re here?” He looks my way.
“I don’t really know. I’m trusting Mare to make my Venetian getaway one to remember.” I wink and then realize that I’m totally flirting. Thankfully, Maren doesn’t catch on, but a smug look graces his stupidly handsome face. I’ve totally been caught.
Heat rushes to my cheeks, so I turn toward the cabinet to grab a glass before going in search of some water.
“Here, drink this.” Gray tosses a bottle of water to me.
I uncap it before taking a long gulp.
“You look exhausted,” he says with concern on his face.
I stick my tongue out at him like a petulant child. The three of us always acted this way, but I have to admit, I’m surprised at how normal it feels after all these years.
“Is that your nice way of telling me I look like shit?” Now I glare at him, which has Maren cackling like a freaking witch.
“No. You don’t look like shit,” is all he says before walking out of the room.
Chapter 2
I sit up in Maren’s bed and immediately spot the bright green numbers from across the room that say it’s just after two in the morning, which means it’s only seven at night back home.
Even after the long flight, I still can’t sleep. I never have been able to get comfortable in new places, and being with my best friend is no exception. Although, I think a certain six-foot-three, godlike creature might have something to do with my current situation.
After he left me and Maren in the kitchen last night, I couldn’t seem to think straight. It bothered me that he left like he did because I had hoped to spend more time with him.
It pisses me off that I feel this way.
Deciding that sleep isn’t going to happen anytime soon, I grab my pillow and phone off the side table and quietly make my way out to the living room. Maybe I’ll watch some mindless TV and then pass out on the couch.
“Can’t sleep?” I nearly jump out of my skin, and my phone drops from my hand, causing a loud thud when it hits the floor.
“Jesus.” I grab my chest, trying to catch my breath after Gray nearly frightened me to death. “You scared the living hell out of me.”
“Sorry.” But the amusement etched on his face tells me otherwise. He’s totally not sorry.
I sit in the loveseat directly across from him. “Why are you still up?” I ask as I try to get comfortable.
I don’t miss the way he stares at my legs as I fold them under myself. I’m so unattractive in my pink and purple fleece pajamas that read “Don’t talk to me until I’m caffeinated.”
“Nice PJ’s.” He says, ignoring my question. “And thanks for the heads-up. I’ll be sure not to mess with you.”
I scowl at him. “I’m not that bad.”
He crosses his arms over his bulky chest that is covered in a tight, white T-shirt. I know I’ve seen what’s under it before, but I bet he looks like freaking Hercules now. There’s nothing small about this man, but he’s all muscle. The thought of his hot body does super naughty things to my body. I straighten up in my seat so I can cross my legs. Damn it. I need to calm the hell down.
“You forget that I spent many mornings in high school avoiding you both.” He shakes his head as if recalling a funny memory. “Mom always yelled at me when I would give you two shit.”
I giggle. “We were pretty bad. We wouldn’t even talk to each other for at least an hour after we woke up.”
He smiles at me, and damn if it doesn’t do something to my insides. I have to remind myself that this is my best friend’s brother. Someone I grew up with and nothing more.
“Well, since we both can’t sleep, want to watch a movie?” He pats the spot beside him on the couch, and I waste no time making my way toward him.
I should probably be thinking more about my actions, but I’ll just blame jet lag. Yeah, that’s all this is. Once my body is on Venice time, these silly, silly thoughts of someone I can’t have will vanish from my brain.
I sit on the cushion next to him, but in the next instant, he’s pulling me into his side. Well, then. I don’t know what I’m thinking allowing this. Who the hell am I kidding? My mind is mush, and there’s no thinking going on inside my stupid head.
He points the remote toward the TV and pulls up Netflix before deciding on a Christmas rom-com that I’ve seen probably a dozen times.
We spend the next two hours cracking up at stories from growing up. I don’t move from my cozy spot under his arm, and he doesn’t seem to mind, if him rubbing circles on my shoulder is any indication. The small gesture is sending bolts of electricity to my lady parts, and I’m hoping he doesn’t notice when I squirm.
I can’t believe I’m still up after traveling all day. At this point, I’ll never adjust to the crazy time difference. By the time I do, I’ll be going back home. The thought sends a sharp pain to my chest. What the hell is that all about? Sleep. I desperately need sleep.
When the
movie is over and the credits start to roll on the screen, he switches the TV off and we’re now in the dark. I snuggle into his side, which causes him to squeeze me, as if he can’t get me close enough.
I straighten up on the couch so I can see him better. I immediately regret leaving the warmth of his big, strong body.
“Can I ask you something?”
He gives me his sexy grin, and suddenly, I want to forget all about talking.
“You know you can.”
I fidget with the throw pillow on my lap. “Why did you stop talking to Ty?”
Him and Tyler Scott were best friends since grade school. I met Ty through Gray and Maren. We were together until last year when I called things off. Apparently, I was a fool for thinking that we would one day be married.
When I look up at him, he rakes his fingers through his hair and then rubs both hands over the scruff on his face before releasing a heavy breath.
“Do you really want to know the answer to that?” he asks once he finally looks at me.
“Uh, yeah…” I say hesitatingly.
He grabs my hand and I shudder at his touch. A feeling I never once experienced with Ty.
“Nora, if I tell you this, I can’t take the words back.”
I’ve never seen Grayson Pierce so vulnerable before, but he’s kind of scaring me.
Words won’t escape my lips, so I nod in response. He lets go of my hand, and I feel disappointed until he finally talks.
“Ty called me when you guys started dating. I was pissed.”
That is definitely not what I was expecting. At all.
“What? Why would you be pissed?” I pause, and then suddenly I’m a bit irritated with him. “I know I was your sister’s annoying friend, but good grief, I didn’t know I was off limits to your friends.”
The look on his face is as if I just smacked him, but then he shakes his head like he thinks I’m a moron.