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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Page 10

by J. K. Rowling

  He fumbles out his wand.

  I'm armed and -- entirely dangerous and seriously advise you --

  He realizes his wand is the wrong way around and turns it right.

  To be very careful --

  SNAPE: He's safe, Ron.

  RON looks at HERMIONE, who nods.

  RON: Thank Dumbledore for that.



  HERMIONE is sitting studying the Time-Turner as RON tries to digest it all.

  RON: So you're telling me that the whole of history rests on . . . Neville Longbottom? This is pretty wild.

  HERMIONE: It's true, Ron.

  RON: Right. And you're sure because . . .

  HERMIONE: What he knows about Snape -- about all of us -- there's no way he could . . .

  RON: Maybe he's a really good guesser?

  SCORPIUS: I'm not. Can you help?

  RON: We're the only ones that can. Dumbledore's Army has shrunk considerably since its peak. In fact, we're pretty much all that's left, but we've kept fighting on. Hiding in plain sight. Doing our best to tickle their nose hairs. Granger here is a wanted woman. I'm a wanted man.

  SNAPE (dryly): Less wanted.

  HERMIONE: To be clear: In this other world . . . ? Before you meddled?

  SCORPIUS: Voldemort is dead. Killed in the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry is Head of Magical Law Enforcement. You're Minister for Magic.

  HERMIONE stops, surprised by this, she looks up with a smile.

  HERMIONE: I'm Minister for Magic?

  RON (wanting to join the fun): Brilliant. What do I do?

  SCORPIUS: You run Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

  RON: Okay, so, she's Minister for Magic and I run a -- joke shop?

  SCORPIUS looks at RON's hurt face.

  SCORPIUS: You're mostly focused on bringing up your kids.

  RON: Great. I expect their mother is hot.

  SCORPIUS (blushing): Well . . . Um . . . Depends what you think of . . . The thing is, you two sort of have kids -- together. A daughter and a son.

  The two look up, astonished.

  Married. In love. Everything. You were shocked the other time too. When you were Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and Ron was married to Padma. You're constantly surprised by it.

  HERMIONE and RON both look at each other and then look away. And then RON looks back. RON clears his throat repeatedly. With less conviction each time.

  HERMIONE: Close your mouth when you're looking at me, Weasley.

  RON does so. Though he remains discombobulated.

  And -- Snape? What does Snape do in this other world?

  SNAPE: I'm dead, presumably.

  He looks at SCORPIUS, whose face drops. SNAPE smiles thinly.

  You were a little too surprised to see me. How?

  SCORPIUS: Bravely.

  SNAPE: Who?

  SCORPIUS: Voldemort.

  SNAPE: How very irritating.

  There's a silence as SNAPE digests.

  Still, there's glory in being taken down by the Dark Lord himself, I suppose.

  HERMIONE: I'm sorry, Severus.

  SNAPE looks at her, and then swallows the pain. He indicates RON with a flick of his head.

  SNAPE: Well, at least I'm not married to him.

  HERMIONE: Which spells did you use?

  SCORPIUS: Expelliarmus in the first task and Engorgio in the second.

  RON: Simple Shield Charms should set both of those right.

  SNAPE: And then you left?

  SCORPIUS: The Time-Turner took us back, yes. That's the thing -- this Time-Turner, you only get five minutes in the past.

  HERMIONE: And can you still only move in time, not space?

  SCORPIUS: Yes, yes, it's -- uh -- you travel back in the same spot you stand in --

  HERMIONE: Interesting.

  SNAPE and HERMIONE both know what this means.

  SNAPE: Then it's just me and the boy.

  HERMIONE: No offense, Snape, but I'm not trusting this to anyone, it's too important.

  SNAPE: Hermione, you're the most wanted rebel in the wizarding world. Doing this will require you to go outside. When was the last time you were outside?

  HERMIONE: Not for a long time, but --

  SNAPE: If you're found outside, the dementors will kiss you -- they'll suck out your soul.

  HERMIONE: Severus, I'm done with living off scraps, making failed attempts at coups. This is our chance to reset the world.

  She nods at RON, who pulls down a map.

  The first task of the tournament took place at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. We turn time here, get to the tournament, block the spell, and then return safely. With precision -- it can be done and it won't require us to show our faces outside in our time at all. Then we'll turn time again, make our way to the lake, and reverse the second task.

  SNAPE: You're risking everything --

  HERMIONE: We get this right, Harry's alive, Voldemort's dead, and the Augurey is gone, for that no risk is too great. Though I am sorry what it will cost you.

  SNAPE: Sometimes costs are made to be borne.

  The two look at each other, SNAPE nods, HERMIONE nods back, SNAPE's face crumbles slightly.

  I didn't just quote Dumbledore, did I?

  HERMIONE (with a smile): No, I'm pretty sure that's pure Severus Snape.

  She turns to SCORPIUS, she indicates the Time-Turner.


  SCORPIUS brings her the Time-Turner. She smiles at it, excited to use a Time-Turner again, excited to use it for this.

  Let's hope this works.

  She takes the Time-Turner. It begins to vibrate, and then explodes into a storm of movement.

  And there is a giant whoosh of light. A smash of noise.

  And time stops. And then it turns over, thinks a bit, and begins spooling backwards, slow at first . . .

  There is a bang and a flash and our gang disappear.



  And we watch our scene from Part One replayed, but at the back of the stage rather than the front. We pick out ALBUS and SCORPIUS in their Durmstrang robes. And through it all we hear the "brilliant" (his words again, his words) LUDO BAGMAN.

  SCORPIUS, HERMIONE, RON, and SNAPE watch out anxiously.

  LUDO BAGMAN: And Cedric Diggory has entered the stage. And he seems ready. Scared but ready. He dodges this way. He dodges that. The girls swoon as he dives for cover. They cry as one: Don't damage our Diggory, Mr. Dragon! And Cedric skirts left and he dives right -- and he readies his wand --

  SNAPE: This is taking too long. The Time-Turner is spinning.

  LUDO BAGMAN: What has this young, brave, handsome man got up his sleevies now?

  As ALBUS attempts to summon CEDRIC's wand, HERMIONE blocks his spell. He looks at his wand -- disconsolate, unsure why it hasn't worked.

  And then the Time-Turner spins and they look at it and panic as they're pulled into it.

  A dog -- he's transfigured a stone into a dog -- dog diggity, Cedric Diggory -- you are a doggy dynamo.



  They are returned from time, at the edge of the woods, and RON is in a lot of pain. SNAPE looks around, immediately aware of the mess they're in.

  RON: Ow. Ow. Owwwwwww.

  HERMIONE: Ron . . . Ron . . . What has it done to you?

  SNAPE: Oh no. I knew it.

  SCORPIUS: The Time-Turner did something to Albus too. The first time we went back.

  RON: Useful -- time to -- ow -- tell us.

  SNAPE: We're aboveground. We need to move. Now.

  HERMIONE: Ron, you can still walk, come on . . .

  RON does stand up, shouting in pain. SNAPE raises his wand.

  SCORPIUS: Did it work?

  HERMIONE: We blocked the spell. Cedric kept his wand. Yes. It worked.

  SNAPE: But we came back to the wrong place -- we are outside. You are out

  RON: We need to use the Time-Turner again -- get out of here --

  SNAPE: We need to find shelter. We're horribly exposed.

  Suddenly from around the auditorium, the feel of the breath of an icy wind.

  Some black robes arise around people. Black robes that become black shapes. That become dementors.

  HERMIONE: Too late.

  SNAPE: This is a disaster.

  HERMIONE (she realizes what she has to do): They're after me, not any of you. Ron. I love you and I always have. But the three of you need to run. Go. Now.

  RON: What?


  RON: Can we talk about the love thing first?

  HERMIONE: This is still Voldemort's world. And I am done with it. Reversing the next task will change everything.

  SCORPIUS: But they'll kiss you. They'll suck out your soul.

  HERMIONE: And then you'll change the past. And then they won't. Go. Now.

  The dementors sense them. From all sides, screaming shapes descend.

  SNAPE: Go. We go.

  He pulls on SCORPIUS's arm. SCORPIUS reluctantly goes with him.

  HERMIONE looks at RON.

  HERMIONE: You're supposed to be going too.

  RON: Well, they are after me a bit and I really am in quite a lot of pain. And, you know, I'd rather be here. Expecto --

  As he reaches up to cast the spell, HERMIONE stops his arm.

  HERMIONE: Let's keep them here and give the boy the best chance we can.

  RON looks at her and then nods sadly.

  A daughter.

  RON: And a son. I liked that idea too.

  He looks around -- he knows his fate.

  I'm scared.

  HERMIONE: Kiss me.

  RON thinks and then does. And then the two are yanked apart. And pinned to the ground. And we watch as a golden-whitish haze is pulled from their bodies. They have their souls sucked from them. And it is terrifying.

  SCORPIUS watches -- helplessly.

  SNAPE: Let's get down to the water. Walk. Don't run.

  SNAPE looks at SCORPIUS.

  Stay calm, Scorpius. They may be blind but they can sense your fear.

  SCORPIUS looks at SNAPE.

  SCORPIUS: They just sucked out their souls.

  A dementor swoops down low over them and settles in front of SCORPIUS.

  SNAPE: Think of something else, Scorpius. Occupy your thoughts.

  SCORPIUS: I feel cold. I can't see. There's a fog inside me -- around me.

  SNAPE: You're a king, and I'm a professor. They'll only attack with good reason. Think about those you love, think about why you're doing this.

  SCORPIUS: I can hear my mother. She wants me -- my help -- but she knows I can't -- help.

  SNAPE: Listen to me, Scorpius. Think about Albus. You're giving up your kingdom for Albus, right?

  SCORPIUS is helpless. Consumed by all the dementor is making him feel.

  One person. All it takes is one person. I couldn't save Harry for Lily. So now I give my allegiance to the cause she believed in. And it's possible -- that along the way I started believing in it myself.

  SCORPIUS smiles at SNAPE. He steps decisively away from the dementor.

  SCORPIUS: The world changes and we change with it. I am better off in this world. But the world is not better. And I don't want that.

  Suddenly DOLORES UMBRIDGE emerges in front of them.

  DOLORES UMBRIDGE: Professor Snape!

  SNAPE: Professor Umbridge.

  DOLORES UMBRIDGE: Have you heard the news? We've caught that traitorous Mudblood Hermione Granger. She was just out here.

  SNAPE: That's -- fantastic.

  UMBRIDGE is staring at SNAPE. He looks back.

  DOLORES UMBRIDGE: With you. Granger was with you.

  SNAPE: With me? You're mistaken.

  DOLORES UMBRIDGE: With you and Scorpius Malfoy. A student I'm becoming increasingly concerned about.

  SCORPIUS: Well . . .

  SNAPE: Dolores, we're late for class, so if you'll excuse us . . .

  DOLORES UMBRIDGE: If you're late for class, why are you not heading back to the school? Why are you heading to the lake?

  There's a moment of pure silence. And then SNAPE does something hugely unusual -- he smiles.

  SNAPE: How long have you suspected?

  UMBRIDGE rises off the ground. She opens her arms wide, full of Dark Magic. She takes out her wand.

  DOLORES UMBRIDGE: Years. And I should have acted upon it far earlier.

  SNAPE is faster with his wand.

  SNAPE: Depulso!

  UMBRIDGE is propelled backwards through the air.

  She always was too grand for her own good. There's no turning back now.

  The sky turns even blacker still around them.

  Expecto Patronum!

  SNAPE sends forward a Patronus, and it's a beautiful white shape of a doe.

  SCORPIUS: A doe? Lily's Patronus.

  SNAPE: Strange, isn't it? What comes from within.

  Dementors start to appear all around them. SNAPE knows what this means.

  You need to run. I will keep them at bay for as long as I can.

  SCORPIUS: Thank you for being my light in the darkness.

  SNAPE looks at him, every inch a hero, he softly smiles.

  SNAPE: Tell Albus -- tell Albus Severus -- I'm proud he carries my name. Now go. Go.

  The doe looks back at SCORPIUS, and then starts to run.

  SCORPIUS thinks and then runs after the doe, and around him the world gets scarier. A bloodcurdling scream goes up at one side. He sees the lake and throws himself inside.

  SNAPE readies himself.

  SNAPE is pulled hard to the ground and then pushed high into the air as his soul is ripped from him. As the screams just seem to multiply.

  The doe turns to him with beautiful eyes, and disappears.

  There is a bang and a flash. And then silence. And then there's more silence.

  It's so still, it's so peaceful, it's so perfectly tranquil.

  And then -- SCORPIUS ascends to the surface. Breathing deeply. He looks around himself. Breathing deep, panicked breaths. He looks up at the sky. The sky certainly seems -- bluer than before.

  And then ALBUS ascends after him. There's a silence. SCORPIUS just looks at ALBUS, disbelieving. Both boys breathe in and out.

  ALBUS: Whoa!

  SCORPIUS: Albus!

  ALBUS: That was close! Did you see that Merman? The guy with the -- and then the thing with the -- whoa!

  SCORPIUS: It's you.

  ALBUS: It was weird though -- I thought I saw Cedric start to expand -- but then he sort of started shrinking again -- and I looked at you and you had your wand out . . .

  SCORPIUS: You have no idea how good it is to see you again.

  ALBUS: You just saw me two minutes ago.

  SCORPIUS hugs ALBUS in the water, a difficult task.

  SCORPIUS: A lot has happened since then.

  ALBUS: Careful. You're drowning me. What are you wearing?

  SCORPIUS: What am I wearing? (He pulls off his cloak.) What are you wearing? Yes! You're in Slytherin.

  ALBUS: Did it work? Did we do anything?

  SCORPIUS: No. And it's brilliant.

  ALBUS looks at him -- disbelieving.

  ALBUS: What? We failed.


  He splashes hard in the water. ALBUS pulls himself out to the bank.

  ALBUS: Scorpius. Have you been eating too many sweets again?

  SCORPIUS: There you go, you see -- all dry humor and Albus-y. I love it.

  ALBUS: Now I'm starting to get worried . . .

  HARRY enters and sprints to the side of the water. Followed quickly by DRACO, GINNY, and PROFESSOR McGONAGALL.

  HARRY: Albus. Albus. Are you okay?

  SCORPIUS (overjoyed): Harry! It's Harry Potter! And Ginny. And Professor McGonagall. And Dad. My dad. Hi. Dad.

  DRACO: Hello, Scorpius.

US: You're all here.

  GINNY: And Myrtle told us everything.

  ALBUS: What is going on?

  PROFESSOR McGONAGALL: You're the one who's just returned from time. Why don't you tell us?

  SCORPIUS immediately registers what they know.

  SCORPIUS: Oh no. Oh bother. Where is it?

  ALBUS: Just returned from where?

  SCORPIUS: I've lost it! I've lost the Time-Turner.

  ALBUS (looking at SCORPIUS, deeply annoyed): You've lost what?

  HARRY: Time to cut the pretense, Albus.

  PROFESSOR McGONAGALL: I think you've got some explaining to do.



  DRACO, GINNY, and HARRY stand behind a contrite-looking SCORPIUS and ALBUS. PROFESSOR McGONAGALL is fuming.

  PROFESSOR McGONAGALL: So to be clear -- you illegally jumped off the Hogwarts Express, you invaded and stole from the Ministry of Magic, you took it upon yourself to change time, whereupon you disappeared two people --

  ALBUS: I agree it doesn't sound good.

  PROFESSOR McGONAGALL: And your response to disappearing Hugo and Rose Granger-Weasley was to go back in time again -- and this time, instead of losing two people you lost a huge number of people and killed your father -- and in doing so you resurrected the worst wizard the world has ever known and heralded in a new age of Dark Magic. (Dry.) You're correct, Mr. Potter, it doesn't sound good, does it? Are you aware how stupid you've been?

  SCORPIUS: Yes, Professor.

  ALBUS hesitates a moment. He looks at HARRY.

  ALBUS: Yes.

  HARRY: Professor, if I may --

  PROFESSOR McGONAGALL: You may not. What you choose to do as parents is your matter but this is my school, and these are my students, and I will choose what punishment they will face.

  DRACO: Seems fair.

  HARRY looks at GINNY, who shakes her head.

  PROFESSOR McGONAGALL: I should expel you but (with a look to HARRY) all things considered -- I think it might be safer for you to remain in my care. You are in detention for -- well, you can consider yourself in detention for the rest of the year. Christmas is canceled for you. You can forget visiting Hogsmeade ever again. And that's just the start . . .

  Suddenly HERMIONE bursts in. All action and resolve.

  HERMIONE: What did I miss?

  PROFESSOR McGONAGALL (fierce): It is considered polite to knock when entering a room, Hermione Granger, maybe you missed that.

  HERMIONE realizes she's overstepped.


  PROFESSOR McGONAGALL: If I could also give a detention to you, Minister, I would. Keeping hold of a Time-Turner, of all the stupid things!

  HERMIONE: In my defense --

  PROFESSOR McGONAGALL: And in a bookcase. You kept it in a bookcase. It's almost laughable.


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