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Coming Home for Christmas

Page 11

by Max Hudson

  “I doubt Miles would go to a doctor to confirm that theory.”

  Jonathan snorted.

  “Unless it’s his opinion, nothing else counts. It’s a wonder any of us are alive considering some of the illnesses we all came down with as kids.” Jonathan covered his face with his hands. “I’m sorry, Stewart.”

  “That’s the second time you’ve said that, Jonathan. What are you sorry for now?”

  “For putting you in the middle of this.” Jonathan lowered his hands. “You were just trying to help us. I didn’t mean for Dad to turn on you.”

  Even now, he was trying to apologize. And he wasn’t even the culprit. Stewart leaned over and kissed him.

  “This was not your fault. I knew that your father was a man who wanted to be in charge. Even I couldn’t have known what he would do when he lost control.”

  “He needs help.” Jonathan declared, staring at the ceiling. “A lot of it. As of right now, I know Carly, Thomas and Chris are not going to have anything to do with Mom and Dad once they get home. While Blake and Emily haven’t said anything about it, I know they will say the same. Emily won’t want the stress while she’s pregnant. As for me, I don’t want anything to do with Mom and Dad, especially Dad. Not after what he did.”

  “I don’t blame you on that.” Stewart passed a finger over Jonathan’s brow, which was furrowed. “Hasn’t anyone reached out to say we can help you?”

  “Nope. Mom loves Dad and will do anything he says. I’m sure she won’t say a thing against him. And she certainly won’t take him to a doctor to say he’s not well in the head. None of us can force him to go.”

  “If your parents changed and made themselves less controlling, would you want a relationship with them?”

  Jonathan was shaking his head before Stewart had finished.

  “No. Not after what Dad attempted. Too much water under the bridge.” He then waved a hand toward the TV. “Can you put the sound back on? I just want to get those two bastards out of my mind right now.”

  Stewart couldn’t deny something like that. Right now, he didn’t know anything else he could say.

  Chapter Ten

  Even after watching the skiing until after one in the morning, Stewart had no desire to go to bed. He had been looking forward to having Jonathan come home and they could spend it locked up in their bedroom - Stewart saw it as theirs now. Megan would have to use the noise-reducing headphones Stewart had bought her the day before.

  But that had disappeared rapidly once he heard about the burglary. The house had been in a state. It was as if whoever stole his things decided to go about messing up the place as well. It had taken well over four hours before Stewart had any type of order in his house. And even then, it felt like it wasn’t his home.

  Now Jonathan was in a bad mood, and certainly not up for any intimacy. Even though he and Stewart watched television together, it was clear Jonathan wanted to be alone. So, Stewart left him alone. Jonathan went upstairs to bed, while Stewart made his escape to his office. There he sat staring at the wall, trying to get his thoughts in order.

  This was a mess. What was supposed to be a good start in a relationship was becoming strained already. And all because of two middle-aged people who couldn’t admit that they were wrong and let things go. They had to make sure it was all about them.

  Stewart wished he knew what he could do to make Jonathan happy again. Today was meant to be a celebration. He had been cleared of all charges. And then Stewart’s house had been robbed and Jonathan had confronted his parents.

  There was no proof they had done it. Stewart and Jonathan knew Miles and Lynn had done it, but there was no physical proof. Gut feelings wouldn’t help with the police, who were more than likely tired of them by now. Security cameras Stewart had around the house had been smashed, which meant they were useless. Stewart doubted they would be able to recover anything, especially when his cameras were damaged beyond repair.

  He would love to stick the bill to them.


  Stewart looked up. Megan was in the doorway, wrapped in a big blue dressing gown over her pajamas. Stewart sat up.

  “Megan. I thought you were asleep.”

  “I couldn’t sleep.” Megan rubbed at her eyes. “I keep thinking about Buster. I miss him.”

  “I know. You can come in.”

  Megan entered the office, crossing the room before settling on the chair on the other side of the desk. She lifted her legs and curled them underneath her, snuggling into the dressing gown.

  “I’m sorry, Stewart.”

  Stewart sighed. That was the third time someone had said sorry to him in the last twelve hours from the same family.

  “What for?”

  “Because I started all this.”

  Stewart managed to give her a smile.

  “You didn’t make your parents who they are now. They’re not well. I’m sure of it. No decent parent would be like this.”

  “I’m sure you’re right.” Megan yawned, barely covering her mouth. “I wish there was something I could do to make them realize it. I hate them, but they are my parents. I still love them because of that. Does that make any sense?”

  “It does. It’s something you can’t really turn off.” Stewart rubbed at his eyes. He was starting to feel a lot more drained. “But I think they need more than help. Counselling, certainly.”

  “They wouldn’t take that in a million years. Emily’s mentioned it before. I think Blake even suggested it a few years back and there was a loud shouting match over how that would never happen as they were not mad or ill.” Megan sighed. “That ruined July the fourth for me. Emily doesn’t think they’re capable of loving us.”

  “Maybe they are, but it’s not easy.” Stewart shrugged. “Or maybe Miles is just so focused on what he wants, that he hasn’t realized that what he’s doing is isolating him and his wife.”

  “I haven’t figured out their mentality after eighteen years, and I doubt you’ll be able to, either.” Megan shook her head. “Those lies could have ruined Jonathan’s career. God only knows if Dad has done it to the others. Blake’s career would certainly be over if he’s committed the same felonies. They don’t take kindly to cops in jail.”

  Stewart knew that. It was dangerous to even suggest that a naval officer was committing felonies, but a cop was another level. Blake was straight, but that wouldn’t stop Miles trying to get him into trouble. Stewart felt a chill as he wondered if Miles would do the same to his other kids.

  “Do you love him?”

  “Hmm?” Stewart blinked. “Sorry?”

  “My brother. Do you love him?” Megan looked at him with an unblinking gaze. “Jonathan’s my brother. I want to know.”

  Stewart didn’t feel the need to hide his feelings. Megan was a smart girl. Even if he denied it, she would know the truth. He nodded.

  “I do love him. In spite of everything your father’s doing because he dared to help you leave. I’ve loved him for a long time.” Stewart glanced at the clock. “Look, why don’t you go to bed? I’m going to stay up for a while.”

  “Your not tired?”

  “I’m tired, but I can’t sleep. And you’re dead on your feet.” Stewart nodded toward the door. “Off you go, Megan.”

  “Okay.” Megan rose to her feet, giving Stewart a small smile. “Don’t run from Jonathan because of Mom and Dad, Stewart. He needs you.”

  “I’m not planning to run away.”


  Megan left the room, leaving Stewart staring after her. Then he got up and starting pacing around, wandering around the house. He checked all of the downstairs, making note of everything. The whole house would have to have an overhaul. Nothing felt the same anymore. His parents were going to be horrified when Stewart got the courage to tell them.

  At least he had been able to fix the front windows. Every pane had been smashed. Stewart had a friend who was a glazier and he came over pretty quickly to help replace the whole window. It
looked better to not have glass all over the place, the cold air coming in, but Stewart could still remember when he came in and saw the glass over everything. And his friend had also been kind enough to donate his spare television for a few days until Stewart could get one of his own.

  His friends were, at least, generous people. Those who had helped him clean up shocked at what had happened.

  Stewart had his suspicions. Miles and Lynn certainly did something, that much he was sure of, but they had to have had help at some point. Deacon and Marissa Wyatt lived next door to Stewart and they always worked from home. They were good friends of Miles and Lynn’s. Chances were, they wouldn’t have said anything if they saw the Rodney couple do anything.

  Police had guessed the burglary happened just before midday when the alarm was tripped and smashed. So why had Deacon waited until after three? They must have noticed something.

  Stewart couldn’t exactly go over and ask them. They wouldn’t tell him the truth. And it was far too late for that.

  Then he spied the house directly opposite. Taylor and Lacey Reed’s house. They had come back very late that night after staying with their daughter in north Tennessee, so they wouldn’t have heard the ruckus of the burglary. But they had something that Stewart would need.

  He just needed to wait until morning to ask them. And that felt like a long way away.


  As it turned out, Stewart didn’t need to wait that long. Just before eight the next morning, as Stewart was forcing himself to function on very little sleep with as much coffee as he could muster, Lacey Reid came over to express her condolences on the robbery. Stewart made small talk with her, and then mentioned about the cameras. She was more than happy to help.

  And her cameras were more than perfect for what he needed.

  Armed with his new evidence on a laptop Taylor Reid let him borrow, Stewart headed over to the Rodney house. At this hour, both of them would be up and having breakfast. Then Miles would be heading into his office for work, although what work a school chaplain would have in the holidays, Stewart had no idea. But the man was a creature of habit.

  Maybe he would like to see what Stewart had while he had his toast and jam.

  Lynn was the one who opened the door. She immediately scowled when she saw Stewart.

  “What do you want, Stewart? It’s early.”

  “I wanted to speak to you and your husband.”

  “We don’t want to speak to you.” Lynn started to close the door. “Now go away before I call the cops.”

  Stewart put his foot in the door, biting back a wince as the door squeezed his foot in the space.

  “You’re going to want to speak to me once you find out what’s I’ve got.” He held up the laptop. “If you don’t want me taking what I have to the cops when I leave here, you’ll let me in.”

  “What?” Lynn looked suspicious. “What don’t I want taken to the cops? You’ve got nothing on us.”

  “Have I not?” Stewart gave her a sickly sweet smile. “Why don’t I show your husband to let him be the judge of that? He will know what to do.”

  For a moment, he thought Lynn was about to slam the door on his foot again. But then she stepped back and opened the door, allowing Stewart to squeeze through. Giving him a wide berth, she led him into the dining room. Miles was there, sitting at the head of the long table, eating a cooked breakfast. Lynn’s place was set beside him, a simple bowl of cereal and a slice of toast. Miles glanced up as Stewart entered, and then he did a double-take. His eyes narrowed.

  “What’s he doing in here?”

  “He said he’s got something for us, Miles.” Lynn said as she stepped around Stewart. She still did her best not to touch him.

  “Well, I don’t want whatever he’s got.” Miles scowled. “You’re not allowed in this house, Houghton.”

  “Just give me two minutes and I’m gone.”

  Stewart put the laptop on the table and opened it up. He had left the pages open, showing three different angles of Stewart’s home, paused. Miles looked at the laptop in confusion, but Stewart could see some of the color beginning to leave his face. Lynn certainly looked a little less pink in the cheeks.

  “What is this?”

  “My security cameras were broken during the burglary, but then I remembered that Mr. and Mrs. Reid had cameras of their own. And a couple of them were directed at my house.” Stewart tapped a key and the footage started rolling. “They were more than happy to give me footage of people breaking into my house and then leaving with my things and Buster. You can guess what I found when I saw it.”

  And sure enough, seconds later, Miles and Lynn came onto the screen. They were dressed in dark clothes, but no masks. Two people appeared from the right and met them on the porch. Even at a distance, Stewart had recognized them as Deacon and Marissa Wyatt. The four greeted each other on the porch and then Deacon broke through the door. Shortly after, both men were leaving with various items of Stewart’s. Then Lynn was following them across to her house with Buster in her arms.

  Stewart watched Miles as it all played out. Miles looked like he had seen a ghost. Lynn’s expression was one of horror. Neither had expected to get caught in the act. They had been so cocky about their actions that none of them had bothered to cover their faces.

  Miles was spluttering as Stewart pressed pause, closing the laptop and moving it out of Miles’ reach. He didn’t trust the man to lunge for it and break the laptop. One that wasn’t either of his. Taylor Reid would certainly be furious about it.

  “I... You…” Miles shook himself and straightened up, clenching his jaw as he looked at Stewart. “You can’t say that was me.”

  Stewart almost burst out laughing. The gall of the man.

  “Oh, I can say it was you. It’s clear to see, Mr. Rodney.” He tucked the laptop under his arm. “I can show this to the cops. They’ll be able to see that you, your wife, and my neighbors Deacon and Marissa Wyatt were involved in breaking into my home and taking my belongings, including Buster.”

  Lynn snorted.

  “Buster was not yours to begin with.”

  “But he was Megan’s. And while he was in the house, he was part of my property.” Stewart fixed his glare on Miles. “You stole from me and from your daughter.”

  “We never stole anything.”

  Just then, Stewart felt something nudging his legs. He looked down and saw Buster, who was curling about his legs.

  “If that’s the case, why is Buster here?”

  “He wanted to come home.”

  “Well, he’s going home now.” Stewart knelt down and scratched Buster’s ears. The cat curled around him with a loud purr. He allowed Stewart to pick him up, cuddled against Stewart’s chest. “I’m taking him back to Megan.”

  Miles shot to his feet. His eyes blazed.

  “I’ll have you arrested for theft!”

  “I don’t think so.” Stewart gestured at the laptop under his arm. “You say that I’ve stolen Buster, and I’ll show the cops what I have of you. They’ll be very interested in what I have to say, especially after you’ve filed two false reports with the police and one with the US navy. You won’t be able to deny that it’s you when there are no masks covering your faces and you clearly go in the direction of your house.” He smirked. “And I’ve already shown this to Deacon and Marissa. They’ve told me everything.”

  Lynn gasped. She looked desperately at her husband.


  “He’s bluffing.” Miles hissed. “He’s not done that.”

  “Do you want to call Deacon and find out if I have?” Stewart suggested. He hadn’t really, as they were his next port of call, but Miles didn’t need to know that. If he denied it, Stewart knew Deacon would crack; he wasn’t as strong. He shook his head at the older man. “The measures you’ve gone to over your daughter leaving. It’s just disgusting, Mr. Rodney.”

  “This is my family, Houghton! Nothing to do with you.”

  “Wrong, Mr. R
odney. You came into my home and took my things. You tried to disgrace Jonathan, my man.” Stewart grinned as Miles’ face paled. “Yes, you heard me. Jonathan is mine. That’s why he was there when I was being interviewed by the cops for supposed kidnapping. I love him, and that’s not changing because you decide he’s not gay. This makes me involved.” He shook his head. “All your kids wanted was your unconditional love, but you couldn’t give that. It had to be your way, and that is not how being a parent works. No hissy fits when you don’t get what you want. Now you’ve got seven resentful children who are planning to cut ties completely now that Megan’s gone. And you don’t even care about the reasons why.”

  “What?” Lynn looked horrified. “They’re going to cut us off?”

  “I know they are. And from how you’ve behaved, especially in the last week, I don’t blame them.” Stewart looked from father to mother and back again. “You’ve got talented, hardworking children, and you just don’t acknowledge that.”

  “I don’t have to explain myself to you.” Miles snapped.

  “Miles, stop it.” Lynn put a hand on his arm. “We’ve got more important things to worry about.” She turned to Stewart. “What do you want?”

  It seemed for the first time, the mother was taking the lead. Hopefully, she would do it more often. Maybe get it into her head that she was losing her entire family because of her husband.

  “I want my belongings back. And I want them back by the end of the day. And I’m taking Buster back to Megan.” He fixed Miles and Lynn with a hard glare. “If my belongings are undamaged and in the same condition as they were when you took them, I won’t tell the cops who robbed my place. If there’s so much as a scratch, I’m calling nine-one-one.”

  Miles looked like he was about to explode, his mouth opening and closing as he spluttered.

  “That’s blackmail!” He bellowed.

  “It’s not nice to be on the receiving end of it, is it?” Stewart headed toward the door, juggling both the laptop and the cat. “I’ll see myself out.”

  Chapter Eleven


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