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Jaded [The Moonlight Breed 9] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 13

by Gabrielle Evans

  “I’ve got this.” Locien appeared seemingly out of nowhere, kneeling over their brother’s body and wrenching the knife from his chest. “I can heal him.”

  “C’mon, brother.” Aradan appeared on his right side, while Sadron took his left, pulling him back and pushing him out into the chilly courtyard. “Zuriel needs you.”

  With no choice but to trust that they’d be able to use the ancient magic to revive Rissian, he spun around and darted toward the tree line. His feet flew over the frozen ground, beating out a frantic rhythm with each slap of his boots against the hard dirt path. He was getting closer. He could smell it on the wind—Zuriel’s scent, coupled with that of freshly spilled blood.

  Then, there he was. His beautiful, perfect mate sprawled limply across the narrow trail with four bleeding gashes cut into his slim chest. Marcel lay just feet away, his sightless eyes staring blankly up toward the treetops.

  Paying no attention to the bastard other than to kick his lifeless form as he passed, Spiro dropped to his knees at Zuriel’s side. “Hey, lirimaer. We’re going to get you fixed up, okay. Everything is going to be fine.”

  Gently sliding his hands beneath his mate’s body, Spiro lifted him into his lap, careful to cradle his head. Then he lifted his other arm to his mouth, using his sharp canines to bite into his wrist until blood poured freely from the wound. “Here we are, baby.” Holding the bleeding appendage over Zuriel’s open mouth, he watched as the crimson pooled on his tongue, and almost sobbed in relief when his lover swallowed reflexively. “That’s it. You’re going to be okay.”

  A quiet, almost imperceptible gurgle caught his attention, and Spiro glanced toward Marcel’s still prone body, watching the shallow rise and fall of his chest. Rissian’s alive. Cuddling Zuriel closer, he nuzzled against the top of his head, thankful beyond words.

  He didn’t quite sob, but when a stray tear beaded in the corner of his eye and overflowed to trickle down the side of his face, he didn’t bother to wipe it away, either.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Waking to a warm body pressed against his back, Zuriel smiled, keeping his eyes closed for just a few minutes longer. When he finally decided to roll over and greet his mate properly, however, he froze, sucking his bottom lip between to his teeth to keep from shouting.

  “Easy,” Spiro whispered against the shell of his ear. “You’re safe now.”

  “It was Marcel. He killed all those people. Spiro—”

  “Hush now.” His arms tightened fractionally, and he kissed Zuriel’s nape with a tender brush of his lips. “Your friends were very forthcoming with information. I know everything.”

  Well, Zuriel was missing some crucial bits of information—like everything that had happened after he’d fell into unconsciousness. “Where is he? How did you find me?” He squirmed until Spiro loosened his arms, and then rolled to face his lover. “Tell me what happened.”

  “You’ve been asleep for about twenty-four hours, and your wounds have healed.”

  He didn’t even know he’d been injured, but Spiro was right. He didn’t hurt anywhere. The sleep thing would explain why he felt like his bladder was going to explode, though. “What else?” He wanted details too much to move.

  “When Jacobi got back to the room and realized you weren’t there, your friends pieced together what had happened. Rissian tried to reason with Marcel through their mating bond. When that didn’t work, and he realized we wouldn’t reach you in time, he sacrificed himself to stop his mate.”

  “No,” Zuriel moaned, burying his face against Spiro’s chest. “I was prepared to die. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt because of me.”

  “You can knock that shit off right now.” Spiro nudged his chin up so that he was forced to meet his mate’s glare. “I would gladly walk through fire for you, but there will be no more talk of dying.” He dipped his head for a short kiss. “Rissian is alive. He stopped Marcel, and I think he intended to die, but Locien was able to save him.”

  “Hold up. So, he’s not dead?” Grunting angrily, he beat his fist against Spiro’s chest. “You’re an ass for letting me think that, even for a second.”

  His disgruntlement ebbed at the sound of Spiro’s laughter. “Well, you didn’t let me finish.” The chuckle faded, and he rested his forehead against Zuriel’s as he let out an unsteady breath. “You scared the hell out of me. I still haven’t decided if I’ll let you leave this room again.”

  “I know.” Putting himself in Spiro’s place, he had a pretty good idea of how frightened the man had been. “I was just trying to help. I honestly didn’t think anything would come of it.” It occurred to him that his mate knew the hows, but he hadn’t mentioned anything of the whys. “Marcel wanted Rissian to be king.”

  “I suspected as much.” Spiro shook his head and snorted. “He didn’t stop to think that Rissian might not want to lead, though.”

  “It’s just a title. Does it really matter who wears it?” It all seemed so senseless to him. “Hell, divide the crown, and all five of you can wear it.”

  “Actually, you’re pretty close. I’m petitioning The Council to remove the position and undo the enchantments that curse our family.”

  “Can they do that?”

  “Elder Winters is ancient.” Spiro twisted his lips up on one side. “If anyone knows how to accomplish it, he will.”

  “So, we’re going back?” There were mixed feelings on that, something he hadn’t expected. The truth of the matter was that even with all the bad stuff, Silmataurea felt more like home than Wyoming ever had. On the other hand, he’d really like to see his brother and tell him all the wild things that had transpired in his absence. His twin probably wouldn’t even recognize him anymore.

  “Actually, Aradan spoke with the elder, and he has agreed to come to the island to hear our case and sentence Marcel.”

  “Oh.” Again, he was torn, but this time, he was more disappointed about not visiting Zavion.

  “Mmm hmmm,” Spiro hummed. “And a certain Irishman has agreed to bring his mate for a visit next week.”

  “An Iri—Spiro! Holy crap!” Throwing his arms around his mate’s neck, Zuriel squeezed with all of his strength as he rained kisses over Spiro’s face. “Thank you. Thank you. I love you. This is so awesome. Thank you!”

  “Okay, okay, cut it out.” Spiro pinched his butt and rolled him to his back where he pinned him to the mattress. “I love you, too, lirimaer, and you are very welcome.” A scorching kiss that curled his toes was delivered to Zuriel’s mouth, wiping away any argument he might have had. “Shower and food, in that order.”

  Since his bladder was protesting the weight on top of him, and he felt like he was covered in a week’s worth of grime and sweat, he conceded the point with a nod and a giggle. “Come with me.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  * * * *

  Zuriel’s inner walls clamped around his cock and squeezed as his mate moaned and writhed against the tiles of the shower wall. Water cascaded down his smooth skin, causing it to glisten in the overhead light, and Spiro couldn’t pry his eyes away from those plump, gorgeous lips.

  “Harder,” Zuriel demanded, gripping the neck of the showerhead as he rocked his hips in time with Spiro’s hard thrusts. His head fell back on his shoulders, and his mouth opened slightly, revealing elongated canines where they protruded just below his top lip.

  Spiro ran his tongue across his own fangs, anticipating the sweet victory of finally claiming the little fox. Every instinct in his body screamed for him to mark Zuriel and drown him in his scent.

  His cock ached and throbbed, begging for release with each demanding plunge into his lover’s depths. The muscles in his thighs quivered, his fingers dug into the flesh at Zuriel’s hips, and his sac tightened, drawing his balls closer to his body.


  Opening his eyes, Zuriel’s gaze fixed on Spiro’s canines, and without being told what to do, he smiled in acceptance and tilted his head to the side, bari
ng the side of his neck in submission. The act tripped Spiro’s lust into overdrive, and his growl reverberated throughout the room as he struck hard, embedding his canines into the smooth, supple skin.

  Bucking and moaning, Zuriel’s knees squeezed his waist, and ropes of creamy seed erupted from his slit, spilling into the marginal space between them. “Spiro!”

  Confident that his bite was deep enough for all to see, Spiro extracted his canines, but he didn’t make it far before Zuriel grabbed his neck and jerked him forward again, biting into his shoulder with a needy groan.


  The muffled snarl was sexy as sin, and the bite he delivered was exhilarating. Unable to maintain his self-control for even a second longer, Spiro slammed his fist against the wall and roared through his orgasm, shaking and shuddering as he filled his mate’s depths with reams of heated semen.

  Spiro could sense their connection growing stronger as though some invisible seamstress was busy knitting their hearts, minds, and souls together with an unbreakable thread. Their heartbeats synchronized. Their breaths came in the same shallow gasps. Even as Zuriel rolled his head to the left, Spiro felt himself leaning to the right.

  It was the most intense thing he’d ever felt, more pleasurable than even the greatest sex, and he never wanted it to end.

  “We are so doing that again.”

  The contented, well-fucked smile on Zuriel’s lips was humorous, but Spiro imagined he wore a similar expression. Hearing his mate’s thoughts inside his head as if they were his own would take some getting used to, but he loved that he had this special bond with Zuriel that only they shared.

  “And again and again and again,” he sent back through their link, and then out loud, “I love you, Zuriel.”

  “I know. I can feel it. I can feel everything.” Zuriel purred and humped against Spiro’s groin again. “I love you, too, handsome.”

  If someone had told him just a few months ago that he’d be settling down in his old home with a new mate and presiding over the island as king, he’d have laughed in their faces and offered his services as a psychologist. Now, however, he couldn’t picture his life any other way.

  There would always be obstacles—his mother would be a big one—but they’d overcome them together. Spiro had confidence that given time, Zuriel could win over the lioness. She wasn’t a bad person in the traditional sense. She was just selfish and a little too invested in her status. Now that he was back to stay, they’d work on her attitude.

  Being home, surrounded by his family, Spiro realized something he’d forgotten a long time ago. It wasn’t the place that mattered. It was the people. This was his home, not because he’d been born there, but because it was where his heart lived. He’d keep the people he loved close, because that was what home truly meant, and the gods help anyone who tried to harm his family.


  “Yes, baby?”

  “Can we have a dance party in the kitchen?”

  “Uh, yes.” What an odd question. “This is your home now, too. You can do whatever you want, wherever you want. If you want to paint an entire room purple and douse it in glitter, I won’t stop you.”

  “Don’t tell Jacobi that.” Zuriel released his grip and slid to the floor with a snicker. “Okay. I was just checking. Oh, and, Spiro?”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle at the playful lilt and teasing light in Zuriel’s eyes. “Yes, Zuri?”

  “I’m glad you didn’t give up on me, even though I was broken and jaded.”

  Considering he’d been just as damaged, just as jaded about love and loyalty, Spiro figured they were a pretty good match. “I could say the same to you.”

  “Then why don’t you?”

  Oh, his life was going to be eventful. “Thank you for not giving up on me.”

  “I finally get it.” His eyebrows drew together, and he kneaded the flesh on Spiro’s sides as he spoke. “I don’t have to be perfect or have a spotless past. This is me. This is who I am, and I can’t change that. You look at me and see past all my flaws, and that’s all that really matters. So, I guess, thank you for saving me. I promise to return the favor one day.”

  Since Spiro had expected him to smirk and say something sarcastic, the declaration left him speechless for several seconds. Normally, he had no trouble finding the words to express himself, but everything that came to him now sounded trite and trivial. In the end, he decided to just go with the short, simple truth.

  “You already have.”




  Gabrielle Evans grew up in a small town in southern Oklahoma. We are talking one red light that may or may not work depending on the day of the week. She married her high school sweetheart and the rest is pretty much history. They have two very active boys and one high-strung wiener dog that keeps her constantly on the go. For now, she parks her car in central Indiana, but who knows what tomorrow will bring.

  Gabrielle believes in love at first sight, falling hard and fast, taking chances, and grabbing your happy-ever-after with both hands. Most importantly, she believes that a great cup of coffee can cure anything.

  For all titles by Gabrielle Evans, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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